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The Demon’s Prince [Milson Valley 9] - Siren Publishing Classic ManLove

Page 2

by Jo Penn

  Dare and Anton both looked fit and healthy, no permanent adverse side effects, though Anton mentioned they suffered momentary lapses with their sense of smell, which would hopefully settle shortly. Valiant was also on a gurney, and so pale Emile was actually concerned. Also quite fascinated as Dimitri’s mate and Valiant’s brother, Ryson, refused to leave his brother’s side, going as far as to swipe his lethal, razor sharp talons at Dimitri and Bruno when the pair invaded his space. Ryson rarely displayed emotion, that of any great depth and strength. Ryson was a beautiful vampire and extremely intelligent, an excellent researcher who was in high demand.

  Not having seen this side of the creature before, Emile admitted to being curious and possibly staring. He was a feline after all, and felines were well known for their curiosity. Valiant reached out and held his brother’s hand, Ryson patting it absently.

  Through the private terminal, a black haired creature raced with supernatural speed, Emile sighing with some relief.

  He was a feline, and though he was the least affectionate and expressive of his family, and possibly the entire cat population if he went by the wailing of his littermate Dominic, he still required them. Seeing his cousin, Trent Sanchez, racing to his side leveled Emile, as did having Linc walking beside him.

  “Emile!” Trent reached the edge of the gurney and clasped Emile’s left hand, squeezing gently before leaning down and breathing deep, scenting him. “I have the medical staff ready. We have yours and Aunt Lisette’s blood stocks arriving this evening. Tell me how you are.”

  Emile relaxed back on the gurney as they were swiftly moved through the terminal. He kept hold of his cousin’s hand, needing the contact, unusual for him, but there it was. And Trent was technically one of his three favorite family members. Not that he would let the rest of them know that, and it would crush his youngest sister, Melody, so best never to mention it. Emile did possess an understanding of what it was to be considerate of others feelings and he wasn’t a fool. His family could be very vocal and would make his life hell for quite some time if they knew he played favorites.

  Linc was one of his favorites, as was Emile’s other younger brother, Ryder.

  “I will be fine, I am assured. Where is Tredd?” Emile asked, referring to Trent’s bear shifter mate.

  “Just landed in Milson Valley.” Trent glanced around. “How’s Val Baby doing?”

  Valiant had acquired the nickname ‘Val Baby’ when he was but a small babe. His mother, Queen Bethany, adored Valiant and kept him with her everywhere, affectionately calling him Val Baby. The nickname stuck, even after a hundred odd years and despite Val being anything baby-like. Rather, he was an arrogant, difficult creature at times and had that vampire coldness which cut sharper than a knife. Still, there were those creatures that enjoyed teasing the man. Namely gargoyles, they just loved to irritate and tease.

  “I am not entirely sure. Hopefully recovering.” His throat still felt raw and painful, making him wonder how much healing he had managed during his sleep.

  “Well, the medics with yours and the Surkov’s team have taken samples of whatever it was that downed you and Valiant. We will be able to analyze the substance here and produce medicines to counteract. Let’s make you comfortable, cousin.”

  Emile was very much in agreement with that suggestion. He wanted his computers, at least two of his assistants, and a good cup of coffee. He would settle for one computer, one assistant, a good coffee, and a throat soother.

  * * * *

  “I do not understand how there can be no trace.”

  “Err, ah, well…the thing is, Your Highness,” the tall, lithe cheetah tugged at his collar, eyes darting to the window, “with the release of the chemical, our investigators have been unable to identify any scents or trace of creatures that may have been on the property before you–”

  “That seems very unlikely,” Emile commented, tapping his laptop to open the latest report. “There will always be some detail left. Have the investigators go over the property thoroughly.” Emile frowned at the pride assistant. “Where is the original report? Why is it not available for me yet? I will see to it myself–”

  “Oh, no, Your Highness! We have strict instructions you are not to be disturbed.” The assistant looked muddled and anxious, alarmed even. “I’ll send the report to you immediately.”

