I, Mistress

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I, Mistress Page 13

by Alex Tempera


  “Yes, Lox, listen. I want us to remain partners. I want you to be my sub. My lover is something else. You walked out and that hurts. I’ve been running alone my entire life, with only Mae, Dane, and Alec to help me. I live here so I don’t ever really have to leave work.”

  “Angelica, I was wrong to leave. Please, take me back as your lover, too.”

  I didn’t know what to say, only what to do. I couldn’t admit to anything or talk about any feelings right now. I stood up. “Punishment pose, five minutes.” I crossed my arms, and deepened my tone.

  He rose up to his feet gracefully and flicked up his eyes. They met my gaze and he nodded. He walked down the hall toward the playroom. I headed into my bedroom to change.


  I STRUTTED INTO the playroom and noticed how he was perfectly in his punishment pose. I walked over to the dresser and opened the drawer. I retrieved my crop and walked over to him. His ass was perfect. He was perfect because of his flaws. There was nothing to improve upon, except for his uncanny flirting even when I was so angry with him. I needed to do this. I placed his black leather working-collar around his throat and connected the D-rings. I held on to the crop in my hand and squeezed the handle tightly.

  “Safe word, sub?”

  “Yellow, Mistress,” he said.

  “Count, sub,” I couldn’t even call him panther yet. Swat! On his left cheek. Swat! On his right. I don’t know how many more times I swatted both cheeks with my crop. “Count, sub!”

  “Fifteen,” he breathed. I could see that erection growing and dangling between his legs.

  “Stand Straight.”

  He gracefully rose to his feet, but wobbled slightly. I walked behind him and admired his red ass. It was so perfect and hot. I ran my fingers lightly over his cheeks. “On the steps. Face the wall.” I commanded.

  He nodded and pulled the stairs out and then stepped up on the second step. “Stand Straight.”

  He put his hands behind his head, fingers laced with each other.

  I kissed each of his ass cheeks and ran my fingers in between his ass. I pulled his cheeks apart and carefully tongue fucked his ass. He was perfect and I could hear his moans. Nothing went in his ass except my tongue and he didn’t mind. I remember him telling me that I was his only Mistress, ever. That meant a lot to me, not just because I also wanted him as my lover, but because it gave me a major responsibility to make sure my duties were performed with his best interests at heart and to allow him to explore himself and his wants and desires. I pulled my tongue out. “Turn around and face me.”

  He turned around and I could see that erection almost staring me in the face. I pressed my lips against the head of his cock and kissed it softly. “Over by the far wall. Stand with your back against the wall under the large O-rings.”

  He nodded and walked over to the wall and pressed his back against it, having his arms at his side.

  I walked over to him and stood in front of him. I looked into his eyes. “Remove my shoes.”

  He dropped to his knees and carefully held my shoes as I stepped out of them. This wasn’t his normal task but these shoes were killing my feet.

  “New pose. This is what I call a virtual restraint. On your feet. Back against the wall.”

  He rose again and put his back against the wall.

  “See those O-rings?” I pointed to large, thick black rings that were screwed to the wall on a hinge.

  “Yes, Mistress,” his eyes never left mine, but they did flick up to the rings and then back again. Good. He knew where his eyes were supposed to be.

  “I want you to put your arms over your head as if they were connected to the rings, but they won’t be. Sometimes, you will be wearing cuffs, but today, no.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he raised his hands over his head and under the rings, as if they were connected.

  I pressed my mouth against his and sucked on his bottom lip. “Don’t move or you will be punished with 30 swats.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” I could tell he was remembering the heat from the 15 that I had already given him.

  I walked over to the dresser and placed the crop back in the drawer. I opened the other drawer underneath and took out a fur-lined blindfold and a feather. I opened another drawer and pulled out a black silicone cock ring. I walked over to my panther and gazed in his eyes. “I’m taking away your sight so I can enhance your other senses. Don’t move.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he whispered.

