The Demon’s Prince [Milson Valley 9] - Siren Publishing Classic ManLove

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The Demon’s Prince [Milson Valley 9] - Siren Publishing Classic ManLove Page 8

by Jo Penn

  And Vinn could watch his mate endlessly. Felines were always graceful and agile, and it seemed everything Emile did was purely elegant. His straight, slicked back dark blond hair was only ever messed when Vinn ran his hands through it, which, disappointingly, the cat wasn’t letting him do. The man’s beauty was arresting, his features perfect, eyes a sharp blue, jaw chiseled, lips pale pink and full, and his long, well-muscled body moved with grace and caught attention.

  But more than physical attributes, it was Emile’s presence. He was dynamic and instilled confidence in others. Soldiers were careful to listen and jump to it immediately when Emile spoke, and with Vinn beside him, soldiers were on edge and extra prudent and cautious. He didn’t mind, they would all need to adjust. Right now he needed to protect his mate and help search for a missing tiger. After hearing Drake and Emile in the suite, he got that there were issues and took note of them so he didn’t make the same mistakes.

  Sounded like Trent was overworked and getting too much attitude from his bear mate, Tredd Croggen, without the support and care he needed. And the man hid it all behind a smooth façade and charming smile.

  Eber came running over to where Vinn stood with Emile and some soldiers a few miles from the compound.

  “Any news?” Emile asked.

  “There’s been a development.” Eber held out an envelope.

  Taking it curiously, Emile flicked the flap open and withdrew a sheet of paper. Vinn moved to look over Emile’s shoulder while checking with his brother. Eber shook his head, scowling. Not good then. Vinn managed to read the short note before Emile folded it with precise, jerky movements, his lush lips thinning and cheeks flushed with temper. Not hesitating, Vinn placed a hand on his mate’s back and offered support and soothing silently. Emile tensed momentarily but didn’t shift away. Vinn moved closer, the feline’s warmth – felines always had a higher body heat – seemed to seep into Vinn also and ease him.

  He wanted to offer comfort and assurances, and was frustrated they were not yet at the stage where they could do that.

  Suddenly, Vinn felt like an idiot. This was a mateship and Eber was right. Tiptoeing around wasn’t going to get him where he wanted with his mate, and it would be a lie because Vinn wasn’t being himself. It was time to change that.

  Reaching around his mate, he took the sheet of paper that was now down to a tight little square that the lion was still systematically folding with sharp jerks. He had to pull a bit, but that was all right. Once he got the sheet, he crumpled it in his hand and snatched the envelope from his mate next, who had begun folding it similarly to the letter.

  “Let’s get back to the compound. Drake and Dimitri may have more information there.”

  Dimitri informed them he tracked Trent’s scent to the large garages where the compound cars were kept and then out of the compound. Unfortunately, with the scent in the air it quickly dissipated. Trent had sent an email via his smartphone, and since then the phone had been turned off and ditched.

  Lord Alessandro Trent Sanchez was now off the grid.

  Emile closed up like a clam once discovering his cousin had disappeared.

  Still polite but distant, nothing Vinn did could make the lion open up. Through their bond, Vinn could feel everything his mate did. There was no close valve when bonded to a demon, which Emile pursed his lips over briefly then walked away to join his family in planning how to track his missing cousin.

  That night, Dareios offered assistance in tracking, lending his gargoyles, who were excellent trackers. There were a lot of discussions. Emile and Drake wished to remain and search, but the King insisted they return to Milson Valley and the King and Queen would remain, Baron and Sebastian flying out to search for their littermate. Emile didn’t like that decision, and for the first time, Vinn saw the lion’s temper. Usually so contained, reserved, and polite, his mate snarled and argued and disregarded anything the feline King and Queen tried to enforce. It was then that Vinn saw why Drake would be such a great King and was pretty much running the entire pride these days.

  With a sharp command, he silenced everyone with his alpha voice and used his gift to direct their attention to him. When Emile defied Drake, Vinn was ready to leap between the pair, but found there was no need. Drake just gave his brother a look, a fierce one, and spoke calmly.