  The man raced away, Emile sighing disappointedly. He had no clue as to why staff always seemed anxious when dealing with him, and he feared none of them had any sense, except his own assistants, of course. They had no problem telling him exactly what they thought. Still, he wanted those reports, and though the cheetah was probably correct about there being no identifiable scents or traces of creatures after the chemical bomb, Emile would like to make one hundred percent sure by having the investigators double or even triple check the site.

  “Are you terrifying staff again, cousin?” Trent wandered in carrying a tray with one hand.

  “I merely requested the investigators re-check the site and asked why I had not received the original report,” Emile huffed indignantly. “I hope that tray has coffee on it.”

  So far, there had been no coffee. Emile adored coffee, good coffee. He could go without it, of course, it wasn’t something he needed to have, but he couldn’t understand why the doctors and healers insisted he forgo just one steamy hot mug of coffee. It made no sense whatsoever.

  “No coffee.” Tre chuckled tiredly. “Sorry, Emile, you’re going to have to go through withdrawals. But, we have for you a lovely broth, water, and an all-natural herbal tea. Peppermint I believe.”

  Emile shuddered. “Tea? That’s just revolting.”

  “I like tea.” Tre grinned. “Drowned with port. Now you know the rules, cousin. Nothing with preservatives and chemicals as your system is in the process of being flushed.”

  Emile curled a lip in distaste as Trent placed the silver tray on the table beside the bed. The suite, like most in the Zurich Sanchez Compound, was pleasant enough, Emile certainly did not have any issue with it, except he preferred not to have to remain in bed. Of course, when he had protested this, insisting he was fine, he’d embarrassed himself by collapsing as soon as he rose from the bed to prove his point. Suffice to say, he made the healers point that he was far from ready to leave the bed.

  “Where is Linc?” Emile sipped the water, rejecting the tea and broth.

  “Resting. I have one of our cousins with him.”

  Emile nodded, trusting Tre completely. While most in the Sanchez and extended clan complained and wailed that Emile lacked affection for family, they cried even louder over Trent. The creature was stunning with his jet black hair and electric blue eyes, he was incredibly smart and compassionate, but beneath the smooth veneer, Trent wasn’t a joiner. He preferred solitude when not working, and a good book. But that did not mean the man wouldn’t do everything necessary to protect one of their family or anyone in need of assistance. As far as Emile was concerned, that was part of Trent’s problem. He cared so much that he was left shattered when witnessing the fights between Renegades and others.

  Tre would ensure Lincoln was taken care of, and importantly, protected.

  “Good, good.” Putting the water aside, frowning as his hand shook, Emile, relaxed back against the pillows propped up behind him.

  “I guess you were sent to order me back to Milson Valley.” Trent walked over to the windows and adjusted the blinds to stop the light shining into Emile’s sensitive eyes.

  Emile never lied, outright that is. He would evade the truth, he would tell only half a story. He was a diplomat and Senator after all, and whatever he said could be used against not only himself and his pride, but innocents. With family, though, he was often too truthful. Another wailed complaint from dozens of them.

  “Yes, one of the primary reasons.”

  “Because we are…close.” Trent turned back, nodding, a slight smile on his lips. Electric blue eyes flicked away from Emile.

  “Yes, I believe we a
re. While I admire and appreciate all my siblings and cousins, even second cousins, aside from Dominic and Drake, I find myself closest to yourself.”

  “And are protective of Lincoln and Ryder.” Trent sighed. “Technically, I do not have to go.”

  “Technically, you do when so ordered by the King, Queen, or Crown Prince, who are leaders of our pride. Or the courts and High Council.” Emile watched his cousin wander the room aimlessly. “Tre, there is only concern behind this request.”

  “But it’s not a request, and I'm all right.”

  “No, you are far from fine.” Emile coughed, his head throbbing. Being ill was a hindrance and nuisance. Being a shifter, he never suffered from an illness, except once when a lot younger he had a cold. His mother had behaved like he was going to die, and Emile wished to never be ill again just to avoid being smothered with parental devotion and fear.

