Book Read Free

Then There Was You

Page 12

by Candace Shaw

  “I love all of them,” Reagan said. “I can’t decide which ones to use, but I’ll decide by tomorrow. I know you have a ton of projects before heading to Destin with Kameryn so I appreciate it.”

  “No problem, hon,” Brooklyn answered as upbeat as possible, swirling a pita chip lazily in the guacamole. She’d been so deep in her thoughts she’d almost forgot her girls were there. “That’s what best friends … are … for.” She tried to suppress a yawn, but it came out regardless as she covered her mouth. “Destin isn’t for another month or so …” She trailed off into another yawn.

  Reagan shut the laptop lid. “Brook, stop it. You are obviously overworking yourself because you can’t stop yawning. This morning you drank a whole pot of coffee at the shoot. Not a cup but the entire pot!”

  “Maybe you need a break,” Zaria suggested, gliding a chip around in the guacamole, but she placed it on the plate and opted for a plain pita chip instead.

  “You sure you don’t want any of the margarita?” Brooklyn asked Zaria who’d been quiet. “It’s Addison’s special recipe.”

  “No, I had spin class tonight and need to hydrate,” Zaria snapped, taking another deep drink of her water. “And stop trying to sway the subject elsewhere. What’s up with you? You need a vacay from work? That’s not an issue if that’s the case.”

  Brooklyn sighed. “It’s not work … something else.”

  “What?” Reagan and Zaria asked in unison.

  “Don’t worry about it. You two have a lot going on in your own lives right now,” Brooklyn answered as she had a sneaky feeling Zaria was pregnant. Addi had mentioned she caught Zaria vomiting over the side of the boat when they’d gone deep sea fishing, and Zaria had turned down champagne at Reagan’s engagement party. She never turned down champagne.

  “Excuse me?” Reagan questioned. “We’re your friends. No, scratch that. We’re sisters. Does this have something to do with your decision to stop seeing Chase cold-turkey?”

  Letting out a deep breath, Brooklyn took a long sip of her margarita. “I haven’t slept a wink knowing he’s living in my backyard, and I can’t go over there to extinguish all of my pent-up frustrations even though that’s exactly what he wants,” she rambled, exhaling. “He finds it utterly funny I’m frustrated.”

  “Then go extinguish the fire,” Zaria suggested in her usual sassy tone. “That way you won’t beat yourself up about it once he leaves with a bunch of what ifs.”

  “Um … I did … right before I left for Memphis and it was amazing. It was more than I expected, but everything I knew it would be.”

  Zaria and Reagan gasped at the same time as their eyes widened into saucers and glanced at each other in disbelief.

  “I know. I know. It’s not like me, but I had to have him. And now I’m having withdrawals big time.”

  “Who says it has to be a one-night stand?” Zaria inquired.

  “Exactly,” Reagan said, nodding her head in agreement. “When Addison told us he would be here for a few months, I knew it would be the perfect opportunity for the two of you to explore your attraction. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you at my engagement celebration.”

  “So what’s the issue?” Zaria demanded, pursing her lips while waiting for an answer.

  “He only has a couple of months here before he goes back to Memphis. I don’t want to become serious with him, and then can only see him every so often or never again. It doesn’t matter.” She shrugged followed by a heavy groan. “I’ve made my mind up. I’m not going to worry about it anymore.” Or at least not out loud.

  “So why not have fun while he’s here?” Zaria asked, finishing her water. “You two are consenting adults.”

  Brooklyn dipped a pita chip in the guacamole and swirled it around, keeping her eyes downcast. “It’s not easy.”

  “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation. You’ve been in love with the man since forever and you dumped him,” Reagan said in disbelief. “You had a chance with him and you dumped him!”

  “I didn’t dump Chase. You have to be a couple for that, and I’m not in love with him.”

  “You keep telling yourself that. I was there when you first laid eyes on him.” Reagan reached across the table and squeezed Brooklyn’s hand followed by Zaria. “So what’s the real deal? I know you well enough you’re using distance as an excuse. What did he do to make you want to stop seeing him? Is he a male chauvinist or something?”

  “No. He’s a sweetheart. A true gentleman.”

  “Does he stink?” Zaria asked with a teasing grin.

  Brooklyn playfully smacked Zaria’s hand. “Girl, no. He smells divine.”

  “Well, I say hang out and if it becomes serious to the point of marriage, you can always move back to Memphis.”

  Brooklyn’s forehead wrinkled as she was rather surprised Reagan said that. “I would have to leave Precious Moments.”

  “I know, and we’d miss you terribly, but I never thought you’d stay here forever with me and Zaria. It was more so our dream and you tagged along to help out, but you have so much more talent besides wedding photography. Kameryn obviously thinks so as well. Nothing wrong with spreading your wings, my sister,” Reagan encouraged with a sincere smile.

  “Exactly.” Zaria nodded in agreement. “I feel the same way. You have your own calling and aspirations.”

  “Wow. I’m glad you two feel this way because lately I’ve been in a rut. I love working with Precious Moments, but you’re right, I do eventually want to do other types of photography kind of like how I used to before I moved here when it was more of a side hobby from crunching numbers all day. Perhaps have my own studio.” Her mind trailed back to the empty building in downtown Memphis.

