Beautiful Liar (The Masquerade Series)

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Beautiful Liar (The Masquerade Series) Page 4

by Maynard, Glenna

  “Do you want this?”

  “Yes,” I let out in an exasperated voice.

  Just as he is about to graze my nipple with his tongue, the sound of the door slamming shut snaps us both out of the moment. I quickly turn my back to whoever has walked in on us and begin re-lacing my top.

  “Don’t stop on my account. I enjoy a good show.” I am swimming with relief to hear Krista’s voice filling the air. Turner excuses himself. I can’t even bear to face him as he leaves the room. Once I hear the door shut again, I turn to find Krista staring at me and her expression is asking questions I don’t know the answers to.

  “Don’t worry, my lips are sealed. I’m just glad someone is getting to tap that fine piece of man candy. But I want details! I knew you were holding out on me!” She slides my mask back down onto my face.

  “I’ve got to get back to my station.” I walk hurriedly past her as more girls start to come through the door.

  “This conversation is not finished Darby!” She winks at me.

  I can’t believe I let myself get caught up in the moment like that. It’s clear that I am going to have to distance myself from Turner in order for this to work. We both could have lost our jobs had that been anyone else. I can’t afford to be careless. Thankfully I will only be working at the gym for the next two days before I have another shift at Masquerade. Hopefully I will be able to dodge Turner. I send a quick text to Caroline to make sure Aiden hasn’t been picking at his stitches.

  The ringing of my phone wakes me from my sleep around one am. “Baby girl, you’re gonna have to talk to Brody. He showed up at the house a few hours ago. He was drunker than a redneck at a moonshine distillery. He’s passed out on the couch now, but he was spouting off a bunch of nonsense. All I could make out was something about moons and stars and your name.”

  “Shit! Daddy what if he gets all nosy and finds a picture of Aiden or my address, you have got to get him out of there!”

  “Now look here, you ain’t gonna take that tone with me! You may be grown, but I am still your daddy. You ain’t too big for me to take a switch to them leg’s for using that language on your old man. This here mess is your doing. It’s damn near time you fessed up to that boy.”

  ”Daddy you know why I can’t do that, he would hate me.”

  “And Aiden, whatcha think he’s gonna think of you once he’s old enough to understand what you have done with your lies?”

  Tears roll down my cheeks, “that’s not fair daddy!”

  “Life’s not fair, but that don’t mean you can keep getting on this way forever.” Click.

  My daddy just hung up on me and it pisses me off to no end that he’s right.

  I pull a notepad from my night table and start writing a letter that I have tried to write a thousand times but have never been able to find the words.


  There is no easy way for me to do this. I have been a coward for three years. Afraid of what you will think of me once you know the truth. But here it goes. I have a son, we have a son. His name is Aiden. He recently turned 2 years old. I know that I can never get back for you the time I have stole from the two of you. I just hope that in time, you may someday forgive me for my betrayal. I only wanted for you to have a good life, to live out your dreams in the diamond. And you and I both know that had I said yes the day you asked me to marry you, you would have never made it to your filed of dreams.

  I rip the paper out and crumble it into a tiny ball. I can’t tell him like that. It’s not something I can do through an e-mail or over the phone either. I lay my head back on my pillow and try to sleep, but I am so restless. Walking out onto my front steps I see Caroline’s light is on. I walk over and give a light tap to her door. One look at me and she hands me her bottle of wine.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “No. I have only managed to make a mess of things once again is the entirety of it.”

  A few minutes later my phone chimes with a message from Turner.

  Turner: You awake pumpkin tits? I need to see you.

  At this point I am tipsy and no longer care. I mean what else can I manage to screw-up tonight.

  Me: Come on over the wine is fine.

  I kiss Caroline on the cheek and tell her Turner’s coming. She winks at me and pushes the wine into my hands once again.

  Turner makes it over pretty fast. Joining me on the steps, he takes the wine from me.

