Book Read Free

Road to Desire

Page 7

by Piper Davenport

  Heat pooled between my legs. “You’re killing me.”

  He straightened my shirt and cupped my cheeks. “Soon, baby. I’m not gonna be able to wait much longer.”

  “It’ll be good for you,” I quipped.

  Austin groaned, but he did smile while he was doing it. “Leave your purse, babe. It’ll be safe in here. I’m gonna take a leak.”

  While he headed through the door to the left of the bed, I took a minute to take in the room. The bed was nothing more than a mattress and box-spring on a low platform, but it was made, and the comforter and sheets looked clean. A very masculine gray, but clean.

  A six-drawer black bureau sat against the wall, under the only window in the room, and a wooden door was partially open to reveal a closet with a few shirts hanging inside. If this was his room, he wasn’t here often.

  I heard the toilet flush and then the faucet turn on. Austin returned to the bedroom and smiled. “Ready?”

  I grabbed my phone and slipped it into my pocket before taking his hand and following out of the bedroom.

  “How often to you stay here?” I asked.

  “On average, about once a week.”

  “Where’s your home?”

  “I have a condo on Naito.” He squeezed my hand. “I’ll show you next week.”

  I grinned. “Sounds good.”

  We walked down the hallway, past the gross bathroom again, but before we reached the common room, Austin pulled us to a stop. “You good?”

  “Glue, right?”

  He smiled, leaning down to kiss me quickly. “Yeah, baby.”

  “Then I’m good.”

  The rest of the night flashed by so quickly, I wasn’t entirely sure it had happened. I met everyone there, tried to remember everyone’s names’, but only managed a few. It helped that most of them had their names on their cuts. I got a lot less weird looks being in the presence of Austin, and I started to relax as the night went on. Could have been the wine as well, which was all I was drinking. I’d brought two bottles of my favorite red, and I was pretty sure I was the only one drinking it, as I never saw anyone else with anything other than beer in their hands.

  I was leaning heavily against Austin, half listening to him talk to a couple of his brothers, my fourth glass of wine partially gone, when a little hand patted my thigh. I glanced down to see a little girl about four, her hair in haphazard ponytail, her jeans on backwards, and her tiny little leather vest covering a pink shirt with roses on it. “Hi, wady.”

  I hunkered down beside her. “Well, hi. What’s your name?”


  “Hi, Lily. I’m Dani.”

  “My pants don’t fit. Can you hewp me, pwease?”

  I giggled. “They’re just on backwards, honey. Where’s your mom?”

  “I don’t have a mommy. My daddy’s in his room.”

  I glanced up at Austin and raised an eyebrow. He shook his head and gave me an “I’ll explain later” look. I took Lily’s hand and rose to my feet. “How about we find somewhere a little more private to fix your jeans, hmm?” She gripped my hand and I handed Austin my wine as I narrowed my eyes at him. “Glue.”

  He smiled and gave me a chin lift in response.

  I walked Lily to a little alcove behind the pool table where computers were set up along the window, and helped her with her tiny little motorcycle boots (seriously adorable) then I removed her jeans and helped her put them on the right way. “How did they get off you, baby?”

  “I was going potty and I took them off,” she said, as though it was obvious.

  “Good job,” I said. “Did you go potty by yourself?”

  She nodded her head. “I can go like a big girl.”

  “I bet you can. But if you need to go potty again, how about you come find me if you can’t find your daddy, okay?” I smiled. “That way we can make sure your jeans fit right.”

  I led her back out in the common area, just in time to see Tiff walking into the room, her body wrapped around a really good-looking man who looked to be in his early thirties. He was tall and lean, had dark blond hair, deep green eyes, and a handlebar moustache that covered full lips. I had never been one to find the meth dealer look appealing, but these bikers rocked it.

  “Daddy!” Lily squealed, and pulled away from me to make a run for him.

  Tiff looked somewhat put out as the man caught his daughter, scooping her up in his arms and kissing her, but she schooled her features and made a good show of looking interested in the little girl.

  “Where have you been, little girl?”

