Beautiful Liar (The Masquerade Series)

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Beautiful Liar (The Masquerade Series) Page 3

by Maynard, Glenna

  I dream of Brody all night. I wake feeling like a crazy person. In one of my dreams Brody was kissing me, or at least I thought it was Brody. But when I opened my eyes, it was Turner’s face looking back at me. I shake it off and walk next door to get Aiden.

  He had a great time staying over with Caroline and her nephew. I dress in my red polo and kaki shorts that I am required to wear at the Beach Bodies. I take my clothes for my first night at Masquerade with me as well. I can get ready in the members bathroom, to save me an extra trip home.

  Caroline is picking Aiden up for me, and getting him to bed for Marla. I don’t know what we would do without Caroline, she is God send. For today being a Monday, the gym is quiet this morning. I hope this day picks up and doesn’t just drag by. I spot Turner having his workout. He usually comes over and says hi before getting started. Odd… But then I realize he isn’t working out alone. There is a short red head drooling over his muscles on the elliptical next to his. It would be better for both of us if he did meet someone, but I do enjoy his company.

  I am dragged from my thoughts by my other boss. “Hey Darby, things are pretty slow, why don’t you go stock the locker rooms. Make sure there are plenty of towels. We ran out the other day.” Chris says with a smirk.

  “Sure thing Chris.”

  Chris is my boss and also happens to have become fast friends with Turner as well. What was that look all about? I brush it off and start stocking the ladies locker room. I fill the baskets with towels. I check to make sure the complimentary soap is stocked as well before moving on to the men’s next. I knock loudly and ask if anyone is in there. Definitely don’t want to get my eyes full. I hate walking into the men’s locker room here, it reeks of dirty socks.

  I proceed in stocking the baskets near the showers, and that’s when I hear a shower cut off. Shit! Someone is in here, they must not have been able to hear me, and I didn’t hear the water over the radio. I turn to run out and end up hitting the baskets and knocking all of the towels onto the floor.

  “Bloody hell!” I say a little too loudly. I bend down to pick the towels and the baskets up, when I am met by bare feet right under my nose. I am afraid to look up, never know what might ‘member’ be staring back at me.

  Chapter Three

  “Darby, you okay? What are you doing in here?”

  My cheeks must be beet red, and it just has to be Turner standing before me. I slowly stand trying to look anywhere but at him. I am going to kill Chris! I get the feeling that this is exactly what that look was about. That man has got to stop trying to play matchmaker. He and Marla must still be working together to get me fixed up.

  I close my eyes and answer with a “fine!” It came out a little more harshly than I had anticipated, but damn it I have bigger things to worry about besides dating.

  When I get back to my desk, Chris is grinning ear to ear. “Don’t you start on me too. I get enough of it at home from Marla.”

  “Hey, I don’t know what you are talking about.” He holds up his hands, and flashes his guilty grin at me. To be in his thirties Chris looks like a teenager still. He has shaggy blonde hair that he keeps pinned back in a hair tie most days. He is slim, tall with a nice tan and blue eyes. But he is definitely off the market. My next class starts in a few minutes. Turner comes casually strolling out of the locker room; he waves briefly before exiting the building. I dim the lights and bring out the glow sticks for the next class, and start the ‘Usher” mix. Teaching theses classes is a much needed escape. I love getting lost in the music.

  Finally, I am able to take my lunch break at a nearby bistro. I turn my phone back on, I completely forgot this morning. Hope Marla hasn’t tried to call or Aiden’s daycare. You never know when either of them might need something.

  My word, there is eight more emails from Brody. I do what I should have done a long time ago and I deactivate my account without even reading what they say. I call my dad to make sure he steers clear of Brody.

  There isn’t any answer. I sure hope he hasn’t bumped into him already. I finish with my break and head back to the gym. Before I know it, it is time to get ready for my first night at The Masquerade Club. I have to confess that I am quite jumpy. I haven’t had a job like this before.