  “You’re cut off. This is mine now.” All I can do is laugh.

  “Walk down to the beach with me, I have all this energy and I need to walk some of it off.” He rises from the steps.

  My house is only about a block away from the beach. I send Caroline a quick text letting her know, I am stepping out for a bit. She comes over to keep an eye on Aiden and Marla for me. Sliding my feet into my sandals, I follow Turner down the street.

  The night air is nice, and it is the edge of dark. A perfect night for a walk on the beach, the glow of the moon against the water and sand is very romantic. Not the idea setting for a walk with a friend.

  Turner suddenly pulls me down into the sand with him. He laces his fingers through my hair. I am lying on top of him. I start to roll off of him when he slides his hands down to my hips holding me in place. He looks me directly in my eyes. The grip he has on me is firm. In one swift motion he rolls us over so that he is now hovering over top of me.

  “Darby,” he says my name in a strained whisper. His eyes haven’t left mine yet. I know he is about to kiss me and I should stop him, but it has been so long since I have been kissed. My body takes over and pushes what my brain wants into the dark of the night.

  It is as if an alien has taken over my body, when my hands clasp around his neck as I bring my lips to his. My lips part on their own allowing his tongue to invade my mouth. His warm moist tongue taste of wine and desire, I allow my tongue to dance with his. I let out a low moan of pure pleasure.

  My hands travel down his back and make their way under the cotton fabric that is separating my skin from his. My nails rake across the top of his back. I completely let go of all control, my hands make their way into his pants and I grip his tight ass. He feels too good to stop now.

  A growl escapes his lips when they part from mine. He pulls back from me and props himself up on one elbow, he lets out a puff of air and sighs.

  “Darby if we don’t stop this now, I will have my way with you before this night is through, I need to know if you want this.”

  My mouth can’t form the words, so I let my actions do the talking as I pull my dress over my head. My body is his for the taking. My breast are fully exposed, the slight chill in the air sends my nipples into full salute. They are aching to be touched, to be caressed by his mouth.

  The sounds of the city melt into the night. All I can hear is the crashing of the waves and the steady beating of our hearts. He slowly trails his fingers down my side, making his way to my swollen folds. Taking his thumb and forefinger he pinches my clit as he growls into my ear, “tonight you belong to me. Say it Darby!”

  “Tonight I belong to you,” I breathe into his mouth as his lips crash into mine. He removes his shirt and I help guide his pants down to his ankles.

  “Be gentle with me Turner I haven’t been with anyone in over three years.”

  “Baby I will be gentle, but I can’t promise to take it easy with you. Mmm where should I start? This will be the most memorable night Darby, this I guarantee you.”

  I let out his name in a moan as I massage my own breasts.

  “You want me to touch you here,” he cups my sex with one hand “or here,” as he takes over kneading my breasts with his other hand.

  “I want to feel you everywhere and anywhere!” I take his hard cock into my hands and squeeze his balls lightly. Turner turns away from me for a moment and I hear the ripping of a condom wrapper.

  I remove my panties and wait to feel him within me. The sand is gritty and getting into places it shouldn’t but I don’t care.
I only have one thing on my mind and that’s Turner.

  I take a moment to appreciate his body. The way his muscles curve and ripple is a work of art. I have seen him without his shirt in the gym, but this is different. I feel the heat steaming from his body as he spreads my knees apart and positions himself near my center.

  “This may hurt just a bit.” He gently slides into me. I admit since it has been so long it almost feels like losing my virginity all over again, but this time my body knows what to do. I greedily accept him within my sex as I stretch to accommodate his length.

  “Darby, you feel amazing.”

  “I want you to own my body. Claim me Turner!”

  The bright stars are burning over us and it is breathtaking, as he plunges deeper inside me. He starts off slow and builds to a faster pace. A bead of sweat breaks across his forehead and trickles down to my mouth he taste salty and sweet. The pressure begins to build and I release my orgasm in sync with his. He collapses beside me, and I try to catch my breath. Talk about a workout.

