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Page 9

by Kim Faulks

  “We’re not going to find them, are we?”

  I grabbed the top blanket and shook it. The air filled with choking dust. “We don’t know that.”

  “Yes we do. We would’ve found something by now, don’t you think?”

  The image of the vampires heaving bodies onto a pile filled my head.

  I wanted to say yes to her. I wanted to say a lot of things. Blanket after blanket was beaten and rattled before I answered.

  I snatched the blankets from the ground and piled them at the front of the hearth. She was silent, waiting for a damn response. I worked fast, picking apart the stack of wood, and dug into my pocket for the box of matches. I gave her what little truth I could. “I don’t know. But I won’t give up. I’ll go out again after we’ve rested. I want you to stay here—”

  “The hell I will.”

  The spark of a flame came alive. I stood and forced my words through gritted teeth. “That way I know where you are.”

  She narrowed the distance in two quick strides. Something sharp stabbed me. The small flames grew, revealing the burn in her eyes and one thin finger poking the center of my chest.

  “Listen up…both of you.” A nerve twitched in the corner of her eye. “Where you go, I go. Period. We’re stronger if we stay together. I can keep up. I can watch your back. Hell I can fight, if I have to. I got moves, you know. Finn always said I had a helluva right hook.”

  Silence descended and with it fear, turning her voice brittle and husky. “I’m not leaving you…either of you. I’m here to stay. So both of you had better get used to it.”

  Her words hit me like a thousand pound hammer.

  She’d not abandon me. No matter how bad it got.

  I was deadly and damaged. But she didn’t seem to see any of that.

  She saw someone else—someone I desperately wanted to be.

  She was brave and strong and broken…all at once. I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Fine, but on one condition.”

  I heard the grind of her teeth and couldn’t help but smile. I took a slow step, her finger bucked under the force, pushing her fist against my breast. “You set the pace. You rest whenever I tell you to rest…without a damn fuss. You so much as get a fucking twitch I want to know about it—understood?”

  There was a mumble—something that made my face flush and my hidden smile widen. I cocked my head to the side and cupped my ear. “What was that?”

  She met my gaze. Her dark eyes had a feral glint. “Fine. Fine! I’ll set the damn pace. I’ll rest…” Her voice softened. Her brow narrowed. “Just don’t leave me behind, okay? I…I don’t like to be alone.”

  I froze as a sultry scent stained the air. She took a step toward me. I could read her body in the flickering light…her pulse was frantic. Her breaths shallow racing…racing…leaving me with the taste of desire in my mouth.

  “You saved me in those cells.” She flattened her palm against my chest. “You took care of me.”

  I swallowed—hard—and tried to speak. This didn’t mean anything—not to her. The Wretched lifted his head and nailed me with blood red eyes.

  “Can you hold me?” She stepped closer. Her chest brushed my stomach. She curled her fingers, dragging her nails along the thick pelt covering my chest. “That’s all I want. Is that okay?”

  My nipples hardened. I tried to read her gaze. Tried to figure out what the hell to do. My body responded to her, softening and hardening all at once.

  The Wretched curled his lips. White razored teeth glistened as he growled.

  Don’t fuck this up.



  Survive. The need raced through my veins. A tiny throb came to life low down in the cradle of my belly, filling me with purpose and with fear.

  The tremor mingled with another, one high up in the center of my chest—one that made my words sound weak. “I just want you to hold me.”

  The mountain never moved, never tightened his arms, never lowered his head, never moved as I pressed my ear against his chest.

  I wound my arms around his waist as his voice came to life inside my head.

  I want you to do something for me, can you do that?

  Turn around Joslyn, you don't want to see this.

  My arms tightened. Heavy breaths stole the moisture in my throat. The bristles of his pelt scratched my lips. I dragged my face across the fur and dipped to the opening and bare skin.

  “Joslyn,” he whispered, his voice thick with need.

  “I’m not leaving, Zadoc.”

