Ménage of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Ménage of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 4

by Bella Settarra

  “Unless it was her choice.” The doctor voiced the possibility neither of them wanted to conceive. Had they upset her so much that she didn’t want to be anywhere near them? The idea haunted them as they silently continued their search.

  Chapter 3

  As the sun shone down through the deep, green water, Ademia realized that it must be getting quite late. Her limbs were beginning to tire, and her head felt quite muzzy. It was so lovely down here in the quiet, cool water that she didn’t really want to leave, but knew she must. Reluctantly, she swam away from the wreck she had been exploring and allowed herself to rise to the surface again. She swam over to the shore and climbed the overhanging promontory. She hadn’t realized just how weak she was feeling, and slumped onto the rock shelf, about halfway up the massive boulder that stood on the end of the peninsular of Destiny Rock. The tide was out so she was well out of the water here, and as the warm sun soothed her skin, she lay there and allowed her mind to drift into unconsciousness.

  It was a few hours later when Ligia and Kalliope dived from the top of Destiny Rock to search the surrounding waters. Afraid that their friend had injured herself on one of the shipwrecks, they had decided to check out the area for themselves.

  “She’s here!” Ligia yelled as she looked back toward the promontory and saw a figure slumped on the shelf in the side of the rock. “Get Dr. Jay and tell him to hurry, the tide’s coming in.”

  Kalliope hoisted her slim frame back up the rock and ran across to the main island, shouting as she went.

  Ligia climbed up to where her friend lay. “Ademia, wake up, we’ve got to go,” she urged, hoping the girl had just fallen asleep in the hot sun. No such luck. Ademia was motionless. On closer inspection Ligia realized that her friend’s breathing was quite rapid and her face red. As tears poured down the redhead’s face, she rubbed Ademia’s shoulders and begged her to open her eyes.

  “Farris is coming!” Kalliope shouted down from the top of the rock.

  “Tell him to hurry, something’s wrong,” Ligia called up desperately.

  Farris was soon hurling himself down the rock face and onto the little ledge to the girls.

  “She’s got a fever!” Farris shouted up as Dr. Jay appeared at the top of the rock with Kalliope.

  A wave washed over the ledge. Farris scooped Ademia up in his strong arms and just managed to prevent her from getting soaked. The tide was rising fast and soon the shelf would be submerged.

  “Pass her up.” Dr Jay was leaning over the rock with his arms outstretched. Rechavia and Aitan were supporting him as he held his precarious position.

  Farris took a step up on a nearby rock. His foot slipped off in the wet and he cursed. Still holding his girl tightly, he tried again. This time he managed to get purchase and hoisted himself up slightly. It was enough to reach the doctor. Very carefully, Farris lifted her into Dr. Jay’s waiting arms. Ademia was soon lying on the top rock, while Dr. Jay checked her over.

  “Come on, Ligia. Take your time though, it’s slippery.” Farris turned back to the pretty redhead and helped her pull her slight frame up the rock. Tears were still streaming down her beautiful face when she reached the top and hugged Kalliope.

  “We’ll get her back to the house,” Dr. Jay announced, lifting the patient in his arms.

  “Will she be OK?” Ligia hardly dared ask.

  “She’ll be fine,” Dr. Jay assured her with a slight smile. “I’m not sure yet what’s caused it, but I’m hoping if we can get her fever down she should be right as rain in a few days.”

  “I wonder how long she was out in the sun,” Farris mused as they made their way to the main island.

  “Ademia’s used to being out in the sun, though,” Kalliope replied incredulously. “We all used to sit out there at midday. We spent whole afternoons sunbathing on Destiny. Surely she can’t be affected by it now?”

  “She hasn’t been a Siren for ages now, so she hasn’t been out there to that extent. It’s possible her body is no longer accustomed to that way of life now. We always discourage you girls from being out in the midday sun even though we know you used to go out in it all the time. It’s really not safe. She’s sweating quite a bit, so it’s possible.” Dr. Jay had quickened his step and looked worried.

  “But if that’s all it is, surely you just need to cool her down?” Ligia asked hopefully.

  “It’s not quite that simple,” Farris replied. “Sunstroke can lead to blindness, organ failure, all sorts of things.”

