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I, Mistress

Page 14

by Alex Tempera

  “Yes, but it’s under glass.” I laughed. “Don’t tell Lox.”

  “I think he already knows, if he’s seen your DVD collection.”

  “Maybe,” I smiled. “Nat, call Dane.” We both stood up.

  “I will,” she hugged me tightly and left the office.

  I sat behind my desk and opened my right hand drawer. There it was, in pristine condition. My May 1979 Edition of Tiger Beat magazine with Scott Baio on the cover. I also had the electronic scanned copy on my computer so I could still read it without ruining my original magazine. It was the only thing that I lugged with me from home to home. Well, that and Scruffy, my scrawny brown teddy bear that my mother gave to me the day I was born. That … was on my dresser in my room.


  I HEADED DOWN to the lobby, nodded to Joe, and continued walking out to the sidewalk. I looked up and down the street and waited. I barely noticed Lox coming out of the building across the street when the limo pulled up. The driver got out of the car and opened the back passenger side door for me.

  “Thank you,” I said as I got in the long, black car.

  He touched the tip of his cap and once I was inside, he closed the door. He got in the driver’s side and pulled into the street.

  I looked at the man sitting across from me and waited for him to speak. He used to be one of my subs, but he was now a dominant Master. I think he still loved being a sub, though, if he had the right Mistress. He was also head of the Herring-Reese publication company, one of the largest companies in North America, with main offices in New York, Boston, and Montreal. “Angelica, thank you for meeting with me.” His voice was deep, but he had that slight French accent.

  “Enré, I’m glad you were in town when I called,” I said. I don’t know where the driver was heading but that wasn’t my concern. I trusted Enré.

  “You need some assistance? You know I don’t handle woman’s magazines.”

  “I know, low-ball porn, nude sporting events, and Golf. Whatever. I don’t care. You should probably expand to your natural talents,” I smiled. “But I need some information on Sonny Benito.”

  “You mean, Maurice Benito.”

  “I guess,” I shrugged. “I heard his name was Sonny.”

  “Eh, Sonny is what Italians call the first born son who was named after the father; it’s like you Americans say as Junior.”

  “Me, Americans? That’s so funny. You live in Canada.”

  “Right, eh, French-Canadian, not American.”

  “Yeah, but why not?” I knew this would get him going.

  “I don’t understand.” His brow furrowed.

  “Canada is also in North America,” I smirked.

  “Eh, you’re getting off topic, Angelica,” he smiled.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. This man stormed the Hercules publication company in Greece. His men killed over 30 people.”

  “Eh, I last heard it was 20.”

  “More of the injured passed in the last month. Demetri Panagakos was killed. He is Loxias father.”

  “Eh, I’ve heard of him. He was a good man. A Good businessman. I heard his son is good, too.”

  “Yes, Loxias is my business partner. The Hercules Publication company was doing a merger with me, we were becoming partners. Hercules split and I remain partners with Athens Publications, but Lox still inherited the Hercules company, which is barely running right now. The Greece government won’t allow Lox to return until this mess with Benito is finished. They consider Benito a terrorist and Lox, his target, which they don’t want in their country. He has dual citizenship.”

  Enré La Barron was a strong and powerful man, and he just sat there, looking like any ordinary man. I could remember him, on his knees in his punishment pose. Enré liked to be a brat sometimes, just so he could get his ass spanked. He reached over to the bar and poured us both a drink. I could tell it was Canadian Whiskey because of its rich amber color, as he poured it into the rocks glass. He handed me my glass and then sipped his, without saying a word. “What do you want from me?”

  “Get rid of Benito. Find his weakness or whatever and let me know what it is, so I can take care of it myself.”

  “Like you took care of that McCoy?”

  “If I have to, I will,” I said. “How did you know?”

  “I keep an eye on you, Angelica. You told me you were always a Mistress and you trained me. Even when you thought I had dominant tendencies. I still like a good spanking now and then.”