  “The pwetty wady helped me,” Lily squeaked, pointing at me.

  The man followed her hand and raised an eyebrow at me. “Did she?”

  “I had to go potty, daddy, and I went all by myself, but my pants didn’t fit.”

  His eyes swept the room. “Where’s Sally?”

  “I don’t know, daddy. She leff.”

  I heard the exchange as I made my way back to Austin. He slid his hand around my waist and kissed my temple. “That’s Hawk,” Austin whispered. “His old lady bailed on him three years ago, leaving him with Lily.”

  I frowned. “Seriously?”

  He nodded and gave me a gentle squeeze. I focused back on the conversation, but found my hand gripped again by a familiar little one. I hunkered down beside Lily again. “Hi, honey.”

  “Hi, wady. I fugot you name.”

  I smiled. “Dani.”

  “Fank you for hepping me, Dani.”

  “You’re welcome, honey.”

  “That goes for me, too,” a deep voice said, and I looked up… way up, to see Hawk standing in front of me.

  I stood and smiled. “No problem.”

  I was pulled tightly against Austin again and I had to grab his waist to keep from falling into him.

  “Hawk,” he said.

  “Booker.” Hawk gave him a chin lift and then turned to me again. “What’s your name, babe?”

  “She’s with me,” Booker said.

  I reached out my hand. “I’m Dani.”

  “Dani.” Hawk took my hand and gave me a sexy smile. “You’re good with kids.”

  “Thanks. I love kids.”

  “What’s your story?” he asked.

  “I don’t have a story.” I smiled. “I’m pretty boring.”

  “I doubt that,” he said, still holding my hand.

  Austin stepped in front of me, effectively forcing me to step back.

  Hawk dropped my hand and Austin scowled. “What are you doin’, Hawk?”

  “Just makin’ conversation, Book.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Austin,” I hissed, glancing down at Lily. “Language.”

  “Yeah, Austin,” Hawk droned with a shit-eating grin. “Watch your language.”

  “Daddy, can I have a cookie?” Lily asked, and Hawk scooped her up.

  “What kind ya want?”

  “Tocket Tip.”

  “One chocolate chip cookie comin’ up,” he said, and carried her toward the kitchen.

  Austin grabbed my hand and tugged me away from the group, pulling me into the alcove I’d been with Lily just minutes before. Pushing me against the wall, he covered my mouth with his and kissed me like his life depended on it. I kissed him back, but didn’t let myself lose focus.

  “Hey, what was that all about?” I asked after I broke the connection.

  “Hawk can be an asshole.”

  “Okay. But he wasn’t being one just then, honey.”

  “He was.” Austin took a deep breath. “In his own way.”

  “There’s obviously a story there.”

  He nodded. “Later.”

  “Are we going to hide here for a while?”

  Austin chuckled. “I’d rather take you upstairs.”

  “Me too, honey… but it’s not gonna happen tonight.”

  “Dani, Dani,” Lily squealed as she rushed into the alcove, chocolate covering her face.

  “Someone has a shadow,�
� Austin grumbled.

  I grinned and knelt in front of Lily. “How was your cookie?”

  “I got you one.”

  “You did?”

  She nodded and slipped her hand into her pocket, pulling out the crushed remnants of a cookie and holding out her palm. “Oops.”

  I laughed. “It’s okay, baby. Let’s get you cleaned up and find your dad, okay?”

  “Glue, babe,” Austin said as I stood.

  I rose up on my tiptoes and kissed him quickly. “Glue, honey.”

  Walking Lily to the kitchen, I lifted her onto the counter next to the sink and turned on the water. The room was empty, so I found soap and paper towels in a cabinet above the sink. At least whoever stocked the kitchen had the forethought to keep things like this out of reach of little hands.

  “Let’s wash those hands.” I helped her with the water and then wiped down her face, before setting her on the ground again. Her jeans would need to wait for the washing machine, but for now, she was good to go.

  “You could have found me,” a deep voice said.

  I started a bit and turned to find Hawk lurking near me while I dried my hands. Lily had skipped off somewhere else, obviously perfectly comfortable in her own skin.