  I reached for the buttons on his pelt. A low growl filled the air, slowing my hand. “Just hold me.”

  His fingers brushed my arm, my ribs, and settled around my waist, drawing me into a cocoon of muscle as I worked the next button and moved onto the next.

  His sudden breath was a gust of wind, scattering my hair as he murmured. “You don’t understand.”

  The button opened under my fingers. I skimmed hard muscle and reached for the next. The edges of the hide opened. My fingers trembled as his growl deepened. “I understand better than you know.”

  He moved fast, fisting my hair and wrenching my head back. His eyes blazed, tinged with red—panic stricken, desire driven. “Is this what you want?”

  The bullet holes peeked out from under the coat as he moved. I reached for his chest, tracing the raised red lump. “Yes.”

  Sparks collided in the maelstrom in his eyes.

  My heart stilled. A whimper slipped free—waiting for his next move.

  With a growl, he jerked my head to the side, exposing my throat. His lips curled, revealing teeth, and lowered to my neck.

  Fear pounded like a drug through my veins. Goosebumps raced, sending a ripple of heat between my legs. I closed my eyes with the brush of his lips. Something sharp against my skin. Pain flared as he bit, and then let go, hard enough to make me understand I was playing with danger, flirting with death.

  Zadoc was no wolf—he was Dragon.

  Heat flooded me, burning away the fear and hurt. I was alive because of him, safe in this moment because of him. My existence relied solely on…him.

  He pulled back. His brow furrowed, gaze searching, as he tried to find answers in my eyes. But he’d find none…he was searching in the wrong place.

  My fingers trembled, scraping his shoulder, then his neck. Tight muscles corded under my hands as I pulled him down, finding the right place for his lips to be.

  His growl deepened—not a warning—something else…hope, need?

  The vibration rubbed his lips against mine. I parted, waiting. His air became mine. I tasted him, inhaled him and wanted more. “I’m changing,” I whispered. “It’s this place, this body…this.” I held that gaze, capturing every gust from that electric storm as his breaths came faster, filling my mouth. “It’s you, Zadoc. You’re changing me, molding me, making me…” want you.

  Something moved in my belly. A twitch, drawing me back to the desire to stay alive. I lowered my hand from around his neck and eased away. My hair pulled taut in his grasp, and then eased.

  The cold was a slap as I stepped from his heat. “I just want to be held.” Desire filled those words, twisting and tormenting as I dropped my jacket to the ground. “And I want you to hold me.”

  I dragged the T-shirt over my head, revealing the thin, dirty bra. His eyes widened, breath caught.

  I reached behind me and released the clasp on my bra. His focus was hot against my skin as I dropped the thin material.

  The icy air kissed my nipples, sending lightning through my veins. I stepped on the end of my sneaker, and yanked my foot free, followed by the other.

  He took a step, not speaking, not giving me anything but that infernal heat.

  Cinders glowed in his eyes.

  I was trapped. Fear fluttered in the back of my throat as another being took form in the dark depths of his gaze, something ancient, something menacing—something fixed on me.

  My tongue snaked out and skimmed my lips
. Dragon, whispered somewhere in back of my mind.

  “You want to be held?” he growled and circled me. But there was something inhuman in that voice, something not quite Zadoc.


  His breath was hot against my ear, low words echoed like thunder. “Yes, what?”

  I flinched, sucked in a breath. Tried to think over the pounding of my heart. “Please.”

  Silence. This wasn’t him. This wasn’t the man who crouched behind a bush, holding out his hand for me.

  Because he isn’t just a man.

  A tremor raced through me. Nick had been cocky and smug, but no different to the jocks in my school, or the tweakers who smoked weed behind the locker rooms.

  There’d been no hint that he was anything other a smug bastard…until he came back after I returned home from the doctor and took me to that bitch who chained me up in the barn.

  “You scared now? You rethinking this whole thing?”

  I couldn’t breathe…couldn’t get my mind to think about anything other than his hand outstretched, and the urgency in his eyes that said, you’ll be safe with me.