  “Ah. I knew something had been bothering you and it wasn’t only Chase. I’m a little peeved you didn’t tell us, though. Helloooooo …” Reagan snapped her fingers playfully in the air. “We’re your sisters for life.”

  “I know,” Brooklyn answered, quietly. “I’ve wanted to discuss it with you for the past year or so but I wasn’t sure how you’d take it.”

  Zaria scooted her chair back from the table. “Girl, this is your life and you have to live it how you see fit whether it’s pertaining to your career or relationships. If eventually leaving Precious Moments or being with Chase makes you happy, I say go for it.” Standing, she headed toward the patio door. “Too much water. I’ll be back,” Zaria said, dipping inside the house.

  “Thank you. It’s a relief to finally let it out. I’m not going to up and leave you high and dry without an in-house photographer or an accountant. I don’t even know what my next step is. I’m glad I finally felt comfortable telling you guys everything that has been in my head lately.”

  “Well, whenever you’re ready, we’ll be fine. There are other photographers on the island and surrounding areas we’ve used before when we had more than one event, and your intern is pretty good. I’ve noticed you’ve been training her alot more lately. Now I know why. Sooooo, what about Mr. Arring—” Reagan halted while her eyes reached passed Brooklyn as footsteps sounded along the sidewalk and she began to wave. “Hi, guys. How was your game of pool?” she asked as Blake, Garrett, and Chase approached the table.

  Blake kissed Reagan on the cheek. “I lost the bet, sweetheart.”

  “I hope it wasn’t too much. We are planning a wedding you know,” Reagan teased, and rubbed her nose against his.

  “I think we’ll be all right,” Blake said, kissing Reagan softly on the lips.

  “Where’s Z?” Garrett asked.

  “She ran to the ladies’ room,” Brooklyn answered, who’d noticed lately Garrett had been even more doting to Zaria than he already was.

  “Ah, of course,” Garrett stated as if he wasn’t surprised. His gaze shifted to her empty seat with her tote bag hanging from the back of the chair and two empty bottles of water sat on the table in front of it. “She had spin class today.” He took the empty water bottles and barely touched guacamol
e and tossed it in the garbage can off to the side.

  Zaria returned moments later and gave her husband a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Hey, G. Ready to go?”

  “Yep. I know you’ve had a long day, Z.” He grabbed her tote bag as Zaria hugged Brooklyn and Reagan.

  “Ready, babe?” Blake asked, pulling out Reagan’s chair.

  “Yes.” Reagan hugged Brooklyn. “All right, girl. Remember what we talked about and thanks again for the engagement pictures. I’ll let you know which ones we want printed soon.”

  “No problem,” Brooklyn answered, hoping Chase would leave as well. The strong scent of his cologne she remembered all too well penetrated her atmosphere.

  After he said his good-byes to everyone, Chase crashed into the chair across from her and fiddled around on his cellphone for the next few seconds which seemed like an eternity.

  “So, apparently you’re good at pool,” Brooklyn said, breaking the awkward silence and taking the last sip of her margarita. She almost reached for the pitcher to refill her glass but decided another one wouldn’t be wise around him.

  “Yeah. My grandfather taught me how to play when I was a little boy,” he answered, setting his phone down. “It’s a family thing. Hunter and I are always teaming up against Zoe and Addi. I have a pool table back home collecting dust. Do you play?”

  “My brother tried to teach me, but it isn’t my thing, I guess.”

  “I could teach you, but that would mean we’d have to spend time together.”

  “Do you want some of Reagan’s infamous guacamole?” she offered, ignoring his comment. “Or a margarita?”

  “No. I ate at the pool hall.”


  He cracked a wise-grin. “Trying to make me stay?”

  “I’m being courteous to my friend’s big brother while she’s out of town.”

  “Ha! I mean more to you than your friend’s big brother. I know you still reminisce about our special night.”

  “Please, you weren’t all that.” Okay, I’m lying. The withdrawal shakes will soon emerge if he doesn’t leave.

  Standing, he swiped his cellphone from the table and placed it on the holster clipped to his pants. He didn’t move, but instead rested his eyes on her and shoved his hands in his pockets as if he didn’t want to leave. “Good night, and sleep well. I’m less than a few feet away if you need anything.” He turned on his heel and headed over to the tiny house before shouting over his shoulder, “Anything.”

  “I’m fine. Good night.” She wanted to call after him considering Zaria and Reagan had given her the courage to see where her relationship with Chase could lead. Instead, she gathered the empty dishes from the patio table and darted inside to a cold shower before she acted on her desires.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Wiping his brow, Chase downed a cool bottle of water after his cold shower. He didn’t know what the hell he was thinking when he’d decided to stay in the tiny house without any electricity. He knew it was possible because his sister called it dry camping minus the fact there was running water. However, if it wasn’t for Brooklyn he would’ve hightailed it to a hotel. He’d come to the conclusion seeing her was more important than feeling comfortable. This was the first time he’d gone through these types of extremes, but Brooklyn created a jolt of power whenever she was near.

