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Ménage of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Bella Settarra

  “And I brought some of that lemon drink she likes,” Kalliope said proudly.

  “Wow, we certainly won’t starve,” Dr. Jay said with a laugh, “Thanks, girls.”

  Melantho brought in a tray of green tea for everyone, which they enjoyed with some biscuits.

  “Kally and I thought we’d do some washing for you,” Ligia offered as they tucked in. “We went through that many towels and cloths yesterday, and she’ll need something to wear soon.”

  “Oh, I think she looks just fine in my shirts,” Farris said, grinning at Ademia. Her hair no longer stuck to her head, but splayed out on the soft pillow. Her face wasn’t so red, though it had a warm glow to it. Her lips were dark red, and her long, eyelashes fanned over her sleeping eyes beautifully. She only had a thin sheet covering her and was still dressed in one of Farris’s shirts, which flowed over her body like a thin veil.

  As the girls busied themselves with the chores, Dr. Jay unpacked the boxes of drugs in the room that was to become his surgery. He was kept quite busy with the islanders, but was finding it difficult to keep going out to them all the time, because, without a phone, people had to chase around the island looking for him when the next mishap occurred. By having somewhere for everyone to go when they needed him it should make life easier all ’round.

  Farris was straightening the sheet over his girl when he noticed her eyes flicker. He was kneeling at the side of the sofa. He gently moved a stray hair from her face as she opened her eyes. They looked like deep, blue pools of water. She smiled as she looked up into his handsome face and he winked at her.

  “Good morning, little lady,” he said softly, stroking her cheek.


  “Well I’m glad you remember me.” He leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips. Her mouth was hot and dry. “There’s a couple of people waiting to say hi to you.”

  “She’s awake!” Melantho came in with a tray of clean crockery and spotted her friend. She dumped the tray on the table and rushed over to the sofa and crouched beside Farris.

  “Hi Ademia, are you OK?”

  “I’m fine,” Ademia said with a smile, as Melantho squeezed her hand gently.

  “I’ll get Dr. Jay.”

  The young girl scurried into the back room and a second later Dr. Jay emerged by the sofa. His face shone as he smiled down at her. His blond hair framed him like a halo, and his gorgeous bright-blue eyes beamed at her. “Hi, baby.”

  “Hi, Doct—,” she broke off as she caught her breath.

  “I think it’s about time you started calling me Jay,” he said with a laugh.

  She blushed. It didn’t seem right somehow, and yet, now that they were on a more personal level it did make sense. She nodded, while Farris helped her with a drink of lemon water.

  “Hey, how are you?” Ligia came in, followed closely by Kalliope.

  Ademia smiled up at them. “Better,” she said, grabbing Ligia’s hand.

  “We were worried sick about you,” Kalliope said, and promptly received a hard stare from Ligia. “Um, it’s great to see you looking better,” she added quickly.

  Ademia smirked. She was well used to Kalliope’s lack of tact.

  A ping from the computer made them all look around.

  “It’s the hospital again, must be an update. He’s on Super-Skype.” Dr. Jay said, setting it on his lap.

  “We’ll see you in a while,” Ligia said, gesturing to Kalliope that they should leave. Melantho was already outside making soup.

  Ademia looked concerned, but Farris shook his head and held her hand.

  “Hi Dr. Ernaut, how’s it going?” Dr. Jay spoke easily into the machine.

  “Nothing to worry about, my friend, you’re completely off the hook,” the elderly man said with a broad smile. “How’s your patient?”

  Dr. Jay sighed with relief. “She’s just woken up, doc, we got here just in time.”

  “Thank the heavens for that.” Dr. Ernaut smiled, “sounded like it was close, though?”

  “Too damn close,” Dr. Jay replied. “What happened at the hearing?”

  “Well, I gave your apologies and told them that you had come over to attend but as they kept you waiting you had to return for a medical emergency. I told them that you felt, as I do, that we are here for our patients and not for timewasters like Nurse Reis. I also explained what the medical emergency was and pointed out how important it was that there was a doctor in residence on the island and that we should be supporting you and your patients.”