  There were gasps all around and Dr. Jay frowned at Farris.

  “Blindness is usually only temporary, and we don’t know yet that it is sunstroke. It could be a number of things, a virus, infection—sometimes we get fevers, which only last a few hours while the body fights off a bacterium. She might be fine in a while.” The doctor did his best to reassure them.

  Melantho met them at the door of the big house. Dr. Jay laid Ademia on the sofa, where Melantho had already placed a large towel.

  “Get the old tin bath and fill it with seawater. You’ll need to boil some water to warm it up, we want it tepid, not cold.” Dr. Jay’s instructions were clear and calm.

  Rechavia and Aitan rushed out to find the bath, which had only recently been emptied of the flowers that Hermandine had ordered Melantho to plant in it. The old dear hadn’t really known what a bath was for, as they usually washed in the sea or from a small bowl of water.

  The two sailors carried the bath to the shore and filled it with water while Melantho went to check on the water over the fire. Luckily, she had seen them coming up the hill and automatically put some water on to boil for a cup of tea.

  “She’s starting to shiver,” Farris said anxiously. He was whispering softly to her while stroking her beautiful face as Dr. Jay rummaged in his bag for medication. He cursed at his lack of supplies.

  “Take off that wet bikini,” Dr. Jay said abruptly. “How’s the bath doing?”

  “Just coming now,” Ligia was stood in the doorway. She watched the two men carry the bath full of water up to the house.

  “Bring it in here,” Dr. Jay commanded. “It’s cooler than out there.”

  The men placed the tin bath in the middle of the front room, before Rechavia went back out to fetch the large pot of boiling water from the fire.

  “Tell me when to stop,” he told the doctor as he began pouring the hot water into the bath.

  Dr. Jay put his hand in the bath and swirled the water around, waiting for the temperature to reach the desired level.

  “That’s enough,” he said and Rechavia went back outside with the pot. Aitan went out to join his friend, giving the patient some privacy.

  “Can you hear me, love?” Farris was still trying to coax Ademia. She seemed a little more lucid, but had yet to open her eyes.

  “I think she’s with us, but only just,” Farris told the doctor who came over to them.

  “Ademia, baby, can you squeeze my hand?” Dr. Jay held her gently, willing her to comply. A few anxious minutes passed before he felt a slight pressure on his fingers. Dr. Jay let out a sigh and nodded to Farris. “That’s good, baby, now we’re going to put you in a bath to help you cool down a little. Can you open your eyes for us?”

  They all watched with bated breath as the blonde girl’s eyelids flickered and she eventually managed to open her eyes.

  Farris felt his heart flutter at the sight of her big, blue eyes staring up at him. He smiled at her.

  “Good girl,” Dr. Jay said, leaning over to study her face.

  “She’s a bit confused, I think.” The doctor frowned. “But we’d better get her cooled down as soon as we can.”

  Farris placed his muscular arms under her naked body and gently lowered her into the water.

  “Ooh!” Ademia jumped in surprise as the tepid water touched her body.

  Dr. Jay was checking the water all the time. “Not too cold, is it, baby?”

  She shook her head slightly, and Farris lowered her in some more, unti
l her torso was almost submerged. Her legs hung out one end and her neck leaned against the other. Her breasts were too large to be completely covered, and bobbed above the waterline. The women had never seen anything like it. Kalliope giggled.

  Ademia looked around at her friends vacantly, as Farris supported her with one hand while cupping water in his other and gently pouring it over her fevered body and face. Her curly blond hair stuck to her cheeks and shoulders as sweat poured from her.

  “Is she cold?” Ligia asked, noticing how much she was shaking.

  “No, she’s boiling hot,” Farris replied, as he spread cold water over Ademia’s forehead, smoothing her wet curls off her skin. Ademia closed her eyes and sighed as the cool water soothed her.

  “C-could she see?” Ligia asked, concerned that she hadn’t acknowledged any of them.

  “Yes,” Dr. Jay replied with a smile, “probably not very well, but I’m sure she could see a little.”

  “Only a little?” Ligia asked anxiously.

  “It’s OK, I think she’ll be fine. Farris, she needs to come out now. Melantho, is there another towel, and a sheet to cover her?”

