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Steeling My Haart

Page 8

by Lizzy Roberts

  “My pleasure, Emma.” He took her hand again as the elevator arrived and ushered her in. “Well, it’s an hour before we need to be heading out, so will that give you time enough to get yourself ready?”

  “Yes, plenty of time. Where are we going tonight, then?” she asked excitedly.

  “I’m taking you to Paris tonight, Miss McKellan.” He flashed her a genuine smile and at that moment he looked so happy and relaxed, and so goddam gorgeous, it was hard for Emma not to smile back.

  Chapter Eleven

  An hour gave her just enough time to shower and style her glossy brown hair in a simple tight knot at the top of her head. A few stray curls were left hanging to break up the harshness. She had also treated herself to a new underwear set, to fit better under the stunning dress she was now trying to fasten. After attempting for a few minutes, Emma walked out in to the shared area holding the dress to her chest to ask Bruce if he could assist. She wasn’t prepared for him to be standing there looking absolutely flawless in a double breasted black tuxedo, his handsome features accentuated by clean shaven skin and his normally fairly wayward hair styled to perfection. He was the epitome of handsome and it did funny things to her stomach as she took him in.

  “Erm… Bruce… could you help?” she asked shyly, turning around and exposing her naked back to him under the unfastened dress. Stepping over gracefully, Bruce gently took the zipper and helped her close the dress. His fingers gently slid up her back, leaving a tingling trail right the way to the top of the zipper. Emma’s breath hitched at the contact and she felt another blush creeping over her made-up face. “Thank you,” she whispered and walked away too scared what she may see in his face if she turned back, or more importantly what he may have seen in hers.

  Grabbing her clutch and putting on the matching pumps, she took a final stock of herself in the mirror and when she was satisfied at what she saw she walked back out. Bruce was standing in front of the floor to ceiling window, taking in the early evening bustle of the strip and sipping from a glass of dark liquid. She slowly walked to him with the clicking of her heels on the floor tiles the only noise in the room.

  “I’m ready when you are.” She spoke softly. He turned and a slow smile of appreciation spread across his face.

  “I was right. You are going to be the most beautiful woman in the room tonight.” He set his tumbler down on the table and reached for a small black velvet box. He walked over to Emma and opening it he took out a simple silver chain, attached to which was the most exquisite diamond pendant. Leaning in to clasp it around her neck, Emma could smell the delicate cologne he was wearing mixed with the fresh scent of his shower soap.

  “Bruce, this is too much,” she protested.

  “Shh. Just take a look in the mirror, and if you don’t think it completes this outfit, I’ll take it back,” he proposed.

  She wandered to the mirror in the foyer of the suite and agreed he was right. It was just the right size to fill the expanse of glowing skin between her neck and the low cut seam at the top of her dress. She felt beautiful.

  “Come, we will be late for our reservation if we don’t hurry. The car is waiting downstairs to take us for dinner,” he said softly.

  “Thanks for this, Bruce, but it really is too much. Today has been so amazing, but I’m afraid were starting to blur lines here.” Emma sounded concerned.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel that way, but I know you have been alone for so long, in fact so have I. So can we just enjoy tonight for what it is and kick back and relax?” he suggested.

  “What is all of this? It’s beginning to feel like a date.”

  “I don’t know. I want to keep that smile on your face, and I’m not doing a very good job of it right now, am I? Let’s just make it dinner between good friends, nice food, good conversation, and nice atmosphere and see where the evening takes us. I just wanted to take you out, appreciate your company and feel what it would be like to spend an evening with a beautiful woman. A woman whom I know I have a lot in common with. Can we just do that?” His tone was hopeful.

  “Yes, we can, but we both have a lot to lose here…” she was interrupted.

  “Hush. I know. I won’t let anything happen. Just relax and let’s go see more of Vegas?” he spoke softly, pressing his index finger against her lips.

  She smiled again and as Bruce held out his arm, she tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow and they headed for the lobby.