  “Thanks so much for standing up for me.” Dr. Jay was touched by his friend’s support.

  “No problem. I hate this sort of thing as much as you do,” he replied with a smile. “I also pointed out that the last time there were allegations of this kind the press had a field day and a police inspector was called to resign over believing such nonsense. I reminded the board that the press would be very interested in your case and that it would be their turn to look like a laughing stock this time.” He chuckled. “You should have seen their faces! Anyway, they soon saw it our way and dismissed that nurse on the spot. They also told her that she was lucky she wasn’t being sued by yourself or them.”

  Dr. Jay laughed. “Thanks so much for that.”

  “Hey, it’s my pleasure. It was worth it just to see those expressions.”

  “Why did it take so long?” Farris asked from the other sofa.

  “Oh, it was their fault. The nurse had brought in a couple of people who wanted to have their say. She claimed it was relevant to the case. It was all bullshit of course, but the board had to listen to it all anyway,” Dr. Ernaut replied dismissively.

  “What people?” Ademia murmured.

  “Don’t you worry about it, little lady.” Farris tried to soothe her but she wasn’t having it. Ademia tried to sit up. “I want to know who,” she panted. Farris fluffed the pillow under her and told her to lie still.

  “It was a Mrs. Loidi and some guy I can’t remember the name of.” Dr. Ernaut had heard the question.

  Although flushed, Ademia’s face went pale. “Palben.”

  “Yes, that was it, really pasty, scrawny guy. First-class creep if you ask me,” Dr. Ernaut confirmed, unaware of the expression on the young girl’s face.

  “Well thanks ever so much for all your help, doctor. I owe you one,” Dr. Jay said quickly, noticing a tear roll down Ademia’s cheek.

  “It was about m–me,” she said as he closed the laptop. Tears flooded her eyes as she realized what was going on.

  “Don’t you worry about a thing, it’s all sorted now,” Farris said, wiping tears from her hot cheek.

  “But we sh–should’ve been there. You went…”

  She looked up at Dr. Jay who had discarded the computer and now towered over her defiantly.

  “Now listen to me,” he said softly, but firmly. “That nurse who lied about me to the police came up with a load of shit about my private life. Yes, it included you as well as a number of other things. Those people were obviously paid to come in and give evidence, which no one believed anyhow. The board have dismissed her, not me. They know it was all hogwash and they’ve admitted it. Now we’ve got nothing to worry about, do you understand?”

  Ademia nodded. “W–why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I didn’t want you to worry, baby,” he said gently, kneeling beside her as Farris got up. “We don’t want you to worry about a thing. Have you any idea how much we love you? We want to protect you from anything that would upset or hurt you. We want to look after you. That’s why we came back when we did, because you needed us. We want to be everything you need. D’you understand?”

  Her tear-filled eyes gazed up into his. He really was alluring. She sniffed as she nodded and he took her in his magnificent arms and held her. She cried. She felt guilty that he had been through this because of her, betrayed by Palben, ill, but so, so loved.

  Farris rubbed her back as she sat there, sobbing. Tears were in his eyes too, and, th
ough he wouldn’t admit it, in Dr. Jay’s. They had nearly lost their girl and now, here she was, accepting them.

  Dr. Jay was muttering in her ear. She could feel his voice reverberating through his cut chest. She felt him stroke her hair gently. She could feel Farris behind her, his big hand rubbing her back.

  She pulled her face from the doctor’s chest and wiped her hand across her eyes. She sniffed again. “I love you, b–both of you,” she said, looking up at each of them in turn. In a split second, they were crowding her, kissing her, telling her they loved her too. Surrounded by their love, she could cope with anything.

  Chapter 9

  “The hospital has been in touch,” Dr. Jay announced as he walked in with an armful of white flowers. “They want me to go in as soon as I can to receive a formal apology from the board.”

  “Well that’s a good result.” Ademia beamed.

  “When do you have to go, bro?” Farris asked as he cuddled their girl on the sofa.