  I slid the black blindfold over his eyes and kissed each of his cheeks. The fur prevents the sub from seeing out of the gaps that usually run across the bridge of the nose or the side of the face. “That is my mouth. You will always know that it’s my mouth.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said, his arms still above his head and not moving.

  I licked his nipples and sucked on them until they reached their ultimate hardness. I rolled the cock-ring on his large shaft. I wanted to save that special orgasm for later. I squeezed his cock and licked it a few times. I couldn’t resist his gorgeously large manhood.

  I took the feather and started at his feet. I lightly wiggled my wrist, running the feather over the tops of his feet. He moved slightly but his hands were still above his head. I could just imagine what he was thinking. He was a wonderful sub, panther. He was Mine and Mine in so many ways. I loved that he was Mine. I ran the feather up his legs and in between his thighs. I could see his erection bob as it pulsated. It wanted to burst, but I wasn’t quite ready for that. I was so tempted but I had to continue.

  This was for both of us. panther needed it and I needed it, too. I needed this, especially when the outside world, when the world outside of this room, everything was out of control. Hell, Mae and Avery were still recovering. Richard and Jerry had gotten more serious, but still wanted to be my subs. And Lox. My panther. I took a deep breath and released it without a sound so he would not hear my thoughts. I was glad he couldn’t hear my thoughts.

  I ran the feather around his stomach and watched his muscles contract. I ran it over his nipples and they hardened even more. I knew what would be the ultimate test for him, so I ran the feather up his arms, his inner arms. I watched as he bit his lip. I bet he wanted to laugh. To snicker, but he didn’t. He had great control of himself. At that moment, I knew. I knew how I felt and how he felt. I knew why he was a sub and I knew why he left. I also knew why he came back.

  I put the feather away and stared at the black magic marker that was lying on the top of the dresser. I walked over to him and over his heart, I wrote Angelica in script letters. I watched his face. He didn’t flinch. He didn’t say anything but it was as if he knew what I wrote. His lips slightly curled to a smile.

  I pressed my mouth against his and whispered. “Mine.”

  “Yours, Mistress,” he whispered.

  I pressed my body against his and then slowly walked away. I walked across the room and then sat down in the chair by the door. I watched. I had to see his reaction at loss. I wanted him to see what I felt when he walked out on me. I could not leave the room, but he needed to think that I did. For an hour, I sat and watched him.

  Lox struggled against his virtual restraints but did not move out of his pose. I could see his body shudder and shiver. He bit his lip nervously and almost whimpered. A few times, I swore I heard him whisper Mistress. He still stood in his pose but clearly, he felt the loss of me. His breathing changed. He was breathing rapidly. I almost reminded him to breathe slowly, but he seemed to calm before he hyperventilated. I hated watching that, but I remembered how I felt. It wasn’t to get even with my panther; it was to show him how I felt, without telling him. panther needed to experience it. It was an exploration rather than punishment.

  I stood up and I noticed tears stream out from under his blindfold. His senses would surely be heightened by now. He could probably hear my heart beat as I moved closer to him. My feet on the soft rubber floor that squeaked slightly as I walked toward him. His breathing cal
med even more.

  I pressed my body against his and my mouth invaded his. My tongue swirled and danced with his, as I sucked lightly. His arms still above his head.

  I stepped back and touched his face. “Arms are released.” I held his arms as he lowered them. I’m sure they were tense and sore. I removed the blindfold from his eyes and then kissed his closed eyelids. “panther, open your eyes slowly.”

  He slowly opened his eyes and focused on me. Tears were swimming around his eyelids.

  “It’s OK, panther,” I held him as he collapsed into my arms, sobbing. I dropped carefully to the floor and held him tightly. “It’s all right, panther. I’m here. I’ll never leave you again. I promise.” I promised and I meant it.

