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Beautiful Liar (The Masquerade Series)

Page 10

by Maynard, Glenna

  Yours truly,


  The tears I cried that night still stain the paper. You can still see where my tears blotted the ink. I look out my window and I am taken back to that night. I can hear his screams as he pounds against my front door begging me to say I’m sorry and I didn’t mean any of it. And I didn’t want to mean it. But his behavior was a perfect example of what I never wanted for Aiden or myself, no matter how much I loved him.

  I am broken from my thought by the sound of Aiden’s tiny footsteps hitting the stairs and coming down the hall in search of me. I scoop him up in my arms and rejoin the guys downstairs.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The time we get to spend with my dad isn’t nearly enough. My daddy sends Turner and Aiden to town to grab us all breakfast. I suspect that he wants to have a talk with me when he asks that I join him at the table. Taking my seat, I pray he doesn’t want to talk to me about Brody. “So you and this Turner guy, are ye serious about him?”

  “I care for him a lot, and he is really good with Aiden.”

  “Just be careful, you have been through a lot in a short period of time and I would hate to see you rushing into something when you’re not thinking straight.”

  “Yeah daddy, I know.” He gives me a reassuring squeeze to my hands.

  “Not saying he’s not good enough, but take your time.”

  I am stuck in an internal debate, should I leave Aiden here with my dad during the service, or should I take him with me in attempt to make peace with Brody’s family. Time to decide is running out. I sit Aiden down and talk to him about where I am going.

  “Baby today is a special day. Do you remember the picture book mommy showed you of the boy who loved ball as much as you do?” He nods his head like he understands. “Well he has gone to be an angel like Mam Mam. He was a very special friend of mommies. And I would like you to go say goodbye to him with me. But if you go, I am going to need you to not be scared and be on your very best behavior. Do you think you can do that for mommy?”

  “I be good.”

  I kiss my daddy on the cheek while Turner puts our bags in the car. Since Aiden is going with us, there isn’t a need to make an extra trip back before we go to the airport. Dad shakes hands with Turner one last time and makes him give his word that he will take care of Aiden and me.

  They are holding the funeral inside the local civic center due to the high volume of people they expect to attend. The burial is closed to only family. As we walk inside I feel a panic attack coming on. I have to stop to catch my breath. There are thousands of fans here to show their support and celebrate Brody’s life along with his teammates, friends, and family.

  Being here makes it real, and it truly sinks in that Brody is gone. I grab Turner’s hand. “I don’t think I can do this.”

  “You can and you will pumpkin.” I look at the brave face my little man is wearing and I straighten my spine up. Today is for Brody and Aiden. It isn’t about me and my fear or my guilt. They are having everyone walk through in lines to view his casket. His family had it custom made. I heard my dad talking to Turner about it while I was getting dressed this morning. It is team red. He called it the Cadillac of caskets. Brody’s parents and his older brother are seated beside the casket in a row.

  It is our turn to view him and offer our condolences to the family. Turner is behind me holding Aiden. I look down at Brody lying there motionless in his uniform and I can’t bear the pain as it courses through my veins. It takes hold of me and brings me to my knees. Then all hell breaks loose. Mrs. Case locks eyes with me. She stands from her seat. I think she’s coming to comfort me but she raises a hand to smack me. “You BITCH!” She screams at me. Right when her hand should connect with my face she suddenly stops. Her gaze is now transfixed on Aiden. She walks past me to Turner.

  “He looks just like his daddy. Oh God,” she cries.

  The different outburst taking place around him causes Aiden to be scared and he starts to cry and shake.

  “I’m so sorry,” I choke out to her. She takes me in her arms and says the last thing I expect to hear from her mouth. “Thank you for giving me a piece of my boy to hold on to.”

  She walks back over to Turner, “Can I hold him please.”

  We move off to the side to allow the line to continue moving. Aiden won’t let go of Turner. Beverly seems put off by it, but he is a small child and the ways she is acting scares him.

  “Brody called me from his flight and told me he was on his way to see his son. I thought he had knocked up a random girl and then I find out that you are the one. The next thing I knew was that I couldn’t reach him to find out how things were going, and then I get the call that they found his car. Darby, why did you keep his son from us?”

  “There is nothing that I can ever say to justify my choices. I can only hope to have you in Aiden’s life. And that you can help me to tell him all about his dad and what a wonderful man he was.”

  I give her my phone number and tell her she can see Aiden any time she likes. We don’t go the cemetery with the family, today has been hard on all of us. We take Aiden to a nearby restaurant for lunch before we have to catch our flight. I can’t believe I was able to get through this day.

  I spend the next few days trying to settle Aiden back into his routine of daycare. We could use some normalcy after the past two weeks. I have returned to work it is helping to keep my mind busy, but there are moments when I am driving in my car and a song will remind me of Marla or Brody. Turner wants Aiden and me to move in with him, but I am afraid of too much too soon. He is used to living on his own, and Aiden can be a handful at times.