  “I have to tell them when I can make it. I’ve promised to get back to them when I know what the situation is here.”

  “If you mean with me, I’m fine.” Ademia pouted. She had been recovering for several days and was getting a little stir crazy.

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” Dr. Jay said with a frown, “and I’m going nowhere just yet. Besides, Rech’s had some news about the new ship. It should be ready by the end of the week, so we can go over together, provided you’re well enough.”

  “I can stay with Ademia until you get back.” Melantho walked in with a tray of tea.

  “Thanks, Mel, we might just take you up on that,” Dr. Jay said with a smile.

  “Do you need me to come?” Farris asked. “I don’t mind staying behind.” He was anxious about leaving Ademia again after the last time. Both men repeatedly cursed themselves for not being there when she needed them.

  “’Fraid so, bro. Aitan’s got a load of these flowers to go over on Friday. They’re gonna need three of the small boats to get them all in. That means we’ll need an extra body with the new ship on the way back. They could do with the extra help for the unloading anyhow.”

  Farris sighed. That wasn’t the answer he wanted.

  “I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” Ademia took her mug from the tray and settled back in his arms. “I feel so much better now, I should be helping Mel instead of sitting around doing nothing.”

  “You’ll do no such thing!” Farris was adamant. “Until we know you’re fully recovered you’re not lifting a finger, little lady. You’ve been exerting yourself far too much lately and look where it’s got you. We’ll see how you are in a couple of days.”

  Ademia giggled. She loved her dominant men.

  “There’s something else, too,” Dr. Jay said with a grin. “The case hit the papers. The bitch has been slated, as have the other ‘witnesses.’ They’ve been made to look complete idiots. The press brought up all the stuff about the last time our women were accused of prostitution. Mrs. Loidi’s business has gone right down the pan, even though it’s actually her daughter who’s been running it. All of them are laughing stocks, no one’ll have anything to do with them by all accounts.”

  “Now that’s what I call a result!” Farris had cheered up no end.

  * * * *

  By the end of the week Dr. Jay was satisfied that Ademia could manage the stairs and she had been allowed to go back to sleeping in her own bed. The men were reluctant to let her sleep alone, but it had been thought that the heat of their bodies next to her might have been too much for her while she was fighting to keep her temperature down.

  “Wow, this is so cool.” She had been allowed to go into the sea for a wash, but was forbidden to swim. She splashed the cold water over her skin and dipped her head under the water.

  “Don’t you go getting any ideas, baby.”

  She was giggling as her head rose from the dark water. The sun was just rising and the water looked almost black. She shuddered to think what could be lurking under the waves. “Don’t worry. I’m not going far in this.”

  “Time for breakfast,” Farris said, striding onto the shore. His dripping body glistened in the half light and he looked delicious. He looked back and grinned as he caught Ademia admiring his body.

  Dr. Jay followed her out of the sea and up to the house. The water was already boiling and Melantho had left them some griddle scones, which were already warming on the fire.

  “Here, keep this on for a while.” Dr. Jay wrapped a towel around their girl as they sat down to eat.

  She smiled. Her men obviously felt guilty about leaving her today. “I feel loads better today.” She tried to assure them.

  “Are you absolutely certain, baby? ’Cos if you feel at all sick, you need to tell me and we won’t go. They can sort something out without us.” Dr. Jay studied her carefully.

  “Honestly, I’m fine. Melantho will be here soon and we’re going to chill out all day.”

  “Well, only if you’re sure. Any problems, you get Kally to get onto the hospital. They’ll find me right away.”

  “I will. I promise.” She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the side of his cheek. His skin was still damp and felt like velvet beneath her lips. His big blue eyes twinkled at her as he grinned.

  Melantho was already on her way up the path when they started to clear away their dishes. “I’ll do those,” she said cheerfully. “Rech and Aitan are on their way over. They want to check you’re definitely going.”

  “OK, I give in, we’re going,” Dr. Jay said, holding his hands up in surrender.

  The girls giggled. Farris remained quiet.