  Emma was surprised when a black limo pulled up and Bruce opened the door, steering her in to the rear of the vehicle. He followed and smiled. “Now, this wasn’t me before you say anything. The restaurant arranged it for me when I made the reservation. It is all included as part of their service, so sit back and enjoy the ride,” he explained trying to reassure her a little.

  “Well, it certainly beats a cab and I will. I kind of feel like a film star or something, riding around in a car like this.”

  “You certainly look the part,” he replied winking at her and cocking his mouth up in half a smile.

  “I forgot to compliment you earlier, Bruce. You do scrub up well for a guy.” She smiled back, throwing him a cheeky wink.

  “Thank you, I’m flattered, but I think it has more to do with the $3,000 tux than my rocking bod, though.” He tried to joke.

  “Don’t sell yourself short, Mr. Jenson, you know you have it and you flaunt it.” The compliment flowed easily off her tongue.

  “Okay, so maybe I do. A bit. But it’s tiresome having ladies falling at my feet all the time.” Rolling his eyes dramatically and slapping his hand across his forehead he managed to get Emma laughing and broke the ice once again.

  Before long, the limo service was pulling into the Paris Hotel Bruce tipped the driver well. He took Emma into the hotel and right through to the appropriately named Eiffel Tower restaurant, nestled at the base of a half-sized replica of the actual Eiffel Tower. The view from the huge windows was of the strip and it was starting to come alive as the afternoon drew into early evening.

  “You really have brought me to Paris, haven’t you?” she whispered in awe.

  “Of course, and we will be having a trip up to the top of the Eiffel Tower after our dinner, too. I hear this time of year the sunset is amazing from up there.”

  “That sounds wonderful! I’ve never been to Paris, in fact, I’ve barely been out of New York City in the last few years,” she admitted.

  “It does you good to get out of there occasionally. I am getting the feeling that you really don’t have much of a life outside of work, do you?” he questioned gently.

  “No, and that’s a story in itself.” Her face fell and the smile she had been wearing vanished in a flash.

  “Hey, don’t be sad, Emma. I’m a good listener of you ever want to talk about it?” He reached for her across the white linen tablecloth and gently took her hand in his, gently stroking his thumb across her cool fingers.

  “It’s not something I like talking about, but maybe one day, okay? Now lets have a look at this menu.” She changed the subject swiftly and plastered another unconvincing smile on her face.

  “Emma, trust me when I say we’ve all got our secrets, and sometimes sharing them can help. I want you to know I’m here for you as a friend, as well as a business associate. It must be something pretty big. I’ve never seen you with an actual date and it’s such a waste. One day, Emma, you are truly going to make a man very happy,” he told her.

  Sighing deeply Emma looked at her hand in his then glanced up to meet his sad eyes, “Yes, it’s something pretty monumental actually but now isn’t the time for that discussion. I don’t want to go there. It takes me to a place I don’t like visiting. Besides, Mr. Eligible Bachelor of New York, why have you never settled down? I don’t ever see you with a date, either, and I always end up accompanying you to those boring industry dinners,” she probed, a little harder than she meant to, but her curiosity just got the better of her.

  As he looked like he was about to
say something the waitress who had come to take their order interrupted them.

  “Ma’am, sir, what can I get for you this evening? I recommend the mixed seafood starter to share and the sirloin steak is particularly good this evening. We also have, to accompany, the in-house Sommelier’s wine recommendations too for each dish.”

  Bruce looked to Emma. “What would you like tonight? I’m happy with the recommendations if you are.”

  “Absolutely. I love seafood and the steak sounds delicious. Could I take a green salad with mine please and I prefer mine medium, thank you.” She finished as she looked up at the waitress.

  “Same for me, too, please, ma’am, and we will go with the recommended wine. Could we also have a bottle of sparking water brought to the table, thank you?” he requested.

  Turning back to Emma, he took in a deep breath before replying to her earlier question, seeming to contemplate telling her something. Exhaling harshly, he said, “I guess I’ve just never found the right person to settle down with. My father has particular ideas of where my life should go, being his eldest son and also grand ideas of who I should be dating and marrying. I’m not interested in the sort of women he wants me to be with, so I guess it’s better to be the eligible bachelor.”

