Rope the Wind

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Rope the Wind Page 2

by Ardent Rose

  Sarah hugged her back. “It’s good to be home. What is going on with you?”

  Olivia dragged her over to the couch and regaled her with stories about Shimmer and then the strange but incredible offer she had been given.

  Sarah jumped from her seat. “When do we start? I can’t wait to dig in.”

  Olivia smiled at her enthusiasm. “Wait, don’t you have school?”

  Sarah calmed down. “Well, seems I can’t go to school anymore?”

  Olivia’s jaw dropped. “What? You are kidding, right?”

  “Yes, just a little bit.” She puffed out. “Seems all the entry level classes I tested out of because of my experience. Now, I need to wait for Spring semester to sign up for the new classes. I am all yours, if you’ll have me.”

  Olivia stood up and hugged her again. “Have you, I don’t know what I would do without you on this job. Can you start right away?”

  “I will be in at eight with bells on.” Sarah paused and changed her inflections.” Can I ask a favor?”

  “Anything you know that.” Olivia reassured her.

  “I was wondering if Erik might stay in the loft? I will stay with my parents, but he is here doing some research for his undergrad work.”

  “Of course, he can. Let me get you the key.”

  Garrett stepped up behind Sarah and grabbed her around the waist. “How is my Sarah girl?”

  She squealed and screamed. Erik jerked the door open thinking something was wrong with Sarah. “Whew, it’s just you, Mr. Thomas.”

  “Hey Erik.” He extended a greeting shake. “And please call me Garrett.”

  “Garrett, nice to see you again.”

  Olivia returned with the keys. “Should have known it was you making such a commotion, Bear.” She kissed his cheek. “Nice to see you Erik, here are the keys.”

  “Wow, I was just coming to ask you about that. I see Sarah beat me to it.”

  Garrett raised an eyebrow. “Keys?”

  “Yes, he is going to be using the loft while he is here doing some research.” Olivia pulled Garrett in by the beltloops. “I’m starving, let’s head over to the steak house for dinner. Its’s a celebration, Erik and Sarah will join us, won’t you?”

  In unison, they said, “We’d love to.” They snickered at each other. Erik asked, “Let me put my stuff upstairs before we go?”

  Garrett reluctantly let go of Olivia, “Sure thing, let me help you.”


  Sarah met Olivia at the Edwards Ranch Thursday morning. They had discussed the job costs involved, as well as, researched other designs and floorplans. Now, Olivia was better prepared to meet with Ms. Jacobs today. With Sarah as her wingman, she was more confident in herself.

  Leslie met them at the door, dressed more casually this time, wearing slacks and a silk top with sandals. “Good to see you again, Olivia. And who is this lovely young lady?”

  Olivia greeted her. “This is my protégé, Sarah.”

  “Very nice to meet you Ms. Jacobs. I am anxious to share my design ideas with you.” Sarah impressed both Olivia and Leslie with her forthright confidence.

  “Shall we begin?” Leslie led them throughout the entire house, although Olivia was familiar with the floorplan, she was grateful for Sarah’s input. She noticed structural things Olivia was sure she’d have missed.

  Leslie led the ladies into a kitchen nook for a snack with iced tea. “I am sure after trudging around this manse you are ready for refreshment. Please take a seat.” Sarah and Olivia enjoyed the snack.

  Olivia sipped her tea. “When should we begin?”

  Leslie became animated with a wide grin. “You’re taking the job?”

  Olivia peered to Sarah and she shook her head. “Yes, we are accepting your offer to remodel the ranch.” Sarah produced some contracts from her folder and gave them to Leslie.

  “Have your lawyer examine these and when you are ready, so are we. In the meantime, we will get together a story board of options for you to choose from.” Olivia stated in her best business tone.

  “I will get these to him today. I am sure we will be ready by Monday at the latest. Will that be agreeable?” Leslie checked her phone, Phillip had texted her from somewhere in the house. Her demeanor quickly changed to panic, her face paled and her body stiffened.

  Olivia noticed her expression. “Is everything alright?”

  “Sorry, a personal matter.” She shook her head and stuffed her phone in her pocket. The brightness had disappeared, as well as, her smile.