  He says he is sure and he is ready to give Aiden the family I have always wanted for him. We are driving up to see his parents next weekend. They can’t wait to meet Aiden. I am so scared of what could happen next. I’m not a superstitious person, but Marla always said deaths come in threes. Every night I wake up from the same nightmare. Brody’s body is being pulled from the wreckage and then I am back at the funeral home looking down at Brody, his wounds are open and he is looking at me. He opens his mouth like he is about to scream and before any sound comes from his mouth I wake up clutching my chest.

  Caroline thinks I need to see a shrink to work through the nightmares, but I feel like Brody is angry with me and trying to tell me to get fucked. I have fifteen days before I have to make a decision about our living arrangements. I don’t know if I want to give this house up, with the money I am making from working two jobs, I think I can afford the rent.

  Caroline has found someone to do an estate sale for the antique furniture and other odds and ends that I won’t be keeping of my mother’s. They are coming later today to pick the items up. Turner is coming over to oversee the process since I have a late class at the gym. He is also keeping Aiden tonight while I work at the club. He is trying to prove to me that he is ready for the responsibility.

  I finish marking the items for the sale so all that Turner has to do is watch them load it into their trucks.

  The furniture is nice, but it just isn’t my style and having my mother’s things staring at me everyday is just another of the many reminders that she isn’t ever going to walk through the doors of this house again. I wish she were here to give me advice on my relationship with Turner, even if she wasn’t the greatest at giving it. I took my time with her for granted and I will carry the regret always.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I am in the middle of my shift at the club when I get a text from Turner.

  Turner: you need to come home ASAP.

  Me: Please I can’t take anymore bad news.

  Turner: Just come home and drive safe, it’s not life threatening but you need to come home.

  I don’t even bother changing from my costume. Turner has me really freaked out right now. Pulling up on my street I see that there is an unfamiliar black car in my driveway. I grab my purse and walk through the door to find Turner locked in an intense stared own with Brod
y’s mother.

  “Mrs. Case, what brings you by unannounced.”

  “You said I could see Aiden anytime I like and this man was refusing me to see my grandson.” I give Turner a look telling him he better explain.

  “I didn’t know who she was at first and the circumstances I met her under were intense. I didn’t recognize her at first. And well I wasn’t sure what you would want me to do. But then she started yelling and threatening to call the law. She was muttering, saying something about grandparent’s rights.”

  “What are you wearing Darby? Are you some kind of hooker?” She eyes my clothes with disgust.

  “I dance at a burlesque club. I’m not a hooker or a stripper. Why are you here?”

  “I came to see about my grandson and it is a good thing I did. Obviously you aren’t capable of providing him with proper care.” She picks lint off her pants and flicks it at my floor. Her attitude is pissing me off.

  “I told you that you could see Aiden anytime you want to, but I assumed that you would call to make plans to do so before just showing up.” My hands are resting on my hips and my foot is shaking.

  “Turner where is Aiden?”

  “I took him over to Carol’s, the way this lady is acting was scaring him.”

  “That’s another thing Darby. Do you just leave Aiden with strangers at any given time?”

  “Hold on one minute. You may be Aiden’s grandmother, but I won’t allow you to come into my home and judge me, when you clearly know nothing about my life, and how I raise my son.”

  “Oh sweetheart I have seen enough. You can bet your sweet ass you will be hearing from my lawyer. No grandson of mine will be raised by a stripper and her pimp.”

  “Excuse me,” I see the vain popping out in Turner’s neck indicating he is about to go the fuck off on this old bitch. If I weren’t raised better I would let him give her a piece of his mind. But I was, so I hold my hand up to him to signal I got this.

  “Whatever you think you know is wrong. I am a good mom. Call your lawyer I don’t care. I am Aiden’s legal guardian.”

  “A simple DNA test and a court evaluation will prove otherwise. And don’t think for one minute you will be getting any of Brody’s money. He didn’t have any when he died. He was drowning in debt from his divorce from that whore he married.”

  “I never wanted anything from your family. If I had, don’t you think I would have contacted Brody from day one for child support? I would like you to leave now.”

  Mrs. Case leaves without contest. I can’t be mad at Turner he really was acting in Aiden’s best interest. But what if she is serious? Their family has money and money talks. I love my job at the club, but maybe I should just quit. I don’t want to jeopardize Turner’s chances at being a partner, because we are dating either. Other employees could try to use the fact against Turner.

  And if she is serious about having me investigated, how will the court see my profession. “Turner, I am going to quit the club.”

  “Don’t let her scare you Darby. She is upset and her threats are empty. But even if she is serious, you have me. I will help you. Whatever the cost, I will pay an attorney. She is in mourning and she sees Aiden as a way to replace what she has lost.”

  “No I can’t drag you into this. I have to do this. I have to prove I am good mom and I am going to act like one. And what about you getting partner? Turner us seeing each other and working there together isn’t right. I mean look where all of my lies have gotten me.”

  “They brought you to me.”

  “Turner I didn’t mean-He interrupts me with a kiss.

  “Move in with me, you and Aiden. Let me take care of you guys. It will show the courts that Aiden has a stable life and a two parent family.”

