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Carpathian Wolf: A BBW Wolf-Shifter Romance (Shift Your Fate Book 0.5)

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by Cara Wylde

  No, she still didn’t believe in destiny. So, why was she one hour away from the place that crazy old lady had sent her to? “They say all good men and women are already taken,” she thought. “If they’re over 30 and are not married or aren’t in a serious relationship, then it means there’s something wrong with them.” A pang of pain made her stomach tense. “There’s nothing wrong with me…” Her chocolate brown eyes focused back on the incredible view. She was 35, and yes, she was terrified that she’d end up alone, with no children. An old, childless spinster who worked day in and day out at two accounting companies no one would inherit once she’d retire. The thought sent cold, icy shivers up and down her spine. She tried to shrug off the uncomfortable feeling and relax against the backrest. That was why she was on the train, and she’d soon be in her room at the Weavers’ Inn: if there was the slightest chance that she’d meet a good man on this trip, then she wanted to take it. That, and what Kassandra had said right before Becca had walked out of her shop: she hated people who didn’t take risks and refused to step out of their comfort zones.

  What Rebecca was doing now was a risk. She was alone on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, in a European country most people preferred to avoid and where the language sounded so foreign and unfamiliar that she found it impossible to learn even the most usual words, such as “please” and “thank you”. Fortunately, Romanians seemed to speak English quite well, especially the young people. In fact, she had already heard English, French, Spanish, and Italian being spoken around her, so she felt a bit better about this small, yet important detail. “I’ll be fine,” she told herself. It was just for seven days, not for an eternity. She had been trying to take a vacation for a long time, anyway.

  The train stopped in a small, old station. At first, Rebecca couldn’t believe that was it. She asked the young woman in front of her and hurried to get her luggage when the woman told her the train wouldn’t stay there for more than 5 minutes. She was off the train in the blink of an eye, and was lucky enough to find a cab quickly.

  Segesvar was so small that the cab reached the Weavers’ Inn in 10 minutes. The inn was in the heart of the fortress, and the moment she stepped out of the car, Becca knew she wouldn’t need to leave the citadel for the next few days. The town outside of the gates of the citadel was just a regular mountain town. To Rebecca, who was used to skyscrapers and modern buildings, it looked like a village. The fortress, however, was something from another world. Studying the travel guide, she had found out that it was one of the most beautiful and well preserved citadels in Europe. Even though every building had been turned into an inn or a restaurant if it wasn’t a church, a school, or a museum, the people had preserved the authentic medieval architecture. It looked like a place out of a fantasy novel.

  The cab had left for over 5 minutes, but Rebecca was still standing in front of the inn, her wide, curious eyes studying the small square and the people drinking around the tables. The place was brimming with life! There was a fair chance she might not get bored, after all. When the chilly night air became slightly uncomfortable, she finally grabbed her heavy suitcase and entered the inn.

  It was warm and nice inside, and the young man at the reception desk welcomed her with a bright smile.

  “Rebecca Gilbert.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He looked for her name in his computer then offered her a key. “Your room is on the first floor. Welcome to Segesvar! I truly hope you’ll like it here.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure I will.”

  She took the key and made to lift her suitcase again, only to realize it wasn’t where she had left it. She turned around and almost bumped into a strong, bulky chest. The black T-shirt the man was wearing stretched nicely over his muscles, leaving very little to the imagination. Rebecca’s eyes moved from his chest to his thick neck, square jaw, straight nose, and finally to his dark green eyes.

  “Allow me to help you with your luggage, Miss. It’s quite heavy.”

  The man smiled, but that was not what made Becca weak in the knees. It was his accent. His dirty blond hair and those wicked eyes made her drool, but that thick, panty-melting accent topped it all. He could say whatever he wanted… He could read the phone book to her. She didn’t care, as long as he did it in that low, husky voice and that unique accent. Her stomach tightened and her pussy throbbed with need. She tried to gather her thoughts and say something. This wasn’t the time to make a fool of herself.

