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Harmony (The Club Girl Diaries Book 1)

Page 23

by Jane, Addison

  Tally, Blizzard and Optimus chuckled.

  “Let her go, man. I’m not usually one to see another man’s junk, but that sounds like something I want to watch,” Blizzard laughed.

  “Unfortunately we have plans for our boy here, Harm. So let’s do this quick,” Optimus said as he walked forward. “You got anything to say asshole?”

  “You guys have no idea of the shit-storm you’re bringing on. My family know if I don’t check in with them that something’s gone wrong. They will hunt you down. I’m just disappointed I don’t get to see you all scream and beg for your lives,” his voice was calm. Like he had come to peace with what was going to happen to him. I hated that. I wanted him to be scared. I wanted him to be afraid and beg for forgiveness.

  “That right? Your rich parents going to come down with their Ferraris and try run me down?” Blizzard smirked.

  Target returned the look. “The Mafia don’t drive Ferrari’s, Brother.”

  Target had dropped a bomb.

  I exchanged glances with my Brothers. All of us clearly stunned, but trying not to make it obvious. We didn’t want to give the asshole the satisfaction of knowing he’d rattled us.

  “My family name is DePalma. Ring any bells?” He smirked and the urge to wipe the look off his face was just too strong.

  I clocked him in the jaw, forcing his head against the hard cold concrete wall.

  The name did ring a bell. The DePalma family was one of the top Mafia families on the West Coast. Was I scared of them? Not particularly. But this did change the game.

  “Why you riding with bikers if your so called family runs New York?” Optimus asked, obviously realizing just who he was talking about.

  “Expanding business. Motorcycle clubs and Mafia don’t tend to mix.” That was an understatement. “Getting in good with the club meant more business.”

  “We’ve never dealt with them before, and you’ve never brought it to the table.”

  As far as I knew, Target had been with the MC for a little over six years. Background checks would have been done and if they hadn’t pulled up anything then it was something he’d wanted to keep hidden.

  “A Trojan Horse,” Harmony muttered.

  We all turned to her. “Say again?”

  “The Greeks used a Trojan Horse to win the Trojan War. They made this huge horse and hid a bunch of men inside it. Then the rest of the army pretended to leave. When the Trojans pulled the horse inside their city as a trophy, the Greeks climbed out and let in the rest of the army.” She shook her head. “He was the Trojan Horse. He was going to destroy the club from the inside out.”

  “We aren’t at war with the DePalmas. Or any Mafia for that matter,” Optimus stated. “They’re fucking states away.”

  “My family is growing and your little club – it’s in the way.”

  I frowned. “So where did Daniel Ashley come into this? And what’s with the vendetta against women?”

  “Some say that a man is only as strong as the woman who stands beside him. My family believes women are to be seen, not heard,” Target said as he eyed Harmony. An Italian accent was now becoming more prominent, something he’d obviously had to disguise for years. “Daniel has particular skills when it comes to making women disappear. Chelsea was obviously the first intended target. What with being the one woman Optimus wants but refuses to acknowledge. But then Harmony came along and I thought, well why not hit two birds with one stone. Things obviously worked out strangely with her father on the scene, but that was neither here nor there.”

  “Things didn’t work out at fucking all for you,” Optimus growled. His face was red and he had pulled his gun from his jeans. “You’re full of information, Target. Spilling your guts here.”

  Target laughed again, he clearly thought he had the upper hand. “Killing me is only going to bring the heat harder. The plan will not change. But since it’s no longer an undercover operation and my family will be exacting their revenge, I will die in peace just from seeing those looks on your faces knowing that you will all be in hell with me very soon.”

  He was right.

  We were all in pure shock with this information. We’d thought Target was just a woman hating chauvinistic asshole. While that was true, he also had a backing that none of us expected nor wanted the pleasure of dealing with.

  The room was silent for a moment, but it was Harmony who moved first. She ran over to where a baseball bat was propped up against the wall. She took a hold of it with both hands and walked toward the hanging man. None of us stopped her, all either too busy trying to collect our thoughts or just not caring about what the hell she was about to do.

  “You don’t get off that easy,” she stated before she wound back and swung the bat like it was a golf club, straight into the man’s junk. He screamed and attempted to fold his body in to cradle himself, but the restraints held him tight. That swing alone was enough to make me what to cup my balls and apologize for things I hadn’t even done.

  Her second swing was unexpected as she held it over her head and brought it down against his forearm. Another scream resonated in the air. His arm was now undoubtedly broken, instead of straight it now resembled a wide V shape and hung loosely.

  A third shot to the ribs, another to the groin and to top it off she dropped the bat and plowed her fist into Target’s face. It was a good shot too.

  She shook her hand, cursing as she walked over and kissed me softly. “I’ll leave you boys to it.” I watched as she walked up the stairs, happy to have her gone but missing her already.

  “Man, that girl can swing. You better watch your balls, Kit,” Blizzard chuckled.

  “Don’t I know it,” I murmured.

  Target groaned. I didn’t blame him really. Two shots to the family jewels and I’d be surprised if they hadn’t crawled back inside themselves to hide from the torture.

