The Demon’s Prince [Milson Valley 9] - Siren Publishing Classic ManLove

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The Demon’s Prince [Milson Valley 9] - Siren Publishing Classic ManLove Page 7

by Jo Penn

  Ignoring the gargoyle’s indignant rant, Emile raised the glass and suffered through drinking the foul mixture. He tried to suppress his shudder of revolution but did not quite pull it off and was glad to see Anton, who was also being made to drink, do the same. Dareios, of course, just drunk and gave no reaction whatsoever. Vinncent took the glass and handed Emile a bottle of water, which he gratefully drank to remove the taste of the medicine. He certainly hoped it was worth subjecting himself to that experience.

  “Ah, my precious son, I am so happy for you! When can we start discussing surrogates and cubs, hmm?”

  Emile choked on his water and was patted forcefully on the back by Vinncent. Drake and everyone else had an excellent laugh over that, but Emile had to promise his mother they would discuss it soon, in private. Vinncent looked like he wanted to run away, fast. Emile didn’t blame the creature.

  “Now, let’s discuss this latest trap the Renegades set for us. I’m curious as to how they would have known prominent leaders from different groups would be at that particular location to ambush us,” Dare growled.

  It was a good point. Emile had not had much time to consider the implications, far too busy healing and dealing with the knowledge he may have a mate, then mating. Now, though, he was very interested to know since they had been on a confidential information gathering mission that few had been aware of. So did this mean they had a mole in their midst? And, if so, in whose group?

  The discussion continued for a good few hours, everyone exchanging information and points. Emile meticulously made notes of everything, as did Ryson, the extraordinary research guru missed nothing. Even though he was concentrating, Emile was also very aware of Vinncent seated beside him. The big demon did not say very much. When he did, it was worthwhile, his knowledge of groups, their activities, particularly Renegades, was excellent and his conclusions thought provoking.

  Emile also liked how Vinncent did not accept any nonsense. He snapped and pushed and was, at times, pointedly rude without being offensive. There were hisses and comments flying and the meeting was much more interesting than some of Emile’s where everyone sucked up and tried to outdo each other in appearance and information.

  Trent put his strategizing gift to good use by utilizing the information they had, the ideas, and what had happened so as to organize ways to identify those involved and how to proceed. No one could come up with anything better than Trent.

  By the time they finished, it was after three in the afternoon, and they were all hungry. Lunch had been set up outside on the patio, Emile relieved to step outside and get some fresh air after being cooped up for days. Vinncent appeared restless, light silver eyes reflecting in the sunlight and watching everywhere. Emile wondered if he were sensing the other demon, the shadow demon they saw yesterday in the library. Since the sighting, he was aware that searches had been undertaken to find the creature, but so far there was no sighting or scent. Plans were in place to come up with a way to flush the demon out. Until then, everyone was being vigilant, and the guards were in trouble for letting the creature past them in the first place. Considering the creature could mask his scent and turn to particularly fine, nearly invisible mist, Emile did not see how the guards would have been able to detect him anyway. But security was not Emile’s strong suit, so he remained out of the discussions.

  Emile noticed how close his mate was with Eber Aston and even the gargoyles, and that each of them were paying attention to Vinncent’s movements, the gargoyles becoming watchful. Drake had picked up on it quickly also, and after half an hour lounged back in his seat beside Emile and tapped Trent’s shoulder, who was sitting on the other side of him.

  “Is there a problem, Vinn? Dareios?”

  Vinncent didn’t take his eyes from the north wall. “There’s an extra guard on that wall. Weapons out of date by one upgrade. Not staying on the same line as other guards. Discreetly spying. Not sure if planted there or not.”

  Trent grinned. “Oh, he’s a plant. It’s a test run, and so far, only five of the soldiers have picked up on him, plus yourself and all the gargoyles. It is a dismal failure I am going to have to retrain on. But thank you for being alert, and I will use what you have told us in my report to Baron.”

  Emile let the conversation drift over him the remainder of lunch and when it was finished, excused himself, knowing that his demon immediately did also and quickly caught up to Emile.

