Hostile Conquest

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Hostile Conquest Page 1

by Jade James

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  Loose Id Titles by Jade James

  Jade James


  Jade James

  Hostile Conquest

  Copyright © March 2014 by Jade James

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized er esditions.

  Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

  eISBN 9781623006952

  Editor: Maryam Salim

  Cover Artist: Victoria Miller

  Published in the United States of America

  Loose Id LLC

  PO Box 806

  San Francisco CA 94104-0806

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  * * * *

  DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither Loose Id LLC nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

  Chapter One

  “Jazzy, I’m glad you’re here.”

  Jazz smiled at Chris’s voice. She turned and was immediately enveloped in a hug. She pulled back and struggled to concentrate solely on him before she shattered into tears.

  “Where else would I be, Chris? How are you holding up?”

  “That should be my question to you. As soon as the funeral ended yesterday, you were nowhere to be found. I worried about you.”

  “You know after all these years, avoiding my mother is a skill, and I’d figured a head start was warranted. I’m here because of your message. You said Dad wanted his will read immediately. Did he tell you why?”

  Chris nodded and took her elbow, steering her to his closed office door. “He loved you a great deal, Jazz. His urgency about the will reading was because he wanted you situated as soon as possible.”

  She already figured this probably had to do with Cortez Enterprise, but before her father had passed, he gave no indication or explanation about what he’d do with the company. Though she’d worked there since the age of eighteen—beginning on a part-time basis—Jazz simply hadn’t questioned what his intentions were. Dealing with the cancer that ravaged his bones had taken all her concentration. But Jazz had trusted her father would do what was best. When he’d made her vice president the year before, she was sure her father trusted her to take more control in the company. “I don’t understand. Situated how?”

  “It’ll become clear soon. Let’s go inside. Everyone has arrived. You stay strong, Jazz.”

  She knew her mother would be here. “Who else is here?”

  “A few others.”

  Jazz nodded as Chris opened the door and ushered her inside. Her gaze landed immediately on her mother. They shared some physical traits, their height and the cols b"or of their eyes, but that’s where it ended. And for that Jazz was glad.

  Next to her mom stood the very man who’d had an affair with her mother while Maria was still married to Jazz’s father. But then Jazz always suspected Matthew Wayne had involved himself with Maria because of his jealousy toward her father. Cortez Enterprise owned several hotels and restaurants in Manhattan as well as Miami, California, and Texas. They also had another hotel under development in Greece.

  Matthew, owner of Wayne Corp., owned several hotels located throughout New York and New Jersey. But his business reach was nowhere near the level of Cortez Enterprise.

  Her mother took a step toward her. “We’ve been waiting for you for fifteen minutes. It would be more gracious of you to have appeared here on time.”

  She shouldn’t have been surprised that after all these years, criticizing her would be the first thing her mom did. “I am on time. Why is he here?” She’d seen Matthew at the funeral but made a point to avoid him.

  Maria sputtered indignantly. “He is my husband and your stepfather. You will show some respect.”

  “The same respect you showed my father when you had your affair?” God, she didn’t want to do this here, and she sure as hell didn’t want to do it now.

  Stay in control, Jazz.

  “Why don’t we all save this for later and proceed with the reading of the will.”

  Jazz froze as an erotic shiver rushed through her at the sound of the voice. His deep, rich tone somehow melted away the annoyance flaying her at seeing her mother. She wished she could close her eyes and savor his voice for one moment. Instead, she turned and gasped when she saw the man in front of her.

  He was over six feet tall, and at five feet five, Jazz found herself tilting her head back to get a good look at him. The bottom of his black hair was closely cropped to his head, with the top strands longer, styled slickly back. His eyes were a startling gray. She couldn’t help but continue to study him. His lips were full, and Jazz was surprised at the hunger rushing through her at the thought of tasting them. His jaw was square, and she noticed it was clenched. She wondered if it was in annoyance or something else. His nose was a little too long for his face, but endearing, and it seemed to balance out his model-like features. She dropped her gaze and examined his flexing muscled physique pressed against his suit. “Who are you?”

  “That, my dear,” her mother stated, “is your stepbrother.”

  Jazz swallowed. She’d heard her mother’s husband had a son and a daughter, but since she avoided Matthew and her mother like the plague, she never thought she’d meet any of them. And honestly she’d never had a desire to, especially since they were Matthew’s children. But there was something about this man that made her preconceived notions fly out the window.