  “We’ve taken up enough of your time.” Sarah slid her chair out and Leslie showed them out. “We will be waiting for your call.”

  Leslie still appeared frightened and only shook her head in response.

  Sarah whispered to Olivia. “Whatever spooked her? She turned white as a sheet.”

  Olivia smirked. “Not my circus, not my monkey.” Both ladies bent over in laughter.

  On the ride back to the office, they chatted about layouts and floorplans. “When did you say Peter Adams, was flying in?” Sarah asked.

  Olivia glanced at the car clock. “He was driving a rental over from the airport. He has the original floor plans. I am hoping he has some news for us.”


  Olivia and Sarah rounded the corner to the office and found a dark-haired man standing outside a car waiting. Olivia quickly parked and greeted him. “Peter, I am so sorry for keeping you waiting. Have you been here long?” She escorted him up to the door and unlocked it.

  Peter chuckled. “Olivia, not but a minute. I was just stretching. Airplanes are a tight fit for my long legs.”

  She returned his mirth, with a chuckle of her own. “Good, Peter, this is Sarah Gibson, she is my protégé. We are excited to see what information you brought to us.”

  Sarah greeted Peter. “Nice to meet you Mr. Adams. Can I get you some coffee or a soft drink, maybe iced tea?”

  Peter patted her back. “I’d love a glass of sweet tea, and please call me Peter.”

  Sarah smiled and exited the room to prepare the tea. Olivia shared the news of the contract bid and the bonus. Peter and Olivia had attended some classes in college together and he had also designed the floor plan for Garrett’s hotel. The old friends exchanged pleasantries while waiting for Sarah to join them.

  “Such a small world sometimes. How are Lanie and the baby?”

  Peter beamed. “Lanie is as beautiful as ever and baby Derrick is growing too fast. How in the world did you wind up in Tomitown with Garrett?”

  “Long story short, I was a damsel in distress with a flat tire and he rode in on his black steed and rescued me. And the rest, as they say, is history.”

  Sarah returned with the tea. “Peter, what did you find out about the Edwards Estate? Will we be able to transform it into ten-bedroom B&B?”

  Peter spread out the blueprints on the table. He pointed to the load bearing walls and the placement of electrical and plumbing. “These will of course need to be brought up to the current code. The house was built over fifty years ago. But the structure is sound and I believe the project can be done.”

  Olivia laughed with glee. “How soon can you have the blueprint for the remodel and construction ready? We are spreading the bonus around to everyone and this is a nice feather in your cap at the agency.”

  Peter winked at Olivia. “Is Monday to soon enough?”

  Sarah jumped from her seat. “There is so much to be done, crews to call, supplies to order and …” she gasped. “The story boards to make.”

  Peter belly laughed at the eagerness of Sarah. Olivia grinned with admiration. “It will be okay, Sarah. Everyone is on standby for Monday. We will meet the foreman and get demolition underway.”

  “Are you staying over Peter? Garrett has plenty of room at the ranch.”

  Peter stood and gathered his things. “I can’t. Now that I am family man, I rarely go out of town. Since it was for you, I made an exception with wifey’s blessing of course.” The change in his be
havior showed how much he loves his wife.

  Olivia embraced him. “I understand, I can’t be away from Garret either.” She walked him to the door. “Give Lanie a kiss and one for the baby. I hope to meet him soon. Perhaps this summer, you could come for a visit?”

  “We just might take you up on that. I know Lanie loves to go horseback riding and this is a truly quiet peaceful place.” Peter glanced up and down the streets.

  “Perfect, I will give her a call after the construction is done. Have a safe trip.”

  They waved good-bye. Her gaze fell down the sidewalk. She noticed a stranger in town. His appearance startled her by how much he resembled Phillip. “Not possible. Why would he be here?” Too much excitement, she thought had her seeing things. “Sarah, let’s lock up and get a fresh start tomorrow. I am exhausted.”

  “Uh, well okay, but I am supposed to meet Erik here for dinner. Do you mind if I stay and finish up the details get a head start on my storyboard?” Sarah blushed, Olivia knew love when she saw it. Her flushed cheeks and shy smile didn’t fool anyone about her feelings for Erik.