  “You may have a Mafia family behind you, but we have a family too. This club will stand together. We won’t fall. We won’t give up. We won’t bow down,” Optimus said loudly as he walked forward. He twisted a blade in his hand. “Let them come. We’ll be ready. Then everyone will know never to mess with the Brothers by Blood.”

  With that he thrust the large knife straight into Target’s chest, piercing his heart. Target stared at the blade, wide-eyed and mouth hanging open.

  “I was going to do this slowly – painfully. But you’re not even worth the time I would have to spend cleaning my tools afterward,” he sneered, stepping back to watch as the blood and life slowly drained from the traitor’s body. “See you in hell.”

  We all followed Optimus from the room. I shut the door to the small shed behind us.

  Target didn’t deserve an audience for his death. He didn’t deserve to have his Brothers around him as he took his last breaths. He would die alone, with only his thoughts to comfort him into the next life.

  “This is big,” Blizzard said quietly, his joking now pushed to the side.

  Optimus nodded. “He said the plan would be the same, which means Chelsea is still a target because of her association with me.”

  I looked at my Brother, my long term friend. “We’ll protect our girls. They won’t get to them.”

  “She’s not my girl.”

  “Bullshit,” I said sternly. “When’s the last time she was with another Brother? When’s the last time she wasn’t in your bed.”

  “She’s not my fucking girl,” he shot back.

  Optimus had history. I could see in his eyes that he was right back there. All those years ago when his father died and he’d made the choice to do what he had to do to protect the ones that he loved in the middle of a war. Optimus made his decision back then and it haunted him to this day. The ghosts of his past were very real, and ones that he couldn’t escape. There was a story there, but unfortunately it wasn’t mine to tell.

  “You guys all knew, Target knew. What if he told them?”

  I knew exactly what he was talking about, and the likelihood that
Target had told his family Optimus’ secret was high.

  Blizzard, Tally and I all looked at each other. We knew what the answer was going to have to be. We all knew his feelings for Chelsea and why he wasn’t taking things to the next level.

  “We don’t know how quickly the DePalma’s are going to retaliate. It could be tomorrow, it could be a week from now, maybe even months.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and said the words that we were all thinking. The words that were possibly going to throw his world into a tailspin. “You’re going to have to bring her back, it’s the only way you can make sure they’re safe.”

  He rubbed his fingers over his short hair then in a flash he screamed, slamming his hands against the brick wall. With that, he stormed off with noises of banging and crashing following in his wake.

  We had to prepare ourselves for a war. It was coming. We could feel it in the air. On top of that, Optimus now had to deal with a whole other problem – one very close to his heart, one very personal.

  I hoped that he lined up his shit, got it straight and stepped up like the president I knew he could be. Because I could only do so much, and if this club didn’t have a strong leader when the shit hit the fan – we were all done for.

  The air had changed in the club.

  What I had heard down in that cold dark room scared the crap out of me. Things weren’t about to get better, but possibly even worse.

  But we were leaving today. We were leaving.

  Lift had Kit’s truck parked out front, filled with my things and was with the rest of the Brothers in Church. What was going on in that meeting, I had no idea. What the future held in front of us, I had no idea. All I knew was that I needed to be with Kit. I needed to be strong for my man.

  He’d burst through my defenses, broken down every wall I had erected and inserted himself into my heart. Before him, I had only ever shared my heart with music. Now with him there also, the two blended together perfectly and my world seemed complete.

  The doors to Church opened and the men filed out, faces portraying a range of emotions but none very positive.

  Kit’s eyes found me instantly, it was like he had a beacon that told him where I was at all times. It was strangely comforting. He walked straight to me and I couldn’t help but smile as he lifted me off the ground and tucked his face into my neck.

  “You ready to go, baby?” he whispered.

  I swallowed. “I’m ready.”

  He pulled me toward the doors.

  “Hey! Don’t think you’re escaping that easily,” I heard Wrench call from behind me and I laughed as Kit continued pulling me to the door. I dug my heels into the ground, pulling back against him.

  He groaned and turned to me. “If these guys get a hold of you, we are never going to make it out of here.”

  I tiptoed up and kissed his cheek before turning back. My breath caught in my throat as I took in the sight before me. The men were all lined up across the room, powerful arms crossed against their chests and legs spread to shoulder width.

  It was enough to make any girl swoon. All these men were different. It was strange to think that not so long ago the dynamic of my relationship with these men was so different, but now, now they were just family.

  Tears pricked at my eyes as I watched all their stony faces break out in smiles.

  Optimus stepped forward from the group and I couldn’t help myself. I ran to him, jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck. Optimus hugged me tightly before we finally both stepped back.

  “I know we’ll see you back here again, this ain’t forever. But we’re all gonna miss you like hell.” He smiled. “Keep that asshole in check. He messes up, you call me. There are ten other Brothers here that are now kicking themselves because they missed out on the most amazing Old Lady.”

  Kit burst out laughing behind me and I almost expected him to poke tongues at the rest of the club like a kid on the playground who got the candy they all wanted.

