Hostile Conquest

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Hostile Conquest Page 2

by Jade James

  Still, she had a lot of questions only Cade could answer.

  The sound of her doorbell signaled his arrival, and Jazz froze. She’d notified the doorman she would be expecting a Cade West, and under no circumstances should her mother be allowed into the building. So this was definitely him.

  Admittedly, it had been an impulsive decision to ask him over, considering she’d only met him earlier. And now her nerves had her shaking with apprehension as she walked over to the door. Not second-guessing herself any longer, she opened it. Instantly it hit her—the awareness of how this man could alter her life. He was just as devastatingly handsome as when she san t when sw him earlier.

  Jazz’s core tightened in response to just the mere sight of him, and she felt her skin turn hot, even feverish, with yearning. God, this man was the epitome of what a delicious male was. He’d shed the tie and jacket he’d worn earlier, and she could now see he was solidly built as she’d guessed earlier, his muscles visible through the white shirt he wore. She licked her dry lips and said, “Come in.”

  He stepped into her foyer, and she closed the door as she noticed his large hands were fisted. The tension between them sizzled. Every muscle in him seemed to be strained. Her gaze traveled up to his face. Cade’s lips were pressed into a grimace.

  “Am I inconveniencing you? If you have some other place to be, we can reschedule this.” Instead of thanking him for arriving so quickly, she realized she was goading him, and as soon as she said the words, the air seemed to burn hotter.

  He walked over to her and didn’t stop until her back was pressed against the wall. It took every ounce of willpower she had to remain still and not leap into his arms.

  “There’s obviously something on your mind. What is it?”

  He leaned down and skimmed his lips over hers and whispered, “You.”

  What ensued was a passion she’d never felt before, and drenching in its heat made her all too aware that she’d only ever had one lover. He pressed his mouth against hers; Jazz couldn’t help but whimper. His answering groan caused her nipples to tighten as he slipped his tongue between her lips. He tasted of sweet liquor mixed with a unique flavor that was his own, and she wondered if she could come from just his kiss alone. He plunged his tongue into her mouth like he wanted to fuck her, mimicking the act that would inevitably happen between them. She felt him lower his hands to her breasts and pinch her nipples. A bolt of heat sizzled her cunt, and her arousal shot through the roof.

  And suddenly everything became too much and not enough at the same time. Jazz wrapped her arms around his neck before pulling back from his delicious mouth. “Take me.” She wanted…no, needed to be fucked by him, furious and fast. Such a hunger was new to her, and it seemed to swallow her whole.

  But it was as if Cade had been waiting for those exact words, because everything after that occurred at breakneck speed.

  He pushed her dress up to her waist and ripped the thong from her body. Her flesh stung because of the pull of her panties, and she moaned, helpless to stop any of it. He lifted her, and then she encircled his waist with her legs. His belt bit into the curve of her ass, and it only served to heighten her desire. He reached below and released his erection, rubbing the crown against her wet pussy. She whimpered, wishing she could take him into her mouth and her pussy at the same time.

  “God, you make me so fucking hot for you,” Cade growled as he gripped his cock and soaked it in her juices. “Just for you.”

  His statement stirred her craving for him. “Fuck me!” The words were out of her mouth, and she swore she’d never regret saying them. This act was the most impulsive thing she’d ever done, and she was going to allow it full control. Something about Cade drove out the wildest part of her.

  He slipped an inch inside her before stopping and gritting his teeth. “Wait!”

  Oh God! Wait? Right now? She tightened her legs around him and gasped, “What?”

  “I’m completely clean and have never fucked anyone like this. I’ll e-mail you my doctor’s report.” His words were rushed, and she saw his face strain with lust.

  She squirmed on his dick, unalowis dickble to hold still at the hunger clawing her body. She was drenched and could feel her cream coating his cock. “Okay, okay. Likewise I can send mine over as well, and I’m on birth control. So there’s nothing…”

  Jazz was suspended in ecstasy as she screamed his name when he plunged his dick fully inside her. Her sex slid down his pulsing erection, and her clit hit the base of his cock. She whispered, “Cade, more. Give me more.”

  “Fuck, Jazz. I wasn’t expecting this between us. But I want you to feel my cum in your tight pussy, and I want you to remember that this will happen again.” His gray eyes seemed to darken as he picked up the pace, shafting her faster. He fucked her brutally, and she was sure the tip of his cock touched her womb. Her nails dug into his shoulder muscles, and she easily felt his unyielding strength. He angled her body, forcing her somehow even closer to him, and the swirl of the orgasm erupted suddenly, taking her by surprise. She panted and pulled his head down for a kiss, then swept her tongue against his as she moaned long and deep, her cream flowing on his dick. The climax seemed to go on forever, and then his cock throbbed heavily before erupting into her pussy, his hands flexing on her hips.

  “Oh Jazz. I’m coming so fucking hard.”

  He groaned, pressing his body so tightly against her it would take just seconds for her to be aroused once more. Minutes later and still both panting very heavily, Cade lifted his piercing gaze to hers. “Now we can talk.”

