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Page 26

by L. G. Pace III

  It’s not your fault.

  I nodded to myself as if I’d just solved some great riddle. None of it was my fault. It wasn’t Molly’s either. We’d both been to hell and back a few times. And we might hit rough patches in the future. But as I watched her gently lay our son in his toddler bed, I knew with unwavering certainty that we were going to be okay. No matter what lay ahead of us I was with the girl I was meant to be with.

  She crept in my direction and we left his room together. As we crossed the living room in the direction of the kitchen, we glanced around at all the gift bags and boxes.

  “We’re gonna need a bigger house.” She joked, her bright smile inspiring me to touch her.

  I stopped, wrapping my arms around her waist and pressing my forehead to hers.

  “Still love me even though I have facial disfigurement?” I couldn’t get the question out without a small chuckle.

  “You’re as handsome as ever. Just ask my grandmother.” She joked, but when she saw my expression waver, she seemed to realize that I was genuinely concerned.

  Backing me up against the pantry door, she traced her thumb over the scar. She followed it up by pulling my face down so she could graze the scar with her lips.

  “Joe...there is nothing sexier than this scar.” She replied, her eyes boring relentlessly into mine. “Every time I look at you it reminds me just how far you’ll go for me and the kids.”

  I accepted the kisses she showered me with and gripped her tightly against me. Our tongues danced, and when we broke away from the kiss, our breathing was labored. I pulled her against my chest, wondering if she could hear my hammering heart. I hoped so, since every inch of it belonged to her.

  “I’d move Heaven and Earth for you, Baby Girl.” She gave me that seductive smirk of hers and skimmed her fingers over the back of my neck.

  “Well in that case, Cowboy...why don’t you come rock my world right now?” She zipped away in the direction of our bedroom, with me just a half step behind her.

  A big “Lone Star Thank You”

  to the following sexy people who helped to make this book possible:

  Laura Wilson: Not sure how long you’ve been beta’ing, but it seems like we’ve been together forever. Thanks for making time for all the “blah blah blah”. We trust you implicitly, and consider you the dark black cloud that blocks our silver lining. That being said, you’ve become a critical part of our process, and we wouldn’t change a hair on your head.

  Tamron Davis: How do we love thee? Let us count the ways: you’re the yin to Lara’s yang. Your belief in me (Michelle) is far beyond what I deserve, and I consider you my very own Kathy Bates from Misery. Your stalking abilities know no bounds, and when you aren’t acting as my real life P.A., you totally should be our research assistant.

  Jay McAtee: Sweetie Darling, Darling Sweetie…what would we do without your solid fashion advice and droll sense of humor? Kiss kiss. Thanks for reading and chiming in. And thanks for letting us use your name and likeness.

  Robin Harper (Wicked by Design): You really outdid yourself this time, Sweetcheeks. This is my favorite cover (Michelle), but I have no doubt they’ll just get better and better. Thank you for being so completely amazing to work with. Your flexibility and amazing talent humble us.

  Stacy Darnell: One of the sweetest, most generous people we know. Thanks for continuing to support our endeavors, even with your own books in the works. Your enthusiasm is contagious. <3 you! We did name Stacy after you…but you are much less slutty.

  Lisa Fox: Thanks for letting us plagiarize your personality for our character, Lisa! Always remember, you’re in the entourage. And yes, we can never run for office because you know where all of our skeletons are hidden.

  Brett Lewis: Hail to our straight male beta reader! Your straight (heh) talk and late night pm’s helped keep us on track and motivated. It was a fun parallel that you were on the road to fatherhood during this series, though we’re not sure you’d agree. Hope we didn’t traumatize you!

  Morgan McNeil: Thanks for eating ribs with us and helping Michelle crash a wedding. Nicely done! You were a wonderful location scout and we appreciate every minute of your time. Next time we come to Austin, you’re going stalking with us.