  “Right here, doctor.” Melantho scurried over to the other sofa where a pile of linen had been stacked. She had anticipated the sheet, and brought a blanket just in case. The others hadn’t noticed her go and fetch another towel while they were bathing her. She passed over the towel and picked up the fresh sheet.

  “Thanks, Mel,” Farris said with a wink as he took the towel from her and started to dry the patient. Melantho blushed. Ademia’s eyes had opened momentarily as he lifted her from the bath, but she had gone back to sleep now.

  As Farris covered her naked body with the thin sheet, Dr. Jay shone a pen torch in her eyes. “She’s just sleeping now,” he confirmed, relieved that she hadn’t lost consciousness again.

  “We’d better go,” Kalliope said quietly, nudging Ligia. Rechavia and Aitan appeared in the doorway, ready to take them home. They lifted the tin bath between them and emptied it on the grass outside, before propping it up against the wall.

  “Thanks everyone,” Dr. Jay said, getting up to see them out.

  “Just glad she’s OK, bro,” Rechavia said, shaking his hand, “You shout up if you need anything, right?”

  “Bye the way, we found out some shit about that nurse,” Aitan said as he shook the doctor’s hand, “I’ll fill you in later, but you’d do well to steer clear of her.”

  “Thanks for that,” Dr. Jay said with a nod, “I will.”

  Farris was sat on the floor next to the sofa on which Ademia was sleeping when Dr. Jay closed the door and came back into the room. Melantho was busy putting some food on the table for them.

  “I’ve made some soup,” she told the doctor quietly. “I was hoping Ademia might manage some, but if not I’m sure you’ll be able to make use of it.”

  Dr. Jay put an arm around the shoulder of the young girl. “Thank you so much, Mel. I don’t know what we’d do without you, I really don’t.”

  Melantho blushed. She hadn’t heard her name shortened before today and found it quite endearing. She resumed her work at the table before handing the men steaming mugs of tea.

  “You get off home, now.” Dr. Jay took his drink from her. “We’ll keep an eye on her.”

  “If you’re sure.” Melantho moved some spare linen from the sofa onto a small side table so the men could sit down. “Let me know if there’s anything you need.” She scurried out of the door and down the hill to the little hut she shared with Sapphire.

  * * * *

  Ademia had a fitful night and her two men didn’t get much sleep. As the sun peered through the open drape, Farris opened his big brown eyes. Dr. Jay was checking their girl over. He wore a frown.

  “What’s wrong?” Farris knew that look.

  “We’ve kept her cool all night but she’s burning up,” Dr. Jay replied. “I think she needs some stronger meds. I’m taking her back to the hospital.”

  Now Farris was worried. If he just needed stronger medication, the doctor wouldn’t need to take his patient with him to fetch it. He obviously wanted a second opinion on her condition. He also noticed that Dr. Jay had inserted a cannula into Ademia’s arm. He had obviously administered drugs, which weren’t working.

  “We’re taking her back to the hospital,” Farris corrected.

  “OK, if you’re happy to pilot? Get another hour, you’ve hardly had any sleep, bro, and it’s going to be a long day.”

  “I’m fine, we can go now if you like.” Farris offered, getting up. He knew he wouldn’t sleep if he tried to anyway. Not now that he knew something wasn’t right.

  “OK. I’ll go freshen up.”

  The doctor came downstairs a few minutes later in a change of trousers, carrying a fresh bikini for Ademia. “We’ll protect her modesty,” he told Farris with a grin.

  “Only ’cos you know she’ll kill you later if she finds out you didn’t,” Farris said with a snigger. He went to get himself ready while Dr. Jay washed and dressed Ademia in preparation for the journey to Eastland.

  The sea was calm, so it was a peaceful journey over to the mainland. They took the boat with the outboard motor, as it was quicker, although noisier, than the fishing boats. Farris took his position at the back, while Dr. Jay held Ademia in his arms all the way. They had grabbed some food and drink for the journey, and Dr. Jay used his time making notes on his Dictaphone. Farris gazed at the young girl, and stared into the deep, green sea around them. His mind wandered.

