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Blyssful Lies

Page 17

by J. C. Cliff

  Once I’m done, he takes the water from my hands, and I look around the room and ask, “Where am I?”

  “We’re in Hyde County.” I look at him with confusion, and he clarifies, “Sorry, we’re slightly west of the Outer Banks of North Carolina.” I raise both brows; it sounds as if it’s a long jaunt from Charleston.

  “How far away from Charleston are we?”

  “Close to eight hours. We’re near a wildlife refuge, Lake Mattamuskeet.”

  I shake my head. “Never heard of it, but of course, I don’t know what I’m supposed to remember and what I’m not.”

  “The majority of North Carolinians never heard of it either; it’s a well-hidden secret,” Travis assures me. “It’s the largest natural lake in the state. I think you’ll like it. We have everything here from ocean water, marshes, forests, and croplands, to enough wildlife to fill a zoo.”

  “Wow, I’d love to see the wetlands. Can we do that once I feel up to it?” I ask hopefully.

  He nods his head. “I would love nothing more.” He falls silent for a moment, looking down to his hands. When he looks back up at me, he looks as if he has something to say, but he hesitates.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask warily.

  He shakes his head. “Nothing’s wrong. Everything is right, as long as you’re here with me.” I watch as he leans forward and reaches into his back pocket, retrieving a necklace. He then lifts it up by its chain for me to view it. I tilt my head to the side and study the medallion. Is this supposed to mean something to me?

  He then places the necklace in my hand, and softly asks, “Does this spark any memories for you?”

  I stay silent as I intensely study the piece while turning it over and over in my hand. I read the inscription a few times on the back as I purse my lips in thought, wracking my brain and trying desperately to remember something, but nothing about the medallion seems to ring a bell. After a few minutes pass by, I shake my head and look to Travis. “No, I don’t recognize it.” His shoulders seem to relax with my confession, and I wonder to myself what that’s all about.

  “I found it lying beside you in the alleyway. It’s a necklace you’ve always worn every time we’ve been together. You’ve mentioned several times; it’s some sort of family heirloom.”

  I tap my index finger to my lips, restudying it in thought. I shake my head again, coming up empty-handed, with a frown on my face. “No, I don’t remember it.”

  Travis takes the medallion from me and sets it on the nightstand. “Well, you told me you never take it off. I’d like to see you wear it full-time, but I think you’d rather take a shower or bath first, wouldn’t you?”

  “A warm bath sounds wonderful right now, but I have to ask first: did you find anything else of mine when you found me?”

  A frown forms at the corners of his lips as he shakes his head.

  “Are you sure? I can’t help but think if you found this medallion of mine, you might have found my car keys, or better yet, my purse.”

  “No, baby, those thugs made off with your purse. There was nothing else around you, I swear.” His stark eyes hold so much conviction.

  “Well, maybe if we go back, if I could look at the cars around the restaurant, it might spark a memory,” I reason. “If we ask around, maybe someone might recognize a car that hasn’t been moved for a couple days, and there’d have to be a registration in the car. Then maybe I could find a name, a clue,” I plead.

  Both of his hands cup my cheeks as he earnestly locks his eyes with mine. “Sweetheart, it’s not safe to go back. I’ve told you this. We are not going to find anything, especially now; it’s too late in the game.”

  Ideas flood my brain as I try to come up with other solutions. “Okay, well, what about the news? Surely there has to be a missing person bulletin, or we can get on a computer and search.” He leans his forehead against mine, and I think he’s beginning to lose patience, but he doesn’t let on as he stays calm.

  “Jules, we’ve been over this already. Even if you found out who you are, it would be too dangerous for you to go back anyway. We are safe here; no one knows where we are. We’re in another state now, and far away from receiving a decent satellite reception. It’s all a moot point.” He lets out a heavy sigh and briefly closes his eyes. “Please, I’m begging you to trust me here. Have I brought harm to you in any way?”

  “No,” I whisper.

  “Do you feel the least bit threatened by me in any way, shape, or form?”

  I shake my head.

  “Then please believe me. I have your best interest at heart, so let me take care of you and protect you.” He gives me a tender, chaste kiss on my forehead. “This is what I do best, Jules, and I have contacts to help me get to the bottom of what’s going on. Give me a little bit of time, okay?”