  “You are making me appear bad. But you know this office is as much yours as it is mine. But my cowboy is waiting for me.” She threw her bag over her shoulder. “I am out of here, see you tomorrow.” She stepped away. “And Sarah,”

  Sarah caught her gaze. “Don’t work too long. You have a cowboy waiting for you as well.”


  Garrett entered the living room, Olivia laid on the floor in front of the fire. “Hey darlin’ how was your day?” He drawled in his sweetest voice. He skirted the couch and slid down next to her. Olivia curled into his lap and welcomed him with a kiss.

  “I saw something today that shook me, but how can it be?” Her voice sounded far away, but she couldn’t rid herself of the suspicion, she had seen Phillip in town.

  Garrett wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair. “What has you so upset?”

  She recounted her afternoon with Peter and when he left what she thought she saw.

  She lifted her head. “It was surreal like a dream. I tried to brush it off as excitement, but I don’t know.” Her body shivered. He poked the fire to make it spark, but he knew she wasn’t cold, just frightened.

  “Tomorrow, I will call the Carlton police and have them check into his whereabouts. We can still get a restraining order.” He cupped her cheeks to meet his gaze. “I love you and I will protect you no matter the cost. Olivia, you are my life now. He will never harm you again.”

  She fell into his chest and wept. Fear released and unconditional love poured out in those tears. “Just hold me Bear, and don’t let go.”

  He held her tighter and kissed the top of her head. “Always and forever.”

  A clatter from upstairs disconcerted them from their comforting. “What was that?” Olivia held tight to Garrett.

  “It came from upstairs.” He settled her down on the floor and fled up the stairs. “Shhshh, I will see what it was?” He whispered, grabbing his gun by the door. Surefooted, he took each step before he reached the top. “Homer, what the fuck are you doing upstairs in my house? You almost got your head blown off.”

  Homer knew he had stayed too long installing another listening device. Powers was a harsh customer to deal with. His neck craned in the direction of the floor. “Don’t yell, I was checking for a loose window screen. I saw it flappin’ in the wind earlier.”

  Garrett scrunched his brow. “I didn’t see one.”

  Homer stood tall and confident. “Well, you don’t pay no damn attention to anything but them horses and that woman you call …” His voice grew bitter when he spoke of Olivia. He can’t accept Garrett moving on after the death of his daughter, Katie.

  Anger filled Garrett. “Stop it right there, Old Man! Get out of my house.” He shook his fist at him and pointed down the stairs. “You are not welcome here. That woman you speak of is going to be my wife.”

  Homer stifled a snort and chuckled. “Yeah, sure she is.”

  Garrett stood toe to toe with Homer. “Just what is that supposed to mean?”

  He raised his hands in surrender. “Just know this, revenge can be sweet.” He pushed Garrett out to the way and flew down the stairs and out the door.

  Olivia waited at the foot of the stairs. “What was that all about?”

  He hugged her close. “To tell you the truth, I am not sure. But he was lying through his teeth. I’ll get to the bottom of it. Don’t worry about a thing.”


  Phillip slammed his fists down on the solid desk. “That bumbling old man. That fool. He nearly wrecked my plans.”

  A knock echoed in the room. Phillip bellowed. “WHO IS IT!”

  Homer slowly opened the door, he hastily removed his hat and entered the room. “Ms. Jacobs said you wanted to see me?”

  Phillip opened a drawer and took out a wad of cash. “I will no longer be needing your services. I suggest you take this money and get the fuck away from me before my generosity wears out.”

  He pushed the cash into his pocket. “I know, I almost got caught. It won’t happen again, he has banished me from the house. There are other things I can do?”

  Phillip thought for a moment, before he sat down. “For example?”

  “You know she has a new horse. Accidents happen with inexperienced riders.” He shrugged his shoulders with a smug appearance.

  Phillip tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair. “You have convinced me for now, but don’t fail again or running away will not be an option.” He tapped a button on his desk. A big burly man appeared. His black t-shirt stretched across his huge chest and biceps. Phillip merely nodded and this body builder escorted Homer out by the arm. He squeezed a little tighter than necessary in a show of his strength.