  “Sorry, Emile.” Trent hurried over to the bed. “We’ll discuss this when you’re better. For now, you need to rest. Your Ma should be here soon.”

  The chemical was still causing a considerable amount of discomfort, Emile nodding wearily and not protesting his cousin helping lay him down. Being incapacitated was irritating.

  “Wonderful, I cannot wait,” Emile drawled. “Send the assistant back in, I have further questions.”

  Trent laughed softly. “No, you’re out of sorts and feel like playing with the cheetah for a little of your discorded fun. Get some rest, cousin, you’ll need it.” Winking, Trent ambled toward the door. “Your Ma is very upset over her precious lion.”

  Oh damn. Emile closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. What he could do without right now was an overprotective lioness fussing over him.

  Chapter Two

  “Big compound.”

  Vinncent Aston nodded, looking around. “Not as big as the one in Milson Valley, but still well fitted out. Secure.”

  “Baron routinely upgrades the security here.”

  Vinn understood where his adoptive brother, and one of his two best friends, Eber Aston was going with that comment. Like Vinn, Eber had been taught from a very young age to study where they were, the weaknesses, strengths, dangers, security, and people. Eber was a security specialist, a field of expertise gargoyles excelled in. That type of creature was very protective, nearly always on the right side of the law, and sometimes their views were far too black and white.

  Being a demon, Vinn well understood the gray shades. While gargoyles were feared and revered, demons sent others running away in fear of being cursed or having their soul sucked out.

  Okay, not so much these days…still, Vinn did enjoy when creatures figured out what he was and went pale and shaky, some even doing the sign of the cross. Demons were rare, there weren’t many of them about these days. Some lost their lives because other creatures coveted demons gifts, while others were slaughtered out of fear. The circle Vinn was born into forty-three years ago was set up and most had been killed by Renegades and hunters.

  “Did Deakin repack your luggage?” Vinn scratched at a label affixed to the sleeve of his coat.

  Eber snorted, glancing at the bright green label. “Yeah. While we were organizing security and transport, he got to our bags.”

  Vinn flashed a grin, just imagining the short, OCD man, labeling all Eber and Vinn’s belongings and neatly repacking their bags with what Deakin felt was appropriate. Vinn enjoyed Deakin’s antics, but what he liked more was his brother Vicus’s golden eyes lighting up with love.

  “So what’s the deal?” Vinn asked quietly as they were shown into a large room by the soldier who had led them through the extensive compound.

  Eber had made sure to alert the Zurich Sanchez Compound he and Vinn were coming and were granted permission to stay for as long as they needed. Felines were generous like that, though he often found them to be persnickety over the smallest things.

  Eber went straight to the computer on a side table and began working his technical wizardry.

  “Davor should be arriving soon to work with the healers and doctors on breaking down the chemical used in the bomb. We are here, as I told you, brother, because I wished to check on our cousins.”

  Vinn poured himself and Eber a drink. “I was due on an assignment, E.”

  Eber straightened, golden eyes narrowing. The gargoyle was a big brute, gargoyles usually were, though like any group of creature they could come in different shapes and sizes. Eber resembled most of the Aston’s. All but one had varying shades of blond hair and golden eyes, and Eber was handsome in a very masculine way. With his long, creamy white hair pulled back in a plait and golden eyes narrowed, the creature could be very menacing and would be to many others.

  Not to Vinn though. They had been brothers since he was ten years old and best friends along with their other brother, Macario. And Vinn was just as big as Eber. They were fairly evenly matched.

  “You got a problem being here, brother?” Eber’s voice was quiet and hard. “We’re family. That makes my cousins, your cousins.”

  Vinn sipped his orange juice, not at all bothered by the firm voice and obvious tension. “I had a lead–”

  “No, what you had was one comment that meant fucking nothing. What you had was some guy’s opinion. Don’t you think Vicus followed up on that nineteen years ago? He left nothing unturned.” Eber sighed. “Vinnie, we’ll get the bastards, we won’t stop. Right now, we deal with this attack on family.”

