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Page 12

by Jack L. Pyke

  No, not for you, Gray. Borrowed this from my mother. She’s partial to a bit of Welsh so wipe that moody brow off your face. Yours is in the drawer to the right. You can thank me and ask how I know later.

  Love, Jan.

  Love. Giving a frown as he placed the CD back in its place, Gray then pulled open the drawer off to his right and snorted a smile. There was everything in there from Hendrix to Warlock, a German rock group he’d once seen live with a close friend over in Germany.

  The touch was... Jan, and Gray distractedly ran an index finger along one line of the potential playlist. Then he finished his coffee and pulled out some Gary Moore. “Parisienne Walkways” was always a favourite. As the guitar riff haunted the bedroom, Gray took his cup, picked up the uneaten sandwich, and headed on back to the kitchen. The shower kept silent as he passed, and Gray shifted his head in the direction of the master bedroom. The door was slightly ajar, allowing a hushed voice to filter through. Jack told Jan about Logan, and for a while there had been anger, then quiet, then softer talking that filtered down into whispers.

  “I’ve seen Gray work, Jack.” Jan’s gentle worry came on deep breaths, each word given a long pause, as though he’d forget what to say each time and needed time to think. “I know he’ll handle Logan.” Each stretch of time came with the sound of tender touch... of both of them licking wounds and testing out the possibility of new memories, adding to the guitar riffs and giving it a private beat all of its own.

  Keeping his footfalls light so as not to disturb, Gray made it into the kitchen and washed up. When his father hadn’t been overseas on MI6 cases, he’d always taught that once the door was locked of a night, nothing existed but the people close by. And that’s when normality would kick in. His father would just as easily pick up a dishcloth as he would a sidearm. The majority of it coming from a natural instinct to please, but that was his father’s natural instinct. Part of Gray’s natural instinct had helped tear open the rift between them.

  A lot of his youthful anger towards his father had long since faded. It should have been enough to get communication started between them again, between Ed, but the damage had long since been done, and distance kept. His loss over not finding the courage to talk to his father was echoed between Jack and Greg, and the fear was there that Jack would lose everything they had as father and son. But Gray couldn’t force either side, Jack or Greg, into a conversation that they weren’t ready for. He had his own experience to go by on that score.

  The music shifted to the fourth track, bringing a deeper pulse and drawing Gray back to the drying dishes. The lesson had been learned the hard way, but he took all of his father’s care for those around him, and made sure everything found a place. That done, Gray ordered some takeaway to be delivered by one of the surveillance ops by sixish. Jack had cut into Jan’s dinner hour, so Gray doubted Jan would have had much to eat. He sure as hell knew Jack hadn’t, and that he’d want Jan to stay at home for the rest of the day.

  Any and all MI5 business for this afternoon could be redirected here, with Rachel given a message that priority calls got his mobile number, and others were redirected to his Counter-terrorist managers, or Andrews if it was really serious.

  The last call of duty left him frowning down at something in his hand as he stood in the dining room.

  Jack’s coveralls were folded up and put in place in the bathroom, ready for the morning. Going through and seeing them folded on a bathroom rack, Gray pinned something under the collar without disturbing the careful order, just before he heard a soft call of his name.

  Leaving the coveralls there, Gray padded on through to the master bedroom. Curtains were closed, allowing just a slight shift of light along the bedcovers. Arms tucked under the pillow, head buried deep, out of sight, Jan lay naked on the bed. His body carried a thin sheen of dampness, some from the shower, most from the touch that Jack teased on his body. Jack looked more than ready to play, and Jan... Jack naturally seemed to fuel the backdraft playing there on the bed.

  Chapter 14


  Jack had just come up for air from kissing at Jan’s shoulder, and he held Gray’s gaze. Jan lay face down, writhing in the covers as he stroked at his ass. Legs were slightly parted, one bent at the knee and inching that little bit higher, as if silently pleading he’d had enough of teasing and wanted those fingers to take the heat to another level.

  Jack had been the one to call Gray in, not so much safety in numbers, but more needing to lick wounds with all pack members present.

  Slipping off his shirt and tie, Gray went over and knelt opposite Jack, with Jan lying between them. His first thought was Jan, and Gray eased down close, kissed at his exposed cheek, then whispered. “You okay, Bambi?”

