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I, Mistress

Page 7

by Alex Tempera

  He looked a little shocked but his eyes diverted to the floor. “I apologize, Mistress.”

  “You should. Mistress is very disappointed with you, sub. I think there is cause to end our arrangement. Do you agree?”

  He stood up quickly and grabbed my arms. “You can’t fucking do that!” he spat.

  “Consider it done,” I glared at him. “Our arrangement is over.”

  He let go of my arms and dropped to the floor, to his knees, and sobbed. “Please, please, please,” he cried. I never saw a sub react this way before. It was true unadulterated remorse and regret. “Please, don’t send me away. I’ll do anything. Anything you say. Why do you hate me?” he continued to cry.

  “Stay or go. If you stay, you’re still my sub and will NEVER put your hands on me unless I say you can. If you stay, you will be punished for three hours. If you stay, you will need to … have a discussion with me after your punishment. Stay or go. Your choice, sub!”

  He quickly wiped his eyes and slowly rose to his feet, his hands behind his back, chest puffed out and eyes diverted to the floor. “I was wrong. I’ll never put my hands on you unless you grant me permission. I’ll stay. Please, allow me to stay.”

  “Eyes fucking up.” I shouldn’t have sworn with my command but he just made me angrier. I needed a way to calm myself and punish him at the same time without him knowing I had to calm myself.

  His eyes looked in mine and I could see the tears settling on his eyelashes. He didn’t say a word.

  “Sub, what is my name for you?”

  “pet, Mistress.”

  “Sub, you will be referred to as sub for the next three hours. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” I could see his intense gulp in his throat.

  “Do you remember when we discussed things that we don’t hate but we find uncomfortable?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he sighed.

  “You don’t like the dildo in your ass, do you?”

  “No, Mistress.”

  “But it’s not a hard limit, is it?”

  “No, Mistress,” I could tell he was trying not to cry.

  “Does sticking a dildo in your ass make you gay, sub?”

  “No, Mistress. I’m not gay.”

  “Do you think that men who are a little flamboyant or energetic are gay?”

  “No, Mistress.”

  “Good.” I walked over to the bottom drawer of the dresser. I pulled out a pink apron and a small pink vibrator. I walked back over to my sub. I tied the pink apron around his chest. He hated pink, just like Jerry. “Punishment pose.”

  He dropped to the floor, on his knees and elbows, ass up in the air.

  I placed the vibrator in between his ass cheeks, but not inside his ass, and turned it on. “Clench up and don’t let this fall. If it falls, it goes in your ass.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said as it continued to vibrate. I could see his erection growing between his legs as his cock dangled.

  I walked out of the room.

  I knew he could handle that for about a half hour. I sat at the kitchen counter, drank down a bottle of water, and then put on a pot of coffee. I opened the cabinet door that was above the refrigerator and turned on the monitor. I could watch my subs while they were in the room alone. I only did this when they were being punished. It was for safety. I never left my subs in an unsafe situation. Not just because it was the right thing for a Mistress to do, but for a human being to do. The monitor didn’t record, just showed real-time footage. After 30 minutes, I walked into the playroom and I removed the vibrator. I placed the vibrator in a basin for later cleaning and then stood in front of sub. “Ass down.”

  He sat on the floor with his legs spread.

  “sub,” I stripped off my clothes in front of him and kneeled down. “Do you like my tits?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he licked his lips lightly.

  “Do you like my sex?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said.

  I inserted one of my fingers inside me and quickly pulled it out. I shoved my finger in his mouth. “Suck, sub.”

  He sucked on my fingers and then I pulled it out. I grabbed his cock and jerked it slightly, making sure it got completely hard again. “Lie back, sub.”

  He lay on his back and I stuck my finger in his ass. He grunted and groaned.

  I stuck another finger in his ass. “Do you like?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he sobbed. “Yes, I’m so sorry.”

  I finger fucked him until I could tell that he was going to burst. “Stand Straight.” I stood up and put my clothes back on, intentionally in front of him.

