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Blyssful Lies

Page 1

by J. C. Cliff


  Published by


  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Author Notes


  Published by © J.C. Cliff LLC, 2014

  Blyssful Lies

  Copyright © 2014 by J.C. Cliff

  All rights reserved

  Edited by Kayla Robichaux, Hot Tree Editing

  Cover Design © Sommer Stein

  with Perfect Pear Creative Covers

  Celtic Knot Medallion Necklace

  Silver Insanity

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the author/publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Blyss is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in the book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental, and not intended by the author. Please do not take offense to the content, as it is FICTION. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  FBI Anti-Piracy Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Except for the original material written by the author, all songs, song titles, lyrics, book titles, and excerpts mentioned in this novel are the property of the respective songwriters, authors and copyright holders.


  I’ve been irritable all week, wrought with tension and pent up energy, waiting for this particular engagement to finally get here. Now, since the waiting is over, I’m contending with the anticipation of finally making her mine. I have been dying to touch her again, run my fingers through her hair, wrap her in my arms and feel her sweet body pressed against mine. She is my dream come true, and the years of diligently planning, preparing, and executing, just to get to this point in time, have me in a euphoric state of mind. It’s been a hell of a long road, and I haven’t slept much since the day my men brought her into the facility.

  From the very moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she would be my undoing. The first time I met her was at her father’s estate years ago. Her father and I had spoken several times on the phone, regarding a business venture I wanted him to invest in. After several conversations, he finally asked me to meet him at his estate in person. It wasn’t too long after that, I found myself driving out to his mansion with contracts and paperwork in hand, ready to finalize the deal.

  When I knocked on Mr. Oakley’s front door, I was greeted by what I thought to be an angel dressed in pink. She introduced herself as Julianna, and she knew exactly who I was. Apparently, her father had been running late, told her he was expecting me, and left her with a set of instructions to see me inside. Her bright blue eyes were mystical, full of life and curiosity as she invited me into their home. Julianna all but danced and chatted with animation, escorting me to their sunroom, where I was to wait for her father.

  After showing me into the sunroom, she turned to leave, and I didn’t want her to. I found the words slipping from my mouth before I could stop them, asking her to stay and keep me company. Being the ever-sweet hostess with her guest, she happily complied, and I’ll always remember our warm and friendly conversation with infinite detail and fondness.

  With each minute spent in conversation, I had become so mesmerized and drawn to her charm. I knew she was going to be highly desirable once she reached the legal age. She had an allurement about her I couldn’t describe; all I knew was her persona held uncountable qualities, including a strong vitality for life. Everything about her was addicting.

  She was in her mid-teens, brilliant, and unusually attractive for someone her age. I was astounded at how mature she came across, not to mention she was beyond her years in her ability to hold a conversation at length. We talked and laughed about nothing in particular, passing the time together until her father showed.

  When her father finally arrived, she got up to depart from the sunroom, leaving her father and me in private to discuss business, and I immediately felt bereft of her company. I could’ve spent the entire day with her and still felt the loss the very moment we separated. She didn’t know it at the time, but she had pulled me into her enchanted spell the second she opened the door to her house. I swear it was love at first sight. I’ve had hundreds of women before and after her, and none of them have ever been able to compare to her sweet innocence and beauty, both inside and out. I knew then I had to have her for my very own, and I’d do whatever it took to make it happen.

  By the end of the first week, I was already counting down the years, months, and days in my head as to how long I’d have to wait for her. I decided while biding my time I would put her under my own personal surveillance team. Within a month of first meeting her, I went ahead and put systems in place, having every one of her moves monitored. I kept close tabs on her every day, and nothing she did could get by me.

  Every morning, I would receive daily updates of her; it was the highlight of my day. For every year that went by, I became more and more desperate to have her for my very own. It was like chasing a carrot on a string as she teased me from afar with her growing maturity, grace, and beauty. I didn’t think it was possible for her to get any more gorgeous and alluring than she already had, but she did.

  The closest I had ever come to touching her was last Christmas. Her father had hosted a corporate party attended by over one hundred guests. She was too enamored with Adam to pay any notice or attention to the guests that evening. Seeing her and Adam together—up close and personal, and not through a computer screen—only drove me more insane with jealousy. When I found out her dating phase with Adam turned serious, it was all I could do to not rip the boy’s head off.

  I knew at that point nothing in this world would stop me from making her mine. Having a shit load of money just made it so much easier to keep tabs on her and allowed me to acquire her through any means possible to see this through.