  “I can’t Turner. I appreciate what you are trying to do. Really I do, but if and when we take that step. I want to know that it is the right thing for all of us, and not because we feel pressured, or because you have some hero complex that you feel the need to take care of everyone.” The hurt expression that forms across his face looks as if I just smacked him.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.”

  “Actually I think you did. But I know you are upset and you are scared right now. I love you. I’ll call you tomorrow. And keep the costume. I think we could have some fun with it.”

  “Are we okay? Please don’t walk out that door upset with me.” A hard lump forms in my throat. Turner stops at the door and looks back at me and winks.

  “You can make it up to me by wearing that costume for me tomorrow night.”

  I hurriedly change my clothes and walk next door to get Aiden from Caroline. She wants details about what was happening over at my place but I just don’t have it in me to talk about it right now. My head is pounding, I feel mentally exhausted. All I want to do is take my boy home and snuggle up with him in a protective bubble, where no one can bother us.

  The sun has risen and I have barely had any sleep at all. Every time I would try and close my eyes I would see Brody’s angry mother threatening to take Aiden. I can’t afford to quit The Masquerade Club right now as much as I need to. Between the possibility of costing Turner partner and Mrs. Case’s threats, I need to find a second job fast.

  I have three classes at the gym, and I hope to have a full class for each. I make ten dollars a head, it can add up some days on top of the salary pay I am paid.

  I check in with Chris to see if he has the schedule for next weeks classes ready. I am going to have to put more into getting members interested in participating in zumba.

  “Is the schedule okay, I can try to move the classes around some if you want. But the one o’clock spot can’t be moved. That is when Jessica has aerobics for the elderly. That is the most popular time for the class.”

  Twisting my hair around my finger, “Do you think you could increase my classes to five days a week? I don’t think my second job is going to workout.”

  “I will increase you to four and if they fill up, I don’t see that it should be a problem to increase to five.”

  “Thanks a bunch, I really appreciate it. And with everything that has been going on I can use keeping my mind as busy as possible.”

  “How are things with you? I hear you and Turner finally realized you two make a great couple.”

  “Yeah, he is a wonderful man, but I still want to take things slow.”

  My first two classes are pretty full but my third is only about halfway. I hope this isn’t an indication of things to come.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I am in a tailspin trying to get ready for work at the club, and Aiden didn’t get a nap today at daycare so he is being unruly. “Aiden, baby go get mommy your shoes, Caroline wants to take you to feed the ducks.”

  “No go,” He cries holding onto my leg.

  “Please Aiden we have to go.” I am walking out the door at this point with Aiden on my leg, my keys in my mouth and his shoes under my arm pit. I am going to be late and I am so tired.

  “Let go of mommy’s leg, we need to get your shoes on,” I mange to lock the door and set Aiden on the steps. As I am getting his shoes strapped, I sense someone approaching, their shadow washes over me.

  “Ma’am, I am looking for a Darby Stuart. You can you tell me if this is her address?”

  I turn around to a middle aged lady now hovering over Aiden and me.

  “I’m Darby, you are?”

  “Hi Darby, I am Selma Hackworth. I am from CPS. I would like to come in and have a well child visit with your son and yourself.” Gulp. I don’t have time for this right now!

  “Now really isn’t a great time, I am actually headed to work right now. I am running behind already.”

  “Just a few minutes of your time is all that I need.” I give up she clearly doesn’t care about my time.

  “Sure let me unlock the door.” She follows Aiden and me inside.

  “Mind if I walk through the house.”

  “No, but is it real
ly necessary?” Not answering me she does a quick look in every room.

  “Is it just you and Aiden living here?”

  “Yes, my mother was living with us but she recently passed away.”

  “I see, sorry for your loss.” She takes a seat by Aiden on the couch.

  “I’m sorry but what’s this all about?” I say with a hint of sarcasm. I know exactly why she is here. Brody’s mother is making good with her threats.

  “Where is it that you work?”

  “I uh, work at a nearby gym. I teach zumba classes.”

  “I see. Is that your only source of income? I think it was mentioned that you are a stripper?” She raises an eyebrow.

  “No I was dancing at a burlesque club, but I recently quit.” I lie.

  “Do you leave Aiden in the care of others often?”

  “No, he goes to daycare when I have class. And my neighbor keeps him until I get home at night.”

  “Do you have a boyfriend Miss Stuart?”

  “Yes, sort of. It’s complicated.”

  “Does he spend a lot of time with your son?”

  “I don’t understand what my personal life has to do with this visit?”

  “Just crossing my T’s and dotting my I’s.” She stands to leave. “Okay, everything seems to be in order here. Thank you for your time. If I need anything else I’ll be in touch.”

  By the time she gets in her car to leave I am sweating bullets. My word that was intense. My phone is chiming with a text from Turner asking why I am so late.

  Me: Not coming in. I am finished working there. CPS was just here! I lied and told them I am no longer working for you.

  Turner: You don’t have to quit your job. They had to do a check if there was enough of a squeeze put onto them, but you are a good mom. I am sure they recognized that.


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