  “But surely you have ‘needs?’” Emma hedged.

  “Ha. Yes, we all have ‘needs,’ as you put it, but they can be satisfied without the need for a relationship and without having to put yourself out there. Surely, you appreciate that. You must be in a similar position as me if you don’t date.”

  Emma started to get uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was heading. Just then the waitress arrived with their food saving her further embarrassment. The wine flowed far too easily and they both enjoyed it as they devoured the delicious food. By the end of the second course, Emma was full and the various wines had started to have an effect on her.

  Once they had finished their meal, Bruce insisted on taking care of the tab. He gently took her elbow and escorted her to the elevator in the middle of the restaurant that took them to the top of the ‘Eiffel Tower.’ They stepped out of the acclimatized elevator into the dry summer heat of the Nevada desert and they were handed a glass of perfectly chilled champagne. Just as Bruce had promised, they looked out at the view they were treated to the most stunning sunset. They stood in silence, side by side, sipping the cool champagne in the balmy evening heat as they watched the last of the suns rays dipping behind the horizon. As the sun disappeared, the constant and ostentatious show of lights that made Las Vegas blinked brighter in the fading light. Each hotel seemed to be adorned with a multitude of flashing illuminations that mingled to make a riot of color that danced before them.

  “Come over here a minute, so you don’t miss the fountains.” Bruce steered Emma to the other side of the tower and in front of her appeared the amazing show of light and sound that erupted from the fountains in front of the Bellagio hotel, situated just across the strip from where they stood. She watched the amazing dancing water and light show in comfortable silence, soaking in the atmosphere of the city. She was still just a little bit in awe of just how flamboyant this place was.

  She caught Bruce glancing at his watch and just as the fountains finished dancing, he took her by the elbow again. “We have a schedule to keep to tonight if we are going to get to our next surprise. Let’s go.” He walked them both over to the elevator and down once again to the hotel lobby and to the limousine service. As she took her place in the back with him, his cellphone indicated a message had arrived. His face dropped and he excused himself as he shuffled to the other side of the vehicle and promptly set about writing a message to whoever it was on the other end.

  The sudden change in atmosphere piqued Emma’s curiosity. An array of emotions suddenly crossed Bruce’s face, but curious as she was, she didn’t want to interrupt him. Something was clearly wrong, but so questioning him would be too much of an intrusion. To give him some privacy, she reached into her purse and busied herself by checking her emails and messages for any major issues from the office. As expected, Jennie had the place pretty well organized and hadn’t bothered her with much except a brief update of the day’s comings and goings. The rest of the emails and messages weren’t urgent and would wait.

  Within twenty minutes, they had arrived at the main entrance to the MGM Grand Hotel and whatever issues Bruce was having seemed to have him slightly rattled. His face was set in a grim frown and his previously immaculate hair was now all ruffled from the fierce attack his hands had waged on it. He appeared agitated and looked to be almost at war with himself over whether or not he should look at his phone or throw it in the nearest trashcan.

  Taking in a huge breath, he seemed to finally remember Emma was still there. He looked like it was an effort to brush off his sour mood and after taking a few more deep breaths and wiping his shaking hands down his face he finally composed himself. With a shaking hand, he helped her from the car and leaned into the car to quickly tip the driver. He turned and headed to the hotel lobby in a hurry, leaving Emma trailing behind him. His face was pinched and his brow furrowed into a deep scowl. Emma followed him as he headed to the nearest bar. He ordered himself a double scotch and handed her a gin and tonic when the bartender returned with his order. He knocked his drink straight back and immediately ordered another before turning to Emma and sighing, his face like thunder.

  “Everything okay?” she asked as she became increasingly concerned at his sudden change in demeanor.

  “Fuck, no, it isn’t.” He growled as he raked his hand through his already disordered hair, mussing it up more as he downed the second glass of scotch. She saw him wincing at the burn as the liquor went down. He raised his eyes slowly and looked at her, taking in her shocked expression. “God, Emma, I’m so sorry. That was… that was… nothing, and I’m sorry I’m letting it spoil our evening. Please excuse my unforgivably rude behavior. Come, we have tickets for the show that starts in a few minutes. This way.” He ushered her forward as she quickly knocked back the rest of her gin and tonic.