  I held him for quite a while, almost forgetting that he was still wearing the cock-ring. I stood him up and slowly slid the cock ring off his cock and placed it in the basin to be washed later. I pressed my mouth against his ear. “My room, Loxias.”

  He looked up at me and nodded. Playtime was over.

  I stripped off my clothes as I led him to my bed. He sat down and he still looked exhausted and sad. “I didn’t leave you,” I whispered. “I was always right there.”

  “But you made me think you were gone. Is that how you felt?” he asked.

  “Yes, love, it is.” Did I just say that?

  “Angelica, I love you.” I don’t know where that came from but his voice was so soft but reassuring. I knew where it came from. His heart.

  “I love you, too, Loxias. You’re my love. Don’t you ever leave me and I won’t leave you.”

  “Promise?” his eyes were still sad.

  “Yes, I promise. Do you?”

  “Yes, Angelica,” he lightly touched the marker on his chest that spelled my name. “Mistress, may I ask you a question?”

  “Of course, but we’re in my room. You don’t have to call me Mistress.”

  “Yes, Mistress, I do. I want your permission to make love to you. Can you let me do that for you?” he smiled. There was that gorgeous cocky, Greek fucking God smile of his.

  “Yes, my love,” I straddled his lap and kissed him softly but passionately. “You’re my Greek God.”

  “Am I? Goddess?” he grinned, as he rolled me over, pushing my back into the softness of the mattress.

  “Goddess?” I smiled.

  “I heard you were an Angel. Will you be my Goddess?”

  “Love, I’ll be your anything. Come here,” I pulled him on top of my body. His chest pressed against my breasts.

  He sucked on my neck and then ran his tongue over my jawline. He licked my lips and lightly sucked in my bottom lip into his mouth. His tongue plunged deep into my mouth as our tongues met and waltzed in complete rhythm with each other.

  My fingers dug deep into his back as he pushed his cock inside my body. He pushed in and pulled out, so teasingly slow that I could feel every inch of his manhood inside me. He’d thrust hard and then pull out slowly.

  “Fuck, love,” I cried out.

  “Patience, Goddess,” he kissed me hard as he pushed himself slowly but deeply inside me.

  “Oh, hell!”

  “Do you want more?” he breathed heavily.

  “More, love. Please, more.” Oh, god, did I just beg for more?”

  He sped up and gazed in my eyes. “I love you,” he whispered as he exploded his seed in my body.

  I could feel his warmth inside me, as he stayed connected but lay to my side, holding me close to him. “Mine.” I held his arms as they held me.

  “Yours,” he whispered. “Yours.”


  LOX WAS BACK in my life. He knew what he did and that it was wrong. I still needed to figure out how to fix this issue with Mr. Benito. I sat behind my desk and turned my chair to look out the window. The construction had finally begun. Lox positioned his office exactly across from mine. He said it was so I could spy on him if I wanted to, but I knew he liked knowing where I was. Ever since that night in the playroom, he had this deep need to not only know where I was but also being close to me. We couldn’t be close every minute of every day, but he needed that sense of peace. To be honest, so did I.

  I never thought I’d need that from another person but I did. For the first time in my life, I was in love with someone who actually loved me back. I was still exploring this love thing and more importantly, this trust thing. Without trust, love meant nothing.

  Elaine knocked on the door and walked in. “Natalia is here to see you.”

  “Oh, thank you,” I said.

  Natalia walked in the office and Elaine walked out. “Natalia, what is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Mae will be released from the hospital tomorrow. Now, she doesn’t know I’m here but I think she shouldn’t be alone right now. She still lives in that loft across town. I was wondering …”

  “I already had Edna set up the larger guestroom for her. I told her last night that she was staying with me. She won’t feel safe by herself. I need her to get that confidence back.”

  “You gonna play with her?”

  “Probably not. But I had an idea and when Avery gets out of the hospital, I’ll talk to him about it.”

