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Huntress Page 17

by Susan Copperfield

  “Don’t worry about it. Abby’s not. She just wants you to get better. She’s had a great time here, much to everyone’s relief. You made the perfect decision to call in your grandmother. Abby needed some tender loving care, and that’s what your grandmother does best.”

  “Along with putting my mother in her place.”

  “There’s that, too. Ah, that is something you should know. She’s been enjoying Grégoire’s company a little too much for anyone’s comfort.”

  “If he cheats on her, I’ll have Eva teach me how to beat him within an inch of his life.”

  “He’s not that stupid. If you take back your full position as the heir, he might stay in North Dakota for a while. He’s pretty stressed, and she’s settled him down. I’m hopeful they might make a pairing, much to everyone else’s horror. They think such a relationship will end in disaster.”

  Great. If Grégoire went to North Dakota, especially as a suitor for Abby, I’d have to pull strings with Montana to make it happen, as he couldn’t leave the kingdom until I resumed my position as heir. “Assuming I’m happily married in the very near future, I’ll negotiate terms to allow him to go to North Dakota.”

  “Your parents will be annoyed by that.”

  “Good. They can handle being annoyed. Montana can help make certain Eva’s prepared for the reality of being married to me. My parents wouldn’t give her a fair and honest picture of life as a royal.”

  “For someone who hasn’t had time to put a lot of thought into this, you’re acting like you have.”

  I shrugged. “My original plan was to hire her into the RPS specifically so I’d have time to convince her to marry me. I’ve been thinking about it. I had no idea how spectacular she was when I concocted the idea.”

  “Obviously, you’re incurably smitten. What caught your attention about her?”

  “What else? That mouth of hers. I was charmed from first profanity.”

  My great-grandpa chuckled. “Why am I not surprised? You’re the black sheep of the family. Of course you’d find her profanities attractive. You know what? That’s good. You’re unique. You’re not afraid to be unique, either. Do what works for you, and I’ll help keep the hordes at bay.”

  “Dad married a woman who’d spent most of her teens wading through cow shit to go to school. I can’t claim black sheep status. He set the example.”

  “Ah, but she no longer shoveled manure when they got together.”

  “Illinois is just going to have to deal with her colorful vocabulary. I don’t want her to change.”

  “You love her. That’s why. I recommend you tell her that. In the romance department, she’s dense.”

  Shaking my head, I retrieved my wallet, keys, and phone, putting them in their proper pockets. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “Just make sure you tell the woman you love her before you marry her. It helps. Daily reminders help, too.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Then again, inviting yourself to daily beatings might be just as good with her.”

  “There’s that, too.”

  “Finish getting ready, kiddo. We’ve got a plane to catch.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  When my parents found out I flew to Montana with my great-grandpa piloting the plane, who didn’t get in a lot of time flying, they’d freak. My father would do his best to take on the bear and lose.

  I’d laugh.

  The papers my parents had negotiated and I hadn’t had a chance to read through demanded my attention. To protect Eva, they’d confirmed her position as a principal for training purposes, and the adjustment to the RPS contract gave her the same protections of a true royal.

  I appreciated my parents acknowledgement of what Eva would soon become.

  Nearby, Eva and Meredith discussed strategies for keeping me out of trouble, and I wished them well. They also discussed Gail, which put Eva in a sour mood. That started a spat between the two women, as Meredith refused all of Eva’s solutions, which involved violence in some fashion or another.

  Had I paid more attention to the paperwork and less to Eva’s displays of jealousy, I might’ve finished reading the papers. When my great-grandpa landed at the Montana Royal Airstrip not far from the palace, I decided I’d give up trying to deal with the obnoxious stack of papers meant to keep me in Illinois.

  I’d ask for a brief recap and pray I wasn’t screwing up my entire life signing the documents.