  I had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to unfold with the patience of a saint, biding my time until I could finally claim her. She would eventually come to realize how perfect we were for each other, and I knew she would come to desire me just as much as I did her once I got her sequestered. She would want for nothing, and there is no one on this earth who could love her more
than I do.

  I’m pulled from my reminiscent thoughts when my phone buzzes in the left breast pocket of my suit. I must have been in deep thought, because the vibrations startle me. I pull the phone out of my pocket and check the text message. Apparently, the hairdresser just now finished with Julianna’s hair, calling it some sort of up-do, and she’s finally ready and waiting for me to escort her to the dinner party upstairs.

  Glancing down, I check the time on my Constantin watch. Only ten more minutes to go and I will be able to stake my final claim on her. I feel like a kid on prom night, and I can’t seem to wait another minute. Both Travis and I agreed to keep her confined for the past week as we waited for my princess to acquire a new attitude. She was finally under my thumb, and it was the only thing giving me any semblance of peace over these past couple weeks.

  Every time I’d sit down to watch her on the monitors, I would pass some of my time entertaining myself by running amusing scenarios through my mind, which consisted of me taking her in every conceivable way possible. I’ve been vacillating, wanting to claim her immediately, versus whipping her ass raw from the stunt she pulled with her birthday cake; I may just do both.

  Too bad she screwed up her birthday party. I had some nice surprises lined up for her. The morning of her birthday, I had placed a wrapped present on her kitchen table, a little surprise for her to wake up to. Knowing eighties music was one of her vices, I wanted to surprise her with a new iPod Touch. I had it filled to the max with all of her favorite music, but she ruined that too. I hope by now she’s learned her lesson.

  I’ve had some time to cool off over the birthday debacle, but it doesn’t seem as if Travis has. He took her poor behavior personally, because he’s never failed in his trainings, and she pissed him off something bad. I don’t ever remember him losing his shit before, not to this extent anyway. Thinking about how she was able to get under Travis’ skin and slink past his stone facade has me chuckling out loud to myself.

  She should be dying to go anywhere right about now, after being in solitary confinement for the past week. She hasn’t seen daylight in weeks, and I’m sure she’d be happy to get out, even if it’s spending time with me.

  I’m fairly certain she’s beginning to acquire feelings for me. The way she responded to me on her birthday, I could see her fighting her inner desires at certain moments. I’m not sure what elicited her to destroy her birthday cake, but I can only surmise it had something to do with Travis. Something set her off, and it was crystal clear she seemed truly put off by his presence.

  I was so pissed off at Travis for getting overly intimate with her, and the day I confronted him about it, he almost didn’t walk away. Seeing my buddy’s dick in Julianna’s mouth set me off like a freighter full of lit fireworks. Even though Julianna didn’t know any better, he did. Once I calmed down, however, I was able to reason with myself. I decided her little rendezvous wasn’t totally her fault. Blyss is some powerful shit, and it would only stand to reason she would desire to obtain something more sexual than what she had received. But I still plan on teaching her a valuable lesson, one she won’t soon forget. She is to touch no one from now on, not unless I give the green light, which would be never, since I’m a very jealous man.

  After seeing their little interlude, I couldn’t sit on the sidelines anymore, not without hurting someone. I found myself scrutinizing and analyzing every single one of their touches, kisses, and glances. I fucking cringed each and every time I had to watch them interact, so I went ahead and put an end to their little escapade.

  Waving my hand over the sensor of Julianna’s door, it automatically clicks open. I take a deep breath before entering her room, praying there will be no catastrophes tonight. With Travis out of town, there should be no interruptions or him feeling the need to intervene in my personal life.

  From now on, if she steps out of line, I will be the one to set her straight. It’s been two weeks since her capture, and surely the Blyss has got to be pumping through her blood stream by now like a well-oiled machine. I know I’m a bit overbearing at times, but dammit, it’s warranted, since it seems I’ve waited a lifetime to acquire her.

  I step inside her room and a thrill skates down my spine as her lithe form kneels on the tiled floor before me. The very sight of her immediate submission has my next breath getting lodged in my throat, and my eyes gleam with pride, my ego stroked.

  To lay eyes on her in person is a thousand times better than viewing her through a camera lens; just her very presence makes me feel alive. Her blonde hair is pulled up, held by a stylish clip, with a few curled tendrils purposefully escaping her up-do. When she bows her head, the curls slope forward, spilling over the length of her neck.

  I saunter in casually, allowing my eyes to devour her every curve from this height. Her cocktail dress is a light shade of red, with jeweled beads scattered in a complementary design across her bodice. Her dress barely holds in her billowing, creamy white breasts, and from this angle, I can see where her cleavage meets her breastbone. I watch in fascination as her breasts rise and fall in quick succession. She’s nervous, and it’s sexy as hell.

