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Harmony (The Club Girl Diaries Book 1)

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by Jane, Addison

  Chelsea quickly stood from the table and moved across to him. He watched every sway of her hips, his eyes devouring her movements with his predatory eyes. Everyone knew Chelsea was his favorite club girl. He mixed things up occasionally, but I personally hadn’t had the pleasure of his company for a long time.

  I’d tried to talk to her about things between her and Optimus, but she liked to keep her meetings with the guys very private, even from me, her best friend. I shrugged it off and stood to welcome home the other Brothers as they came through the door. Excited to get the night started.

  Five more Brothers sauntered through the door not long after, laughing and joking and calling for drinks. Caleb rushed around like crazy trying to accommodate them all as they threw out a mix of crazy stupid orders. I knew they were trying to frazzle him and I almost felt sorry, but that was the life of a prospect. These men had all done their time without any help from others, so he had to as well, in order to prove he was worthy of wearing his patch.

  I moved over to them and hefted myself up onto the bar.

  “How was the ride?” I asked, crossing my legs and leaning back on my hands.

  Blizzard grinned at me. He was the MC’s Vice President. Blizzard was a sweet guy, perfect to ride next to Optimus, with their personalities an absolute contrast. He was chilled, laid back and straight up. Up until recently he’d had an Old Lady. She was a real piece of work, always in here, ordering the club girls around and making threats. Can’t say I was sad when he kicked her to the curb for doing the dirty on him while he was away on a ride. Now she’s gone, he was more fun and God just happened to have blessed him with a strong tongue.

  “Ride was good, love. But I think we need some shots. Prospect, grab us a bottle of tequila?”

  I cringed. Tequila and I were not friends. We weren’t even close acquaintances. Tequila was like the aunt that you didn’t like visiting because she did weird stuff like pinch your cheeks and make crude comments about her sex life. This is why you avoided her until special occasions, much like tequila.

  “Flat on the bar, Harm. I need something to use for a glass.”

  “Oh, no, no, no. You know I’m ticklish,” I protested and picked up my beer, ready to do a runner. Blizzard caught me around the waist and pushed me up against the bar, grinding his hips against my backside. His breath tickled my neck and his couple of day old stubble chafed at my sensitive skin.

  “Chicken,” he whispered quietly while still holding me captive.

  Laughter broke from my mouth. “I am not a chicken!”

  He slammed the liquor bottle down on the bar in front of me and gave one last thrust of his hips which only caused to make me laugh harder. “Then lay down on the damn bar and keep still.”

  “Fine!” I cried, bumping him away with my ass in a move that probably just turned him on even more.

  He grabbed a hold of the bottom of my T-shirt and yanked it over my head so fast things began to spin. Then gripping under my arms he lifted me onto the bar, the cold surface freezing the backs of my legs as I laid down slowly.

  “Good girl,” Blizzard commented as he poured a small amount of the liquid into my belly button, resulting in goosebumps to break out over my body. Thank goodness the tequila itself wasn’t cold or I probably would have leaped from the bar. Some spilled and I felt a trickle run down the side of my stomach and onto the bar. His tongue licked the area clean before moving up the center of my stomach. I wiggled on the bar top, squeezing my legs together as I felt myself getting wet with the rather sensual act.

  Blizzard pulled at my bra and his mouth latched on to my nipple causing me to gasp. He rolled it in his mouth eliciting a soft moan to pass through my lips. I shuddered as he released my now hard nipple with a pop and began to follow the path of another stray drip, his scruffy beard scratching at my skin.

  I chewed on my lip as I tilted my head back and enjoyed the softness of his mouth and tongue followed closely by his course whiskers.

  A calloused hand moved up the side of my leg and slipped underneath my tight leather skirt. “Like that, baby?” When I didn’t answer, he squeezed my ass cheek tightly, only prompting another small noise of pleasure to leave my mouth.

  Two fingers found the outside of my panties. They were now wet, and I was all but grinding my hips against his hand to try and prompt him to move further. These men moved at their own pace though, and he continued to rub at the material as his tongue swirled and licked the remaining liquid from my stomach.