  “Enough, Emile. We will discuss this, you and I. I know how you feel about Tre, you two are on the same wavelength, so I’m not going to allow you to wear yourself out hunting him down while still doing all your work. You know exactly where I need you and what you need to be doing. Do I have to get Dommie to soothe you down?” Drake got close to Emile, they were about the same height, Drake a little bigger with muscle mass. “Show me you understand, brother, or I lock you down like I should have done with Tre instead of letting him talk me around all the time.”

  It gave a real insight into the pride that Vinn hadn’t expected, the dynamics between them. Drake was very much in charge and though lenient to a large extent, snapped back in line when he felt it necessary. Emile hissed, glaring for a few moments, then lowered his gaze and tilted his head to the side, submitting to his triplet. Vinn may not like his mate submitting to anyone but himself, but he understood how pride dynamics and families of paranormals worked. Within his family, Vicus was the leader, the top Alpha. Even Vinn submitted to his older brother, though he did it with a lot of attitude.

  Drake smiled and pulled Emile to him, purring, and hugged tightly. “Need your guidance, support and strength right now, my brother.”

  Vinn tolerated that for a few minutes, watching Emile relax and allow the purring and petting from his brother. Then Vinn took his mate’s hand and tugged gently, well, gently for a demon, and jerked Emile into his arms and gave Drake a look. The alpha tiger smiled and inclined his head.

  That night wasn’t the time to push for anything. They slept in the same bed, barely touching. Vinn spent hours watching his mate sleep when Emile finally settled, which took a few hours. He apparently wasn’t used to someone lying with him and had a lot on his mind. But Emile, fortunately, didn’t kick Vinn out of bed, nor did he suggest sleeping in another room.

  It was a long night. Being so close to his mate and keeping his hands to himself left Vinn hard and aching, horny, and by morning he was grumpy, snarly, and frustrated. Eber just smirked at him while Emile was reasonably snappy himself. They left the Zurich compound relatively early, Lincoln remaining with the King and Queen while Xavier, Drake’s vampire mate, went with his cousins Valiant and Ryson to New York. Keeley accompanied them on the plane. The flight was torturous. Emile worked the entire time, and Drake argued with Eber over pretty much anything, even stupid things like which cocktail franks were the best. Vinn tuned out. By the time they landed, everyone was in a bad mood and being met at the station by soldiers just made Vinn agitated.

  Gods, he hoped he could get close to his mate soon.

  The minute they were at the Sanchez Compound, which was five miles outside of Milson City limits and surrounded by a high concrete fence, everyone wanted to know what was going on, Sanchez’s bombarding them as soon as they were inside. At one stage Marco, Trent’s younger brother, announced he was going to go track his brother and ended up arguing with Drake until the tiger alpha made the cub submit and dragged Marco away.

  Vinn wasn’t the best at wading through family dynamics and feelings, he left that to Lacy, River, and Jayce. All he could do was have his mate’s back and be here.

  And he really wanted to know who kept calling his mate. Since disembarking the plane, Emile’s phone had beeped messages and texts. Emile had glanced at the first one and since, ignored his phone. Could be work, his mate was a busy man, but the feelings he was receiving from Emile led to the belief the calls and texts were personal.

  After spending a lot of time with the Sanchez family here at the compound, Emile showed Vinn through the damn big palace the royals lived in, and then finally to the large suite on the second floor of the south wing
of the palace. With two bedrooms, a study, three bathrooms, a dining room, a living room, and a kitchen all furnished with antiques and expensive pieces, Vinn felt his heart sink.

  This so wasn’t him. If Marc were here, he’d be laughing his ass off and teasing Vinn. Marc wouldn’t even feel overly comfortable here. Vinn liked big furniture, strong and sturdy, comfortable and modern. Turning, he frowned at a picture on one of the heavy dark wood bookshelves in the living room. Crysta Jennings, another woman, and some man that looked familiar.