  Before marrying Queen Mackenzie, Montana’s king had never gone out in public openly without his mask, and it took me by surprise he was on the tarmac with only one RPS agent. I climbed down the stairs, careful with my steps, as Meredith and Eva would both freak if I took a fall so close to being back in shape. The instant my feet touched the ground, Montana’s king pounced, grasping my hand in a firm grip. “I love unofficial visits. I can get away without an entourage. Better yet, I get to dodge my wife for an hour.”

  I doubted I’d ever get used to how outgoing Montana’s king had become thanks to his wife. “Thank you for agreeing to see us, Your Majesty.”

  “Glad to have you. You’re looking much better. They’ve started you on physical therapy?”

  “This week, I escaped my detail for ten minutes, and I made it all the way to my great-grandpa’s office, where I hid under his desk.”

  He snickered. “That’s good improvement. Tell me about this lady you want to marry.”

  I pointed at Eva. “Your Majesty, this is Eva. If you’re lucky, she’ll give you a demonstration of her vocabulary.”

  “Like hell I will, you nutter.” Eva laughed. “You’re hopeless.”

  “As you’re saying that while smiling, I’ll embrace my hopelessness happily.”

  Montana’s king arched a brow. “Kelvin, you’re worse than I was with Mackenzie, and that’s a feat. If it makes you feel better, I wanted to elope, too, but a bunch of busybodies interfered.”

  I thought about what had happened in Texas a few years ago. “You mean the Texan royal family?”

  “They started it. My daughter wanted to see her mommy in a pretty dress, and at that point, I’d lost the war. How could I tell Mireya no to that?”

  I doubted I’d be able to if I had a daughter, so I nodded.

  “You’re a nutter, but he’s a sucker. I ain’t worn a dress since I was fifteen.” Eva snorted and pointed at her face. “Dresses are for pretty girls, and this girl ain’t pretty.”

  “How many dresses would it take to convince you you’re pretty?” I asked. “This has somehow become important.”

  “I’d rather be ugly and have a horse than be painted like some doll and have a dress.”

  “How about one of those girl suits with a skirt? Those aren’t dresses, and I’m positive you’ll be beautiful in one.” I grinned and stepped out of her reach. “It can be my reward for giving you the slip earlier.”

  “I don’t own any skirts.”

  Providing clothes was something I could handle, and I relaxed. “I would be happy to help with that problem.”

  “You’ll have to do better at physical therapy if you want me in a skirt. And none of those prissy little heels.”

  His Royal Majesty of Montana cleared his throat to catch our attention. “How about a loaned dress for the evening with a promise you don’t have to wear makeup or do your hair unless you want to?”

  “Loaned means I don’t have to spend a ridiculous amount on a dress?”


  “And I won’t have to take it home? Honestly, I’d destroy it within a week trying to wear it.”

  “I promise you won’t be subjected to the dress for longer than necessary. Mackenzie got excited. I’ve learned to let her do what she wants when pregnant and easily provoked.”

  My great-grandpa snickered. “She’s really pregnant again, already? Do you ever sleep?”

  “Well, Geoff drugged me once last week. He’s Mackenzie’s primary agent. I’d figured out not to trust Alfred with
my coffee after eight.” Montana’s king sighed. “Mackenzie made him do it. Then he took Julia to the nursery so Mackenzie could get some sleep for a change, too. She’s pregnant and breastfeeding, so she can’t be sedated. It’s her fault. I was working hard to give her a break. She stole my birth control. She not only stole it, she looked me in the eyes and told me if I touched them again for the next year, she might kill me herself.”

  I covered my mouth so I wouldn’t laugh.

  Eva looked Montana’s king over, tilting her head to the side. “Condoms are useful. Invest in some.”

  “She tossed them in the trash after cutting them in half. I can take a hint, especially when my queen is angling for a boy to help protect the herds of girls we’ll inevitably have. If this bothers you, run while you can, Evangeline.”

  “I like kids, especially kids I can dump with a grizzly bear when necessary. Only an idiot threatens a kid in the care of a bear. I’ve eliminated the lynx as a potential babysitter; cats have bad habits. The jury is out on the wolves, but I’m not enthused about the lion. It’s that issue with cats again.”