  “Good to hear,” called a deep voice as Rechavia and Aitan strolled toward them. Kalliope and Ligia were behind them with baskets of food for the journey. Ademia smiled. It was lovely to see Kalliope supporting her man.

  “You look nice,” the blonde told her friend as Kalliope came over. She was wearing the thin leather collar Rech had given her at their ceremony. She didn’t wear it all the time because it was rather restrictive in the heat, and she wouldn’t swim in it because of the diamond, but it gave her some comfort while her man was at sea.

  Kalliope smiled, though it didn’t reach her eyes.

  “Great to see you looking so much better,” Ligia chirped, giving Ademia a hug.

  “We’d best get moving,” Rechavia said, looking up at the sky. “They’ve forecast rain for later.”

  They all said their good-byes at the harbor and the three boats sailed off toward the rising sun.

  “I hope we manage to miss the rain.” Dr. Jay sat in the well of the little fishing boat, going through some notes while Farris piloted the vessel. He was surrounded by bunches of little white flowers, whose beautiful scent wafted around the boat.

  “Something bothering you, bro?” He noticed that Farris hadn’t replied, and had actually been rather quiet all morning.

  Farris was staring out to sea, seemingly lost in thought.

  “Hello, earth to Farris, are you there, buddy?”

  “Sorry, I was just wondering over something.” Farris shook his head and turned back to his friend. “I’m really glad our girl’s so much better, but I’m afraid she might be thinking of moving out again now.”

  “We’ve told her how we feel about her, and she loves us back. Do you really think she’s not happy with us?”

  “No. I’m sure she’s happy, but I’m not sure if she sees this as temporary.”

  “Hmm. You might have a point there, bro. After all, we’re still in separate beds at the moment, but I think it’s time we put her squarely in the picture.”

  “Mel and Sapphire seem to be doing fine without her at their place. In fact I hear they’ve been having quite a few visits from Blandon lately,” Farris mused.

  “Yup. As soon as we get back, I think we’ll lay our cards on the table, so to speak. Make sure we all know where we stand.”

  Farris seemed satisfied with the idea, and it wasn’t long before he st
arted whistling as he steered the boat toward the mainland. His mind drifted, and he heard Jay chuckle, obviously reading his mind.

  “Fuck or suck?” Jay teased.

  “It’s a hard choice, but right now I’d like our little lady sucking my cock, I guess.”

  “That works for me. I can just see her now laid out naked in that big bed of ours, knees up, spreadin’ herself wide for me. My swollen cock getting swallowed up in that beautiful, wet pussy of hers. God, I can’t wait to see that girl’s body all glistening and writhing around. Those beautiful blonde curls would be splayed across the pillow and her face all radiant.” Jay grinned as his cock hardened with just the thought of what he’d like to do with their girl.

  “You wouldn’t see her gorgeous face, bro, ’cos I’d have my ass smiling at you while she sucked off my dripping cock. My dick would be hard as rock and she’d be slurping and sliding up and down it, nibbling at my balls. I can feel her now.” Farris’s eyes glazed over as his imagination flew.

  “Well you’d have to keep your big butt out of the way of her sumptuous breasts, ‘cos I’d be reaching up and massaging those beauties while she moaned with delight. I’d be pinching her rosy red nipples, pulling them out and running my fingers around her areolas till they stuck up like little mountain peaks.”

  “Yeah, well I’d get to see those shiny blue eyes gazing up at me while her luscious tongue flicked around my tip and my juices dripped down her chin and across her neck.”

  “You just keep your sticky juices off those tits, man, I don’t want your spunk all over my hands.” Jay laughed as they shared their fantasy, and Farris chuckled.

  “I don’t know about you, bro, but I think I’d better just go relieve myself for a minute after that.” Farris offered Jay the controls while he went to clean himself.

  “Sorry to hear it’ll only take you a minute, bro. You got some problem you’d like me to check out for you down there?” Jay smirked.

  “I can assure you, brother, if I had any kind of problem you’d be the last person I’d have checking it out for me, ya hear?”


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