  Andrea Barry: Thanks for always showing up to like, comment and share. We’re glad you were so into Molly and Joe. Thanks for being you and all you do! If you ever get to Texas, be sure to look us up.

  Shannon Lewis: Though your questions make us want to choke you from time to time, it’s really more of a choke/hug. Thanks for pushing us, challenging us, and continuing to show up every time. :D

  Linda Cotter: Our biggest book whore hands down. Thankyou-thankyou-thankyou for working your fingers to the bone to make sure the word gets out about us and our books. Bookworms like you are the reason we do what we do. Molly and Joe love you, too.

  Sally Bouley: Oh my Chuck! My (Michelle) virtual P.A. and all around awesome gal. Thanks for abusing so many pictures of Jensen and Ruby for our amusement. The eye candy is good for the flow of creative juices. We’re so glad to have you in the entourage, and hope you chose to stick around for the next journey.

  Chelle Northcutt: Thanks for discovering us, and thanks for continuing to take the time to beta, even with all your recent success in your own book endeavors. We appreciate your candor and unflinching opinions. We’re both thrilled you like what we do. Much love to ya!

  Kara King: You never cease to amaze us with what you get done between ambulance trips. Thanks for being an awesome fan/beta reader and your constant support. Your perseverance is inspirational, and we’re glad we keep you entertained. Air kisses. Tell Draven we’re sorry that his namesake turned out to be such a “black hat”.

  Elaine Mosgofian: Oh, Elaine. We hope you enjoyed being a citizen in Crazy Town as much as we enjoyed having you. Sorry we’re not sorry we named our cheating backstabber after you. Don’t hold it against us too much.

  Allie Morlan: Thanks to our “baby beta” for taking time out of her busy school schedule to run our work through the “youth filter”. We appreciate you representing the younger end of the demographic. Hope you stick around for more!

  Stacey Grice: A special shout out to you for the back up medical consulting. It’s a relief to have another author combing over our work. We know how hard that is when you work and write, and we love you for it. P.S. The term “Scrunchie” is forever banned from our vocabulary.

  Julie Titus (JT Formatting): We’re writing this before you’ve even seen this manuscript, and yet we’re unflinchingly confident that we’ll love what you do You’ve been with me (Michelle) from the first book, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thanks for being consistently awesome and always flexible. You’re contribution has saved us many sleepless nights.

  Mindy Badgett (Schooled Editing): Thanks for working your ass off to make this happen. We appreciate all the suggestions, even the ones we just can’t take. We thoroughly enjoyed the alcohol-fueled brainstorming and commiserating.

  And a ginormous thanks to Ruby Franco and Jensen Ackles, for serving as the picture perfect inspirations for Molly and Joe. We couldn’t have dreamed up better muses. Here’s hoping y’all play them in the movies one day. Thanks for putting up with all of our cyber stalking. We assure you, it is the highest form of flattery.

  L.G. Pace III has spent several decades pouring creative energy into other things besides writing. He began his current journey by telling his two daughters bedtime stories about a magical realm and a hero named Terel. Though that story is still sitting unfinished in the electronic universe he has managed to bring two other stories out of the dark maelstrom of his mind for others to enjoy.

  He dwells in the great state of Texas with his wife, novelist Michelle Pace and their children.



  The Lost One



>   Twitter: @PACEWRITE

  Michelle Pace lives in north Texas with her husband, Les, who is also a novelist. She is the mother of two lovely daughters, Holly and Bridgette, and one uber-charismatic son, Kai. A former singer and actress, Michelle has always enjoyed entertaining people and is excited to continue to do so as a writer.


  Crazy Love

  Something’s Come Up (with Andrea Randall)

  Fury (with Tammy Coons)

  Rage (with Tammy Coons)

  The Perpetual Quest for the Perfect Life (with Tammy Coons)

  Kiss Kiss



  Twitter: @MichelleKPace



  Good Wood (a Carved Hearts novel, Book One)

  Mollywood (a Carved Hearts Novel, Book Two)




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