  Just as we are getting our clothes back on a spotlight shines over us. Turner quickly puts my panties in his pocket. An officer approaches.

  “This ain’t no place for necking, take it inside!”

  “Yes sir,” Turner states pulling me up from the sand. We hurriedly make our way back to my place. Caroline gives me a knowing look and quietly slips out the door.

  Chapter Five

  I pull him into the shower with me. The first time wasn’t enough, even though I plan on this being the last. I take my time soaping him up. He takes his time washing every inch of my body. Pulling the sprayer from its hook, he sets it on high. He sprays the soap suds from my backside and does the same to my front. Wrapping his arms around me from the back of me he presses the nozzle to my sensitive center. The sensation of the water hitting my sweet spot is almost too much. His erection is resting against my back.

  “Do you like the feel of the water hitting you?”

  “I like the way you feel.”

  Faster than I can say sweet baby Jesus, Turner has me wrapped in a towel and lying across my bed. “Do you mind?” I shake my head and he turns my ipod on shuffle.

  ‘Work Out,” by ‘J. Cole’ plays.

  I pull the towel from his waist and take a moment to appreciate his build. His six pack dips into a perfect v to his happy trail. He looks like a living Adonis, and right now he is mine. I trace each curve and angle of his muscled chest with my tongue. Taking one of his nipples in my mouth, I gently tug on it between my teeth. Ordering me to lie on my side, he gets behind me, pushing my top knee outward he hooks is arm under it. Gently he guides his cock into my sex. A low “mm,” of appreciation escapes his lips.

  Firmly he takes hold of my hair and gives it a tug. “Harder!”

  “You like that do you?”

  “Oh,” is all I manage to let out. I can’t concentrate on anything except the orgasm building inside me. I let out another cry. Turner muffles my screams with his hand as he rocks into me harder. He is being rough, but it turns me on even more. I am going to pay for this tomorrow. But I am enjoying it too much to care.

  Turner pulls out and relieves himself in his hands. I like watching him. His eyes are closed, as a hiss seeps through his clenched teeth. It is so damn sexy knowing that I have this effect on him. He catches me admiring him and a smile stretches across his face.

  “You’re so fucking sexy. I want a picture of you, lying just like this, so I can remember this feeling every time I look at it.”

  “Turner,” I giggle and cover my face. “No, no way! How do I know you wouldn’t send it to all of your buddies?” I raise an expectant brow at him.

  Holding his semen covered hands up in defense, he laughs. “Oh, um sorry.” He picks a towel from the floor and walks to the bathroom. I decide to surprise him, by taking a picture of myself with my phone and texting it to him.

  “Darby I didn’t plan on this when I came over here tonight. I tried like hell to enjoy my date the other night and turn my feelings for you off. I couldn’t keep you out of my mind. Every time she would speak all I could think about was what you were doing.” He wraps his arms around me and I don’t know what to say.

  “Then at the club that little pussy dick put his hands on you, and I knew then that I had to have you. I knew you would be mine.”

  “Look Turner I know you think you feel something for me but you don’t, it’s lust. Now that we got the sex out of the way can we go back to be being friends? We still have to work together and I don’t want it to be awkward.”

  “I don’t think I can just be friends with you. I have tried to fight these feelings but you have invaded my heart Darby. You, Aiden, and Marla are a part of my life now. I just can’t walk away from this.”

  “Turner you think too much of me and I know you will make some girl so happy one day, but right now it can’t be me. I have too much on my plate. I don’t want you to feel like I used you tonight. Because you have no idea how much I needed it and how much it means to me. I’ve not felt wanted like this in a long time, there are so many things you don’t know about my situation.”

  He brushes my hair back from my face and gives me a tender kiss. “So tell me what I don’t know. Whatever it is I can handle it. You don’t get to decide for me. It’s too late, Darby I have had a taste of you and I can’t let it go.”