  “Good. I didn’t mean to butt in, but I care about her. I care about you. I know I wasn’t always there for you…”

  “Don’t do that. You did what you were supposed to do and I did what I was supposed to do. We’re close now, right?”

  “I hope so. To be honest, I don’t understand everything that goes on in your lifestyle.”

  “Business or pleasure,” I smiled.

  “Pleasure. The business, I get. I read your magazine every month and learn so much. I would’ve thought that you would have a section on being a Mistress or a sub or something. I’m sure that readers would see those subjects as empowerment. It certainly is for you. The top editors. One a Mistress and the other a submissive.”

  “I thought about it, but I wasn’t sure about it.”

  “Well, maybe you need to start writing again,” Natalia sat down on the chair in front of my desk.

  “Yeah, once this mess with the Hercules Publishing Company is over.”

  “How is Lox doing?”

  “He had to miss his father’s funeral. He’s quiet and withdrawn. He’s afraid that Benito is coming to the United States, but I fixed that.”

  “You did?”

  “Well, I’m working on it. I have some former subs in high places. That’s all I can say right now.”

  “I won’t ask, but there is something else I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Is it about Mae?”

  “No, it’s personal. It’s about me,” she sighed.

  “What is it?”

  “How do you know what you are?”

  I stood up and sat on the edge of my desk in front of her. “Nat, what is it?”

  “I’ve had six boyfriends in the past six months. I was never satisfied, so I moved on. I don’t know who I am or where I fit in. I mean, I’m a doctor and a pretty good fisherman, um, fisherwoman, well you know what I mean.”

  “You live on a fucking boat. You better be good,” I laughed.

  “Well, that’s just it. It seems like that’s my life. I tried to date, you know, doctors, lawyers, whatever. They think they need to do their task and then be done with it. I’ve never had an orgasm without the use of my vibrator.”

  “Oh, wow,” I was surprise. Not because of what she said, but because she said it at all. We never talked about sex. The lifestyle a little, just enough so she knows what a Mistress and what a sub is, but that’s about it.

  “I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “Do you think you’re a dominant or a submissive?”

  “Do both of those types have orgasms?”

  “Yes,” I nodded.

  “I’d do either, both, I don’t care. I’m sorry, Ang. I should go.”

  “I’ll tell you what. I think you should have a training session with Dane. Now, he
’s pretty flexible for male or females and he’s the best trainer there is. He will help you train as either a sub or a dominant. Do two sessions, one as a sub and one as dominant. If you don’t like either, then you know. If you prefer one over the other, then you will know which training to continue.”

  “What if I like both?”

  “Then do both training. Those who like both are switches. The best switches are one that can stay within the role they are supposed to be. There have been switches playing a sub role, when they become dominant. That doesn’t work.”

  “Should I call him?”

  “Yeah, tell him I told you to call him about the training seminars. He’ll set up a time that works for you and when he’s not in court.”

  “Just for curiosity’s sake, why didn’t you suggest Alec? He’s your friend, too.”

  “Alec is a manslut,” I laughed. I was right. He was. “Nat, if a man were to fall in love with you, well, if it were Alec or Dane, I’d pick Dane.”

  “Even though he likes men, too?”

  “Hell, I like women, too, but I prefer the company of Lox.”

  Natalia smiled. “I’d like for us to have dinner soon. I’d like to get to know Lox. The only man in the world besides Scott Baio that could steal my sister’s heart.”

  Did she just throw my massive crush on Scott Baio in my face? Yes, she did. “I got over Scott Baio, a long time ago,” I laughed.

  “Yeah, right, that’s why when you’re sad, you binge watch your DVDs of Happy Days, Joannie loves Chachi, and Charles in Charge.”

  “How do you know these things?”

  “For one, Edna is my cleaning lady, too, and second, I know you.”

  “Crap,” I sighed. I forgot that Edna was recommended by Natalia. I bet she’s a spy and didn’t even know it.

  “Do you still have that old Tiger Beat Magazine with him on the cover?”


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