Rope the Wind

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Rope the Wind Page 3

by Ardent Rose

  Breathlessly, she cried for relief from the stimulation he tormented her with. Sodden panties and heavy jeans lay between them and she wanted them off. Sensing her impatience, Garrett lifted her bottom and pulled her jeans down past her knees. A barrier of lace covered the honeypot he thirsted for. With the flick of his fingers, he ripped them asunder and cast them to the wind. The essence of her body permeated his nostrils and he growled.

  Garrett pushed her knees forward and slurped up her juices. She cried out and he bit her clit and plunged two fingers inside of her curling into the sweet spot. Olivia’s voice sang out in elated joy when her body curled into the fetal position of a hard orgasm.

  He wasted no time in freeing his engorged cock and replaced his fingers with it. He intended to pound her sweet pussy, but he stilled for a moment and allowed her to calm down. He further removed her jeans and freed her binding.

  Olivia wrapped her feet around his waist and her arms around his neck. “I love you, Bear.”

  His hips deliberately moved in and out of her petite frame. Their eyes locked onto each other and the dance began. Olivia snaked her palms under his shirt. She wanted to feel his skin on hers. Their bodies rocked smoothly until Olivia felt the pulsation of his cock against her walls and hugged him back. He found her mouth and kissed her past his release and then hers. “And I love you, my darling Olivia.” He whispered in her ear.

  The wind blew gently over their sweaty skin. The sun had moved away, the time had come to pack up and go home. “Olivia, I will put my saddle on Shimmer and I will ride bareback.”

  “Of course, whatever you think is best.” They approached the horses but something was wrong. Shimmer appeared glassy eyed and stumbled some. “Something is wrong with her. What happened? We have been here many times before.”

  Garrett opened his saddlebags and located a flashlight. “It’s better not to ride her. I am not sure what is wrong.” He checked Obsidian over, he was a larger horse and didn’t seem to be affected by whatever was ailing Shimmer. “Obi seems fine. Let’s both ride back on him and we’ll drive the truck out to get Shimmer.”

  “I don’t want to leave her by herself. What if something else happens?” She panicked at the unforeseen illness, frightened of the implications.

  Garrett stepped over to her and held her arms. “Listen, there are bears, snakes, and cougars out here. You can’t shoot a gun, yet. So, there is no way I can leave you here. She will be fine. I will put this blanket on her and we won’t be long.”

  “You’re right. Let’s hurry.” They mounted Obsidian and rode swiftly back to the ranch.

  Garrett loaded up the truck. “While I get Shimmer, call Erik and have him come out to have examine her. If anyone knows what’s going on, its him.”

  Olivia sprinted into the house and phoned Erik.

  By the time Garrett returned with Shimmer, Erik and Sarah pulled into the drive way. She met them outside.

  Erik started with the examination and asked pertinent questions. “Garrett, can you tell me what happened? Where were you and what was near?”

  “We were down in the meadow near Sweetwater Creek. She’s been several times since we brought her home. This time, she is acting strange almost like she is drunk or drugged.”

  Erik scrubbed his chin deep in thought. “Best thing is for me to take a blood sample and have it tested. She didn’t get into some loco weed or eat poisonous berries or leaves?”

  Garrett shook his head. “No way, there isn’t anything toxic down there. We’d have destroyed it by now if there were. All my horses graze in that area, usually in the summer. Obsidian doesn’t show any signs.”

  “Probably, his size and he may not have ingested the same thing as Shimmer.” Erik ran to the truck and brought back his bag. “Garrett, hold her steady while I draw some blood.” He pinned her hair back and shaved a patch to insert the needle.

  The sound of the shaver unsettled Shimmer. “Whoa, there girl. I got you.” He smoothed her mane and talked softly to her.

  Olivia and Sarah huddled together. Sarah comforted her, “Erik, will figure it out. She will be alright. Perhaps some fresh water and some feed with absorb the toxins or flush then out.”

  Erik grinned with pride. “Capital idea, babe. Both good suggestions.” He continued softly, “that will keep them busy while I insert the needle.”

  Garrett agreed. “I am sure Olivia does not need to see that. Sarah was smart to think of it.”