  “I know, Enré, I know. I can’t be a sub. I tried it. I still have my three, but Lox and I …”

  “Are lovers. I told you before, I’ll always look out for you. Whatever you need, I’ll help you. I don’t want you to get your hands dirty on this one. I’ll take care of Benito. Don’t you worry.”

  “I’m on his radar, aren’t I?”

  “Yes, you are but not Loxias. I’m not sure why. Everyone thinks that Loxias is his intended target.”

  “Oh, crap,” I said. “I know who is. Dammit!”


  “Just a minute,” I pulled my cell phone out of my purse and dialed. “Lox, it’s me. I know who Benito is after in Greece.”


  “Andreas Leandros,” I said.

  “I know,” he sighed. “He was just murdered outside of his home in Crete. Where are you? I saw you take off in that limo.”

  “I’ll be at my office soon. I promise.”

  “I w–w–was w–w–worried,” his voice lowered and quivered slightly.

  “I’ll be back within the half hour.” I hung up. I looked at Enré. “Leandros is dead. He was Demetri’s assistant.”

  Enré looked at me. “I’ll take care of Benito and his men. I swear.”

  “Don’t get killed.”

  “Eh, if I do this for you, I need you to do something for me,” Enré leaned back and sipped his Whiskey.

  “What’s that?”

  “Set me up with your sister,” he smiled. “I saw her at the club the other day.”

  “She is still training to see if she is a dominant or a sub.”

  “Well, whatever she is, I’ll be her opposite.” He smiled. “I can do both, you know.”

  “I’ll introduce you two Friday night. Whatever happens after that will be up to you and up to her.”

  “Agreed,” he said, as the car stopped.

  I waited until the driver opened the back door. “Enré,” I nodded and got out of the car.

  The driver closed the door and got in the driver’s seat. He pulled into the road.

  I stood on the sidewalk and watched the limo pull down the road. Enré was very powerful, but so was Benito. I needed to do something, but dragging Benito into the woods and whipping him to death was probably not a good idea. However, if it worked, it would be satisfying. I turned to go into the building when I heard his footsteps behind me. I turned and smiled. “Lox?”

  “Coffee?” he opened the door for me.

  “I’d love some. The café.”

  “And you can tell me who that was,” he said as we walked into the building.

  “Actually, love, I can’t.”

  He turned on his heels and quickly stormed out of the building and, though I wanted to, I didn’t go after him. I nodded to Joe and then headed down to the café. I ordered my coffee and a blueberry muffin and headed to the table closest to the window that looked out at the street. “Lox,” I whispered.


  THERE WERE SOME things in life that needed to be left unsaid. In life, unless you were stupid, you never confessed to murder. You never told your enemy your plan to defeat them. You never told a burglar you just called the cops. You never wrote a letter to your favorite celebrity confessing your undying obsession for them. And you never gave your subs’ names to anyone, whether they were a former or present sub, especially if they were important people in high places. That information was sacred. Though, with the list I gave, most people did those things. However, I did not. Well,
except, once I did write to Scott Baio and in return, I got an autographed photo of the icon, but then Harry Johnson ripped it up. So, I killed him. Well, not really, because we don’t admit to committing murder, or even wanting to. Nah, I just punched him in the stomach and ran. He never bothered me again. But, still my photo of Scott Baio was destroyed. Sonafabitch! Damn that Harry Johnson!

  I sipped my coffee and slowly ate the muffin and when I finished, I just sat there, at the table in the café. I must’ve been there for hours because the next thing I realized, it was getting dark and the movement on the street had lessened. It had even started to rain. Lox didn’t come back. I couldn’t break my oath. I couldn’t break my promise, but he broke his to me. He said he’d never leave. As I stood up, that’s when I saw him. I didn’t see him before, but he was sitting on the sidewalk, with his back against the window, right in line with the underside of my table. That’s why I didn’t see him. He was still there but I thought he was gone. Now, that’s what I call a mind-fuck. Yes, he did to me what I did to him and I felt his loss. I admit it. I felt his loss. Dammit!