  “Thank you. Yes, it is heavy. I might have packed too many things.” The smile was frozen on her face, and she hoped to God her red lipstick wasn’t smeared. She hadn’t had the chance to check herself in the mirror for hours. She ran a hand through her long hair and pulled at some knots. It was a mess. She was sure it looked horrible and needed a wash, and there was nothing she could do about it.

  “Oh, I was about to call for someone to help you with that, but I see Mr. Severin is taking care of it. I’m so sorry, sir…”

  Rebecca threw the receptionist a puzzled look. She had forgotten he existed. Mr. Severin… So, that was his name.

  “It’s okay, don’t worry about it.”

  That accent again. Becca turned back to her Mr. Severin, the receptionist forgotten once more.

  “If you’d like to follow me, Miss…”

  “Oh, yes! Absolutely!” She cursed herself for sounding so eager.

  They took the stairs and he stopped in front of her door before she even had time to feast her eyes on his gorgeous ass. He was wearing his tight black jeans tucked into his sturdy mountain boots. Becca had never thought she could feel so attracted to such a tall, strong, rugged man. All her ex-boyfriends had been the type who only wore elegant suits and the most expensive shoes.

  “This is it,” he said, leaving the suitcase at the door.

  “Oh… that was fast.”

  “Well, the inn itself isn’t that big.”

  He smiled down at her and she leaned against the wall, lest she’d fall at his feet. He didn’t seem too eager to leave, and she wasn’t about to complain.

  “You’ll see that Segesvar is all about the small things in life. You know… small and cozy. Even though you can visit the entire citadel in one day, there’s a lot to see and learn.”

  “Mhm…” Her brain couldn’t come up with anything better. She just wanted for him to keep talking. She didn’t want to miss a word, the slightest inflection of his delicious accent.

  “I’m Emil, by the way. Emil Severin.”

  “Rebecca Gilbert.” She let him squeeze her hand in his, and she shuddered at the feel of his calloused fingers.

  “Nice to meet you, Rebecca.”

  “You can call me Becca.” She smiled sheepishly. What was it about this man? How could he make her feel like a horny teenager? He was a stranger, after all. A stranger in a very strange country. She needed to keep herself in check and stay safe. Unfortunately, her body wanted something else entirely. “That’s what happens when you don’t have sex in months,” she thought.

  “Becca…” He hesitated. For a moment, he was lost in her warm brown eyes. “Listen, I was thinking… I hope this doesn’t sound weird. If you need a guide, I’d be happy to show you around.”

  Her eyes widened and she didn’t know what to say. On the one hand, his offer sounded amazing. On the other hand… “Are you insane?” her brain lectured her. “You’ve just met the guy!”

  He sensed her reluctance and scratched the back of his neck, trying to come up with a way to convince her it was okay to hire him as a guide. After all, he was one. So, why was it so difficult for him to say the right words, repeat the pitch he had repeated to so many clients along the years?

  “I’m sorry, I don’t…” He searched through his pockets even though he knew he wouldn’t find anything there. “I don’t have a leaflet. There are plenty on the reception desk. In fact, you see… The Weavers’ Inn is mine. I’m the… how should I say? Keeper? Actually, it was my parents’ business and I took over when they…” he made
a pause and took a deep breath. “Never mind. The point is: if you need a guide tomorrow, a licensed guide who can tell you all about the history of Segesvar, I hope you’ll consider me. I’ve been doing this for years for my parents’ side business, the Weavers’ Tour Company, and I’d be happy to put myself and my knowledge at your service.” He bit the inside of his lower lip and laughed. “That came out weird… It’s my English… it’s not perfect. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to find the right… words.”

  By this point, Rebecca was a smitten kitten. Emil’s accent had taken all that resembled reason and free will inside her brain and replaced it with hot images of their bodies rubbing against each other while he whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

  “I think it’s a great idea,” she eventually managed to say. “I was actually thinking of asking the receptionist if he knew any good tour guides around here, so this is perfect. Can’t wait!”

  “Then… see you tomorrow?”