  Even now riding the razored edge of panic, I felt safe. He wouldn’t hurt me, and he wouldn’t allow anyone else to either. The man…no, the beast took a bullet for me. He wanted me…

  My heart slammed against my chest as the thought took hold.

  Zadoc wanted me.

  I craned my head to the side, giving him my throat and whispered. “No. I’m ready.”

  His arms were steel clamps around my stomach lifting me as though I weighed nothing and slammed me against his chest.

  Warmth spread along my spine. Shivers crawled along the back of my neck as he kissed my skin. “It’s all or nothing, Joslyn. Think carefully now, because once I start there’s no stopping.”

  I arched my back, sliding his lips down the curve of my neck. Calloused fingers scraped my stomach. His palm spilled over my breast, gripping, kneading hard enough to make me hiss, while his other cupped my abdomen with the softest touch.

  The hard brunt of his chest drove me forward. I stumbled, my feet slow to catch up as I barreled toward the wall. His arm tightened around me, cradling me against his body as I slammed a hand against the wall.

  Still he never stopped grazing my skin, licking my lobes. His teeth clamped, soft, tender, finding the parts of me that made my knees weak. He dropped his arm, from the corner of my eye cloth slipped over his shoulder, followed with the other shoulder.

  Something soft hit the floor. His bare skin was warm, bleeding into the coldest parts of me—flooding me with heat.

  I dropped my hand and reached behind. Muscles tightened as his hips rose up, pushing his hard length into the crease of my ass.

  Jesus…oh Jesus he was big—and goddamn powerful.

  His fingers rolled my nipples to a peak, a spark of pain mingled with the thrust. I dug my nails into his jeans and held on, yanking him harder against me as we rocked.

  My nipple throbbed under his grip. My breasts were swollen and sensitive—aching ever since…the baby.

  I stiffened at the thought. Emotions crowded my head and the bitter tang of disappointment filled my mouth. He licked my ear. I dropped my head back against his shoulder, turning to catch his lips.

  God he was everywhere, under my skin—racing through my veins. He was inside me even though he was still clothed. It was more than the physical—it was this place…this…Dragon.

  His hands clenched around my waist, twisting my hips, forcing me to turn into him. His mouth hard on mine. The bristles of his beard scratching and soft all at the same time, rubbing my lips raw.

  I pushed harder, slipping my tongue into his mouth. I didn’t care. I wanted to be marked by this man. I wanted to be…his.

  He dropped his head, slick tongue riding the hollow of my throat as he lowered his massive frame. The twinge came again, drawing my focus from the slick trail that ran over my collarbone to the small rise of my breasts.

  I’d survive this place…I’d survive and be alone.

  No one wanted a baby that wasn’t his.

  A growl vibrated through my chest. My body hardened, something spilled inside me, some cascade of warmth as he licked the tip of my nipple and drew it into his mouth. But for now…for now I had this.

  His hands skimmed down the length of my spine and cupped my ass, drawing me hard against him. One hand dropped away as he moved to the other breast, licking the tip of my nipple until a whimper slipped free.

  His growl deepened. He liked that.

  His hand brushed the juncture of my thighs, soft, careful, and was gone.

  Heat pulled into the center of me. The touch came again, harder this time, forcing my thighs to part so he could press against my clit.

  I closed my eyes and bit my lip. Hot lava lapped the edges. I needed more…needed his fingers, his tongue…his cock. The pressure built and eased. I jerked as he grazed my nipple with his teeth. But it was that finger, that slow slide down the crease of my pants, pushing my panties into that heat.

  His soft tongue lapped, devastating my control. I opened my eyes and looked down as a growl of my own slipped free—demanding and feral.

  Zadoc raised his head. Amber eyes glowed red with a hunger that mirrored my own. We lingered in this moment, hovering at the precipice with his hand between my thighs, fingers pressing into the center of me—mimicking the way his body would feel inside.

  It’s all or nothing, Joslyn.