  Erik worked quickly and drew blood from the big vein in Shimmer’s neck. “Finished.”

  Olivia filled a bucket with water and Sarah loaded some feed. “I will add some hay, if she drinks much, we may flood the barn.” Garrett racked up a pitchfork and piled up the hay.

  “Keeping her comfortable is all we can do overnight. I will personally run these tests first thing in the morning. In the meantime, don’t go back to the creek, of course. I will be back with the results and hopefully some answers.” Erik explained.

  Olivia overwhelmed by emotion hugged Erik. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  He blushed a bright red. “Don’t thank me yet… But you know I am going to try my best.”

  Garrett took Olivia from Erik. “Thanks buddy. I better get this one to bed.”

  Sarah took Erik’s arm and they all walked out of the barn.


  Olivia slept fitfully and arose early to check on Shimmer. Garret found her in the barn brushing her horse. “Good morning baby, I brought you some coffee.”

  She stood on tip toe and kissed him. “Thanks, it smells good. I need the caffeine. I didn’t sleep very well worrying about her.” She sipped her coffee.

  “How is she this morning?” He pulled her nose over to check her eyes. “I think the fog has cleared.”

  “Yes, she nearly scared me out of ten years and is just fine this morning. I can’t wait to see what her blood sample reveals.” She led Shimmer back into her stall.

  Garrett circled Olivia’s waist. “What you say we eat some breakfast and take a bath?”

  “Now that the crisis has passed, I’d love too.”

  The couple prepared a Sunday morning feast complete with sweet rolls and fruit to go with the eggs and bacon. Olivia laughed. “It appears our eyes may be bigger than our stomachs with all this food prepared.”

  He stepped behind her and nuzzled her neck. “We can save the sweet rolls for after the bath.” His fingertips strolled up and down her body stopping to squeeze her breasts and rub between her thighs. “They will make a nice after lovin’ treat.”

  She laid her head back on his shoulder and moaned. “Perfect. Let’s eat.”

  All the sudden, breakfast became a game of seduction. The way Olivia ate her bacon and licked her lips. Garrett teased with bites of strawberries. The yummy sounds made while enjoying the food and watching each other play. Drips of honey ran down Olivia’s chin. Garrett slowly licked her chin and kissed her lips. “That was sweet but I know another drip I want to taste.” He tossed his napkin on the table and carried Olivia to their bedroom.

  He pushed open the door with his shoulder. He dropped Olivia’s feet to the floor and threw the blanket off the bed. He gripped the waistband of her jeans and yanked her forward. His mouth smashed into hers. The hunger of their passion danced against each other’s tongues in a demanding two step. The tastes of salty-sweet, honey and bacon reminded him of the seductive breakfast teasers. He fumbled with the button, but finally freed her from the constraints of her clothing. They moved backward until Olivia’s knees hit the mattress edge. He kissed her down onto the bed. She panted when his lips trailed along her neck and scooted backward to the center of the bed. Garrett followed her in hovering above her body. His lips skimmed her skin and she sighed and wiggled amidst his ticklish torture. A momentary stop at her belly button, he nipped and licked his way across from hip to hip.

  She bucked beneath him and whimpered with need. He spread her knees to find glossy puffy lips waiting to be devoured. His tongue sl
ipped out for the first sip before he lapped away from bottom to the top. Olivia gasped when his tongue crossed her clit. She thrust her hips forward to grind against his chin. He made circles around and around on her clit with his chin. He inserted two fingers inside and felt the grip of her impending orgasm. She screamed and clamped her knees against his ears and flooded him with her juices.

  Before she caught her breath, his cock impaled her cum-soaked body and he rolled his hips. He held her knees apart and bucked his body on her sensitive clit. She spasmed and screamed again, losing her voice completely in the throes of yet another mind-blowing orgasm. The grip of her body around his cock tossed him over the edge of his own hard release.

  They laid together panting and nuzzling each other. “I want to take a bath, but I can’t move. You’ve drained me, Bear.”

  He growled and rolled her on top of him. “We have all day for a bath.”

  “In that case,” she covered them with a sheet. “How about a nap?”