  And then it dawned on her, if given to him, this man would have the power to break her heart. She managed to untangle herself from him and ran to th

  e bathroom without another word.

  Chapter Three

  Cade steeled himself and tried to calm the racing beat of his heart as he sat on the sofa and waited for Jazz to return. He fought the need to follow her and take her once more, preferably in a bed where he could spend hours giving her pleasure. At just first glance, the second she walked into Chris’s office, Cade had known their sexual collision would be inevitable, but it hadn’t been his intention to screw her against the wall. Shit, by all rights she should be running from him.

  But as soon as she she’d opened the door, all his objectives had flown right out of the window. There she’d been barefoot, a diamond bracelet around her ankle, which he hadn’t noticed before, and still wearing the sexy black dress she’d worn earlier. She’d looked so damn hot he hadn’t been able to think straight, and he’d never had a woman drive him so wild by mere sight alone. What he felt for her, he couldn’t exactly describe yet, but it was exhilarating. And he realized nothing in this world could make him halt his pursuit of her. This was all new to him, and he should tread very carefully.

  Nevertheless, he was in a damn hard place. Keeping his word to her father was the honorable thing to do. At the same time his conscience told him if he meant to pursue this with her, the truth would be the wisest route. Though he had no children of his own, he understood William’s protective instincts toward Jazz. He honestly wanted to shield her from any hurt. But how would she feel about her father’s request that rivaled ancient marriage customs?

  “What were you thinking of just now?”

  Cade’s head snapped up as her soft voice caused his muscles to tighten in lust. She’d changed out of the dress and was now wearing a white silk tank and shorts. She looked utterly delicious, and he swore the next time he made her come it would be in his mouth. “If you’d taste just as sweet as you looked.” He held the unsteadiness th stat worked through him at the thought of having her sweet orgasm sliding down his throat. Christ, but he hungered for her with a passion that shocked him.

  She blushed and slid onto the seat next to him. “What happened earlier…it wasn’t why I had called you here. I wanted to talk to you.” She licked her lips, then swallowed. And the image of her sucking his cock, licking at his flesh assailed him. He
pushed the fantasy away for now.

  “I find if people are upfront about certain things, there will be no confusion later on,” he said carefully. “I want you, Jazz. When I stated earlier you were an unexpected surprise, I meant it. And just so we’re clear, I want to continue seeing you on a personal basis, in and out of bed.”

  A mysterious look crossed her face—one he couldn’t decipher—and he hoped she regretted nothing between them. He hadn’t even asked if she was in a relationship. He was a bastard when he needed to be, and at this point even if she were seeing someone, it wouldn’t matter. He’d pursue her anyway.

  “I don’t think what happened should occur again for several reasons.”

  He forced himself to remain casual. “Are you seeing someone?”

  “No. Of course not. I would’ve never asked you—”

  “To fuck you against the wall?” It was crude of him but nevertheless the truth.

  She huffed. “That is not who I am. We just met earlier in the day. I don’t exactly regret what happened. But you can’t blame me for having reservations about this.”

  Her words flowed through him, and he was disconcerted by the way they affected him. No way in hell was he going to let her slide with that, without explaining her uncertainties. If she thought he would simply walk away from her, she was wrong. And not because he’d made a promise to her father. He wanted her. He meant to have her and not just for one damn night. “State your doubts then.”

  “Well, you are my new business partner.” She looked down, then fidgeted with the seam of her shorts. “To avoid personal complications that can occur in the corporate world, I think on that basis alone, we should only view this as a work partnership.” She raised her gaze to his once more.

  If that’s all she had, she had nothing to keep him away. “There are also more than a few in the corporate world who’ve maintained successful personal relationships, and have learned to keep the two separate. I understand this is a lot to take in, but I believe once we’ve established a routine in our new partnership, we can make sure it doesn’t interfere with our personal one.” He did have visions of bending her over an office desk and fucking her from behind. But to let her in on that would probably frighten her. He heard the vulnerability in her voice, and the last thing Cade wanted to do was push her away with his intensity. “For now, all I’m asking is for a few dates to see where this could potentially lead.” Though he knew exactly where he would be leading them.

  She arched an adorable brow, and he had to wonder if she did sense how much he wanted her again. “What about our parents?”

  He grinned, but not in amusement. “What about them?”

  “The picture was quite clear earlier, each of us have maintained distance for personal reasons from both. However, they are married to each other, and by law we are family.”

  He sure as hell wasn’t thinking of family when he plunged his dick into her tight, wet cunt. His cock pressed against his pants, the hunger for her still strong. “Hardly. I can concede on paper that may be the case, but in every which way it counts, you know damn well we will never considhavnever cer each other as siblings.” Such a thought horrified him. “Especially after what occurred earlier.”

  “It doesn’t change the facts, but I do agree I could never view you as such.” She sighed. “I’m still not convinced, Cade. Mixing business with pleasure will only bring us trouble. And truly, what do I know about you, other than the fact we now have a business relationship? Which can only lead me to the conclusion, what we did earlier was a mistake.”