  I was sad. I had spent the last three years here, getting to know these guys, this place. But really, they were only a few hours’ drive away, so coming back for visits wasn’t going to be a problem.

  This was just a see ya later.

  “We’ll see you soon.”

  “I’ll see you soon,” I whispered back.

  “Harmony!” Chelsea came shooting through the front doors. We had said our goodbyes this morning with a lot of tears and a king sized block of chocolate. She’d had to go to a class and I thought I wasn’t going to see her.

  She lunged at me, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing so tightly I had to tap out on her back before I suffocated. I waved goodbye to the boys and finally followed Kit outside, my arm linked through my best friend’s.

  “So I hope Kit has a room up there that I can come and stay in,” she said.

  “Of course, you can come anytime you want, Chel,” I told her, squeezing her hand.

  She looked over her shoulder and I knew who she was looking for. “I might take you up on that sooner than you think.”

  I stopped her and placed both my hands on her cheeks. “Chelsea, he cares about you. Don’t give up on him just yet. Things…Things are about to get crazy. He needs you. Don’t let him push you away.”

  She frowned at me in confusion, even through the tears that streaked down her face.

  “I’m not strong like you, Harmz.” She sniffed.

  “No, you’re not,” I told her. “You’re stronger.”

  She shook her head, but I ignored her and wrapped her up in my arms one last time before stepping back.

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  “I’ll see you soon,” she repeated with a forced smile.

  “Keep those club girls in line,” I called as I ran over to Kit’s bike. Hearing her laughter behind me warmed me. She’s gonna be okay.

  I hefted my leg over Kit’s already rumbling motorcycle and wrapped my arms around his waist, tucking my hands inside his cut.

  “Can’t wait to get you home,” he threw over his shoulder. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.”

  I sat forward and brushed my mouth against his ear. “Show me.”

  Watching Kit leave with Harmony was a weird feeling.

  For years now Harmony and Chelsea had been around, helping out wherever they could and keeping us all entertained. I don’t think they realized it, but my boys had a special bond with those two. Even from the start they had been more than just club girls. They were special.

  I was glad my Brother had seen that in Harmony and had decided to give her everything she deserved. I wished I could feel the same about the brunette that was her best friend. It takes a special breed to be the Old Lady of an MC President.

  Harmony got it. She saw the bad in the world but didn’t let it affect her. She was strong and would stand up and have her say whether people wanted to hear it or not. Chelsea was more of a soft soul. She’d had it hard growing up and tended to take everything to heart more easily. It bought out my protective side. I wanted to hold her, to cocoon her from the bad.

  Chel meant more to me than I could ever let show. I wanted to keep her close – own her, mind, body, and soul. But I’d done that once, and I swore I never would again. My instincts told me to keep her at an arm’s length, keeping her in my bed every night but refusing to acknowledge any other type of attachment. I told myself I was protecting her, but I knew I was actually just hurting her over and over again.

  Chelsea walked back inside the clubhouse, tears streaking her face. Even with mascara running down her cheeks she was still beautiful. Every time I saw her my body stood alert. The girl was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. She had long, athletic legs that felt like a vice when they were wrapped around me, all due to the amount of running that she did. Her stomach was toned too, and she had the perfect set of breasts, not too big, not too small. Add the thick wavy auburn hair and unusual dark green eyes and she was a fucking wet dream on legs.

  She walked straight ove
r to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. I stilled for a minute, but then my brain told me to stop being such an asshole. She had just watched her best friend leave. I pulled her close against my chest and rested my chin on the top of her head. I was never one for big public displays of affection, but with Chelsea I just couldn’t stop myself from wanting to hold her, especially when there were other men around.

  Caveman logic.

  The longer I stood there with her cradled against me, the guiltier I felt. I knew I was about to make a phone call that was going to not only rattle my world, but possibly drive her away permanently.

  I gripped her shoulders and pulled back so I could see her face. “I gotta do some shit in my office. You gonna be all right?”

  She chewed on her lip, a tick I’d noticed she had when she wanted to say something she was unsure of, or that she knew I wouldn’t like. She let it go though.

  “Yeah, I’ll go do some school work.”

  My heart screamed at me to say fuck it, she needed me, the call could wait. But the logic inside my head argued that it was for the better that I get this done now and start the shit-storm that would probably drive that wedge between us for good.

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  I could tell by the way that her shoulders slumped that she was disappointed, but she just turned and walked away. I rubbed at the scruff on my face, watching her leave before I finally worked up enough nerve to walk to my office and pick up the phone. The number was burned into my memory like it had been branded there with a hot iron. And even though I didn’t call it on a regular basis, I don’t think I could forget it if I tried. It rang a few times before a soft sweet voice picked up on the other end, and my heart instead of flying like it usually did when I heard her speak, it completely sunk.


  “Hey, Sugar.”

  “What’s wrong?” She knew the score. I had regular calls to catch up with her and only visited once a year. So when it wasn’t one of those times, she knew something was bad.

  I sighed, hanging my head. “Need you back here.”


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