  “I see you’ve already put thought into how to protect your little ones.”

  “That’s a matter of necessity. The Your Highness here is going to be the overprotective, grumpy kind inclined towards violence when kids are involved, so leaving the kids with suitably trained and vicious predators will be required. I’m confident I’ll have the bear toughened up within a few weeks. The Your Highness needs a lot of work, but sacrifices must be made. I consider him a long-term work in progress.”

  Montana’s king stared at me with a raised brow. “That’s a whole lot of woman to handle. Are you sure you’re up for the challenge?”

  “If I’m not, I’m sure she’ll beat preparedness into me. Meredith might be able to keep the situation to survivable levels.”

  I hoped.

  The agent in question snorted, which did a good job of confirming I likely had a limited lifespan.

  “We can discuss the specifics in the car. While you know the ins and outs of life as a royal, I’d like to make certain Evangeline does as well.”

  “I come from an elite household, Your Majesty. I will not betroth any of my children to sick old perverts. Non-negotiable.”

  “Ah. Is it safe to assume this relates to your disowning?”

  “Yes. I refused. They said I would or be disowned, so I left.”

  “They really tried that shit on you?” I sucked in a breath, struggling to imagine anyone stupid enough to try to control her like that.

  “Sometimes, you’re so fucking adorable you disgust me,” she replied.

  Me? Adorable? “I guess manly or handsome is a stretch, isn’t it?”

  “Manly or handsome are late-night descriptors used when clothes have been removed from the equation. One you have to earn, the other will be a happy accident due to physical therapy.”

  I recognized when arguing wouldn’t win me anything, but I also understood if I didn’t reply, I’d need a shovel to start digging my own grave. “I’m not going to argue with you on this one.”

  “That’s because you’re wiser than you look. Get your ass in the car so we can get the lecture over with. This Your Majesty looks like he won’t be happy until he gets to do his planned lecture. I’ve learned it’s just not worth the whining.”

  Considering Montana’s king was used to getting his way, I had no doubt she’d profiled him with unerring accuracy. “You’re probably right. After you, Eva.”

  Montana’s king gestured to a silver SUV parked nearby. “If Agent Meredith is willing to be separated from her principal for a while, she can accompany Mr. Averett in the other car with Alfred.”

  The older RPS agent accompanying the king sighed.

  “That dude in a suit isn’t happy with that, I see. Don’t worry, if I can’t handle any situation, I’m sure the other dude in a suit driving this vehicle can.”

  “Relax, Alfred. It’s a short drive, Geoff’ll be with me, and His Highness of Illinois is hardly in any condition to do anything to me.”

  Alfred sighed. “I was more concerned about the woman who has a hobby of sparring with a grizzly bear.”

  “Well, I’m certainly not concerned about my safety when one of the security people in the vehicle with me has a hobby of sparring with a grizzly bear.” Snickering, he shook his head. “I thought exposure to Mackenzie would’ve gotten you used to this by now. If it helps solve the issues in Illinois, I’ll embrace the unconventional. The Royal States is turning upside down, and I’m pretty sure it’s Mackenzie’s fault. I married her and all hell broke loose.”

  “I prefer to blame New York. It’s more plausible and less likely to put me in Her Majesty’s sights,” Alfred replied.

  “Probably a wise idea. I’ll be fine with the ladies and His Highness, Alfred. I’m not defenseless, and this will give you a chance to talk shop with Mr. Averett and Agent Scarson without me being in the way. We’ll call it thirty before we head to the castle. It’ll give Mackenzie a few extra minutes, and I told her I’d text her when we left.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  Montana’s king circled the SUV and took the front passenger seat. “I’m calling shotgun so you two can sit together. Maybe if I ride in the front often enough, I’ll understand why my wife likes it so much.”

  “It’s rebellious,” I suggested, happy to comply and have a chance to sit with Eva. “It also annoys the RPS.”