  A knock on the door quickly followed by it opening had Vinn turning sharply and raising a hand, ready to take out anyone intending to harm his mate. His demon side rose fast and he snarled like a creature spitting out fire.

  “Emile, darling! Kieron and I heard about Tre…” The witch, Crysta, paused just inside the living room, eyes wide on Vinn. A tall, beefy guy stood right behind her. “Oh, I apologize, I didn’t realize you had a guest, Emile.” Smiling, she walked over to Vinn and held out her hand to shake. “Crysta Jennings.”

  Vinn didn’t even try to hide his irritation. “Vinn Aston. Emile’s mate.”

  Crysta’s hand dropped, the witch’s expression stunned. Emile was just inside the doorway leading to the kitchen. He walked across the room and stopped beside Crysta. Vinn found he didn’t like his mate being close to his ex-lover and growled. The creature behind Crysta, a wolf wizard mix, swiftly moved in front of her in a defensive stance. The pair was related, siblings from what Vinn could scent.

  “Kieron, step back,” Emile urged quietly. “Crysta, Kieron, yes, this is my mate, Vinncent Aston. I apologize for you having to find out like this.”

  Crysta smiled sadly as she gazed at Emile. “You told me a long time ago there was nothing more but friendship between us. I understood, though I did hope you would change your mind.” She patted Emile’s hand. “I wish you and your mate all the best, darling.”

  He was confused. Crysta Jennings was said to be Emile’s long-term girlfriend. Were they just friends? Why the pretense then?

  “Thank you, Crysta.”

  Drake and Dominic walked into the room, both tense and watchful. Crysta went to Kieron and wrapped an arm around the man’s waist, urging him toward the door.

  “See them out, Dom,” Drake ordered quietly.

  Once they were gone, Drake closed the door and waved to the sofa and an armchair. Vinn was lost as to what he should think and do. If Emile wasn’t having a relationship with Crysta, then why pretend they were? None of it made sense, and right now he just wanted to grab his mate and never let him out of his sight. Or near any other creature again.

  What the fuck was going on?

  “Talk to me, Emile.”

  “I am weary after–”

  “You love her?” Vinn found himself asking.

  “Perhaps you can leave Vinncent and me alone to talk, Drake.”

  “No.” Drake shook his head. “I think Vinn needs to know. You’re straight forward, Emile, don’t shy away from this with your mate. He needs to know.” Drake sighed heavily. “It’s not a big deal, it’s just who you are. And there ain’t anything wrong with that.”

  Emile sighed. “You are right. I would like to talk to my mate, Drake.”

  Drake stood and headed for the door. “All of it, Emile.”

  With a haughty look at his brother as Drake left the suite, Emile sat in a wingback chair, something that reminded Vinn of a torture device. It just needed leather straps and nasty daggers.

  The elegant, stunning creature waved a hand flippantly. “If I did not have a partner, and a female one at that, Mother continually attempted to set me up. It became tedious. At times there was mention of producing cubs.” Emile hissed. “I may be considered old fashioned, but I would prefer cubs to be born to a loving couple where possible. I understand it isn’t always possible and some prefer not to share their cubs with a partner, which is their choice, as it is mine.” Emile shrugged. “Though I adore Crysta, we have long since stopped being a couple and are only friends. To continue allowing others to believe we are together was…beneficial.”

  Vinn stood, too tense to sit still. “What exactly does this mean, Emile? Are you straight? We have a mateship!”

  Emile nodded. “Yes, we do. Both Mother and Father decided I preferred women, despite the horse shifter when I was fourteen-–”

  “Fourteen? What?” Vinn blinked.

  Emile frowned, apparently confused by Vinn’s reaction for a brief moment before his expression cleared. “Times were different nearly two hundred years ago. We were more mature at fourteen, grew up quicker. But still, Pa was right, that shifter seduced me and though he was enjoyable–”

  “No, don’t want to know,” Vinn growled. “So you’ve been hiding that you’re gay?”