  He stood up and put his hands behind his head, interlocking his fingers.

  “You see that erection?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Do you want me to relieve that erection?”

  “Yes, please,” he whispered.

  “No,” I snapped. I walked over to the dresser and grabbed a black magic marker. I held on to his hard cock and wrote the word Mine on it. I tossed the marker back toward the dresser. I kissed his cheek. “You made me angry, sub. It’s much more than being just disappointed. I don’t like getting angry, sub. Get dressed and don’t relieve yourself until you return to me on Monday night.”

  “B-but …” he stopped.

  “But what?”

  “We were supposed to have dinner Monday,” he sighed. “Um, Mistress.”

  “Consider Monday our play time. I have moved our schedule. If you have any issues, you can voice them in 10 minutes. You don’t orgasm until you returned on Monday. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Ten minutes. Living room. Now. Get. Dressed.” I strutted out of the room.

  Richard walked into the room and his eyes focused on the chair, but I shook my head. “On the floor, right here. Ass down, legs crossed.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he sat on the floor with his legs crisscrossed.

  “Richard, you were punished for a few reasons today,” I eyed his erection that still existed against his khakis pants.

  “Yes, Mistress,” he sighed.

  “You spoke with Jerry and told him untruths. I don’t like liars.”

  “You do have a new sub. I didn’t lie about that, M-M-Mistress,” he stammered. “Um, Mistress.”

  “But I’m not getting rid of Jerry or you, though I seriously considered it. After what happened in there a few minutes ago, I don’t know if I should keep you.”

  “Please, Mistress. I’m sorry. I won’t let it happen again.”

  “Richard, I don’t think that we should have any dinner dates, at least for a while. I want our playtimes to change to Monday nights here and Fridays at the club. This Friday, however, all three of my subs will be coming with me, if you still wish to keep our arrangement.”

  “Yes, Mistress. I do. Thank you.”

  I stood up, walked over to my desk, and pulled out a folder for Richard. I sat down and handed him the folder. “Richard, don’t lie to me or my subs. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said.

  “Now, I’ve had Jerry fill out another questionnaire. I want you to do the same. I want you to fill it out differently than you did before. The last time you answered just yes or no, for each question, you know, if you liked something or didn’t like something. Now, I want you to look at each question differently. If you’ve tried something and liked it, put yes. If you’ve tried it and didn’t like it, but no. If you haven’t tried it but want to, put that you want to. If you see something, you never can see yourself trying, put that it’s a hard limit. We’ll go through this the next time you and I meet.”

  “Yes, Mistress, thank you, Mistress,” he nodded.

  “One more thing,” I sighed. “On Wednesday, I’m having Lox and Jerry here for dinner at six. I’d like for you to join us. I think that all three of my subs need to meet. You seem to judge those you don’t know.”

  “I apologize and I’d like to be here to meet both of
them. Mistress, may I ask you a question?”

  “Yes, what is it?”

  “If I’m your pet, um, sub, and Jerry is your boy, what is Lox?”

  “panther,” I said. “Each one is special. Do you know why you’re called pet? And yes, I’ll call you that again.”

  “To be honest, you named me years ago and I don’t remember. I just got used to you calling me that.”

  “It has been a long time. Richard, pet was originally from an acronym for you. Personal exploration toy. That’s what you are and always will be to me. No one will ever be my pet, but you. Now, you’re jealous of Lox, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Mistress, I know that’s wrong.”

  “If something were ever to change between me and my subs, I’d tell you all. As I have told you all before, there are some things that I do to you that I do to all my subs. There are things that all my subs are allowed to do to me and there are things that only specific subs can do. Most of the time it’s my preference but also what the sub may find pleasure in. I realized after meeting with Jerry this afternoon, that all of your likes and dislikes might have changed. That’s why I want the questionnaire filled out again. Now, I want it done by tomorrow night. Our new night is Monday so, I want you here by seven, unless you get stuck at work, then text me. We will play and go over the forms. Dismissed.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he rose to his feet and bowed slightly. He took the folder and headed toward the elevator.