  “Travis...?” I tentatively ask.

  “Yes, sweetheart?” he asks warily.

  “Why do you want to help me? I mean…you barely know me. You’ve taken off work, and you’re spending all your time, energy, and resources on me.” My hand moves to the side of my head, trying to slip under the wrapped bandage and loosen it. It’s irritating me, but in an instant, Travis gently pushes my hand away and begins taking over, carefully removing the gauze wrapping.

  I let him remove the compress in silence, letting him digest my words. By the time he’s done taking off the gauze dressing, I think he’s forgotten about my question. I’m about to ask him again, but then he finally answers, “The moment I saw you, I knew there was something between us.” He closes his eyes briefly, then opens them, staring at me with resolution. His eyes pierce into mine. “This...” he motions between us, “this just doesn’t come along every day. We have something here, and even though you may not remember it, I know you feel it.” He pauses, looking at me earnestly. “Tell me you feel it,” he softly pleads.

  Everything in my life right now is seemingly moving so fast, but he’s right. I do feel something, a connection of sorts, but I can’t explain it.

  I swallow hard. “I do feel something, Travis. I’m not sure what it is though, and it scares me, especially since I don’t remember anything.”

  “You can trust me, Jules. You can trust me with your heart and with your life; I promise you that.” He pulls me into a warm embrace, his strong arms holding me tight against his chest. His masculine scent swirls around me, and I inhale deeply, closing my eyes. He’s all alpha male, and I feel somewhere inside of him is a hard edge, but he also comes across as a tender and compassionate man. He makes me feel safe in his arms.

  “For some reason I can’t explain, I do feel as if I can trust you, Travis.” My hands slide to his broad back as I feel his shoulder muscles flexing and moving beneath them. He feels so good in my arms. I begin rubbing the length of his back, soothingly and appreciatively, thankful for all he’s done for me.

  “I won’t betray you, Jules. You can always trust me. I will always protect you; please believe me when I tell you that.”

  I rest my cheek on his chest, snuggling my nose into his neck, breathing in his scent again. “I believe you, and I’m thankful, Travis.” I suddenly have an overwhelming desire to swirl my tongue over the muscular ridge of his neck. What is wrong with me? My breathing begins to pick up, and I clench my legs together tightly, trying to ward off these feelings of lust. I know I’m not a wanton hussy. I barely know the man.

  Travis strokes my hair and places his lips to my forehead, giving me a gentle kiss. All too soon, he breaks our intimate embrace, and I feel bereft of his warmth and comfort. “Come on, let’s get our day started. Maybe a nice, warm bath will loosen your muscles, and then we’ll get you something to eat. You need to keep up your strength.”

  He takes me by the hand, pulls me from the warmth of the bed, and walks with me to the bathroom, my achy muscles protesting the entire way. As we enter the bathroom, I’m taken aback; it’s huge. I wouldn’t have thought a cabin would hold such an expansive bathroom, but here it is, a whirlpool tub, separa
te shower, double sinks, and all of it decorated with class. Travis gestures around the room, explaining, “There is all kinds of girly stuff in the shower for you, and a new toothbrush here on the counter.”

  I pivot around on my feet, locking my eyes with his, bewilderment written all over my face. “ did you do all this?”

  A grin plays across his lips. “I wish I could say I waved a magic wand, but I didn’t. My best friend Stryker is here. I called him yesterday, had him pick up all the things you would need. Oh, and there’s new clothes for you; they’re already put away in the dresser drawers.”

  I’m flabbergasted. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “It’s all good, Jules. No need to say anything,” he assures me.

  How is it all good? I place the palms of my hands tentatively on his chest. “Yes, I do need to say many things, first of which is a huge thank you.” I shake my head in disbelief. “How can I ever repay you?” I wave my hand around the room. “I will pay you both back for everything. The clothes, your time...” I trail off.

  He looks stern as he places his hands on my shoulders, grabbing my attention, and he shakes his head. “No, no repaying.”

  “I can’t in good conscience let you do this without recompense. This is above and beyond the call of duty, Travis, especially when you claim we’ve only had a few dates,” I argue.