  “I am not…” Emile glanced away. “I do not…It is not as simple as that. I do not deny I was in a relationship with Crysta and care deeply for the witch. But only as a friend. Nothing is…simple with me, Vinncent. I do not find it easy to connect with others, they always want something, expect more.”

  “I don’t understand. In your positions, I’m sure a lot of creatures come whining to you about what they need and are always asking for things. You’re an expert at dealing with others–”“

  “In my positions, yes, it is easy enough to dismiss particular cases. I find it much more challenging in my personal life.” Emile frowned tiredly. “While my triplet Dominic enjoyed himself for many years with whomever he found attractive, Drake also, I am not immediately drawn to others.” Emile paused, thoughtful for a moment. “It is more mental for me, rather than physical. I require a mental and emotional connection first. The horse shifter I referred to I had known for some years. Crysta for about thirty years before we began a more intimate relationship. We were together ten years before parting twenty years ago. As my Mother found it extremely worrying and despaired of me for various reasons, it was beneficial to pretend my relationship with Crysta was ongoing. For a while there were those who claimed an interest, quite passionately at times, I did not return their adoration and attraction. And without a partner, my mother became…anxious and tried to set me up!”

  Emile said the last bit with exasperation and a little fear. The man even tugged at his collar as though it were too restricting or may suffocate him.

  Vinn blinked, understanding. “I think I understand.”

  Vinn got close to his mate, crowding him.

  “Do you, Vinncent? Sometimes I do not.” Emile sighed, shaking his head. “Attraction should be simple.”

  “Why? We’re all different, like different things in others. You’re looking for something in particular that you haven’t found from anyone.” Vinn touched his mate’s smooth cheek. “Except maybe me. Mates are meant to connect deeper than anyone else. I feel that with you, cymar. So aside from the horse shifter and Crysta…”

  “Should I ask about your sexual history?”

  “I’ll tell you everything,” Vinn said honestly.

  “I probably do not wish to know. The horse shifter was no more than a childish dalliance, a little playing around. There was no intercourse. Crysta was my first, and only. I require a shower. If you are hungry call down to the kitchen, they will send up whatever you need. Please feel free to use one of the other bathrooms, and there are spare clothes in all of the rooms.”

  Vinn watched his mate walk out of the living room, folding the cuffs of his collared shirt with precise jerks.

  That was uncomfortable but more than that, informative. It was clear now what he was missing in his mateship, and what he needed to do.

  Rubbing the ornate ring on his right thumb over his chin in an action that he found familiar and soothing, Vinn contemplated a moment. He’d heard stories about Emile, he had read the man’s dossier years ago when first taking a position with the Alliance, and now he knew the shifter, was beginning to see what made the man tick. He was real damn smart, smooth, and charming. He needed more than a spark of attraction to b
e interested in another. Vinn respected that. It showed Emile was always thinking, considering, and he didn’t just jump into things. It also showed he had substance.

  And just needed a big, straight-talking demon to love on him.

  “Yeah, a shower would be good.”

  Vinn was halfway through stripping off in the spare bedroom bathroom when it struck him he had not followed Eber’s advice to be himself. Tossing his gray t-shirt aside, Vinn left the bathroom and walked across the hall to the main bedroom that held the same type of furniture he sure didn’t like.

  Pushing open the bathroom door, he saw Emile through the shower glass, the lion glancing over. Undoing his jeans, Vinn took them off and tossed them aside, then climbed into the shower stall behind his mate, his stunning shifter.

  He was extremely fortunate to be fated to Emile Sanchez. Vinn was finding his mate to be much more than the staunch, prestigious second royal feline prince and on various Councils and Committees. What he lacked in affection, Emile made up for in caring and consideration of others. Vinn had seen the way his lion was with his cousin Trent and with Drake, Linc, and others. Vinn actually found himself admiring the lion and enjoying Emile’s single-mindedness, his little flashes of humor, and his acceptance of others. He was looking forward to understanding and knowing his mate fully very soon.

  In the meantime, he was going to get to know his mate in another way. A very enjoyable way.


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