  The delectable man grinned. “I’d hardly call her my stepsister, since this is the first time we’re actually meeting. My name’s Cade West.”

  His voice was like a hot caress, and to her horror Jazz felt the evidence of her arousal on her panties. What the hell was this instantaneous attraction? She’d never felt anything like it before. She took a step back from him, hoping some distance between them would clear her head.

  “West? Why isn’t your last name Wayne?” Ja
zz found it odd he didn’t possess his father’s name and more importantly wondered why he was here at this reading.

  Cade smiled and reached for her hand. “I wanted to cut ties with my father, so I opted to use my mother’s maiden name instead.” no instea

  “Son, I…”

  Cade lifted his gaze from hers. “Not now,” he growled, before returning his stare to hers. “My condolences on your loss and apologies for not being able to attend the funeral. I had a business trip I couldn’t cancel.”

  Heart still pounding quickly, Jazz could only whisper, “Thank you.” His skin was rough as if he spent time working with his hands, and his flesh against hers caused her clit to throb. What the hell was it about this man?

  “Why don’t we all have a seat so I can begin,” Chris interjected as he picked up his reading glasses.

  Jazz reached for the nearest chair and sat. She focused on Chris, but it wasn’t lost on her that Cade slid into the seat right next to hers. She breathed deeply and tried to calm her arousal down. He was a shocking distraction; one she didn’t need right now.

  “Since most of us are all familiar with one another, and since this is a small gathering, I’m going to skip all the formalities and just jump to it. Please refrain from any comments until I’ve read the will in its entirety. You are all here as requested by William Cortez. And he has distributed his money and properties to be executed as follows: the Manhattan townhouse where Maria continues to reside will be hers. Jazz will inherit the homes I have acquired in New York, Greece, Texas, and Miami, all bank accounts, the vehicles I have bought as well as the jewelry I’ve kept in safe deposit boxes.”

  “How could he?” Maria shouted as rose to her feet. “How could he not leave me money, after all I did for him?”

  “Mrs. Wayne,” Chris interrupted. “Refrain from any more comments, or you’ll be escorted outside.”

  Jazz watched her mother’s face turn a deep shade of red in her anger.

  Chris adjusted his glasses. “As for Cortez Enterprise, the company will be divided into equal shares. The new owners are to be my daughter Jazz, and Cade West.”

  Jazz stiffened, then gasped as the words sank in. She turned to Cade and was even more astonished when there seemed to be no trace of amazement on his face. Had he known all along? But before Jazz could even guess what was going through his head, or even ask, all hell broke loose.

  Chapter Two

  Alcohol was a dangerous thing if one didn’t know their own limits. Cade rarely indulged, but for this occasion a scotch on the rocks was justified. Hell, he had known this day was coming, had taken all necessary precautions in preparing for it by consulting lawyers and having documents drawn up to secure his interests. But now that it was here, it felt surreal as if he’d dreamed up the business proposition that had outlandishly landed in his lap and the one bizarre stipulation that came along with it—making Jazz his wife.

  The fight that followed the will reading was a disaster. Maria apparently didn’t like any of the stipulations and proceeded to verbally attack Jazz with Matthew joining in. Jazz handled it with grace though and simply walked out, probably registering the fact she now had a new partner to contend with.

  But as soon as she’d left, Cade threatened both of them with bodily harm if they so much as sighed in Jazz’s direction. The overwhelming need to protect her was a shocker. A close second was the urge to push her against the wall and fuck her, raw and hard.

  Cade had never expected her to be so attractive. The minute she’d walked into Chris’s office, he’d been enthralled. Her dark brown hair fell to her waist in waves, and it highlighted her petite body. Hertla eyes were bright blue, and her soft lips made him want to taste her. She’d worn a short black dress, and the skin that hadn’t been covered had him wondering how she would feel naked against him. The shoes she wore added six inches to her height, and even her red-painted toenails were delectable. But a vision of those shoes digging into the curve of his back as he thrust his dick inside her had his cock tightening painfully. She was an unexpected surprise, one he desperately wanted to take advantage of.

  Cade’s mind drifted to the first time he’d ever met William as he sipped his drink.

  * * * *

  “I’ve approached you for my own selfish needs,” William stated. “Let me be blunt, Cade, so we waste no time. I’ve had you investigated.”

  “For what purpose?”

  “The only thing I’ve ever held dear in my life is Jazz. By proposing fifty percent ownership of Cortez Enterprise to you, I want your word that you’ll watch over her. No harm is ever to come to her, and you are to make her your wife.”