  Think carefully now, because once I start there’s no stopping.

  I understood now, understood what he meant by that warning—understood what this meant. He was all or nothing, not just sex, not just a man.

  His fingers pressed harder. Thumb crept up to circle my nub. My hands fluttered to his bare shoulders and gripped as he tensed under my touch. I flattened my palm and slid around his neck, drawing my body closer—riding his hand.

  With a savage snarl, he drew his fingers from my crease and lowered his head. My hand slipped from my hold as he pressed his head into the juncture of my thighs and breathed deep.

  There was something animalistic about the act—something so raw and ravenous. Hard hands gripped me, lifting me, pulling me as he rose from the floor.

  The room spun. All I had to do was hold on. He carried me with careful hands, moving over to the corner where the dusty blankets were piled and lowered me to the floor.

  All or nothing…all or nothing.

  He dropped his hands to the button of his jeans. I couldn’t help but follow, watching the way his fingers worked the clasp and slid the zipper low over the bulge. His cock sprang free, thick and red.

  My brain wouldn’t focus, wouldn’t think about anything other than how he'd feel against my palm. My hand moved before I knew, sliding the head of his cock along the heart line of my hand.

  Flames danced in his eyes as I gripped his body, sliding in one long stroke all the way to the base, and back again. Slick skin glided along mine. A bead gathered at the tip. I swept my thumb across, gathering that perfect drop. His body trembled. His tongue skimmed his lips. He looked lost and found all at once and in this moment I’d never felt so powerful.

  All this man…this Dragon—this unhinged hunger—all for me. His jeans hit the floor around his feet. I never stopped, taking the slow ride of his shaft as he stepped free.

  He towered over me, shoulders curved, craning as though he was ravenous and I was his feast.

  “You’re still wearing clothes,” he growled.

  There was something about that inhuman sound, and the way he stared at me.

  All or nothing, Joslyn…

  I thought I knew.

  Thought he was warning me about his heart.

  But he wasn’t.

  He was warning me about his Dragon.

  I trailed my nails through his hair, fingers skimmed the soft skin of his balls. He slipped his thumbs into the waistband of my pants and dragged my panties along with the
m over my hips.

  Dragon echoed in his gaze, ancient and terrifying. I curled my fingers and reached for his face. Never had I been so scared and in awe. Never had I wanted anything more than to meet this entity—to be consumed by his power.

  Bare knuckles skimmed the rough rasp of his cheek. His brow furrowed, gaze tightened, drawing me into the dark depths. I moved closer, letting him slid the band over my ass and down my thighs.

  Firewood sparked, throwing embers against the walls of the hearth. My fingers moved along his cheek to his temple and skimmed the hard stubble on his head as he bent to slide my pants to the floor.

  He’d been shaved when I first saw him. The cut so close to his scalp there’d been nothing but a shine. His hand slipped to the back of my knee and raised one foot off the ground, followed by the other.

  A tremor raced. The cold air licked my skin with a frigid tongue, finding the most sensitive parts of me. His nostrils flared as I shuddered. Rough fingers skimmed my breast, saliva glistened on his thumb.

  With one swift movement, Zadoc swept me from the floor. His hand pressed against the small of my back, the other gripped my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he lowered us to the floor. Dust rose from the blankets and settled.

  But I didn’t care about that—I didn’t care about anything other than the sight of his powerful muscles flexing and rolling as he moved, and the gathering storm between us.

  I licked my lips and tasted the acrid scent of ozone. He was a force to be reckoned—one so tightly controlled he trembled. He leaned backwards, drawing his hand over my breast and to my stomach, and then slid lower.

  His hand lingered at my abdomen, fingers stretched out spanning my belly. The throb of life echoed inside me, as though my baby heard a call I didn’t.

  Zadoc leaned down and kissed my belly, working along the slow slide of his thumb. I twitched as he tickled tender skin. He yanked his head up and searched my face—but there was only a smile. Here in the filthy bowels of Hell I was happy.


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