  Wearing a mask will take some getting used to. All employees and customers are required to wear a masquerade mask at all times. I hope I don’t fall flat on my face, wearing heels and a mask might prove a challenge for a klutz like me. I dress in a tight fitting black dress, but not too tight I want to be able to move around effortlessly. My dress cuts down a v-shape in the front and back. I slide into my black kitten heels. I won’t get my mask until I get there.

  They have me scheduled to work the next three nights, which also happen to be their slower nights. Turner said they thought it would be better to ease me into the position, due to my lack of experience working in a club like this. I am pretty lucky he was able to get my foot in the door. Let’s just hope I don’t cause him to regret it. I enter through the backdoor. I am overwhelmed, there are girls everywhere half-naked rushing to complete their costumes.

  I walk into a cloud of smoke, hairspray and feathers. I step back out of the way. I’m not quite sure where to go, or who to talk to. After a few minutes a plump lady with a headset and clipboard comes over to me.

  “You a dancer or server?”

  “Both,” I answer a bit too excitedly, my nerves are getting to me and I begin to giggle. I don’t know why I do it, but I have giggled whenever I am nervous since I was a child. She looks at me like I might be stupid, and instructs me to follow her. She has me take a seat at a dressing table, and begins applying blush and red lipstick to my lips.

  “Are you wearing a bra?”

  “Uh no, not with this dress.”

  She reaches around to my chest and cups my breasts in her hands. What is she doing? I didn’t sign on to be felt up by some lady!

  “You’re about a C cup. Here put this on,” she reaches me a flesh colored adhesive bra.

  They definitely ain’t shy around here. Placing a glittered silver mask in my hand, the woman tells me to go up to the bar and ask for Krista. She gives me a list of tables and instructs me to memorize it. Being that tonight is my first night they just want me to shadow her to get a feel of the club. I won’t get to dance until they feel I am ready. I swivel my head around the room trying to get a feel for the place. The environment of the club oozes sex. I swear I can smell lust and greed in the air. The lights are dim and the music level is comfortable, not too loud but not too low either.

  The booths are lined in red and black leather. The tables are round with black tops. The bar area isn’t that big, most customers seem to flock near the stage.

  I glance over the list. They offer every drink you can think of. And there are so many rules! Wow, I don’t know if my mind can hold so much new information when I am so anxious. A giggle escapes my lips. I take in Turner near the club entrance checking ID’s. He gives me a small wink and returns to his task. A spotlight shines on the center stage. ‘Katy Perry’s E.T.’ begins to play over the speakers. A set of three gorgeous women appear on stage wearing coordinating bustier and panties.

  I watch them dance for a moment. I hope I will have the nerve to get up on stage like they do when the time comes, and those costumes are a bit revealing. I respect them though. Hey if you got it flaunt it. It is nothing like teaching a zumba class. Krista seems nice enough. I can’t really tell what she looks like with her face covered partially by her black feathered mask. From what I can see she wears her hair in a short black bob. And it’s not like I can see my best right now, wearing this mask will take some getting used to. I spend most of my short shift learning the table sections and what seems like a thousand rules.

  The Rules

  1. No employee fraternization with managers or club patrons.

  2. Mask must be worn at all times; no identities are to be revealed.

  3. This is not a brothel, you do not accept mo
ney for sexual favors or offer them.

  4. Any employee or patron caught violating the rules will be escorted from the property immediately.

  5. Drugs are not permitted inside this facility.

  6. No drinking during your shift. You are not here for a good time, you are here to work.

  7. You are not permitted to take club costumes home.

  8. Leave your personal problems at the door.

  9. We are a burlesque dance club, not a strip club. Keep your clothes on.

  10. Memorize the rules, breathe them in, and abide by them fully.

  The list goes on and on, but I get the point they want you to keep the fantasy just that, a fantasy. My shift ends fairly quickly, but I have to admit my feet are killing me. I am used to spending my days in sneakers. Rule number one has me a little nervous though. Turner is a manager, does that mean he and I could lose our jobs because we are friends? Also he sees me daily at my other job. I will call him later to check. I don’t want him getting into any trouble over me. I did enter into a contract when I took this job, maybe I should have read it a little more before signing, but too late now.