  “I need you to tell me where you’re going and stay close to me, Emile.”

  “I doubt you will lose track of me, Vinncent, and I am not trying to evade you. I will not ask you to relax, that is not your nature. I will ask you to trust me.”

  Emile understood and accepted that Vinncent had lost one mate and would need time to deal with his fears of losing Emile. There were changes Emile must also come to terms with but knew the importance of a mate and would do all he could to make the transition less stressful by communicating, reassuring when necessary and seeing to his mate’s needs and wants.

  That is what felines did, few of them balking at taking on such a responsibility of a mate. They wished to give all to their mate. Please them, enjoy them. Emile may have some difficulty expressing this physically in public, and verbally, he was not that way inclined, but he would meet his mate’s needs and take the time required to reassure Vinncent. And he would work on his difficulties with expectations.

  “Okay, yeah, I trust you…where are we going?”

  “To my suite. I have felt your need to be alone with me.”

  “You did? Shit, right, of course, you did through our bond. I know you’re busy, I’m okay to sit close by while you work.”

  “Unnecessary.” Emile opened the door to his suite and ushered Vinncent inside. “There are a few issues we need to discuss, also.” Closing the door, Emile waved at the sofa and armchairs in the sitting room. “Please, take a seat.”

  The big demon sat, eyes grave and watching everything Emile did. “I know what you do is important and I will stay out of your way. But I will have to go with you everywhere. I will resign my assassin duties as I have no intention of taking you on those assignments and having you in harm's way, mate. As for the rest, we can sort through it all.”

  “Indeed.” Emile quirked a brow, giving a small smile. “I have considered our situation and the unique bond we have. If you are in agreement, I will resign some of my positions on boards, in the Senate and councils, and will not be in harm’s way on your duties since I am skilled and an excellent fighter. Now, as for living arrangements—”

  “Hold on,” Vinncent growled, holding up a hand.

  “I do not like to be interrupted, Vinncent, unless there is a matter of some urgency. Is this a matter of urgency?”

  “Yeah, it is,” the demon snapped testily. “I get that you felines feel you have to sacrifice for your mates, that’s in your biological makeup. I’ve seen it with Vicus, but that’s not how we’re going to be. Equal. Fair. Compromise. I’m shades of gray, not strictly by traditions. And if I had my way, we’d never be apart. So I’ve got some ideas on how this will work if you’re willing to hear me out.”

  Intrigued, Emile waved a hand gracefully. He was very used to creatures bowing to his wishes, listening intently and not arguing, unless they were family and then he just reminded them of how what they planned would never work. But he was interested to hear the demon’s solution, and his novel idea of not being apart for some reason did not make Emile feel suffocated. He would analyze the cause of that later.

  In fact, Emile had yet to feel anything negative toward the demon, and his lack of interest in others didn’t apply with Vinncent. It was actually rather good to be so interested in someone in a romantic sense. Emile found himself enjoying everything about his mate.

  “Right.” Vinncent glared at the rug on the floor, a big hand sweeping his hair back from his face. “The Aston’s are my family. They may not be blood, but they’re more of a family than I’ve ever known could exist. They taught me a lot a
nd gave a lot. They showed me the importance of equality, supporting and sharing, which, granted, my demon nature took a while to understand. But it’s firmly embedded now and a major part of who I am. I’m a good assassin, real damn good, but it’s not as important to me as you and family. I’m good at security, and I’m a fucking great mechanic. I plan to watch your back, protect you, and stay practically on top of you constantly. And you’re going to keep doing all the good things you do, if that’s what you want. I see how much you’re needed, and that you need to do it.

  “I don’t get why I’d be such a prick as to interfere with that. So that’s it. I’ll move into the frigging big palace you Sanchez’s have in Milson Valley. I’ll work in my garage and the one you have at the compound. I’ll do security and be your very own personal bodyguard, mate. Do you have a problem with any of that?”

  Amused, and his fascination for his mate growing, Emile shook his head.

  “Not at all. If at any time you are unhappy with the arrangement, inform me so we can make the necessary changes. I will reduce my workload for our mateship, and I do believe I can be somewhat of a control freak, but know I will do whatever is required to meet your wants and needs, Vinncent.”