  Jan hid back in the pillows, but nodded, giving a very frustrated groan. “Tell him it’s okay, Gray, please.” Jan groaned again. “He’s scared and needs to hear it’s okay.”

  “You sure?”

  “Fucking miss him, Gray. Need to annihilate the bad now....” And how the muscles in his body writhed and twisted cried touch too. Gray ran the flat of his hand from Jan’s shoulder down to his upper thigh, testing, just feeling the tension in his body. He reacted to the shift down of hand, moving into the touch.

  “Slow... gentle...” breathed Gray, flicking a look at Jack. “His pace.”

  Jack gave the slightest nod, then shifted the hair off the back of Jan’s neck and bit, keeping it long and deep. Jan instantly groaned, nearly arching up into Jack. Jack still stroked at Jan’s ass, but now, a light drag of fingertip skated slowly over the soft curve, then rested against Jan’s most vulnerable access point. Jack stroked, Jan’s shift of hip rising up each time to meet it, almost encouraging it home, then Jack let it slide in so effortlessly. Jack had probably already long since made sure Jan was ready to take his attentions by how easy his access was, and he kept his touch inside Jan so slow and easy, he could have been playing long strokes of a bow across the strings of a cello, and winning long and low groans off Jan for his efforts.

  Jack was naked too, and how he knelt over Jan, it gave Gray the perfect view of light shifting over his shoulders, how the slightest shadows caught dimples there on the small of his back, all finished off with the offer of the fine curves to his ass. His tanned tone and gypsy black hair was in direct contrast to the paleness of Jan’s body and the slightly tousled brown hair. Yet how bodies writhed and sang on the bed, Jan’s softly strung body shifted, returning the compliment and almost becoming the white bow that played every length of Jack.

  “Let me see you, Jan,” Jack said gently, his bite now a softer run of kisses on the back of Jan’s neck. He remembered. Jan was still buried in the pillow, and he remembered how Jan needed to be seen.

  Just a gentle tug on Jan’s arm had Jan easing onto his back. For a moment that stray arm found a place over Jan’s face, covering his eyes, but a fast run of finger on Jan’s inner thigh had Jan biting back a chuckle and coming out of hiding as Jack’s light tickle demanded. Arms were eased under the pillow, this time holding onto the bedstead, and the moment he settled, Jack eased his body down on Jan’s, finding a natural place between his thighs.

  “Fuck,” mumbled Jan, and Jack was there, kissing gently at his lips, whispering, making sure he was okay, as the need to feel friction on cocks played out with both of them.

  “You sure you want this, things?”

  Jan arched up, then eased his legs over Jack’s, wrapping around them like a snake finding its mate.

  “Fucking want this, Jack,” he mumbled. “Slow. Please.”

  Jack was instantly back claiming Jan’s throat, slipping hands under the pillow and coming up for air only when they found Jan’s hands and took them away from gripping the bedstead, just locking fingers, holding on. Bodies still moved together, but the groan and dip of head Jack gave into Jan’s shoulder said he’d gently eased into Jan. The position was perfect. It kept them close, tied, but allowed restriction of just how much Jan al
lowed Jack to take of him, mostly just the tip, a few inches of shaft, and with the lock around Jack’s legs, control was Jan’s with just how gentle that first taste came.

  “Fuck,” breathed Jack. He respected every inch of limitation placed on his body and took Jan with a shift of hip that called out that first-time look of Jan. Of both of them. And Jack being Jack, he knew how to play the slightest offering.

  “Missed this,” said Jack, now nibbling his way along Jan’s throat again as he took him slowly. “Missed you so fucking much, baby.” His tonguing was long and deep, met with a curve and dip of hip that had Jan groaning out with each stroke he took.

  “Christ.” Jack dipped his head again for the briefest of moments, then he shifted up onto his knees, Jan’s legs now wrapped around his ass to still control the heat. Gray found a hard run of bites come just above his trouser line. A hand now on Jan’s hip as Jack took him, Jack kissed his way up to Gray’s lips, his hand rubbing hard into Gray’s cock. The taste of mint toothpaste was there, Jack always so careful and prepared in every way, and Gray deepened the kiss for a moment, loving being so close to them both again.

  “I know my body, Gray.”

  Jack didn’t let Gray pull away when he tried, hearing that. As he undid the clasp to Gray’s trousers, then slipped the zip down, he said, “I’m tired of playing with vibrators.”