  I have a quiet drive home, normally I would have me stereo blasting, but I have too much running through my mind. As I am turning into the driveway I get a call back from my dad.

  “Hey sis, just seen where you had called. Did little man have a good birthday? Did the clothes I send fit him alright?”

  “Yea thanks, he is going to look so cute in his jerseys and ball shorts. He had a great time playing with his friends too. But the main reason I called you is Brody is back in town daddy. I know you don’t need me to remind you that he can not under any circumstances find out about Aiden. If he comes around asking about me, you need to avoid talking about me like the plague!”

  “Now sis, you know I have never been a good liar. But I will do my best to keep your secret, even if I don’t agree with it. You sure are making it hard on your old man to have a social life. I surely would love to show off them pictures you sent me of you two to the guys on poker night.”

  I can just see my daddy scratching his gruff beard like he is deep in thought and it brings a tear to my eye. I miss seeing him so much.

  “One day daddy you can, just not right now.”

  “Well baby girl it sure was nice to hear your voice, next time I call you will have to put little man on. Be sure to tell him Pops is missing him and wishes I could have eaten a piece of cake with him.”

  “I will daddy, I love you.”

  We end our call and I am thankful that he is trying so hard not to let the cat out of the bag. I head inside a peek in on Aiden and Marla they are both sound asleep. While heating up some leftovers from yesterday’s cookout, I send Turner a text and tell him we need to talk. He instantly shoots back that he will meet up with me for lunch tomorrow. I text him back and let him know to meet me at the burger joint near the gym. My breaks are only a half hour, so I can’t go too far from Beach Bodies. Most days I pack a sandwich from home. I finish off my late night meal and get snuggled into bed. Twenty minutes later I am awakened by a text from Turner.

  Turner: You awake?

  Me: Am now.

  Turner: Feel like having some company?

  Me: not tonight, it’s been a long day and I have another full one tomorrow.

  Turner: No problem, see you for lunch ;)

  Did he really just send me a winky face? Men! Ugh! I grumble burying my face into my pillow. I snuggle down in my old purple comforter and drift to sleep with a huge smile on my face.

  I end up having to cancel lunch with Turner. Aiden’s daycare calls as I am heading to meet with him, he fell on the playground and scraped his knee on the sidewalk. They are afraid he is going to need stitches. I call Chris and let him know that I may not be back to finish my shift and explain to him what’s going on. Thank goodness he understands about my being a single mother. I text Caroline to let her know that I won’t be needing her to pick Aiden up today after all.

  After an hour in the ER, Aiden ends up with three stitches in his knee. My boy is tough as dirt; he only let one small tear trickle down his cheek while the doctor stitched his knee. There isn’t any point in me trying to finish my shift at the gym, so I treat my tough little man with ice cream for being so brave. Turner texts me wanting to make sure Aiden is okay. I decide to invite him to join us for ice cream, being that I had to cancel lunch. Plus I really want to talk to him before work tonight. I want to make sure I don’t do anything that would get either of us in trouble for breaking the rules, by being friends.

  We meet in a nearby park so Aiden can play with his bitty ball set while we talk. I feel a bit awkward having to negotiate our friendship like a secret business deal, but I don’t want to cause him any difficulty.

  “As long as you don’t tease me too much with them hot legs of yours, work won’t be a problem. It’s not something you need to worry about. Besides what they don’t know can’t hurt. Who is going to tell, I’m not. Besides I am the boss.”

  A wave of relief washes over me.

  “So what did you think of the club?”

  “It is a lot to take in.” I blush. “That place is intense. It just screams sex. How is it you work in a place like that and have managed to stay single? I mean you are surrounded by beautiful women all the time.”