  “Say… 9 AM at the reception desk?”


  Rebecca’s cheeks started to hurt from smiling so much. He bid her good night and went back downstairs, and she followed him with her hungry eyes. Her heart did a flip when he turned to give her a small wave right before climbing down the stairs. She fumbled with the key, her hands trembling so hard that she could barely use them properly. She felt excited beyond belief. She dragged the heavy suitcase inside the room and closed the door, then flopped onto the neatly made bed, incapable of doing anything else but daydream.

  “I don’t know about destiny, but that guy is sex on legs. Too much work and stress lately… If I’m on vacation, then I’m going to have some real fun.”


  The wolf inhaled the fresh morning air and picked up the pace. The medieval fortress had yet to wake up from its deep sleep, so the beast could run freely for at least an hour before being spotted by anyone became a real risk. He ran up the hill at an unnatural speed, reaching the heavy doors of the Old Church in a matter of seconds. He looked up at the tall building and released a long, pained howl. From where he was standing, he had a good view of the town and the old citadel, of the Clock Tower that marked the border between the two, and of the Covered Staircase which led down into the central square. He would miss this place. Gods, how he would miss it! Another howl broke the silence, and then the wolf turned around, jumped over the cemetery gates and disappeared between the old tombs.

  He followed the path he had walked one too many times, both in his human form and in his wolf form. He would never get tired of it, and he couldn’t wait to bring the human female here later today and tell her all about the guilds of Segesvar, their unique emblems, and their importance to this part of Europe. So much history, so many memories trapped between these walls… He couldn’t believe this was his last day here. Tomorrow, he would be far away, seeking the only thing which had kept him alive all these years: revenge.

  The wind ruffled the wolf’s brown hair. He loved the smell of pine trees, of green grass and morning dew. He jumped on the tallest tomb he could find, placed his forelegs on the old stone and sniffed the air. It smelled different than the night before. After he had met Rebecca Gilbert, his inner beast had felt the strong urge to break free and run, run as fast as he could, run as far away from her. The woman’s scent had driven him insane. Her pretty face, her long, blonde hair, her generous curves… As he had done his best to keep his desire under control and talk to her normally, his wolf had thrashed inside his body, eager to come out and snuggle against her soft flesh. Emil didn’t need that sort of distraction now that he had made his final plan. But he couldn’t leave knowing that the beautiful woman he had met the night before would be in Segesvar for the next seven days. Just one more day; one more day wouldn’t make any difference. After leaving her in front of her room, he had run downstairs and asked the receptionist to cancel his flight, then went for a run. His wolf needed some kind of release, anything to take his mind off Rebecca Gilbert.

  He watched the first sunrays break through the heavy clouds as the pale crescent moon faded in the west. His heart was beating wildly, adrenaline was still rushing through his veins, and he felt alive. He had never felt so alive since he was a pup and his parents had taken him for his first run in the forests of the Carpathian Mountains. He could barely remember their faces, but he missed them so much. He growled and decided to head back to the inn. Rebecca was probably still sleeping, and he had a good couple of hours before he had to meet her at the reception desk. He’d call his accountant and make some final arrangements. After all, he did have to make sure the business would run itself for at least three more months, until his assistant would find a good client and sell the inn, the tour company, and his adoptive parents’ house. The guilt was still eating away at his heart, but he had no other choice. Since his adoptive parents died a month ago, it had been impossible for him to sleep in their old house, which was just a couple of meters away from the inn. He had moved in one of the rooms at the Weavers’ Inn and hired someone to clean and take care of the house two times a week. His adoptive parents, Jacob and Maria Weaver, had been the only reason for which he hadn’t left Segesvar the moment he turned 18 and gone to seek revenge for his real parents’ murder. But Jacob and Maria Weaver were no more. He had mourned their death, and his wolf was still howling and whimpering when he remembered their smiling faces, but it was time for him to move on.