  I let my hand hang down the side of the bar and my fingers ran up the side of Blizzard’s jeans, unconsciously knowing just where he and I both wanted them to go. Finding the hard rod which stretched against his zipper, I palmed it hard. His hips pushed against my hand and his thick fingers finally slipped inside the leg of my lacy underwear.

  “Blizzard!” I heard Optimus’ voice call out over the now booming sound system. I sagged in disappointment as Blizzard disconnected himself from my body. “My office. Now.”

  Our eyes met briefly and he offered me a smirk and a tap on the ass before gripping the neck of the tequila bottle and leaving me lying on the hard surface of the bar, horny and disappointed.

  When Optimus called, you came running.

  I sighed, throwing my T-shirt back on in annoyance. Chelsea shot out of the hall not long after the two men disappeared down it. She looked disheveled and thoroughly fucked, but with a worried expression on her face.

  “You okay?” I asked as I reached over the bar and pulled two more beers from underneath. I handed her one which she snatched from my grip.

  “Fine,” she mumbled as she headed for the small dance floor, where a couple of other club girls and strippers were grinding up against some men and each other.

  One day she’d tell me what was going on between her and the prez. But Chelsea didn’t like to be pushed, and I didn’t want to lose her in the process simply because I was being nosey. I knew when to pick my battles and that wasn’t one I was willing to risk.


  Hearing my name, I searched the room, looking for where the call had come from. My eyes rested on Target, who waved me over. I downed my beer, grabbing another two from Caleb before moving over to Target, who was reclining in an armchair talking with a couple of other Brothers, Wrench, and Kev.

  Kev had Dana straddling his lap, grinding and thrusting her unnatural boobs in his face. Dana and I didn’t exactly see eye to eye. She hadn’t been with the club as long as I had, only moving in about six months ago. But boy had she stirred up some shit since then. She was young, obnoxious and had her head so far up her own ass I’m surprised the guys could fit their cocks in it.

  I sat on the arm of the chair and dangled one of the beer bottles in front of Target’s face. He took it and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me off the arm of the chair and across his lap. I squealed and held my beer up, hoping it wouldn’t spill everywhere.

  “Cheers, babe.”

  Target’s hand went straight up my skirt and a hard bulge began to form underneath me. He continued his conversation with the boys, even as I writhed and squirmed on his lap. His ability to multitask was quite astounding. Target wasn’t my favorite of the Brothers. He could be crude and demeaning. Most of the men treated me with respect. I had earned it. Sure, they came to us club girls with the intentions of getting their dick wet and getting off, but the majority of them also cared enough to make sure we had a good time too. We had a mutually beneficial arrangement. They liked to keep us happy just as much as we wanted to keep them happy.

  Wrench reached over and pulled the front of my shirt down along with my bra, releasing my breasts. He rubbed at my nipple gently as Target began pushing two fingers in and out of my pussy while his palm put pressure on my sensitive clit. I tucked a hand under me and rubbed the length of Target’s still hardening cock through his jeans.

  “Ah, fuck it.” Target gripped the back of my neck tightly. I winced at the pain. He forced me off his lap and dire
cted me around the couch, his fingertips digging tightly into my throat and making me stand unusually straight. We moved toward the pool table where he forced me to bend, slamming my face into the rough green surface. I felt my lip burst and the metallic taste of blood enter my mouth. As he released my neck to unbuckle his pants, I pushed back off the table, throwing him off balance and causing him to stumble backward.

  “Fuck you, asshole!” I growled. Just because I was here to fuck and please the Brothers, it didn’t mean I put up with being treated like shit.

  A dirty smirk crossed his lips. “Yeah, baby. Was just about to.” A dark look flashed over his features. “Now turn the fuck around.”

  My eyes narrowed. “Go fuck yourself, Target.”

  I pulled my top back into place and folded my arms across my chest.