  He didn’t answer only listened to the sound of her breathing and dozed off himself.

  A few hours later, Garrett’s phone buzzed. “Hey Erik.”

  “Afternoon, how is Shimmer today?” His voice laced with concern.

  Garrett extricated himself from Olivia. “Believe it or not she appears to be fine. What did you find out?”

  “That is why I am calling. I think I need to investigate the area from yesterday. I will explain more when I get there, if that is okay with you and Olivia, of course.”

  “I will go with you. Bring a gun, there have been animals sighted in the area.”

  “Always carry my shotgun in the truck. Be there in an hour.”

  Much as he hated to, he woke Olivia. He scooted behind her and kissed her shoulder. “Hey beautiful. It’s time to wake up.”

  She stretched and rolled against him. “How long have we been asleep?”

  “Maybe a couple of hours. We need to get dressed. Erik is coming out with the results and he wants to go out to Sweetwater Creek and scout around.”

  “No time for a bath, but a shower suits me just fine.” She winked at him and jumped up. He swatted her butt and followed her into the shower.


  Erik and Garrett saddled up a couple of horses and rode out to the same spot where Shimmer became ill. “What are we looking for specifically?” Garrett questioned.

  Erik gathered soil samples, leaves and twigs, before he went down to the water’s edge. “Where does this stream start from?” He peered eastward and barely spotted the top of a building. “What is that place up there on that hill?”

  Garrett waded into the water for a better view. “That is an old factory. Thought it had been vacant for years. But from the looks of things, someone has taken it over. I am not sure what’s up there but the creek starts off those mountains surrounding it.”

  “Hang on a minute, I have a test kit, I can use to test for toxins in the water.” Erik brought a test tube and a bottle of drops to the creek. Once the tube was filled, he dripped some blue chemicals into it and the water turned dark and murky.

  Garrett stared in belief. “Holy shit. What is in this water?”

  “The test from Shimmer’s blood showed low level toxins in her system. Chances are this water is stronger and more toxic at the source. It’s had some time to dissipate before it gets here. Thankfully, she only got a small dose. It could easily have been fatal.”

  “Erik, do you know what you are saying? We must find out what’s going on and stop it fast before the wildlife begins to die off. This is my home, I grew up here. I want my children to play here and enjoy nature. Holy Fuck man, we have to fix this and quick.”

  “How much daylight do we have left?” Erik diverted the conversation until he had time to think of some answers.

  “Couple hours at most. You are thinking, maybe we need to ride up the creek to the mountains?” The wheels turned in his mind too.

  Erik thought out methodically their next move. “First off, we need to find out the name of the factory and alert the forest service. Is it possible to drive up that way then tomorrow we can ride up the mountain if we don’t get any answers?”

  Garrett glanced around for a landmark to guide him. “Yes, I believe there is a pass. It’s rough and hasn’t been used in years, but the horses can navigate it I am sure.”

  Erik agreed. “Let’s get back and drive up and see if we can find out the name of the factory or whatever it is.”


  Erik brushed down the horses and put them away. Garrett informed the girls of their discovery.

  Olivia hopped off the couch. “Let me grab my shoes and we will go with you.” Garrett caressed her arms and stopped her.

  “Baby, it’s too dangerous. We are only driving by to check things out. If someone is up to no good, there will be guards and guns. I don’t want you or Sarah in the line of fire.” He pulled her into his arms and stroked her back.

  Sarah stood up with her cowgirl attitude retorted. “Garrett, you know I can shoot as well as any man. I might be of some help.”

  Erik wrapped her in an embrace. “That just may be so, baby-doll, but not this time. We are only on a fact-finding mission. When we gather all the information that is where your help will come in.” He enclosed and kissed her ear. “Horses are up for the night, Ready Garrett?”

  Reluctantly, Garrett released Olivia. “Quicker we go, quicker we get back.” He nodded at Erik.

  They hurried out to Garrett’s truck and took off toward Sweetwater Creek. When they rounded the big curve, there it was back on the hill surrounded by electronic gates. “Damn they have this place secured like Ft. Knox.”

  Garrett pulled up into the entrance and shined his headlights on the sign, ‘Meridian Pharmaceuticals, Inc.’ “Holy shit, Meridian is the company the girls are doing the remodel for.”