  Homer massaged his arm and whimpered away from the ranch.

  Saturday afternoons were reserved for horseback riding. Garrett had taught Olivia many things about horses. Now, she practiced her lessons on Shimmer. Homer saddled up both Shimmer and Obsidian. “The horses are ready, Garrett. How long will you be out this afternoon?”

  Garrett continued to be angry with him. “None of your business, old man. Do you plan on trespassing in my house again?”

  Homer bit his tongue. “Of course not. I wanted to know if I needed to lock up the barn before I go, that’s all.” He forked hay and tossed to the mares inside.

  Olivia strutted around the corner, set her heel and jumped up on Shimmer. She caressed her neck and cooed to her. She donned her leather riding gloves and pulled the reins. “Ready, Bear. I’ll race you to the spring.”

  Garrett swung a leg up on Obi and pulled back on the reins. “What are you doing baby, trying to rope the wind?”

  She smiled widely and kicked her heels. “Something like that.” Shimmer carried her away in a flash.

  Garrett goaded Obi and off they went to catch the beauties. The spring was situated a few miles from the ranch and a small meadow filled with wildflowers was Olivia’s favorite spot to rest the horses. She reached the spring first and lay a big blanket on the ground. She led Shimmer to the water’s edge and tied the reins to the tree. “You will enjoy this spot.”

  She patted Shimmer and retrieved a picnic basket. When she returned to the blanket, Garrett removed the saddle and led Obi to the water beside Shimmer. “Hello, beautiful.” He kissed her sweetly. “Looks like you may have caught some of the wind.” He wiped her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs.

  “It was a beautiful ride. The wind chased us all the way.” Olivia tilted her head and parted her lips. Garrett dipped down to meet them and kissed her deeply. He noticed she tasted of honey and wildflowers, the scent of the air surrounding them.

  “Let me grab Shimmer’s saddle and I’ll be right with you.” Olivia smiled and prepared their lunch on the blanket.

  Unexpectedly, she heard him curse. “What in the fuck is this?” The cinch on Shimmer had been tampered with. “Olivia, it is a wonder you made it withou
t falling off your horse.” He showed her the damaged cinch. “What? Who would do such a thing? My saddle isn’t new, but it was fully functional.”

  “It must have been that bitter old man. That’s it. He is history. I will just hire someone else to help me with the ranch. This is getting ridiculous.”

  Olivia poured some sweet red wine and gave him a glass. “Don’t let him spoil our day. When this new job starts, I’m not sure how many Saturdays we will have until it’s done.”

  He brushed hair off Olivia’s forehead. “You are right. I will deal with him later. What’s for lunch, I’m hungry.” She laid out fried chicken and potato salad, fresh tomatoes and brownies for dessert. They ate their fill and enjoyed each other’s company.

  “Lunch was good, but I’m still hungry.” Garrett licked his lips and rolled her over onto her back.

  “I was hoping, I was dessert.” Olivia growled and pulled her top over her head.

  “Stop.” He wrapped the shirt around her wrists. “Now, leave them above your head.”

  She bit her lip and he pulled her boots off. “I don’t like not being able to touch you.” She pouted.

  He smirked. “I know baby, but it feels so good this way. Remember?” She moaned in agreement and wiggled her hips. “That’s my good girl.”

  She arched her back like a cat and he scrubbed his beard in circles on her tummy. The sensation caused her to nearly move her arms. Garrett observed her closely, he caught her. “Are you going to punish me, Master?”

  “I am tempted to grab my crop and show you how to behave, but we will just save that for the playroom. Today, I want to make love to you in the sunshine with the wildflowers as our bed.”

  He picked a flower from nearby and traced her skin with it. Olivia sighed and moaned at the exquisite texture of the petals. Her nipples ached beneath the lace she wore. He pushed the cups down and lapped at them like ice cream. Her hips bowed up to meet his and ground against her hidden prize. “You keep that up and you will get fucked instead of sweet love.” He spoke against her neck.


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