  Cade carefully hid all traces of shock. “Excuse the repetitiveness, but I need to be clear. You’re going to give me half of your company, which is worth eight hundred million, if I agree to make Jazz my wife?”

  William’s gaze didn’t waver. “Precisely.”

  “You obviously know who my father is. Why me?”

  “Like I stated before, I’ve been made aware of your history. You cut ties with your father when you were a senior in high school due to his treatment of your mother. I was able to obtain a police report where he had attacked her, and just right before that he’d managed to steal a few million from his own daughter’s trust fund.”

  Cade lifted a brow. “I guess Matthew didn’t bury those files deep enough.”

  “I’m sure you couldn’t care if the world knew what a rotten bastard he is. I’ve dug deep, but I found more than what I was looking for.”

  “You have my attention.”

  “Your background is quite impressive. Once you were done with college, you started your own restaurant business. You never once took a dime from your mother, and within a year your first venture with Gramercy Tavern netted significant profits. You have expanded your locations in several of the finest cities in the world. You are a millionaire several times over in your own right, achieving success from the ground up. That is extremely admirable.”

  “Go on, Mr. Cortez.”

  “But what’s impressed me most is how you’ve taken care of your mother and sister. Let’s face the facts; your father and my ex-wife are conniving liars. A man like you would easily put them in their place. My daughter is a strong woman, Cade, but she’s also very young. She will need someone even stronger by her side.”

  “I have to say there aren’t too many men in this world who manage to surprise me. Have you spoken to her about any of this?”

  “No, and for my own personal reasons, I’m not willing to tell her right now. I have at the most months to live. I can have our attorneys meet, then draw up papers. Are you interested in discussing this further?”

  * * * *

  Cade’s phone beeped, jolting him out of the past. But he remembered each detail of every meeting he’d attended with William. He reached for his cell and clicked the text icon open.

  We need to talk. Meet me at my place. 1200 Brisbane Blvd. I’ll be waiting. Jazz.

  He rose to his feet and tossed oth and tomoney on the counter to pay for his drinks before walking out. Anticipation had his blood burning with lust. Cade had toyed with the idea of giving her two or three days at the most to get used to having him around. He’d had every intention of confronting her, first in a business setting, then in a personal one. But if she preferred the confrontation to happen now, he had no problems with showing her that he wouldn’t be easy to get rid of.


  * * * *

  Jazz kicked off her heels, feeling instant relief. Walking around in those monstrosities for hours always took its toll on her poor feet. She froze at the sound of her cell ringing and grimaced once she saw who it was. She was tempted to shut her phone off as she let voice mail pick up the third phone call from her mother today. She’d have to deal with her sooner or later, but she’d do it on her own terms and much, much later.

  There was an abundant amount of details to digest from the will reading alone, all of which along with
her emotions threatened to consume her. She was admittedly shocked her father had given half his company away to a stranger. But even more so to Cade. He was her stepbrother. But the fact didn’t faze her, mainly because their meeting had happened in adulthood. His connection to Matthew bothered her though, and there wasn’t anything she could do about that. It did intrigue her that the two seemed to be at odds with each other. She wondered what caused it.

  God, if only her best friend Jax were here, she’d feel calmer. He’d been there for the funeral and burial. But an urgent work conference had pulled him away. Thank God it was just an overnight trip, and he was due to arrive back tomorrow.

  Jazz sipped her glass of chardonnay as she viewed the copies of the business contract and will that Chris had sent her. All seemed to be in order, but she couldn’t help but feel slightly hurt not knowing what her dad’s true intentions were. She’d been so focused on him and work during the time he’d been so ill she’d assumed he’d leave everything to her. It wasn’t an illogical assumption. She was nothing like her greedy mother. The fact her mother even managed to conceive her sometimes amazed her. But Jazz always assumed it was to placate her father.

  She downed the rest of her wine and poured herself another glass. Friday nights were usually spent winding down from the long week at the office, but Chris had been so kind to include Cade’s personal and business background, and she’d spent the last hour studying each detail. At thirty-four years of age, he was a rich man with several businesses in some of the wealthiest locations. She was surprised to see he also had partial ownership in the New York Observer, with his mother being the majority holder. It seemed Cade was a man to be admired, having acquired his first fine-dining restaurant on his own. Chris also included the fact Cade had done this without asking his parents for a penny. It was even more commendable, and she respected the direction he’d taken. Breaking ties with family was never easy.


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