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City of Delusions (The Dying World Book 2)

Page 23

by John Triptych

  “You act as if the fight is already won,” Miri said. “Yet anything can happen between now and when the final drop of blood is spilled on the arena.”

  Magub gave a nonchalant shrug. “Of course. I have also placed bets on Demalion using assumed names, enough to cover my losses should you and Korbius be killed. All that I ask is that you carry through with what I have said, and freedom shall soon be yours.”

  Miri nodded. “Very well, I shall try.”

  Magub stood up. “Good. I shall be watching you from the stands.” The nobleman then turned around and proceeded past the guarded barricade.

  A few minutes later, a wail of trumpets sounded. Todrul made his way from an adjoining tunnel and walked over until he stood in front of her. There was a worried look in his face.

  Miri stood up and tested the heavy armor. It was snug and a little bulky, but she could move without too much difficulty. The problem would be her fatigue, since constant exertion in the armor would tire her faster than the light leather she normally wore. “Is it time?”

  Todrul gestured at the nearby tunnel. “Yes, Korbius is already waiting near the starting gate.”

  Miri walked alongside of him as they made their way to the passageway. “What is wrong?”

  Todrul abruptly stopped and faced her. “I know about that fat fool’s wager. I am aware that he wants you to allow Korbius to win against Demalion. But this match, it will be like no other, and the champion will be unlike any opponent you both face. You are the best pit fighter I have ever helped to train, Miri, and I would hate to lose you. If you get a chance to strike a killing blow against Demalion then you must not hesitate, even if it disappoints Magub.”

  Miri sighed. “But he has promised me my freedom at the next cycle if I let Korbius take the glory.”

  “Do not be deceived by him,” Todrul said. “Magub has been known to break his word when it suits him, it is why this house has been downtrodden for so long.”

  Miri nodded. “Very well.”

  Todrul gestured at the tunnel. “You may go inside. I hope that the gods smile on you this day.”

  Miri put her mask on before entering the dimly lit corridor. Standing just behind the entrance was Adaste the healer. The old woman hugged her briefly, slipping something into the palm of her hand just as she let go.

  Miri looked at the small pouch on her hand. “What is this?”

  Adaste gave her a faint smile. “My parting gift to you. It is an antidote.”

  Miri gave her a quizzical look, but the mask obscured her features. “An antidote, what is it for?”

  Adaste glanced around to make sure no one was watching before she made a reply. “For the beast in the arena. Use it wisely, for you can only take it once. You have friends amongst the thralls, and these allies seek to free you.”

  Miri was confused. “Fellow slaves? How?”

  “During the match one of the side doors shall open for a short time,” Adaste whispered. “You must not tarry and enter it at once. From there, you shall be led to a place of safety.”

  Miri let out a deep breath. Someone was planning to rescue her. “I thank you for this information, Adaste. I hope that this does not place you in harm’s way.”

  The old healer stroked her neck. “There will surely be an inquiry afterwards, and I may very well lose my life. But do not fear for me. I have lived a full life helping others, and I will not allow any more suffering amongst the downtrodden. May the gods grant you success in this. Now go, for your freedom awaits.”

  Miri grasped her elbow. “I shall never forget your help. I hope that we may yet see each other again.”

  Adaste gave her a wave while Miri turned and headed down the tunnel. “If the gods will it. Good luck.”

  Miri’s lips trembled as she continued on down the narrow corridor. She had made some friends in the stable, and it felt like she was about to leave the few allies that she had just found. While her main ambition was to be reunited with Rion again, she hoped she would truly see the old woman again to make her goodbyes.

  The blaring of trumpets became ever louder. The noise and stomping of the crowd made the entire building shake. It was clear that the final match was about to begin, and most of the city had gathered in the stands to watch. A guard at the end of the corridor recognized her, and tapped at the bronze door behind him to let her through. With the entryway now open, Miri strode inside. The small chamber held a bench with Korbius sitting near the edge of the sealed outer door. Once she made it inside, the dividing door slammed shut behind her.