  “She found me,” I said, and smiled. “I didn’t mind.”

  He crossed his arms. “She likes you. She doesn’t typically like women. Used to men, ’suppose.”

  “You’re raising a really sweet little girl.”

  “What’s your story, Dani?” he asked. “How’d you meet Booker.”

  “I got lost and broke down outside the wrecking place. Aust—ah, Booker, came to my rescue.”

  “What do you do? You know, for a livin’.”

  “I teach kindergarten,” I said.

  Hawk dropped his head back and laughed. “You’re shittin’ me.”

  “Babe,” Austin said from the threshold. “Ready to go?”

  I nodded, dropped the paper towels I’d used to dry my hands in the garbage can next to the island, and skirted around Hawk to get to Austin. “Nice to meet you,” I said.

  “You too, babe,” Hawk replied just as Austin grabbed me and kissed me a little too intimately before sweeping me out of the kitchen and back up to his room.

  “Fuckin’ asshole,” he snapped, and slammed the door shut.


  “Fuckin’ Hawk.”

  “Okay, you need to tell me what’s up with him. He was really nice to me, honey, and Lily’s adorable.”

  “He wants you.”

  “What?” I squeaked.

  Austin scowled. “He’s got his fuckin’ sights on you, which means I have to deal with his form of bullshit.”

  I don’t know why, maybe it was the wine, but his little jealousy-induced hissy sent me into a giggling fit.

  I quickly found myself lifted and dropped onto his bed, his hands at my waist. “You find this funny, huh?”

  I tried to scooch away from him, nodding as I continued to laugh uncontrollably.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re gorgeous,” he rasped as his hands left my waist and moved under my cami to cup a breast.

  I arched into his hand as he pushed up my clothing, bra and all, and drew one nipple into his mouth, and then the other. How he did it, I have no frickin’ clue, but he removed the top half of my clothing faster than I was ready for. He tugged off his cut and shirt and then he was back to laving attention on my breasts again.

  The feeling of his smooth chest against mine was delicious. I’d messed around with a couple of high school boyfriends a few times, but no one this muscular, and then there was Steven who was more fuzzy teddy bear than hot biker sex machine. God, Austin was irresistible.

  He moved his mouth from my breasts to my lips as he unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. His hand slid inside, under the band of my panties, and between my legs. I squirmed at his touch, his thumb sliding to my clit.

  “Greedy,” he whispered against my lips.

  I nodded, my breath coming in short bursts.

  He grinned and slipped two fingers inside of me. “Beautiful.”

  I stroked his cheek as he intensified the pressure. “Back atya.”

  I was just about to come when a banging at his door had him yanking his hand away from me and sitting up while I whimpered in frustration.

  “What?” Austin demanded.

  “Booker, Prez needs you,” Mack called.

  “Can it wait?” he bellowed.


  “Fuck,” he grumbled. “Gimme a minute,” he called, climbing off the mattress and heading to his bathroom.

  I covered my face with my hands while he washed up. The touch of his lips on my stomach had me cupping his face.

  “I’m sorry, baby. Shit’s happening right now.”

  “Can you call me a cab?” I asked, sitting up and searching for my clothes.


  “I think I should go,” I insisted. “We can’t do this right now, honey. Not yet, anyway, and if I stay, it’ll be too hard to stop.”

  He frowned. “I’ll have Mack drive you home.”

  “Will he mind?”

  He shook his head. “Give me a minute.”

  I nodded and he stepped out of his room as he pulled on his shirt. He peeked inside, made sure I was dressed, and pushed open the door. “Mack’ll drive you.”

  I bit lip. “Okay, thanks.”

  He cupped my face and kissed me quickly. “Text me when you get home.”

  “Okay, honey.”

  He ushered me out of the room and into Mack’s capable hands, and then went to do the Prez’s bidding. Mack dropped me home, walked me to the door and checked my apartment for who knows what.

  Once he was gone, I locked up, texted Austin, and poured myself a glass of wine. I was too wired (and horny) to sleep.