  I didn’t grab his attention from the window. I left the café and headed out to the street. The rain started to pour harder and harder. “You’re getting your suit wet.”

  “I don’t care,” he grumbled.

  “Lox, please. You walked away.”

  He stood up and took my hand. “But I didn’t leave.”

  “No, love, you didn’t. Now, I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you who I was with. It was a confidential meeting. The man used to be a sub of mine and I never break that confidence. Especially when he is very important in his line of work.”

  “I’m sorry. I understand. That goes for all your subs?”

  “Yes,” I said, taking his hand. “Some of my subs are regular people and others are high officials or CEOs, I once trained an ex-US President. I can’t say who, though.”

  “I’m sorry. I guess there are some things that can’t be said out loud.”

  “That is so true and I have a list,” I smiled. “That I can’t share, either.”

  “Does this have to do with some guy I never heard of?”

  “What?” We walked into the building.

  “Some guy named Scott Baio?”

  “You never heard of Scott Baio? Happy Days? Joannie loves Chachi?”

  “Um, no? Are they friends of yours?” he said, as I led him to the elevator.

  “Oh, Lox, you have so much to learn about me and Scott Baio.”

  “Oh, so, he’s an ex?”

  “Um, not quite,” I said. “I’ll show you.” We stepped onto the elevator. As the doors closed, I knew what I needed to do. I needed to share my deep dark secret with the man I loved.

  Yes, that night, I showed Lox the luxury of binge watching DVDs and regaled him with episodes of Happy Days (only those with Scott Baio in it), Joannie loves Chachi, and Charles in Charge. I loved the younger Baio, but the older one is pretty hot, too.

  He looked over at me as he dished out our breakfast. “I can’t believe we stayed up all night watching television.”

  “Yeah, well, you needed to see what I see,” I grinned as I poured hot sauce over my scrambled eggs.

  “Well, that Joannie chick was kind of cute,” he snickered.

  “Yeah, well, I used to have my hair like hers.”


  “Totally. I thought he liked that kind of girl since they dated in real life, too, but my perm fell out and it looked like crap.”

  “Got any pictures of that?”

  “Burned them,” I muttered.

  He sat down. “Angelica, thank you for sharing. Am I the only one who knows?”

  “Well, my friends know, but I never subjected them to binge watching. Hell, when I was younger, we called it a marathon. Not a binge. So, you grew up in Greece. Did you grow up on American television or Greek shows?”

  “We didn’t watch much television. I grew up at the office, pretty much. My parent’s villa was filled with Greek art and artifacts from the old cities. I knew history and mythology and how to separate the two.”

  “Did you ever want to write? You know, be a reporter for any of the publications?”

  “I was never a good writer. You saw my proposal. It was horrible.”

  “Well, not horrible but you used too much business speak. I’m a business woman but some of business speak ends up being double talk that can be interpreted seven ways to Sunday.”


  “Sorry, me and my weird speak. I just mean that we should always write like we mean, clear and concise so there is no misinterpretation.”

  “You’re right,” he smiled. “So, what’s next?”

  “Mae is coming home today. I have to pick her up. She’ll be staying here. I also need to talk to Avery. I heard he can leave tomorrow.”

  “Good. Do you need any help?”

  “Nope,” I kissed his mouth. “I did have one question for you.”

  “Of course,” he smiled.

  “When do you want to move in?”

  “Me?” he raised an eyebrow. “I do have my brownstone.”

  “Oh, well, all right. I was just thinking … never mind.”

  “Thinking what?”

  “Thinking that you’re always here.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  “No, I like it, but if you can’t move in, that’s fine. I understand. I was even gonna give you your own room. Not to sleep in, but to have for an office or whatever. Um, it’s OK.” I stood up and put my dish in the dishwasher.

  “I’m sorry, Angelica.”

  “Don’t be. It’s too soon.”

  “No, I mean, I’m sorry that I didn’t say yes right away. I’d love to move in. The truth is, my Brownstone is nice but I’ve never even unpacked.”