  Erik opened his door. “That is too much of a coincidence. I am going to see if I can locate the creek. It should be in the vicinity somewhere near to contaminate the water. If it’s them.”

  Garrett grabs Erik’s arm. “Take this.” He shoves a pistol into his hand. “Got your phone?”

  Erik removes it from his pocket. “Sure do. Why?”

  “I will give you 15 minutes, after that I am coming in after you.” He agreed and disappeared into a clump of trees.


  Unbeknownst to Garrett and Erik, a motion sensor flipped on a camera that signaled Phillip of their presence. The camera flickered in the darkness. “What have we here?” Phillip sneered. “I observe we have visitors.” He punches a number into the phone. “Jared, are you watching your surveillance cameras?”

  He swallowed hard. “Yes, sir, Mr. Powers. I see a big truck parked at the gate entrance. He hasn’t moved or tried to back away. I figured he was lost and turning around.”

  Phillip becomes agitated. “You idiot, that truck belongs to Thomas, and you must have missed the person who jumped out of the truck.”

  Jared stood so quickly his chair hit the floor. “No sir, I apologize Mr. Powers. I will set off the alarm immediately.”

  “NO, don’t do that.” Phillip screamed into the phone. “A game of cat and mouse could be fun. Just be sure to keep a close watch and I expect a crew to follow his trail at daylight, with a full report before breakfast.” He cut off the connection before Jared affirmed his orders.

  Phillip leaned back in his chair. “Be careful Mr. Thomas, life just became very complicated for you.”


  The time passed slowly, Garrett kept checking his phone. He glanced up one more time before he put the truck in gear. Erik walked gingerly to the truck. “I was just about to come after your scrawny ass.”

  Erik chuckled. “Good thing you didn’t try. The woods are thick back there. I found the creek alright and it leads right back to that plant. I grabbed a water sample. Let’s get back to the girls and I’ll test it.”

  Garrett backed the truck up. “I am ready, this place gives me the cr
eeps. Feels like someone is watching me.”

  Erik buckled up. “No shit, you should’ve gone with me. What a mess. But we can come in from the other side a helluva lot easier.”

  “Why don’t you and Sarah stay over and we can saddle up in the morning and take a better look.”

  “Thanks, I think she will agree. Her parents are strict.” He sighed.

  “You leave her parents to me, if I have to I will set them straight on a couple of things. You have proven to me to be trustworthy and I see how you treat Sarah. She cares deeply for you and I see you care for her.”

  “Thanks Garrett, that means so much to me. I am going to marry that girl, if she’ll have me.” Erik gulped and ducked his head.

  “Hot Damn, have you asked her yet?”

  “Well, I figured I better ask her parents first. I am working up to it.”

  “If you need anything, Olivia and I are here, son.”

  Erik kidded. “Fuck Garrett, you are gonna make me cry.”

  They park outside the ranch, but before they go in. Erik stopped Garrett. “Can this stay between us for now. I don’t want to spoil it for Sarah.”

  “Of course, when you are ready to make it official, we will have a party at the Silver Spur, my treat.” He winked at Erik.

  The girls jumped to their feet when the door opened. “Dear God, thank you. You are all in one piece.” Olivia hugged Garrett close.

  Sarah hugged Erik as well. “What did you find out?”

  Garrett began the story. “Around the curve at Sweetwater Creek, there is a pharmaceutical company atop the hill. Locked up like a fortress. You will never guess the name of it?”

  Olivia’s covered her mouth. “Not Powers, please don’t be Powers?”

  He hugged her tight. “No, baby not Powers.”

  “Meridian?” she replied, shocked at the consequences.

  Erik tested the sample and the color was even darker than before. “We found the source of the contamination.” He wrapped an arm around Sarah’s waist. “Yes, baby-doll, Meridian.”

  Olivia’s face contorted. “That is way to coincidental. Who is behind this?” She turned to Sarah, “We have to be at the Edward’s ranch at 8:00 in the morning to start the demolition.” Suddenly she relaxed. “Maybe we can find the connection between the two Meridians.”


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