  Emil took the shortest way back to the cemetery gates, jumped over the fence, but instead of going down the hill and avoiding the Covered Staircase, one of the most important landmarks of Segesvar, he went to his secret place where he always stashed spare clothes. The T-shirt and jeans were crumpled, and he’d have to walk back to the inn barefoot, but he was used to it.

  The huge, brown wolf turned into the strong and handsome Adonis who had taken Rebecca’s breath away the night before. He threw his clothes on and went inside the dark tunnel of the Covered Staircase, which took him right in the heart of Segesvar.


  Becca was beyond excited. Before meeting Emil down at the reception desk, she had had a quick breakfast and a big cup of coffee. Given that the narrow streets of Segesvar weren’t very high heels-friendly, she had opted for a pair of light and elegant black boots which went really well with her black jeans and frilly blouse. A thin silver necklace adorned her neck, the tiny diamond drop nestling between her beautiful breasts. She had tied her hair in a high ponytail, leaving a couple of strands out to frame her face. Even though she knew she should be as comfortable as possible, she couldn’t completely give up on using make-up. Just a tiny bit of pearly eyeshadow to make her chocolate eyes look bigger, mascara, and a dash of pink on her plump lips. After a good night’s sleep and a long shower, she knew she looked fresh and ready for adventure.

  Emil was even more handsome in the bright morning light. As he led her out of the small central square and towards the Covered Staircase, she did her best to pay attention to her surroundings and not ogle his wide shoulders, thick arms, and gorgeous ass.

  “The Staircase leads up to the Church on the Hill and the cemetery.”

  Oh, that accent again. Rebecca tried to pay attention to what he was saying. The citadel was fascinating, but if Emil Severin’s voice and mere presence kept distracting her like that, she wouldn’t learn anything about its history and architecture.

  “It’s very old, made of stone, and as you can see, it has a wooden roof along the whole span. It was used by students on rainy days, when the usual route up to the school was impracticable.”

  “It’s breathtaking,” Becca whispered.

  They started climbing the Staircase and she took out her camera to snap some photos. It was incredibly dark inside, and the tiny sun beams sneaking through the cracks gave the whole tunnel an eerie look. Rebecca felt like she was between the pages of a gothic romance. The hot, mysterious stranger walking beside her, the delicate spider webs clinging to every
corner and crevice of the wooden roof… it was magical. When they reached the hill and stepped out of the tunnel, the sun hurt Becca’s eyes.

  “And this is the Church on the Hill,” said Emil while leading her towards the imposing building. “There’s also the Old School, which is now a museum, and the new school… We can visit the Church if you want, but right now it’s really busy.”

  It was true. There were tourists everywhere. Becca could hear them chat in various languages and she marveled once again at how many people from all around the world visited this remote Romanian town.

  “How about we visit the cemetery first?” asked Becca. She peeked through the open iron gates and noticed it looked pretty much like a park. She had always loved cemeteries. Walking down each alley, no matter how narrow and hidden, reading the names on the tombstones out loud… She felt like it was the best way people could honor the memory of those who were no more.

  Emil’s face stretched into a wide smile and his green eyes sparkled with happiness. “You read my mind!”

  “Did not!” She shielded her eyes with one hand and looked up at him. “I just like cemeteries.”

  “Me too.” He couldn’t believe they had so many things in common. “Ladies first.” He motioned for her to pass through the gates and took his time to admire her incredible body. His wolf stirred inside his chest, and he took a couple of deep breaths to calm down the beast. Rebecca’s tight jeans hugged her hips perfectly, and Emil’s body responded by sending a rush of heat straight to his cock.

  “Wow! These tombstones are amazing!” Becca took a couple of pictures then turned to see if Emil was following her. “Are you coming or not?”

  “I’m right behind you.” He ran his hand through his dark blond hair and stepped closer to her. Her scent made his erection twitch.

  “Why are they displayed like this?” She went back to studying the intricate carvings on the tombstones. Many of them were displayed along the cemetery’s main path. Some were so deteriorated by time that she could barely read the letters. The words were in Latin anyway, so there was no way she could read them. The newest ones guarding the graves were in German.


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