  Farris had hoped things would have worked out differently for the three of them. He hadn’t expected Ademia to protest about living with them. In his mind, he had pictured her accepting the situation graciously. That night they would have all moved into the master bedroom. She would have laid in the middle with one of them on either side of her. She would kiss them and allow them to touch her soft body. Her hands would trail deliciously down his muscular chest while he felt those voluptuous breasts of hers. God, how he longed to touch those breasts! Jay would be kissing her wet pussy, running his tongue all around her labia and in and out of her sumptuous vagina. Ademia would gasp and buck her hips upward, inviting Jay in even further. She would grab Farris’s cock and kiss it before licking its massive length. She would moan as she gently tickled the thick mushroom head with her hot tongue, sliding it into the little slit underneath. He could feel her now. Her fiery, wet mouth would welcome it in, and he would thrust it in as far as he dared. She would go wild as Jay licked her clit and as she came, Farris would send his seed hurtling down her eager throat. She would lap his cock up, swallowing every drop, as Jay slurped at her dripping pussy. They would both hold her as she drifted off into a beautiful dream. A dream about them.

  He looked over at Ademia as he slowed the boat a little to negotiate the harbor. She was still sleeping. He wondered what she would be dreaming about.

  “Look out!” Dr. Jay shouted up as he neared a larger boat to their port.

  Farris immediately steered away and got his mind back on track. “Sorry, mate.” He saluted the skipper of the larger vessel, who grinned down at him.

  “I don’t know what you’re thinking about!” Dr. Jay said with a wide grin, as he stared at the large bulge in his friend’s trousers.

  Farris laughed. He wasn’t about to tell his mate he’d just had a wonderful daydream in which they all got to come except him!

  “I hope Dr. Ernaut’s on duty this morning,” Dr. Jay said as they clambered out of the boat. He handed the girl over to Farris to carry, which he did with ease and relish.

  The hospital was very busy today, and they bumped into Dr. Ernaut as he made his way back to his office after his morning rounds. The older man frowned when he saw the girl in Farris’s arms.

  “Bring her in here,” he said immediately, ushering them into a side room.

  Farris placed her gently on the bed. She blinked as she opened her eyes, squinting in the bright light. Her eyes widened as she stared up
at Dr. Ernaut. Farris caught her hand just as she tried to get up.

  “It’s all right love, we’re at the hospital,” he said softly.

  Dr. Jay smiled over, impressed at his friend’s bedside manner. He secretly kicked himself for not remembering that she wouldn’t recognize the elderly doctor, particularly in her confused state. He was glad Farris was there for her. They made a good team.

  Dr. Ernaut checked her temperature before shining a pen torch in her eyes. She jumped, her head spinning.

  “It’s OK, just having a little look at you, dear,” Dr. Ernaut said kindly.

  Ademia seethed inwardly. Why doesn’t anyone ask before they start poking me about?

  “She is feverish.” The doctor turned to Dr. Jay. “But I think she’ll be OK. Although I would like to keep her in for a day or two, just to be on the safe side.”

  Ademia’s eyes widened again. Not on your fucking life!

  To her horror, Dr. Jay was nodding at him, “I thought you might say that. I’m thinking sunstroke but I’m not certain. She’s very fair, as you can see, and she spends a lot of time running around in the heat. I think she’s exerted herself and then either collapsed or fallen asleep in the sun. It seems the mostly likely explanation, given her symptoms. What do you think, Dr. Ernaut?”

  The doctors moved to the other side of the room while they discussed her, which made her fume even more.

  “It’s OK,” Farris said, softly stroking her cheek.

  Her throat was tight and her mouth was dry. She tried to speak but nothing came.

  “Don’t try to speak, little lady,” Farris said gently. “There’s plenty of time for that later.” He smoothed back her tight curls, which were starting to stick again as the sweat poured down the side of her face.

  “She’s getting hotter,” Farris called out to the doctors. They strolled over to the bed slowly, just as the door opened.

  “Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you were in here,” Nurse Reis said with a sickly smile.

  “Yes, nurse, we’ve got a very poorly patient, I’m afraid,” Dr. Ernaut said, taking Ademia’s temperature. “Her temperature is rising,” he confirmed with a nod.


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