  “Bitch, you ain’t here to talk. You’re here to fuck.” He moved toward me, venom in his words and anger in his eyes.

  Wrench stepped between us, holding his hands up as a peacemaker. “Bro, calm down. She’s bleeding, let her go get cleaned up.” He turned to me and reached up to touch my lip. I flinched at the pain. “Go sort yourself out, Harm.”

  I nodded, but my eyes were still focused on Target. I knew he was angry at my defiance, but I wouldn’t stand around and let any of these men treat me that way. His glare was intense with a look I hadn’t seen in him before. He could be an asshole. I knew that. But the look in his eyes was not one of annoyance, but one of pure hatred.

  Club Girl Rule Number Three: Stay out of the way of the old ladies.

  An Old Lady is a term that bikers used for endearment. Old ladies are cherished. They are honored and are held to the highest of respect within the club. They are family. Being a club girl meant staying the hell out of the way when they were around. You didn’t talk to them. You held your head down when they were around. And if one asked you to do something, you fucking did it.

  I watched so many club girls get kicked out because they didn’t have enough brains in their pretty little heads to listen to the warnings. They thought because a man had come to their bed, that they had some sort of upper hand.

  Here’s a quick lesson. You may be fucking her man on the side. He may love your pussy and come to you for a lay when his woman is at home with the kids. But he does not give a flying fuck about you. At the end of the day, it’s a lot easier to throw a whore’s ass to the curb than it is to divorce your wife.

  Not to mention that a biker’s Old Lady has his nuts firmly in a vice. As much as he likes to think he’s in charge, she calls the shots. Some men strayed while they were at the club, but you know that no matter what, he’s going home to her after. He isn’t sticking around to snuggle with you.

  I didn’t have many issues with the few old ladies that were part of the club. It was a mutual understanding. I stayed out of their way and they didn’t hit me up about spreading my legs for their men.

  Did I feel bad about sleeping with another woman’s man? Well, it wasn’t my proudest moment. But I wasn’t here to feel guilty. I had a job to do. I was there to please, not lecture a man on his despicable life choices. If that man chose to stray, shame on him.

  Today I’d chosen to hibernate in my room. There was another Brothers by Blood chapter coming to stay tomorrow. Their president had recently stepped down and his son was about to take the throne. Optimus was close with the guy stepping forward. They had grown up together, their fathers being best friends. So he had invited them down to celebrate.

  Old ladies had come in to prepare food and sleeping arrangements because the first day they were here would be a family only event. The few days after that would be one hell of a party and I was beaming with excitement. We didn’t often get visitors from other chapters. But as club girls we were expected to entertain the new men to the best of our abilities. And while I loved my men, I also loved some variety in my sex and I was excited to meet some of the guys from out of town.

  A knock sounded at my door.

  “Come in,” I muffled around the pencil that was nearly chewed to shreds between my teeth. Having the old ladies around had given me time to study and finish writing a paper that was due tomorrow. It was doing my head in. My door creaked open very slowly and a small ruffle of curls peeked out from behind it.

  I giggled. “Hi Macy,” I cooed at the two-year-old.

  The door pushed open a little further to reveal Leo, the MC’s Sergeant-at-Arms. Leo’s road name was one of the easier to figure out, with an unruly mess of curly hair that framed his face like a lion’s mane and a beard to match. “She wanted to come say hi.”

  “Hi, Hahmee,” she squeaked quietly, holding her little arms out for me to pick her up. Her father chuckled. Macy was one of the only club kids I’d been fortunate enough to spend time with. Leo was a single dad and when Macy was born, he’d been living at the clubhouse with no clue about how to care for a child. Chelsea and I had often taken turns looking after her while Leo went on runs and performed his club duties.

  I reached down and scooped her into my arms and gave her little round belly a tickle. “You on babysitting duty?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, Kim’s sister dropped her off, but she had to leave for a little bit. She’s too little to be outside running with the other kids, and the women are all running around like chickens with their heads cuts of.”