  “I care for you a lot, probably more than I should. Because I am still in love with Aiden’s father. It wouldn’t be right of me to start something with you knowing I still love him.”

  Turner gives me a knowing expression, places a simple kiss on the tip of my nose, and walks out without a word. I just ruined our friendship for one night. Damn it, why did I have to give into what my body desired? I have a hard time drifting to sleep. Guilt takes its hold over me. Maybe I don’t love Brody as much as I thought I once did. But why do I feel like I just cheated on him, even though we haven’t been together in over three years?

  Turner has been keeping his distance, and giving me much needed space. We haven’t spoken since that night and what were a few days of silence has turned into weeks. Things with work have been going great. I have started making enough the past month that I don’t have to work full time at both jobs anymore, giving me more time to spend with Aiden and Marla. This is a great thing, since Marla isn’t doing well at all. She is doing worse than expected and I am so scared I am going to lose her when I finally feel like we have a good relationship. Growing up, I always felt coldness between us. Even before she left when I was nine it was there.

  When she stepped up and asked me to live with her it was the second chance we both needed. I am so thankful that life has given us the time we have had, but I am a selfish person and I want more. I haven’t spoke to my dad since he hung up on me. I am still feeling a little stung from the conversation we had. Caroline has come out of retirement and returned to teaching so she hasn’t been able to help with Aiden as much. But everything is working out. Chris has broken my hours up at the gym. Now I am only teaching two classes a day instead of three.

  Krista is always teasing me about Turner. She doesn’t understand why I can’t just be with him. There is a part of me that thinks she secretly has a thing for him. She is always talking about how good looking he is. I haven’t seen much of Turner at the club or the gym either. I think he’s purposely working out when I’m not there, and taking shifts on my days off from the club.

  I haven’t heard anymore from Brody, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think of him. And I haven’t reactivated my e-mail. I did look him up online yesterday. The last story about him was that he is playing poorly this season. I didn’t give him up for him to make a shit pile of mistakes and throw it all away on a bottle of liquor. I really hope he isn’t drinking like he used to.

  The more I think of his actions the more it pisses me off, but what can I do about it, not a damned thing! I want to tell him about Aiden but I am so scared of what he will think.

Chapter Six

  It would be easy just to blame it all on Brody and say it’s because of his drinking that I lied and made theses choices, but I am really just pissed with myself for not having the guts to do the right thing for the past three years. My intentions were good, but I know no one will see it that way. But right now I have to get my ass to The Masquerade Club.

  I walk into the familiar smell of smoke and hairspray. I dress in a deep red silk bustier with gold tassels and matching boy shorts over my fishnet stockings. I take my time getting my red feathered mask to sit just right on my blonde curls. I apply my red lipstick and clock in. I walk to the front of the club to my hostess podium near the main entrance. Turner is working tonight and damned if he doesn’t look good. He is wearing a white dress shirt and black slacks. He has the sleeves pushed up onto his forearms giving a tease of his well toned muscles. He catches my staring and gives me a wink. I turn my head quickly afraid he will see the blush creeping up my cheeks. He probably can’t see due to the dim lighting, but just in case. I smile thinking back to the one night we shared.

  I squeeze my middle together willing myself not to become aroused. But it is so hard not to in these surroundings. There is just something deadly sexy about wearing these masks. The lust floats through the air here and envelopes you like a snug sweater. Things are a little slow right now, so I watch the girls on stage and wonder what it would be like to get up on that stage and just let go of everything. Nothing but me and the music, no worries, no cares in the world. My thoughts are interrupted when a few guest walk up to my podium waiting to be given their masks and be seated.

  “Welcome to The Masquerade Club, where fantasy meets reality.”

  I hand them their required black mask. One of the guys is studying me hard.

  “Do you dance here?”

  “Me? Yeah, but I’m not on the schedule to tonight.”


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