  On top of the wine she’d had at dinner she was beginning to feel marginally drunk. She followed slowly behind Bruce wobbling a little in her heeled pumps that now felt much taller than they had at the beginning of the evening. An angry and brusque man had replaced the attentive gentleman she had started the evening with and she was still slightly perturbed at how agitated that message had appeared to make him.

  As they approached the auditorium, Bruce made an effort to relax and he turned to her, “I hope this is your sort of thing. Cirque Du Soliel is a must for any Las Vegas virgin, in my opinion. It has some of the most stunning choreography and skill I think I have ever witnessed. This particular show hasn’t been running for too long either so I’m pretty excited myself to see it.” He explained, his words clipped and short.

  “I’ve enjoyed everything we’ve seen and done so far and it appears our tastes aren’t dissimilar, Mr. Jenson, so I have high hopes,” she teased, feeling excited at the prospect of seeing a true Las Vegas show. Bruce had done well so far this evening except for the recent interruption. As they took their seats, she heard Bruce’s cell buzzing, but instead of answering whatever message had come through, she heard him curse under his breath. He simply switched it off and shoved it in his back pocket in a show of defiance.

  The performance was stunning and they were both so engrossed that it was coming to an end before either of them knew it.

  “That was truly spectacular! I have never had my heart in my mouth as much as I have tonight. The performers, if that’s what you call them, were out of this world,” Emma gushed as they were leaving the theater.

  “Yes, it is pretty special isn’t it? I always try and catch the show when I’m here. It’s one of my guilty pleasures.” He winked and led her back to the hotel lobby. The Limo service had gone and as he was about to hail a cab, Emma grabbed his arm, “No, let’s walk. I’m feeling a little lightheaded with the drinks from earlie
r and would love a walk to try clear my head a bit. I can see our hotel from here, so it can’t be too far.”

  “Sure, that will be nice. It’s too warm here during the day, but it’s much nicer at night. Here, let me help you.” He wrapped his arm protectively through her arm to keep her from wobbling so much on her heels and they walked the relatively short distance back to their hotel, animatedly replaying the show they had just seen.

  Chapter Twelve

  As they entered the lobby, the place was buzzing. It had been busy earlier in the day, but the evening seemed to have drawn the masses to the casino floor. The slot machines were louder than she had remembered from before and there seemed to be a constant ringing of winning machines that echoed around them. The murmuring and occasional cheering coming from a winning gambler added to the atmosphere. This was the Vegas she had been waiting to see, and although the day had been almost perfect, she was curious.

  “Can we take a walk around? I’ve never seen anything quite like this before,” she said as she scanned the room in awe.

  “Yes, shall we have a nightcap before we head up to the suite?” he suggested as she looked at the bar in the corner.

  “That sounds like a great idea to me.” She smiled, wondering if it was a good idea, considering she still felt a little intoxicated.

  After a quick circuit of the main casino floor they ended up in the Orchid Lounge, a classy cocktail bar just off the lobby area. Ordering another scotch and gin and tonic, Bruce sat them both down in a quiet corner booth. It was quite an intimate setting, away from any other guests and with the lighting subtle and the low music playing, it really would have been a perfect place to end a date. Emma couldn’t help staring at Bruce. He was incredibly good-looking, now that she had the opportunity of really taking him in. She admitted to herself that she was attracted to him. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but as he shrugged off his jacket, loosened his bow tie and unbuttoned the top of his shirt, she realized that he was starting to really have an effect on her. As she continued looked at him, her woozy mind started to drift. Like any other time she had considered intimacy with a guy, an image of Charlie popped into her head, threatening to chase away any feelings she was having. She tried hard to push away the image of the longhaired guy she had seen today, but she was convinced it could have been Charlie. Her mind began racing with thoughts of what her now heated body would like her to do with Bruce. A big part of her brain was telling her to back away because anything she did right now could jeopardize everything she has worked so hard for. But the even bigger part of her was flattered and extremely turned on.


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