  He briefly closes his eyes and lets out a long-winded sigh. “Please, let it go, Jules. In this short time we’ve known each other; you’ve become something important to me. Let’s get you better first, then we can argue about it, okay?” He closes the subject, and I have a feeling he won’t allow the discussion to resurface.

  “C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up. You’ll feel better.” He slowly spins me around, and I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and gasp. My hand flies to my mouth in alarm. I look as if I’ve been through a meat grinder.

  Travis embraces me from behind, distracting my thoughts. “Shhh, darlin’, you’re going to be fine.”

  I swallow hard, panic evident in my wide eyes as I whisper, “What happened to me, Travis?” I close my eyes tightly, not wanting to see myself anymore. I feel myself being gently spun around as the front of my body presses against Travis’ torso. His arms encircle me as he pulls me in tight as the faint hint of leather fills my next breath, and it soothes me.

  He leans down to whisper in my ear, “It looks worse than it really is.” I shake my head against his hard chest. No, this looks pretty bad; I’m sure of it. My fingernails curl into his shirt as I anchor myself to him, needing stability. His hand pushes aside my long hair so he has access to caress the back of my neck with easy, tender strokes, and he begins to calm my nerves. How does this man always seem to soothe me?

  My eyes flutter closed as I rest my forehead against the center of his broad chest, and I release a soft sigh. “Travis, I don’t want to be a clingy female, but for some reason, I don’t want to be alone right now.” He’s already done so much; I don’t want to come across extra needy, but I am. My emotions seem extra fragile, and he seems to know intuitively what to do with me to keep my nerves settled.

  His soft-timbered voice washes over the top of my head. “Would you like some help with a bath?” I nod into his chest, too embarrassed to ask outright for his help. “Not a problem, sweetheart.”

  I lift my chin, peer up from underneath my lashes, and gaze into his iridescent eyes. They illuminate from the morning sun coming through the skylight above, and he looks like a handsome angel in the light. “I’d like to think I’m not a skank, and I don’t want you to think differently of me, because of this—”

  He interrupts me by pressing his fingers against my lips. “Shhh...” He shakes his head. “No’re not a skank. I know for a fact you’re a classy lady, and right now, you’re feeling alone, vulnerable, groggy, and sore.” His large frame begins backing up, taking me with him. He sits down on the edge of the tub, pulling me onto his lap as he holds me tight. As he leans over the tub, he turns the faucet on, and the sound of bath water splashing against the porcelain tub fills the quiet of the room. I watch the muscles in his arm flex as he places a stopper in the drain, and as the tub fills, we stay silent as I continue to take refuge in this man’s arms. He gently begins rubbing the back of my neck, causing my eyes to close from the warmth of his caress. “There’s no need to feel embarrassed either. I promise you—I’ll be the perfect gentleman.”

  When the tub is filled, he pulls back with a look of concern etched across his face, but he stays silent. I bite my lower lip with nervousness. What am I thinking? It’s one thing to say I don’t want to be alone, but it’s another to actually strip bare before someone I don’t remember. He shuts off the water then pulls me to my feet, and my pulse begins to accelerate as I start second-guessing myself. Travis doesn’t give me a chance to chicken out, however, because he’s already started lifting my scrub top over my head. His eyes stay locked on mine, all the while my heart pounds hard in my chest. His touch is light and gentle, as he makes silent work of removing my clothes.

  Hooking his fingers in the elastic waistband of my scrub bottoms, he slowly removes them, scooting them over my thighs and down to my feet. When I step out of the scrubs, Travis silently guides me to the edge of the tub. I’m thankful he’s not ogling me, and I notice he’s keeping his eyes averted from my body as much as possible. He doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable, and it makes being naked in front of him bearable. With Travis not making my nakedness an issue, I release a breath and relax a little more. It’s an oddly comfortable feeling really, almost as if he’s seen me this way before.

  Carefully, I step into the tub with one foot, testing the heat of the water first. A relaxed sigh escapes me; the warmth of the water feels so good. “How’s the temperature?”