  The thought of being away from her tore through his heart like a knife. He literally couldn’t wait until the second his office hours ended in the afternoon to rush back to the island for a glimpse of her. He loved how she would huff or dart her eyes away from him when he’d waved or say hello, and it was worth staying there to drive her crazy.

  Swiping his car keys and cellphone from the kitchen counter, Chase strode to the door with anticipation for the car’s air conditioner and a burger from Brogen’s. He spotted the lady who had been in his thoughts non-stop watering her patio herb garden with a watering can. She hadn’t noticed him and seemed deep in thought. His eyes slid over her cut-off jean shorts hugging her hips and ample butt causing him to reminisce clutching the same part of her anatomy the night they made love.

  Shifting slightly on his heel, he tried to push out the thoughts of making love to Brooklyn but it was becoming increasingly hard to do. He’d never had withdrawals from a woman before which rocked him to his core. Thanks to his vivid memories, he could see through her clothes as if he was Superman with X-ray vision. The T-shirt depicting Dorothy Dandridge as Carmen Jones did nothing to hide Brooklyn’s supple breasts, the indent and curves of her waist, and her cute belly button with the beauty mark off to the left of it. Chase had to halt his thinking process as his eyes once again settled on her hips. The urge to grip them and pull her onto to him caused a strain against his pants.

  She still hadn’t noticed his presence, and while he could stare at her all day, Chase decided to clear his throat and speak.

  “Hey,” he called out, stopping directly in front of the patio.

  Brooklyn jumped slightly and pivoted in his direction. Her eyes darted straight to his and a little breath escaped from her lips. “Oh, hi.” Brooklyn swiped her hand through her hair. “I didn’t hear you approach.”

  “I can tell. Everything all right?”

  “Yes.” Her gaze dashed from him and she continued to water the herbs, keeping her eyes away from his.

  Chase had an inkling she wasn’t telling the truth but decided not to press the issue. She was already on guard with him. “I’m headed to Brogen’s. You want me to bring something back? Or you can come with me.”

  She glanced up momentarily. “No and no,” she replied in a frustrated tone.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked concerned. It was one thing to joke with her, but he didn’t want to make her upset.

  “I have a lot on my mind lately, and I’m thinking it through before making a rushed decision. Again.”

  He sensed her uneasiness and decided to speak as light-hearted as possible. “About us?” he asked, stepping onto the patio. “Or work-related?” Either way, he was willing to offer an ear to listen.

  She set the watering can on the table and advanced toward him but fell short of his personal space and took a step back. “Us, but I’m not sure how to tell you because you don’t do roller coasters, and I don’t want you to think I’m wishy-washy … I can admit I’ve been that way with you and I’m sorry. I’m usually not so indecisive and I hate it.”

  “Ah, I see.”

  “Do you?” she asked quietly.

  “Yes,” he answered with sincerity. “You’re at a crossroads in your life and you don’t want to make any bad decisions or mistakes. I can promise you being with me won’t be a mistake. The other night wasn’t a fling to me, and I know it wasn’t for you no matter how you to try to proclaim it was a one-night stand. If I didn’t think there was something between us, I wouldn’t be ‘dry camping’ for the next few days in my sister’s tiny house. I would’ve bounced already from it and out of your life.”

  “Chase, I would love to hang with you and whatnot while you’re here, but no strings attached and no pressure from you to want more once you go back to Memphis. I can’t promise anything after you leave. It’s not a long distance issue per say, because I’m not moving back to Memphis so there’s no reason to continue a relationship when you leave. But I don’t want to feel pressured.”

  “I didn’t realize I was pressuring you. I’m sorry. When I look at you I see more than right now. I see a future. I have to admit that scares me a bit for I can’t remember a time I’ve thought about a woman in this way, and I wanted to explore more with you. However, we’ll do it your way.” For now, he added in his head.

  “Thank you. I appreciate it. I mean, who says two grown people can’t be carefree and live in the now?”

  “Exactly.” But you’re still not getting away from me that easy, he thought.

  She glanced passed him and stepped into his personal space. “You don’t have to stay in the hot, tiny house or the rental.
Stay with me. We’ll have fun and not worry about anything else.” She reached out her hand to shake his. “We have a deal?”

  A smirk crossed his face at her held-out hand. “This isn’t a business arrangement, sweetheart.” Pulling Brooklyn to him, he dipped her and kissed her deeply on the lips. “This is a much better way to seal the deal.” Chase lifted her back up but didn’t loosen his grip from her hips. His hands were relieved to be right where they were and his heart felt the same way.

  She slipped out of his embrace but clutched onto to his hand, leading him through the backdoor of her home. “I can think of another one.” She winked. “And then afterwards, burgers!”

  “Sounds like the perfect plan,” Chase said, gathering her in his arms and walking toward her bedroom. “You will definitely need some fuel in between sessions.”

  Brooklyn laughed hysterically until he laid her down on the bed and kissed her with all the vigor pent up inside of him. Chase honestly couldn’t believe he agreed to this arrangement, but he knew in his heart they were meant to be since the moment they’d met. And he wasn’t giving up.


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