  “You’ve... fuck...” Jan’s hand found Jack’s abs. “You’ve used a vibrator on yourself... alone?”

  Even Gray offered a curious smile as Jack distractedly eased his hand down into Gray’s trousers, now squeezing his cock. Although he knew Jack’s history with testing his body out on his own, this time around was a little different, somehow more intimate, and Jan stirred with it, riding Jack’s cock a little deeper and causing Jack to hiss. “Fuck me, Jan. You haven’t explored this ass of yours yet?” That innocence had Jack just as wild as he gripped at Jan’s ass, pulling Jan up into him. Then he was back with Gray, playing his cock with long strokes that exposed him to the elements and just how much he liked the idea of Jack exploring alone too. His kiss came hard again.

  “Come fuck me,” he whispered against Gray’s lips. “Please.”

  Jack broke away and eased down on top of Jan. As he did, he opened his legs slightly, splitting Jan’s a little farther, and pulled Gray down with him by the hand as he went.

  Gray ended above them both, one hand next to Jan, the other tracing down Jack’s side, over the curve of his ass.

  The same deep moan and writhe of body that Jan had given was there with Jack now, only it infected Jan, too, as Jack’s twist of body shifted his cock deep in Jan.

  “Fuck, baby,” murmured Jan. “You okay with this?”

  Jack was already lost, shifting against Gray, into Gray, as Gray skated his touch down to Jack’s ass. Jack went still, his hands now coming down Jan’s arms and digging underneath, holding him closely. Gripping tightly.

  Gray watched his every move, feeling for any stress in the length of his body. He was paused deep in Jan, more grinding gently into him, but showing a need to fuck, to be fucked. Gray breezed a stroke over Jack’s taint, then traced a little higher as Jack groaned, his shift of ass and the dampness to Gray’s fingers saying he’d prepped himself; it wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment reaction. He kissed at a cheek, then stroked Jack’s tender opening. It won a serious shiver, but his push of finger was met with little resistance. Gray forced down the heat over Jack testing himself out and anticipating play. When Jack had prepped Jan, had he played himself then?

  Gray took him down to the knuckle, wanting to test Jack’s reaction. Vince’s repeated rape had torn him to pieces, both inside and out. Although the operation he’d needed had healed months ago, the concern was there with possible tissue damage always being a weak point. Jack answered all of Gray’s reservation with a hard push back onto his touch, enough so that Gray hit Jack’s prostate. Jack let out the sweetest yelp. Hips were then pushing forward, taking pleasure with Jan, then coming back in with a bid for more from Gray.

  “Gorgeous, stunner.” Gray kissed at Jack’s shoulder, and Jack arched his back, seeking out and living for a touch there too.

  “C’mon, Gray,” he breathed “Please.”

  The touch was eased away from Jack’s ass, causing a groan, then the slowest shift and curve of back and hips as Jack made sure his ass brushed the length of Gray’s exposed cock.

  “Oh, you’re more than close to fucking me, mukka.”

  Gray smiled as he nibbled at Jack’s shoulder. He found the lube that Jack had used, lost in the tangle of covers, and eased his suit trousers off his hips, then slicked his cock. Jack was ready for serious play, but Gray took no chances, making sure every inch of him would tease but never hurt. Head resting down between Jack’s shoulder blades, Gray eased his cock against the tight offering, only to find a hand on his hip stopped him.

  “Johnny,” said Jack, sounding hurt.

  Gray closed his eyes and shook his head. “No,” he said quietly. “Too many rules, too many restrictions.” He’d never taken Jack bareback; he’d never taken any man bareback. But he needed to now; claim every part of Jack back as his, maybe give everything he was in return, to Jack. “Not unless you tell me to, stunner. Not anymore.”

  All tension drained from Jack as he pulled Gray down. “Fucking yes,” he mumbled.

  Gray was in, just his tip first, forcing out a deep groan from Jack and tighter hold around him off Jan.

  “Fuck.” It was all that Gray could mumble. Shivers ran over his shoulders, down the small of his back, around his side and deep into his stomach... all to centre on the tip of his shaft. He didn’t think it would be all that different; he’d been used to keeping play safe, secure, but different...? He dipped his head and shuddered. He hadn’t realised how distant and dulled it made the heat between body to body, man to man... between him and Jack and.... Fuck.... The difference was there in the tight and natural hold around his cock, fuck was it there, but how it was Jack’s natural hold, how it was Jack...? “Christ, stunner.” He stroked at Jack’s side and a hand brushed his. Jack’s.