  I WALKED DOWN the hall toward my office when Elaine, whose desk was near my office, stood up. “Ms. Ralston, I just heard. Why didn’t you call me?”

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I haven’t been able to see her.”

  “People want to know where to send flowers.”

  “She’s still in ICU. Natalia said I could see her this afternoon. I think what Mae would like is for any flowers or whatever to be distributed to the geriatric and pediatric wards. Have them donated in her name and Avery’s name.”

  “Oh, dear, god, he was attacked, too? The news didn’t say, but when they mentioned that a magazine editor of a well-known woman’s magazine was attacked …” her voice trailed off.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m trying to stay focused. I’ve had a very long weekend. Before my 10 o’clock arrives, make sure there is coffee and some pastries on the table in my office. I have to finalize a few things before Mr. Panagakos arrives.”

  “Oh, right, that sexy Greek God,” she laughed. “Too bad I’m gay.” She snickered.

  “Yeah, too bad,” I laughed. “I’ll need some coffee now and three copies of the proposal by Hercules Publications.”

  “Yes, Ms. Ralston. Right away.” Her phone rang. “Independence Magazine. Editor’s office. Elaine speaking. How can I help you?” she answered. “Oh, just one moment.” She pressed a button and looked at me. “It’s your sister on line one.”

  “Coffee, and I’ll take it inside,” I headed into my office, slapping my briefcase on my desk and picking up the desk phone. “Nat? I just walked in the door.”

  “Ang, she’s made some improvements,” Natalia’s voice seemed tired and happy. “She’s gonna be moved to a private room on the tenth floor. I also will have Mr. Smythe moved up there as soon as he’s well. I mean the same floor, not the same room. They weren’t a couple, were they?”

  “It was their first session. Avery had been after her to be his sub for quite a while. I think he likes her in both ways, you know what I mean?”

  “Well, he was hurt a lot worse. Um, about Avery. Do you know him, well?”

  “I’ve only really known him at the club. Alec and Dane checked him out and all that stuff. They know him from a colleague or mutual friend or something. Why?”

  “The police haven’t been able to locate next of kin. Not that he’s dying but he has no one.”

  “I’ll call them and see what I can find. If he doesn’t have family, he has all of us. Sometimes friends are the best family.”

  “Oh, right,” she sighed.

  “Nat, I didn’t mean that,” I sighed. “You know I love you and I don’t blame you, ever.”

  “Thanks, I’m sorry. I guess I’m just exhausted. Are the police any closer to finding this guy who did this?”

  “I don’t know. Richard was with me last night but we didn’t talk about the progress of the BPD.”

  “I’m sure. Well, you’re still coming this afternoon, right?”

  “Yup, right after my meeting with Panagakos.”

  “Oh, the Greek God who is now your sub?” she laughed.

  “Do you have spies in my organization?” I laughed.

  “Of course. Well, I’ll text you her room number later.” She hung up.

  I hung up my phone as Elaine brought me a cup of steaming hot coffee. “Oh, thank you.” I looked at my watch. “Did you get those files?”

  “I’ll bring them right in,” she said.

  I didn’t realize that I was reading and taking notes on the proposal for hours. I guess it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was but there were still those damn terms and phrases that made me uneasy. I didn’t want my magazine taken over, but I could use the national and international resources that a big publication company could help. I started this magazine so that all women would have something they could get information from, as well as empowerment.

  I was a teenager in the 1980s where young girls were taught that sex was fine, as long as we were the bottoms, where girls were too embarrassed or ashamed if they liked liked other girls. Or those poor boys, who dreamed of being girls … Not a lot has changed, but I wanted it to. Taking control of our lives. Not having to rely on a man, but if you did have a man, you didn’t lose your identity or even your control. I had three men. Three subs now. I don’t remember the last time that I took a man and he became mine and only mine. That only one man could meet my needs. I’m a woman, who has had a lot of sex. A lot of subs. A lot of control over others, but I’ve never fallen in love. I never trusted my heart to a man in order for me to fall in love. I don’t know why all of a sudden my mind wandered off this damn proposal, but I jumped when Elaine opened the door.