  “That’s two good reasons she’d do it. How are you feeling? I noticed your doctor didn’t come with you. If you need anything, I’ll drag one of my physicians out of bed.”

  “Tired and grateful for a respite from physical therapy,” I replied, taking the far seat so Eva wouldn’t have to climb over me. “I’m almost to the point I don’t miss the painkillers too much in the mornings.”

  “Withdrawal is a bitch. Mackenzie had a bad time of it after the accident. If you need any help with it, let me know. Our physicians are well accustomed with handling withdrawal. I expect you and Mackenzie will be sharing war stories about hospital stays in no time.”

  “Honestly, I don’t remember all that much from the hospital,” I admitted.

  “They had him higher than a kite most of the time, and when he wasn’t high, he was sedated for procedures.” Eva slid onto the seat beside me and buckled in. “Dr. Hampford took the long approach with him, easing him off the painkillers to help mitigate the withdrawal symptoms. He had a slower-than-average recovery from the transplant, but that’s no surprise. He was in critical condition when they brought him in.”

  “I’ve seen the medical file. It’s as lengthy as Mackenzie’s. While Mackenzie’s injuries were extensive, they were routine trauma. Yours weren’t, Your Highness. I hope you remember that during the next few months as we figure out how to stabilize Illinois and find a way you can remain heir. The others in the line of succession are worrisome.”

  “Grégoire is best in a support role, and my uncles are so used to diplomatic roles they wouldn’t know how to take the reins if they tried at this point,” I admitted. “It’s an all eggs in one basket situation.”

  “And it’s a basket no one anticipated would have any problems. You’ve been making waves in the Royal States. It’s been years since a royal has had severe health issues.”

  “Alaska’s queen had health issues,” I reminded him. “North Dakota’s king.”

  “Neither nearly as serious as yours and once diagnosed, easily resolved in the grand scheme of things.”

  “Your queen.”

  “She wasn’t a queen yet; she was still ranked as a null officially.”

  “Still severe.”

  “While assassination attempts are severe, her situation was not nearly as problematic as yours. His Majesty of North Dakota has settled well. Alaska’s queen has a ruined temple in her back yard to study, and my wife is determined to have as many children as possible. Unfortunately for you, you’re the one holding everyone’s atten

  “That’s the last thing I need right now,” I muttered.

  “Your situation has made a lot of royal families consider how they handle their medical teams. That I sent one of my physicians over caused a great deal of scrutiny. For your health problems to be life-threatening and long-term? It made waves. Dr. Hampford will stay in Illinois as long as required. If she’s needed here, she’ll fly home or we’ll go to her. She’s already begun the process of recommending physicians qualified for permanent posting in Illinois.”

  I slumped in my seat. “Fantastic. More trouble I’ll have to deal with.”

  Eva jabbed me with her elbow. “Stop complaining. You’ve reached your limit for today.”

  “You’re probably right.” Still, I’d have to deal with the problem eventually. My health had revealed a real problem, and I had no way of knowing how many other royal families suffered from similar issues. “How much paperwork are we going to be dealing with tonight, Your Majesty?”

  “That depends on Agent Evangeline.”

  “I’m listening,” she replied. “I have a low tolerance for bullshit, though, so let’s try to keep this a bullshit-free discussion.”

  “Mostly, you need to decide if you want to have your marriage records sealed in Montana until certain conditions are met. If they’re sealed, you can remain in the RPS doing your duties with a few limitations. While you were on route here, I did some research and discussed the situation with Alfred and Geoff. Both thought this method would work and allow you to utilize a loophole we’ll be closing as soon as your marriage to Prince Kelvin is publicly revealed.”

  “Tell me about the limitations.”

  “You’ll be assigned a partner who will eventually become the head of your detail. This individual will know your marital status and will be in charge of your safety. As Agent Scarson has already begun implementing you as a principal for training purposes, this will work well. The real problem is the issue of your biological family. There’s extra paperwork you’ll both need to sign to protect your interests.”


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