  I reach down, place both my forefingers under her chin, and tilt her head back to make her look at me, but she eludes me by fluttering her eyes closed. She has me enthralled by her angelic features, long eyelashes, and heart-shaped lips. She screams sexy, elegant, and graceful, and she’s such a natural seductress, but doesn’t even know it. I’m pleased the make-up artist went au naturel with her colors, just enough to highlight her already prominent features. It’s going to take every bit of self-control I have in order to wait ’til after this party is over to take what I want.

  I can feel blood rushing to my cock as I think about those sweet lips wrapping their warmth around my length. “You may open your eyes, Princess.” My deep voice cuts through the silence. When her eyes slowly open, she finds my lips stretched into a broad smile. “You are breathtaking. Did you know that?” To her credit, she stays quiet and doesn’t reply. However, I’ve not had the pleasure of hearing her lyrical voice as much as I’d like over the past two weeks. I want her to smile, laugh, and relax with me the way she did with Travis.

  Letting go of her chin, I reach down gently and clasp her elbows, helping her up off the hard floor. “Come, we don’t want you ruining your lovely dress.” As she slowly stands to her full height, revealing her entire figure to me, I swallow hard in awe. Her dress hugs her every sumptuous curve and stops mid-thigh, revealing long, sleek, sexy legs. Unashamedly, I run my gaze down the length of her body and back up again to meet her brightly lit blue eyes, noticing she’s wearing the dangling diamond earrings I bought for her. I’m enamored by her presence. “You’re absolutely, breathtakingly exquisite, my love.”

  I can barely whisper out the words. Standing this close to her, my nostrils flare in excitement. I inhale the smell of her perfume, holding my breath so I can savor it, and commit it to memory. The fragrance is light, yet sensual. I take a step inward, closing the distance between us. She’s like a fine porcelain doll, and I find my fingertips lightly grazing the column of her exposed neck. Underneath the texture of her silky skin, I can feel the speed of her pulse as it beats rapidly beneath my fingertips.

  “There’s no need to be nervous. I want you to relax and open up to me so I can get to know you on a deeper level.” I bend my knees, tilting my head to the side, catching her eyes. “I want you to enjoy this evening with me. I want you to feel comfortable enough around me to be yourself and talk to me without me having to prompt you.” She licks her lips nervously, and I know she has something to say, so I remain quiet, allowing her time to gather some bravery to speak.

  When she finally expresses her thoughts, her voice comes out low and shaky. “I’m...I’m sorry for ruining your birthday cake.” I watch as her eyes well with unshed tears; they glisten from the light above, creating such a stark cerulean blue it takes my breath away. Her remorsefulness squeezes at the arteries of my heart; I hate see
ing her this way.

  “Oh, hell, Julianna,” I say with sympathy, “come here.” I don’t know why, but her apology was the last thing I expected. I didn’t wait all this time to be with her, only for her to feel guilty and wind up putting a damper on our evening. I wrap her tightly in my arms, reassuring her with soft words. “All is forgiven, love. Please don’t cry. I want us to have a nice evening together.” I hear her breath hitch, and my gut tightens. I pull back and gently guide her chin up so I can meet her soft eyes. “I want to see you laugh, not cry, understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispers.

  A small smile creases the corners of my lips. “As sweet as that sounds coming from your lips, I want you to call me Nick. I want you to be yourself around me. Save the ‘Sir’ for bedroom play,” I tease. “In the meantime, I don’t want you kneeling on floors, nor evading eye contact with me. Can you handle that?”

  She shrinks back in surprise, and I watch as her features mix with fear and confusion. I tilt my head, studying her reaction. Yes, she’s scared witless. She most likely thinks I’m going to take a crack at her, just like Travis did. I won’t deny I wanted to beat her ass raw on her birthday; I had planned on doing exactly that until Travis caught me heading her way. I could hear her caterwauling all the way down the hall, sounding like a dying cat in a hail storm. Travis informed me he took her most prized possession, the inscribed medallion her father gave her. He thought by taking the family heirloom away from her, it would help her see things in a new light, and judging by her current behavior, I believe he was right.

  “This isn’t a test, love.” I rub across her worried eyebrows, smoothing out the wrinkles. “We keep getting off on the wrong foot, and butting heads. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to start getting along.” She still looks uncertain, so I change the subject to something I know will relax her, and hopefully help her unwind and start her talking.


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