  “Yes, oh, crap, I’m sorry. Elaine, what time is it?”

  “Ten of ten. Mr. Panagakos will be here shortly. I’ll be bringing in the coffee and pastries. I ordered them from the café.”

  “Great, thanks. I need to freshen up. My eyes are tired.” I stood up and walked in the washroom. When I returned, Elaine was setting out the coffee and pastries. “Is he here?”

  “In the lobby now.”

  “Send him up.”

  “Yes, Ms. Ralston,” she left the room.

  Lox walked into the office, following Elaine. I stood up. “Let’s sit at the table,” I pointed.

  He smiled. “Good morning, Ms. Ralston.”

  “Please, call me Angelica,” I sat down at the table. “I was able to go over these proposals and I must apologize to you.”

  “For what?” he unbuttoned his suit jacket. “Do you mind?”

  “Oh, no, go ahead.”

  He took off his jacket and draped it over the back of an unused chair. He sat down and opened his leather folder. “Thank you. I hate these damn suits but my father taught me, in business, we always look professional, comfort didn’t matter. Um, before we get started, how is your friend?”

  “Better. I get to see her this afternoon.”

  “That’s good. I’m glad,” he smiled. And god did his smile entrance me along with that hint of Drakkar on his body, but I had to focus. I could not let one Greek God, as he’s been referred to, get me so flustered and out of focus.

  I had told him it had to be professional and this was separate from him being my sub but now I had to listen to my own rules. Oh, dammit. Focus. I stood up. “Coffee?”

  “Yes, thank you,” he stood up and followed me over to the small table where Elaine had set up the coffee and pastries.

  We walked back over to the table and sat down. “I took the time t
his morning and read through this another few times. I took some notes and had some questions. I think we can negotiate a merger, but not if it’s going to be a takeover. This is my company and I’ll still be the CEO and have complete creative control. I’ll only run my company, but don’t mind if your company was coming in as a partner. I will not lose any of my staff.”

  “I’m only looking to add more resources. We could turn this into a partnership, giving you complete creative and quality control, as you have right now. I’d be more of the corporate business side, bringing in advertisers, and maybe hire some international freelance writers.”

  “I saw that here. Now, I think it’s just worded wrong. I want our contract to be clear. No surprises, no room for interpretation. I never assume or presume.”

  “I think we can do that. Um, do you have a corporate attorney to rewrite this?”

  “Well, I usually use Dane. Dane Matthews. He’s one of the owners of Club Twine. He does corporate work for me. Don’t you have an attorney?”

  “In Greece,” he snickered. “He knows International law and stuff like that, but …”

  “It’s all right. Why don’t we rewrite this together and then, I’ll have Dane get it all formal and legal for us to sign.”

  “Sounds fine to me,” he smiled, sipping his coffee.

  We worked for a few hours, rewriting the entire proposal which now ended up being a contract. “I’ll have Elaine fax this over to Dane’s office. It should only take a few days.”

  “Great,” he stood up, walked over to the table, and poured us both a cup of coffee. “Can I ask you something, it’s kind of personal?”

  “Sure,” I took my cup from his hand and sipped it.

  “When you called the other night, you just invited me over on Wednesday for dinner with your other two subs, but then you hung up.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I don’t like being rude. Being dominant doesn’t mean I have to be a bitch about it.”

  “That’s not what I meant. I didn’t think your subs had anything to do with each other.”

  “Well, because you’re new, the other two seemed to be a little, um, jealous. Every sub I’ve ever had thinks they can be the one to get me to fall in love with them and drop the other two, whoever they are, but it has not happened.”


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