  I nodded. Macy was the youngest of the MC kids. Macy’s mother had died giving birth to her. Leo had been shattered and had spiraled out of control for a long time before finally realizing that she’d left him with the most perfect gift and that he needed to do right by her. Kim was beautiful, kind and amazingly strong. The most magnificent Old Lady a man could have asked for. Kim’s sister had hated Leo to begin with, mourning the loss of her sister and blaming Leo for not being able to spend as much time with her before she died. She had come around in the last few months and now she watched Macy whenever he wasn’t home. Mostly she didn’t approve of Leo’s lifestyle within the club, so things were tense.

  “I’ll watch her for a bit,” I offered. I pulled on one of Macy’s tiny ringlets and watching it bounce back perfectly into place. She giggled. Her laughter was like music and so very contagious.

  “You sure?”

  I placed Macy on the bed. “Of course. We can watch My Little Pony on my laptop.”

  He stepped forward and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “I’ve just got to do a couple things. Shouldn’t be more than thirty minutes.” He kissed my temple and leaned his mouth close to my ear. “I’ll thank you later.”

  I laughed. “Can’t wait.”

  I climbed up on my bed and got out my computer. Finding a My Little Pony movie for Macy to watch, I went back to writing my paper as she curled up next to me, totally engrossed in the bright looking ponies.

  Leo was a great dad. Along with most of the other Brothers who had kids, they valued their family and their children above all else. Family included their MC Brothers as well as blood relations. At times like this I wondered if I was included in that equation. The life of a club girl wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. We had to deal with criticism and judgments. We were here to make the men happy, much like a girlfriend or a wife would do for them at home. We cooked for them, cleaned for them, and when they were stressed we knew the right way to help them work through things. In my mind, I was more than just a whore. I enjoyed making these men happy. And I tried to do that in more ways than just a being a piece of ass to screw when they were horny.

  I heard some soft snores coming from the bed next to me. Macy was totally out to it. I had to laugh as she lay there, her thumb half hanging from her mouth and drool worming its way down the side of her cheek.

  Loud voices filled the hallway outside my door. “Where is she, Leo!”

  “Carly, calm down. Damn it! She’s fine.”

  Oh, here we go.

  I lifted Macy from the bed, trying my best not to wake her. My door flew open hitting the wall with a loud bang, causing both me and
the little girl in my arms to jump. Fortunately, her eyes drifted closed again and she snuggled even closer into my neck, her bouncing curls tickling at my nose. An older woman stood in the doorway. Her eyes narrowed and shooting me with a death glare.

  “Get your dirty fucking hands off my niece.”

  I steeled my back and took a deep breath. I’d dealt with abuse and accusations before. This was nothing new. Leo pushed past her and extracted Macy’s sleeping body from my arms.

  “Cut it out, Carly. She’s fine, for fuck’s sake.”

  “I leave for an hour, and you drop your daughter into the arms of some club whore?”

  “Carly,” Leo growled through his teeth. “Go.” He cradled his daughter in one arm and pointed toward the door with the other. His sister-in-law huffed and turned for the door, but not before throwing me a disgusted look over her shoulder. I stayed silent, waiting for the door to close before I let out the frustrated breath I’d been holding.

  I could have defended myself. I could’ve told the woman she was wrong and demanded that she not call me a whore. But really, how wrong was she? There was no point in arguing with a family member. I would always come off second best. Family came first here, and for once I felt like I might be wrong. Maybe I wasn’t included in that equation.

  Leo had kept me up half the night, keeping his promise to come back and thank me for looking after Macy. He’d thanked me more than once and I’d thanked him a few times too.

  I walked away from my morning class feeling accomplished. I was a little tired, but I’d handed in my paper and I was feeling pretty damn happy about how it turned out. Music had been my passion since I was a baby. My mom couldn’t sing to save herself, but she worked as a publicist for some pretty prominent bands. We had moved around a lot when I was younger as some of the bands asked her to be on the road with them. She still had a lot to do with the music industry, working now for a famous rock band called Ashes and Embers. I’d even met a couple of the band members, they were amazing guys.


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