  “Working there is exactly why I am single. Most women are too jealous of my working there, and if they can’t trust me, then they aren’t the girl for me. Besides I’ll let you in on a secret.” He dips his head down bringing his mouth so close to my ear, it’s almost unbearable. With each word he is almost touching my skin with his lips. His breathe seductively whispers against my skin. It’s calling to me. Daring me to turn my neck into him just enough so that his lips brush upon me.

  “A lot of the girls who work in the clubs are lesbians.”

  I look at him with my mouth agape and he immediately starts chuckling.

  “Just wait, they will be trying to hit on you. Why do you think there are so many rules? Women are pretty catty and if the girls date each other the jealousy can cause some pretty nasty fights.”

  “You’re full of shit!”

  “I’m pretty full, but not of shit. I am pure muscle pumpkin!” He flexes his biceps at me.

  Chapter Four

  I catch on to my job at Masquerade fairly quick. I am making friends with a few of the girls as well. Krista keeps teasing me that she catches Turner staring at me. I tease her, if she weren’t so busy getting her eyes full of Turner she might get more tips.

  “Girl that man is fine, and if you’re not going to hit that, there is a long line forming in wait.”

  I know she is only teasing, but her comment digs deep under my skin. Now I’m self conscious that he really is staring at me. I also don’t like the idea of anyone being interested in him, even if I don’t have the right to care. I am standing at my hostess podium waiting for the next patrons to be ID’d. Tonight I am seating the guest. I have to train for each position; I am not a spotlight dancer, so I have to rotate between serving and seating.

  I adjust my red feathered mask so that I can see clearly. The club is getting packed and fast. I am running on adrenaline. It’s all I can do to keep up. My fifteen minute break can’t come fast enough. I steal a glance at the line; a group of three is all that’s left for now. I check my screen to see what table is open.

  I handout their required black masks. They already smell a bit intoxicated. Asking them to please follow me, I escort them to their booth and let them know that their server for the evening will be with them shortly. As I turn to leave so I can take my break one of the guys grabs me firmly by my wrist and rubs himself against my ass. I try to jerk from his hold but he doesn’t let go. He presses the bulge in his pants further into my backside. He barely gets the words out, “come on gorgeous, I just want to have a little fun,” before Turner is on him threatening to snap his wrist if he so much as looks at me again.

  “Hey m
an it’s cool, I get it. You send this cock tease out here to get us horny, so we will spend more on a private dance.”

  “What did you just call her? I don’t think I heard you right. You’re in my house boy. I eat little pussy dick’s like you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You’d look real funny trying to dig your head out of your own ass. Ya feel me?” I swear there is a vain bigger than my arm popping out of Turner’s neck. I have never had someone feel the need to be protective of me like this before. Something about the primal way he defends me, like he has claimed me turns me on.

  My knees are shaking and I am giggling in a panicky fit. I don’t want Turner to punch this asshole. He is clearly just a drunken douche that can’t handle his liquor. Stepping between them, I grab Turner’s tensed arm and soothingly ask him to walk away. I lead him back to the dancer’s lounge. It is empty right now, when they aren’t on stage, walking the floor, or giving private dances, the girls’ hangout in here. It is a small but comfortable room. There is a huge sofa in the center and there is a big screen TV anchored to the wall that shows different camera angles from within the front of the club. I have fifteen minutes until I have to get back out front.

  “Do I scare you Darby?” He looks down at my trembling knees.

  “No, you excite me!” He looks surprised by my words.

  “Do I turn you on?” He asks as he slides my mask back over my hair. The vain in his neck is pulsing. His smoldering grey eye’s take hold of me. He cups my face in his large hands. Taking a deep breath at the base of my neck, he breathes my scent in. “You smell intoxicating, like the sunshine after a storm.”

  He steps in even closer, placing his knee between mine. Sliding his hands down the front of my bustier, he pulls on the ribbon that lace’s up the front. He frees my breasts. He cradles them in his hands.


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