  “DANI?” EMILY REACHED over and squeezed my arm.

  “Sorry, what?” I focused on her sitting next to me at the dinner table. I’d been distracted all evening, my date with Austin the night before swimming around my mind.

  “What is going on with you?” she asked, grinning like she knew something I didn’t.

  My sister was not only highly intelligent, but also gorgeous, glamorous¸ and very, very taken. She was tall and blonde, with emerald green eyes, and a body to die for. She’d married Mitch Parsons right out of law school and it was coincidentally their fifteenth wedding anniversary, which we were celebrating tonight. Mitch was also gorgeous, but in a rugged way. He’d been a cop before he changed careers and turned to bounty hunting. He loved my sister with an intensity that was sometimes scary, but she’d admitted it was also a huge turn on.

  They had two gorgeous and glamorous children, Brandon, who was twelve-years-old, and Amelia, who was ten. They sat across from them, their blond hair perfectly coiffed, their behavior impeccable, and their senses of humor on overdrive. They were great kids and I adored them.

  “Nothing,” I said, quickly. “Just didn’t sleep much last night.”

  Because Emily was so incredibly smart, she could see through me… truth be told, she could see through most people… with ease. She was often underestimated because she was so pretty, which she used to her advantage any time she could.

  My sister raised an eyebrow. “Liar,” she whispered. “Spill.”

  “Em,” I hissed.

  She leaned closer. “You’ve met a guy!”

  I shook my head.

  “What are you two conspiring about,” our mother asked.

  “I’m trying to get Dani to go out with a friend of mine,” Emily improvised.

  “And it’s not going to happen,” I said.

  “Go easy on the baby, Em,” Elliot piped in. “Her date the other night was a total bust.”

  “Was it?” my father asked. “That’s a shame.”

  I choked on my wine as everyone laughed. “Say that a little more believably, Dad.”

  “I’m surprised you haven’t forced her to wear a chastit
y belt,” Emily said.

  “I have always allowed you girls to make your own choices,” he said.

  “Ohmigod, Dad,” I droned. “You are such a liar.”

  “Is that allowed in law enforcement?” Emily mused. “Lying to your children?”

  “I think Ell should arrest him for being really bad at it,” I said.

  “Leave your father alone,” my mom said. “He’s very, very pretty… he can’t be good at lying too.”

  That sent us all into fits again, including my niece and nephew.

  “How about Dani and I do the dishes and get dessert ready?” Emily suggested. “Mom, you go relax for a bit.”

  Mom grinned. “I won’t say no to that.”

  “Who wants to play pool?” My dad asked.

  “Me!” Brandon said. “Can I, Mom?”

  “You and your sister clear,” Emily said. “And then you’re free.”

  Mitch chuckled. “I’ll help, then I’m gonna beat my kids’ butts at pool.”

  “Not even gonna happen, Dad,” Amelia droned.

  “We’ll see, honey.”

  She giggled and started to clear the table.

  Once Emily and I were blissfully alone in the kitchen, she scraped plates while I rinsed and loaded the dishwasher.

  “Okay, girlie, spill,” Emily demanded.

  I sighed. “The guy that fixed my car is gorgeous and confusing and scary. And he’s decided we’re ‘gonna get to know each other.’”

  “Wow, all of that, huh?”

  I nodded.

  “Who is he?”

  I bit my lip and dropped forks into the basket.


  “He’s a biker, Em.”

  She cocked her head. “Like tour de France?” she joked.

  “Like Hells Angels.”

  Emily nearly dropped a plate into the garbage can. “He’s in the Hells Angels?”

  “No…Dogs of Fire.” I faced her and grimaced. “Right? I can’t do this.”

  “Why can’t you do this?”

  “Because all I keep coming back to is that all I know about motorcycle clubs is what I’ve seen on television, and that’s pretty limited. I have no idea if he’s a criminal or if he kills people. He says the club’s clean, but I’m just not sure.” I shook my head. “Even saying that out loud makes me sound like an idiot.”

  “It doesn’t, honey,” Emily assured me.


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