  Korbius looked up at her. Like Miri he was wearing full armor. A bronze shield was propped up beside him. “Ah, you have finally made it. For a moment I thought I would have to fight that mountain of a man alone.”

  Miri sat down on the bench opposite to him. Her spear was already lying by its side. She picked up the weapon and checked to make sure that the metal spear point was firmly attached to the base. It was. The old quetzal wood shaft was still sturdy. There was a steel dagger on the bench as well, and Miri examined the blade before sheathing it by her waist. The small pouch containing the antidote was tucked safely beneath her belt. They both could hear the chanting of the crowd coming from the outside.

  Korbius eyed her with disdain. “I am sure you have been told as to what is expected of you.”

  Miri stretched her neck. “Yes.”

  Korbius leaned forward. “You have formidable fighting skills, that I admit, but the reason why we are fighting the champion is because they want you dead.”

  Miri stood up and held out her hand. “I know what they want. Since you are in this battle as well, then we must work together.”

  Korbius put on his iron helm and stood up. He stepped forward and pushed her. Miri was unbalanced and she fell backwards and hit the side of the wall behind her. “You are to blame for this! Stay away from me, you red harlot!”

  Miri got up and used her spear shaft to throw a sideways blow at him, but Korbius blocked it with his shield. Both of them stood inches away from each other, waiting for the other to strike again.

  The guard who stood above them noticed what was happening, and pounded the caged ceiling with the bottom of his spear. “Hey! No fighting in the staging area!”

  The door beside them quickly opened, casting an almost blinding light into the alcove. It was early afternoon in the Central Arena, and the sun hurled its merciless rays on the yellow sand. Neither of them moved at first, but a further pounding by the guard on the ceiling above them spurred Miri to venture out first, but she kept her head turned at Korbius, half expecting him to attack her as she passed him by. Korbius waited until she was a few paces away and finally strode out. The crowds were all standing and shouting, it seemed like the entire city was in attendance. The door soon closed behind them. Miri took a step forward and realized that the sand in the arena was not hard packed, but quite loose. She surmised that the worker slaves must either dumped another layer of dust the night before, or that something else had caused the ground to loosen up. Looking around, Miri could see at least half a dozen doors lining the sides of the arena. She needed to stay vigilant the moment any one of them opened up.

  The portly crier strode onto the podium that jutted out from the first row stands. He waved his hands for a few minutes, signaling the crowd to be silent. As the noise gradually died down, he cleared his throat before he bellowed. “Citizens and slaves of Lethe, welcome to the final day of the Great Games!”

  The crowd roared in response. The crier waited for a few seconds before continuing. “And on this, the last day, we shall have the final match- a contest which will decide the grand champion of this cycle. These games were special, but this battle will be known in all of history as the greatest fight ever!”

  Drums started to beat and the audience chanted for over a minute before the noise subsided once more. The crier raised his hands again before pointing to Miri and Korbius below him. “In that part of the arena, we have the two champions from House Orant
o: Korbius the Bronze, and … the Red Gorgon!”

  The crowd erupted in both jeers and applause. The drummers beat their instruments for a full minute. Miri kept her eyes on the sand around them, for she sensed something wasn’t right. Adaste had mentioned something about a beast. Could a beast be lurking beneath the dust at her feet?

  A gate at the opposite end opened, but no one came out. The crowd began a low chant as they matched the beat of the drums. The slow dirge was normally played during a funeral for a high ranking noble, but this time it was used as an anthem of sorts for the current grand champion.

  The crier gulped down a mouthful of mulled wine before he continued, for he needed to shout out his loudest in order to be heard. “And in that corner, we have our current grand champion, the Colossus himself: Demalion!”

  Dressed in full plate armor, a mountain of a man strode out before the gate was hurriedly sealed behind him. Miri couldn’t see the face underneath the steel helm, but she was certain that his eyes were focused on her. His armor had very little gaps, and it was clear that Miri would have to get behind him and strike at the small breaches at the back of his leg and elbow joints if she was to wound him. The other alternative was to attack through the eye slits of his helm visor, assuming he let her get that close.