  “You’ve been in this country for months and you never unpacked?”

  He kissed my cheek. “I love you, Angelica. How about I move in tomorrow? This will give you and Mae the night together. Maybe I’ll go visit Avery.”

  “That would be good. You have my permission to do that. I know it sounds weird, but he’s also a dominant.”

  “I understand, Mistress,” he said with a hint of cocky. “I’m sorry, I was being a brat.”

  “And I’ll punish you for that. Actually, I was going to talk to Avery about something, but maybe you can extend my offer to him.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That, if he still wants to be Mae’s Master, I thought they might want to play together somewhere that is not public like the club, especially after what happened at Club Twine with McCoy.”

  “Whatever happened to McCoy anyway?” Lox asked.

  “He pled guilty and is awaiting sentencing. That’s all I know, according to Richard. Anyway, I want to offer them the opportunity to use my playroom until the one I’m building for Mae at her loft is ready.”

  “Does Mae know?”

  “Yes, her loft is pretty open, like this but hers more so. I had a small room in the corner of her loft that is being built and then I’ll stock it with her favorite toys. Not everyone needs a playroom, but her loft is so open and there are a lot of windows. She would need privacy. So I’m giving her privacy.” I looked at my watch. “Let Avery know, please.”

  “I will,” he kissed my cheek. “I better go.” He touched my face and then headed toward the elevator, scooping up his suit jacket and briefcase along the way.

  I finished my coffee and then grabbed my keys. I headed to my car.


  I OPENED THE guestroom door and smiled. “If you need anything else, please let me know. I know you’re loaded but I feel like it’s my fault.”

  “Your fault?” Mae held my hand and we both sat on the bed that was fitted with a dark red and gold comforter.

  “Yes, I should’ve checked on you before I left. From now on, we do that. We check with each other, no matter what. We should’ve been each other’s safe call and we weren’t.”

  “We will. No matter what,” Mae kissed my cheek. “I’m scared, Ang.”

  “Don’t be. I took care of him.”

  “I know you did. I know. No one told me but I know you. You took care of everyone who ever hurt me. You were always there for me.”

  “Always,” I held up my hand and exposed my small scar on my palm.

  She held her up hand and exposed her identical scar. “Blood sisters, forever.”

  “Yes, definitely. Now, Lox is going to see Avery today so I told him to relay the info about the playroom. I wasn’t trying to overstep or control you. I just want you back to feeling like your regular self. Are you sure you’d be up for it?”

  “The sensual stuff. I’m a little nervous about being with him. About being naked period.”

  “You can practice,” I said. “I’d be honored to have you be my trainee for a little while.”

  “Really?” she smiled.

  “Sweetie, whatever you want. You may need to see what your body can and can’t handle. He used your desires against you. You may react differently now.”

  “I never thought about that.”

  I kissed her cheek and carefully put my arm around her. “You take a nap and later, if you want, I’ll help you.”

  “You won’t bring your other subs in, will you?”

  “Nope, we only do a group thing once a month, and this is not one of those times. Tonight, and only in the playroom, will you be my sub. Later, we’ll watch retro 80’s movies and eat chips and ice cream.”

  “You hate ice cream.”

  “Yeah, but I’ll eat it for you.”


  “Nah, but I have some frozen yogurt. You can eat that mint crappy chip ice cream you love so much. I made sure Edna bought plenty.”

  “Thanks,” Mae smiled, and it reached all the way up to her eyes. For the first time in a long time, it was a true happy smile, not something weak and sad. She lay back on the bed and I tucked her in. “Rest,” I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room. “I love you, Sweetie.” I stood in the doorway and watched as she tried to get comfortable.

  I walked into the playroom, dressed in my black tank top and black linen shorts. Today, no shoes. I told Mae to remain dressed but get into her presentation pose, if she could kneel. She said she was able to and when I found her, she was kneeling in the middle of the room, hands behind her back, chest pushed out.


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