  Silver eyes studied him before the demon nodded. “Just want you, my lion. I take it you’re not big on affection?”

  Emile sighed, knowing this may be an issue. “I will work on this fault.”

  “I’m not saying it’s a fault, and maybe that’s something we work on together. I’m not going to demand you hold my hand and kiss me when we’re working, but yeah, I want to be able to touch your arm and press close when I need and want to, without feeling I overstepped. I need you to know I’m still searching for all those involved in Marc’s death. I get that you didn’t know him, didn’t have the joy of being mated to him and feeling that connection, but understand, he was your mate, too, and I won’t stop until I’ve got every last one of those fucking bastards who took him from us.”

  Emile knew it was irrational, comprehended there was no need for jealousy, that it was, in fact, wrong for him to feel as he did at this moment, but feelings, as he often found, were quite absurd in their lack of reasoning. He inclined his head to his mate and said nothing on the matter, for what could he say? That no, he had not been connected to Marc Detroit and would never be. That he would never feel the loss or understand what Vinncent did. And that he felt a brief moment of sadness and loneliness. It was out of place, and he should support and give to his mate. So he would.

  Vinncent said nothing, just watching, waiting. Emile rose and poured them both a coffee from the machine in the sitting room and re-took his seat after giving his mate his cup. He had observed Vinncent enjoyed his coffee strong and black, but surprisingly with at least three large sugar cubes, or heaped teaspoons.

  “Is there anything else I have neglected to discuss?” he asked solicitously.

  “Yeah, there is. Something real important. Your girlfriend, Crysta Jennings.”

  “Ah, yes, Crysta. I must inform her I have mated. I will do that over the phone soon. I do not wish her to hear from others. When we return to Milson City, I will see her personally.”

  “Not without me.”

  Emile sighed. “Either you trust me, Vinncent, or you do not.”

  “Don’t even try that with me, mate. You don’t go spending time alone with someone you’ve had sex with and who I don’t know. It’s not right.”

  Unfortunately, Emile could see Vinncent’s logic, having no choice but to agree.

  “Then, you’re welcome to join us. Crysta is a lovely woman—”

  “Fine, but that’s it. Anything else?”

  There was, but it was personal. Considering the tension between them at present, Emile felt right now might not be the time to discuss the fact Crysta Jennings was, in fact, not Emile’s girlfriend. They were merely friends these days.

  “No. I have some work to do, if you will excuse me.”

  “Nope, won’t.”

  Exasperated, Emile merely stood and collected his laptop from the locked safe, retrieved his cup, and went into the study off the sitting room. Vinncent followed and made himself comfortable in the only armchair in the corner, and neither spoke for the next few hours. It was awkward, and there were a lot of emotions suppressed, yet when bonded to a demon, there was no way to shut off the connection between them, so Emile was aware of what his mate felt if he cared to pay attention.

  While Emile could deal with any situation thrown his way, every challenge, this was not pride, council, or family business. This was his very own private matter and he would deal with it because he had to. While Vinncent had control and was reasonable, he did run on emotion and needs. Emile, of course, could get as emotional as anyone, but he was more logical, precise, and sensible. He would consider what it was his mate required and work out how to meet these requirements.

  Though, as his triplets often told him, everything changed when you mated. Emile had dismissed their ramblings at the time but was now beginning to see they might have merit. After all, Emile had never sat thinking about a personal matter when he should be working, which told him that he did not, in fact, have a handle on this mateship.

  Hours later, Emile heard voices coming from the sitting room and noticed Vinncent was no longer in the armchair. Interesting, the demon had said he would remain close. Also interesting how Emile felt disappointed the demon had left the room.

  Taking his time saving and packing away his work, most of what Emile did was confidential and required securely locking up, he also kept an ear out and could overhear part of the conversation. Drake was quizzing Vinncent on what his plans were. That was Drake, ever the family protector. Emile’s older brother guided, making sure everyone was happy, had what they needed, and kicked them into line when they messed up.

  Emile admired these traits and knew Drake made a great leader for their pride. He was level-headed and resourceful and not emotionally unavailable.