  “Perfect.” I grin, and feel his light touch on my lower back, just enough to send shivers and goose bumps racing over my body. Looking over my shoulder at Travis, he’s busy taking stock of the injuries on my back. His eyes are roaming, but not with lust. My brows furrow, because for some reason, he looks upset. “Travis...are you okay?”

  He snaps out of his thoughts as he lifts his head, meeting my gaze. The muscles in his jaw clench, but then he steals a deep breath as he forces himself to relax. “Yeah, sorry, those bastards really did a number on you. It just sends my blood boiling all over again.”

  “I can’t see it that bad?”

  The worried look I must have on my face suddenly has him schooling his features. He shakes his head, his eyes turning soft. “No, it’s not as bad as you think. You’re going to be fine,” he assures me. “I just get upset when I think of finding you the way I did.” He then changes the subject, taking me by the hand as he says, “C’mon, let me get you cleaned up. He helps me keep steady as I step the rest of the way into the warm water.

  I sit down gently, immersing myself in the water, only to grimace when the warmth of it makes the wounds on my back sting. “Ohh...” I groan, and then suck in a breath of air.

  “Are you okay?” he asks with concern. He crouches down as his knees come to rest on the tiled floor.

  I nod. “The water feels good, but it’s stinging the skin on my back; it’s very sensitive.”

  His eyes turn sorrowful as he leans forward and places a chaste kiss on my cheek. “I’ll be gentle. You’ll feel better after your bath.” He reaches over me to grab the soap and a washcloth, and I am eye level with his broad chest. He fills out every inch of his t-shirt, his muscles so thick the fabric strains to accommodate his size he’s so huge.

  He glances at me out of the corner of his eye as he lathers up the washcloth. “What are you thinking about?” he asks softly.

  My mouth just happens to blurt out what’s running through my brain without a filter. “How big your muscles are.” Embarrassed now, I avert my gaze to the tiled wall as I hear him chuckle. To his credit, he doesn’t poke fun at me. He stays quiet as he gently washes my body, and when he re
aches my backside, he’s careful to avoid the tender abrasions.

  After the task of washing me is complete, I watch him as he grabs the bottle of shampoo and squirts a large glob into the palm of his hand. I can’t help it; I giggle.

  He arches a brow, looking at me with wry amusement. “What’s so funny?” A small smile wants to play on his lips, I can tell, but he holds it back.

  “You must not do this very often, do you?”

  “What? Take a bath?”

  “No, goofy,” I roll my eyes, “wash a woman’s hair.”

  He shakes his head. “No, that’s one thing I can honestly say I’ve never done before.” He stops to regard me, tilting his head to the side. “Why?”

  I gesture to the soap heaping over the palm of his hand, which is running through his fingers and dripping into the tub. “Because that’s probably enough shampoo for a horse.”

  I watch as his lips twitch with mirth. “Just lay back, Rapunzel, with your long hair.”

  I comply willingly, with a little giggle. He’s careful to support my neck while gently working the soap over the tender places at the back of my skull. Despite the fact I’m in a tub of warm water, his touch sends shivers down my spine. As he washes my hair, his face is so close to mine it allows me to seriously take stock of his handsome features up close and personal. He’s focusing so intently on his task, trying to keep the shampoo out of my eyes, it allows me to gaze into his mystical eyes and roam over his stark jawline. His face is showcasing a couple days’ worth of stubble, and my fingers itch to touch the sharp hairs. The look is extremely sexy on him, and it takes my breath away.

  I can see the thick, corded muscles in his neck strain as he holds the weight of my upper body, being careful not to let my back touch anything. I close my eyes briefly, enjoying his massaging fingertips as they dance over my scalp. I inhale the fresh, fruity scent of the shampoo and grin. “Mmmm, the shampoo smells so delicious I could almost eat it.”

  Travis lightly laughs and replies, “Yeah, you can thank Stryker for that one. He had one of his girls pick out clothes and all the other things you women require to survive. Stryker’s here now, so you can personally thank him for bringing you all this stuff when we’re done.” Travis pauses, looking down on me, locking his gaze with mine. “He may not be related, but he is my family. There’s nothing we don’t do for each other.” Travis then grabs the handheld shower wand and turns on the water again, testing the temperature. Once he gets the water just right, he rinses off the shampoo, careful to avoid my eyes.


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