  Korbius leaned sideways so he could whisper in her ear. “That damned giant is armored from head to toe and he carries a shield. How do we deal with that?”

  Miri kept her composure as she held her spear with both hands. “Attack from opposite directions, aim for the gaps in his armor. If we can bring him down, it shall be easier.”

  Korbius snorted. “You are on your own.”

  The crowd applauded for a few minutes until the crier was able to speak again. “Those who are about to die pay respects to the city and gods of Lethe. Without further interruption, let the match begin!”

  Korbius drew his sword and strode forward, but Miri grabbed him by the elbow. He pushed her away with his shield. “Do not touch me, woman!”

  Miri pointed at the small mounds of sand in between them and the Colossus. “Look there.”

  Korbius stared at the ground. Something seemed to be moving underneath it. “By the gods, what sort of trickery is this?”

  Based on her own experience out in the wastes, Miri knew exactly what it was. So that was the reason why she had been given an antidote. “Norpion. A beast that burrows underneath the soil. Beware of its sting, for it shall inject you full of virulent poison.”

  Korbius glanced nervously at their opponent, who had started to walk to the center of the arena. “How do we deal with it?”

  “Kill it the moment it shows itself,” Miri said. “Watch the ground around you.”

  Korbius sighed in frustration. “So be on guard against the Colossus and watch the sands. This shall be a fine day to die.”

  Miri started to move sideways, near the edge of the battlefield. “Try to trap him in between us.”

  Korbius did the same, moving near the edges at the opposite way, since the sand was somewhat harder packed along the sides towards the opposite way. The crowd booed as they saw the reluctance of the Oranto pit fighters to venture out into the center of the arena. Miri could hardly believe her eyes as Demalion walked over the loose sand without having a care in the world. Based on her knowledge, norpions were supposedly nocturnal creatures that would only venture forth at night. The beast moving beneath the dust seemed to be like the ones she encountered during her cycles out in the wastes, but it seemed much larger than normal. Could the creature have been trained? And why did it seem to ignore the champion?

  Demalion sensed that Miri seemed to know how to move along the deadly ground better than her partner. The Colossus drew a massive, cross-hilted longsword from the scabbard in his thick waistline, then he began moving towards her. Miri kept going sideways, hoping Korbius would attempt to cross the center of the arena to be near her, but was dismayed when he took the longer route instead, choosing to run along the edge of the arena to be safe from the burrowing norpion.

  The Colossus closed in and advanced on her, his shield held chest-high while swinging his sword in a massive arc towards her. Miri shifted sideways as she thrust out her spear, but the giant blocked it with his shield while attempting to shatter the shaft of her weapon with his blade. Miri pulled her weapon back and quickly rolled sideways towards the more open center of the arena. She didn’t have a shield, but she figured that her longer reach ought to be able to keep him from closing too quickly on her. Demalion advanced again and made another slashing attack, which Miri parried with her spear. The Colossus was forcing her out into the center, where he sensed her ally would not go to.

  Miri continued to retreat, hoping to get closer to Korbius at the other side, so that they both could coordinate their efforts against a mutual opponent, but Demalion was having none of it. The Colossus showed a remarkable quickness for a man his size as he suddenly lunged forward, using his shield to parry Miri’s defensive attack as he kicked at her chest. Miri took the blow on her bronze cuirass and fell backwards onto the sand, the sudden ferocity of his attack temporarily knocking the wind out of her lungs.

  Demalion roared as he plunged his sword on a downward stroke, but Miri was able to roll away in time, and the point of his blade buried itself into the sand instead. Just as she spun away from his threat range, Miri noticed the ground shifting near her as a six-foot long black stinger suddenly rose up in the air and drove its barbed point at her chest. The norpion’s tail struck her, but failed to penetrate the bronze plate. Miri tried to thrust her spear at the beast, but it quickly withdrew its stinger back underneath the sand and scurried away.