  Emile joined them. “When do we return to Milson City?”

  “Tomorrow morning. Eber will be returning with us as the gargoyles are stopping off in Prague before returning to their new place. Vinncent will be an excellent addition to the pride, brother, congratulations. It brings me and our family comfort to know you will be much better protected in future. Which reminds me, have you seen Tre?”

  Emile poured a glass of water. “No. He has assistants, are they unaware of where he is? And what of security?”

  Drake shrugged. “No one knows. Since you two are close, I came to check if Tre said anything to you. This was the last place we were searching.”

  Now Emile was concerned. Though Trent was a Commander in the Alliance, a strategist, and very well trained, Trent actually did not fight unless he had to, and that was usually just to defend.

  “Let’s have security and soldiers search the entire compound and mansion,” Emile said firmly. “I cannot see how this would be one of the security tests Baron and Trent often do, they usually inform those in charge of the soldiers and the security teams.”

  “Agreed.” Drake rose, not looking happy.

  “Gargoyles have the best sense of smell. They may be able to track your cousin faster than your felines,” Vinncent offered.

  “Right now I just want Trent found. Ask Dimitri if he’ll track Trent,” Drake ordered.

  Vinncent pulled out his phone and made the call. Emile walked with his brother to the suite door and opened it.

  “We should still track him ourselves. I don’t like this, bro. Baron’s been having difficulty with Trent the last few months, they’re arguing every move, and Trent won’t stick with his security detail. Sebastian even said Trent’s not returning his calls, and then there’s Tredd. Pa ordered Trent home last night to be with his mate, but he got the feeling Trent would just give that calm smile and rebel.”

  “I have had concerns the past six months, which I shared with Baron and Sebastian, that our cousin has been overworked. He driv
es himself hard, as do the Alliance and Feline Council. His gift is much in demand but should not be taking over his life as it has the last twenty-five years. He may have gone off to cool down and have a break before returning to Milson City.”

  Drake quirked a brow, brown eyes hard. “You don’t believe that.”

  “No, unfortunately. Trent will always go his own way, regardless of orders.”

  “That’s right, and from what I’ve been told by a few cousins here, Tredd’s been on Trent’s case so much the last year they basically have separate rooms and don’t spend time together. Tredd returned here a few weeks ago, yet I get the feeling they parted on bad terms.”

  “Trent should never have been allowed to remain here this long from us. Pushing him never helps.” Emile had an unnerving thought and a terrible feeling. “He asked me directly if I was here to send him home to Milson Valley and I was truthful, saying yes, we were requesting he return. Shit! This is my fault.”

  Drake scowled. “Not your fault. Tre would have had this planned. When he asked you if you were to send him home, then he already knew what was going down and just put the plans into motion. We need to find the idiot before the Renegades do. Hell, and the Hunters. Dammit, those bastards would love to snatch him up and discovering what he is…” Drake shut up, glancing at Vinncent a moment. “We’ll discuss that another time.”

  “Let us go seek him out,” Emile growled.

  “Not without me, mate.”

  Emile didn’t argue. He waved his demon through the doorway ahead of him with his brother.

  Chapter Six

  Vinncent had said something to displease his mate. He wasn’t entirely sure what, but the Prestigious Prince was being courteous, solicitous, and so damn polite Vinn just wanted to smash a few walls. If he believed it would help, he would. Vinn had to learn how to deal with his lion, learn what made the man tick, what annoyed Emile, and importantly, what made him melt.

  Emile appeared staunch and aloof, untouchable, but Vinn was discovering a whole other side to his mate. Emile was conscientious, he took on far more than he needed to in work, and was always aware of others, and that what he did, decisions he made, would affect each individual. The lion lacked affection, yeah, and Vinn would work on that, but honestly, he didn’t want to change a damn thing about the shifter. Emile was amusing, caring, intelligent, hardworking, and generous, all attributes that made for a great man. Yeah, he was pedantic, but Vinn didn’t mind that. He enjoyed his mate’s distinct personality and how bored Emile got with those who only cared about themselves and what they wanted.


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