  Her bottom lip trembled, and Cade saw the wariness in her gaze. Today must’ve been one hell of a day, and he suddenly felt like a bastard for taking advantage of her. Cade moved closer to her and picked up her hand, then squeezed it. “I’m pretty sure you have plenty of questions surrounding your father’s will, and some personal ones as well. Once we get those out of the way and talk in detail about Cortez Enterprise, I can assure you everything else can and will fall into place.” He would make damn sure of it.

  She licked her lips and pulled her hand from his. “My father, at some point, must have told you his intentions regarding his business. When did he approach you?”

  “About a year ago, and to say it was unexpected would be an understatement. He did make it known he was gravely ill, and wanted all legal documents taken care of as soon as possible. But it was all still a shocking proposition.”

  “You had no knowledge of his intentions beforehand? No phone calls, e-mails, or letters from him?”


  “And you never approached him on your own?”

  “No. Your father made the first move.”

  Jazz shook her head. “I have a hard time believing this business plan came out of the blue for you.”

  He narrowed his eyes, slightly annoyed at the questions. Yes, he had hidden motives, but he would be as truthful as he could be with her. “I can understand your doubts. Nevertheless, it does not change the facts.”

  “Then why you?”

  Cade was still asking himself that very question. William had stated his reasons why, but Cade had spent months investigating any secretive objectives. He hadn’t found any. If William had any secrets, he’d kept them well concealed.

  Though this would be the chance to tell her the complete truth, impulsively he’d decided now wasn’t the right time. He got the sense she was emotionally too fragile at this moment with all the details she had to digest being so raw and fresh. “When your father approached me, he was well advised of my past. According to William, he’d made his decision based on his investigation.”

  “Chris has forwarded me a copy of the will, which my father required I have, and a detailed report on your history.”

  Cade nodded. “I would expect nothing less. He talked about you frequently and expressed his greatest desire to be your protection.”

  “It still doesn’t directly answer why he chose you. I don’t get it, Cade. We’re missing more than just a few facts here.”

  “Perhaps he chose me solely based on my lack of connection with my father. It would have also been conceivably ideal for William to select someone who had the experience to handle the business with you. I can say though through our meetings we’ve had, he loved you a great deal.”

  Jazz rose to her feet. “I’m only going to ask you this once. If this is meant to work, if I’m even going to contemplate our business relationship working, you have to be completely honest with me. We have to be able to trust each other, at least professionally. Are you hiding something? Do you have some sort of hidden atio of hidgenda? I’d rather know now.”

  Cade stood, instantly comprehending she needed space or at the very least a good night’s rest. She looked to be enduring it all in stride, but everyone had a breaking point. He didn’t want to be hers. “Your father saw my corporate experience, and it was one of the things he based his decision on. He wanted us to work together to expand Cortez Enterprise. I’m an open book, Jazz, and I do agree for this to work, we have to trust each other.”

  “It’s been a long day, Cade. And I’d like to get some rest. For now, I have one more question. Will you ever consider allowing me to buy your half of the business? I would make a very generous offer, and you’d be able to walk away free and clear. You would never have to think about Cortez Enterprise again.”

  Carefully schooling his features, Cade refused to allow her to see how much the question bothered him. From a professional point of view, expanding the business and combining a few with his restaurants would potentially gain him millions in revenue. From a personal one, he would never contemplate a buyout, not after having had one taste of her. She was nothing like he’d expected. He never thought he’d want her this much.

  Still blindsided by her query, Cade turned from her. “Truthfully, that’s not something I’d ever consider. Have a good night, Jazz.” And before he could give i

  n to his desire to carry her off to bed, he walked away.
  Chapter Four

  Jazz dressed casually in a white tank top and black sailor shorts and flats, intending to head to the spa for a few hours with Jax. He’d called to let her know he was on his way. She put on concealer under her eyes to hide the fact she hadn’t slept a wink. Hopefully, it would make a difference and no one would detect the dark circles.

  Cade had tormented her night. The way he’d fucked her and simply taken her over the edge with such ferocity made her want to pursue him. And she’d been tempted last night to give in to him for numerous reasons. Having a man who held such control in the business world lured her into contemplating what would it be like to have him at her side. She would find that out soon enough. That same power in the corporate world would hold in his personal one. He was just that type of man. She wanted to luxuriate in his controlled presence.

  Having had only one lover as a senior in high school, then a breakup to rival any soap opera drama, Jazz chose to focus on her schooling. But then familial obligations had taken up all her time, and it was easier to dive into work, rather than try her hand at dating.

  And in just literally one day of meeting him, Cade made her want to change that.

  Could she trust him? Was all this too soon? At the same time, her gut told her she was overthinking it all.

  Her offer to buy his half of the company had been a genuine one. She suspected he wouldn’t have taken it, but that fact hadn’t stopped her from making it. She’d respected Cade even more after his rejection of her proposition. It meant he wanted a future with Cortez Enterprise and not just the easy way out.

  Her cell phone buzzed, alerting her to a new text.


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