  “First time, huh, tough guy?” Jan stroked the perspiration on the back of Gray’s neck, and the usual coy look in brown eyes, the heat reddening his cheeks, it made him look so much older now, all too knowing, and Gray choked a laugh before resting his head on Jack’s shoulder again. How the role reversed a little. He eased in a little farther, only the briefest inch, and groaned, loving the feel of being inside Jack. Then lost to the sensation, he kept his pace slow... only inch deep... feeling Jack give way to taking him. Jan’s stroke shifted from his neck, down to Gray’s side, encouraging the soft play, maybe even guiding. Gray buried his softer smile, bit into Jack’s shoulder to ground himself a little more. Jack was caught somewhere between them, and Gray came up for breath, easing forward and winning a groan off Jack—but claiming Jan’s lips.

  He’d missed them both, and his kiss showed it. First time in many ways for them all, and the moment he felt it heat up too much for Jan, he eased back, kissing at Jack’s shoulder as he played his body.

  “Okay,” he whispered in Jack’s ear before nipping gently at it. “Your pace. Your control. Show me what you’ve got, stunner.”

  Gray eased back, giving Jack some room, but pausing his own pace as Jack groaned.

  Jack came into his own, flattening his body, toes digging into the mattress, and shoulder blades taking all of the tension as he eased up, almost into press-up stance. Gray glanced down, loving the sight of seeing his bare cock still in Jack, then allowed a hand to feather Jack’s side and grip gently at his hip to encourage movement from Jack.

  And when he did, Gray dug his fingers deeper into toned skin as Jack fucked slowly into Jan, then on his draw back, took Gray just as slowly, just as breathtakingly.

  “Oh yes,” mumbled Jan, his hands on Jack’s ass encouraging a little deeper play. Jack rolled with the need, now fucking a little faster, taking a little more of Gray each time.<
br />
  Fuck. Gray was back down on Jack, this time adding a little dip of his own hips every time Jack pushed back. He let his hand trace the back of Jack’s neck. So easy... so easy just to hold Jack down, fuck in hard as his body cried out the need for that, take Jan through Jack, take them both. But this had to be under their steam, at their pace.

  Only, as Gray stroked the back of Jack’s neck, sometimes gripping a little harder, Jack was getting rougher each time, and, damn his soul, Gray matched it. Fucking in a little harder and biting deep into Jack’s shoulder, Gray fueled the heat as he met Jack’s hard push back.

  Jack panted, sweat covering shoulders and adding a bitter salt taste to Gray’s bite. Gray loved it, but his bruising bite this time was to calm himself down. He’d lost track of both of them for a second. Jack was fucking hard into Jan, crying out for Gray to return the hard play, and Jan...

  Gray instantly eased back.

  Jan had drawn his knees up, almost trying to close them, and instead of writhing, he seemed to be struggling, looking more and more uncomfortable with each wince Jack’s hard fuck brought between his legs.

  “Stop,” breathed Jan, gritting his teeth. “Please.”

  “Baby...” Jack sounded so close, breathless. “Just a little... a little... Christ... baby. Please.”

  Now kneeling back, Gray put a hand on Jack’s hip, a quiet request to still Jack and recover his touch without calling a direct—

  “Time out,” snarled Jan, pushing violently at Jack’s shoulders. “Fucking time out, Jack. I asked you to stop. Fucking stop.”

  Jack instantly pulled back as Jan curled to his side, gripping hard into the pillow. Jack stilled, body completely tensing. Then giving a look at Gray, a longer look down at Jan, he scrambled off the bed for the bedroom door. It slammed behind him, causing Jan to jolt on the bed. Gray eased down for the briefest seconds, kissing at Jan’s shoulder.

  “You okay?” he said quickly. But he could see that Jan wasn’t, his twist of head into the pillow calling it out. The threats of today seemed to have crashed into Jan, throwing him back into a brutality between the sheets that few could find their way back from, and Gray briefly closed his eyes, resting his head against Jan’s. “Easy,” he whispered. “It’s okay.”


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