  Rion was watching from the stands with the rest of House Kentis, and he nearly cried out when he saw Miri being struck by the norpion’s stinger. As the Red Gorgon rolled away, a great sense of relief came over him. It looked like her armor held and she wasn’t stung after all. The boy’s hands were trembling with fright. He wanted to close his eyes, for the anxiety was close to overwhelming him. Gathering his composure, Rion let out a deep breath while his eyes remained glued to the action below. The boy was so engrossed in the match, he failed to notice Matriarch Cirine staring intently at him.

  Miri was back on her feet. She took a few more steps in reverse while keeping her spear leveled horizontally, making sure she had enough distance to use it against Demalion’s continuous attacks against her. Korbius was slowly making his way from the other side, but his footing was hesitant as he kept his eyes on the sand in front of him rather than on the champion. Demalion sensed her ally coming at him from the rear and stomped his right foot twice on the ground before whirling to face Korbius. Both men used their shields to parry each other’s attack, their swords bouncing off of the golden bronze face of the shields. As Miri made her way forward, she noticed the sands near Korbius’s left side had suddenly shifted.

  “Look out!” Miri said while thrusting her spear at the gap behind Demalion’s knee. The point of her weapon got in between the steel plates and penetrated the leather padding, tearing the hamstring tendon, just behind the knee joint. The champion yelled out in pain as he got to one knee. He twisted into Miri’s direction, his sword making a wild swing at her, but failing to score a hit.

  Korbius didn’t pay attention to Miri’s warning as he moved forward, intending to finish off the champion, but the norpion’s tail emerged from beneath the dust, striking him at the thigh. The barbed stinger penetrated through the thin bronze cuisses of his armor, the needle-like point embedded itself past a few inches at the side of his buttocks, and quickly injected a cupful of neurotoxin. Korbius cried out as he fell on his side. The norpion withdrew its stinger and tried to lash out at him again, but Korbius brought his shield up and blocked the second attack.

  Demalion turned to face Miri and lashed out with his sword, but the Red Gorgon drew back, away from the range of his weapon. She ran in a wide arc to go around him, in order to get to Korbius. Just as she got near
er to her ally, Demalion flung his shield at her knees, the bronze disk striking her shins and Miri fell to the ground in pain. The champion began limping towards her, his torn knee barely holding up as he got to within range of his sword.

  The champion lunged at her with his blade, hoping to skewer her while she was still on the ground, but Miri rolled away once more, this time towards the edge of the arena. But just as she was about to get up, the ground shifted beneath her once again, and the norpion’s long black tail erupted from the sands, just above her shoulder, its barbed point coming straight for her neck.

  Miri shrieked as she let go of her spear and caught the edge of the stinger as it hovered just inches away from her exposed neck. The norpion tried to thrust downwards, but Miri used all her strength to keep it from advancing any further. Demalion grunted as he shuffled over to her and swung his sword in a downward motion, hoping to behead Miri with a single strike. Miri saw the second attack coming as she twisted away at the last second, holding the stinger in front of her. The Colossus’s slashing attack cleaved through and dismembered the norpion’s tail, narrowly missing Miri’s arms by scant inches. The huge norpion leapt out of the sand and lay beside them while squirming in agony, its body mortally wounded. The Red Gorgon tuck rolled to bring herself upright and made a run for Korbius.

  Korbius was wheezing as the numbness had spread to his chest. His breath had slowed down and the burning pain in his lungs nearly made him black out. Miri knelt down beside him and propped his head up. She took out the sac from beneath her belt, removed his helm and placed it his mouth. “Swallow this,” she said.

  He bit into it. It tasted like sour bile, making him nauseous, but there was a tingling sensation in Korbius’s arms and he could feel his lungs working again. His sense of touch was slowly returning. He looked up at Miri. “You have my gratitude.”

  Demalion growled as he lunged at them with his sword. Miri grabbed Korbius’s shield and held it up, parrying the champion’s thrust, but Demalion had too much momentum as he grabbed Miri and pulled her to the ground. Miri held onto his sword arm with both her hands to stop him from delivering the killing blow. Demalion used his other hand, gripping her by the throat and squeezed. Miri gasped as the air was chocked out of her windpipe. She began to black out as her hands got weaker.


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