  These days he wasn’t called ‘Vinnie’ often. He’d grown a lot since he’d lost Marc, become even harder in a lot of ways. Marc had always called Vinn ‘Vinnie’, now only family called him that, and only occasionally.

  Eber was right. Vicus did everything he could to discover who was involved in Marc’s murder. Vinn couldn’t find fault with that. Of course, that didn’t mean Vinn gave a fuck. He believed what he believed, and he’d keep hunting useless leads and comments.

  The door opened behind Vinn, and he turned swiftly, hand rising instantly, eyes locking on the creatures entering. They all smiled.

  “Cousins! Put that hand down, Vinncent, I can do without a headache.” Anton Surkov grinned.

  Gargoyles were a rowdy bunch. They were big on gestures and affection, and very strict on right and wrong. Anton was often the jovial one but could turn nasty fast in a fight. Now Anton slapped Vinn on the back and gave him a bone-crushing hug before moving onto Eber, who growled a little at this affectionate treatment.

  Bruno followed Anton. These two brothers were close, going everywhere together, possibly because they were twins but maybe because this was just how gargoyles were. Dimitri, the second prince, and Dareios were next and, as always, treated Vinn like he was blood. Their family. As far as gargoyles were concerned, if you were family to one of theirs, that made you family to them all, and they protected and nosed into your business while keeping you monitored and in line. The Surkov’s considered all the Aston’s theirs.

  There were a lot of Surkov’s. Vinn had met most of them, but it wasn’t until he had been fully trained and was old enough to leave the Aston estate without hordes of protection. Vicus and Lacy were just as protective of their family as the Surkov’s of theirs, and the Aston’s had a few rare creatures in need of protecting.

  “You ok?” Vinn asked Dareios.

  “Yes, mostly. Once Davor and Damir arrive, they will work on a treatment. Anton and I merely received a small amount of the chemical. Unfortunately Valiant and Emile were subjected to a massive dose that has caused harmful side effects.”

  Vinn had met Prince Valiant Durand in passing. Vinn liked the vampire. Most were wary of him unless they were powerful enough to take the creature on, then they had a respectful wariness. But Vinn enjoyed Val’s warped sense of humor and insolent mannerisms. Emile, he had not met but had seen a few times from a distance around Milson City. The feline was often referred to as the Prestigious Prince, or Prince Emile the Prestigious. A stickler for rules. Pedantic. Very smart. Work focused.

nd incredibly hot. The feline had made Vinn sit up and take notice the few times he saw Emile at a distance, which was unusual as Vinn rarely found himself attracted to anyone. He had considered approaching Emile once but fortunately came to his senses. There was no way Emile the Prestigious would be interested in Vinn. For one, they were opposites. And, most importantly, Emile was straight. He had a long-term girlfriend, a witch at the Armstrong witch and wizard coven in Milson City…except, Vinn had seen Emile with a man once, and the way the creature looked at Emile and touched his arm was definitely more than friendly.

  “What side effects?” Eber asked.

  “Trouble shifting, coughing up blood, internal damage, and slow to heal.” Dimitri flopped onto a sofa. “And to top it off, Val’s being difficult and won’t feed. We had to sedate the bastard and hook him up to an IV.”

  “Why would he refuse?” Eber sat on the opposite sofa nursing a large mug of coffee.

  “Dimitri’s sulking because Ryson blames him for Valiant being injured.” Bruno wandered over to one of the large windows overlooking the well-manicured gardens. “Problem is, we have no jurisdiction over Val and cannot force him to do anything. We do over Ry and removed him from danger. Damn, it’s not like we were to know Val would actually risk himself for someone else! Not like he gives the impression he’d help anyone. He’s more the homicidal manic type.”

  Vinn smirked. “He’s amusing.”

  Dare slapped Vinn on the back, knocking him forward a few steps. Dareios was a big, strong bugger.


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