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Page 32

by Jack L. Pyke

  “Fuck,” groaned Jack, hips shifting up, cock riding cock.

  It didn’t help when Jan came back. He carried two items; one in a slim case, the other came with a lid, and he flicked it open. Oil made contact with Jan’s hand first, then he took Gray’s breath away as he moved Jack’s touch and caught both of their cocks together, coating both shafts and making the ride more intense as the glint of oil-slicked cocks caught the light.

  “Jesus, Jan,” moaned Jack. Gray loved the sight and feel of Jan around them both, then as Jan tipped more oil onto his fingers, this time brushing gently against Jack’s most intimate access point, Gray leaned over and bit gently at Jan’s ear.

  Jan shivered and Gray caught the shyness back in his smile as Gray pulled back, now stroking at Jack’s inside thigh.

  “Will you do something for me, Jack?” Jan said so quietly. Jack lifted his head up a touch, a little devilment playing there.

  “If it’s pointers on how best to change a tyre during a getaway, can it wait? I’ll draw a few diagrams later.”

  Jan opened the case he’d rested on the table and pulled out a very slim silver vibrator. “Will you play for me?” Gray hid his smile. It had turned Jan on when Jack had said he’d played with himself, back when they were at Jack’s. This was his personal ask, his pleasure to watch Jack play, and be okay with being seen watching.

  Jack’s cuffed hand gripped firm onto the table above his head and he rested his head back for the briefest of moments, all to control a very long and deep breath, before finding Jan again.

  “You... you said you played alone with this.” Jan stroked at Jack’s other thigh as he lowered his look. The brown to his eyes was full, dark, and calling out a need to be held. “Turned me on like hell. Will you play for me now, please?”

  That same look lowered Jack’s gaze, and the vibrator was taken from Jan as Jack eased up onto his elbow. Gray removed his tie, then pulled something else from his pocket whilst Jan was the one to make sure the tip was oiled, then the shaft.

  Giving a coy grin, Jack eased back down. The vibrator found a very slow path down Jack’s side, causing him to shiver. As it brushed to his inside thigh, leaving a slight wet trail, Gray reached down and slipped the collar around Jack’s throat, knowing he could handle it within a scene. Jack barely noticed as Gray then hooked his tie through the D-ring on Jack’s collar. Both ends wrapped effortlessly around Gray’s fist, and he pulled Jack up off the table slightly, giving him the extra leverage to reach between his thighs and play.

  “Christ.” Jan ran a touch over Jack’s abs. Gray was focused on the play between Jack’s legs, how the vibrator was now on soft hum and teasing its way over his balls. When it rested against Jack’s ass, Jack closed his eyes, a heated blush coming to his cheeks. Penetration was so gentle, slow, but deeper by the moment, the tip soon easing past muscle and taking the whole, slim length.

  Jan whispered something, and his hand found Gray’s cock as Jack murmured, the strain on the tie and collar forcing Gray to shift his stance as Jack arched back, pouring all stress and strain into Gray’s hold. This was the first time with the lights on, with Jan watching, with Jack holding on to the look as he played.

  Jack’s free hand now slid down his shaft, splitting his fingers as he searched lower for his scrotum. Heels dug in a little more, shifting Jack’s ass up a little now he let the vibrator take him faster, matching his hard draw on breath.

  “Okay, okay, baby. Easy,” whispered Jan, leaning in to kiss at Jack’s cock and remove the vibrator. He was getting close, too close, and Jan had learned to read the signs well, not allowing Vince or Henry to take away the translation. A nibble was given to his shaft, or something was as Jack groaned and breathed out—

  “Waaaaay too much focusing, Jan.”

  Giving a chuckle, Jan pulled back and gave a look at Gray before shifting to the opposite side of the bondage table. A hand stroked gently at Jack’s hair, but the look coming at Gray across the distance spoke the language his own body cried out.

  “I think your Claim needs staking fully,” Jan said calmly, and Gray’s run of hands up and down Jack’s side, coming to rest on his hips, had Jack sucking in a breath and reaching up to Jan’s shirt and gripping on.

  Gray dug his fingers into the toned skin, loving the marks left there. It didn’t go unnoticed how Jack played his cock with his cuffed hand, the metal again brushing Gray’s cock, yet he held on to Jan where no cuff touched his other hand. That ability to move and shift between both worlds and yet bring them together, play them together.

  Gray’s first fuck into him was hard, deep, enough to make Jack cry out, half pleasure, half in expected pain. But Gray knew Jack’s body, what he could take, and the look in his eyes as Jack grinned at him called him out on another hard fuck into him that set the rough scene.

  Then the need to burn through heat blinded them both. Gray took such a brutal pace, but ended each deep hold inside of Jack with soft kisses at his throat. The tension on the collar was released, Jack now up on his elbows with Gray’s grip at the back of his hair, making sure he stayed still for every claim made between his thighs... on his throat.

  Gray had barely touched anyone, not since Jack had knelt in the kitchen and kissed his way along Gray’s cock several months ago. Gray wouldn’t last long for this first taste, the cry in his own body told him that, how it felt too good to be up close and root-deep in Jack. The bare bones of the sex was raw, brutal, but the hold...

  The grip on Jack’s hair forced him down again, and Gray stayed lips-to-neck close as Jack’s grip found Jan. At first just holding to his shirt, then in a rush to get his cock freed. Jack played a few lengths of his own cock, then tilted his head back, bringing Jan’s down and kissing at the tip.

  Jan took advantage of the lip running on across the legs of the table. Gripping a bar above, he stepped up, allowing Jack to ease his tip past his lips, into his mouth—all for Jan’s shaft to slide smoothly down his throat.

  “Fuck,” groaned Jan. He was watching his own play in Jack’s throat, down his body to how Gray made every muscle in Jack’s lower body writhe and twist.

  Gray gave one particular hard fuck between Jack’s thighs, then ran his hand over Jack’s throat as it controlled how much he took of Jan’s cock.

  “Christ, stunner,” he breathed, lost now to his hard pace, the pull on Jack’s hair that made sure he stayed at the perfect angle to take Jan. But the gentle nips to Jack’s throat let him feel just how much he took of Jan.

  Jan almost cried defeat first, but Gray rested a hand on the flat of Jan’s abs, stopping him moving. Jack didn’t look happy as Gray made sure he pulled away from Jan’s cock, but it was lost a moment later as the months away from them both took its toll on Gray. He cried defeat, maybe knowing they’d both always have him on his knees, and he rested his head down as he spilled in Jack. It seemed selfish, but calming his breathing, Gray eased back; Jack’s body struggled with being taken to the edge, but so did Jan’s. And Gray needed them like that for the next part. Although it didn’t stop the satisfied smirk on Jack’s face.

  “Told you I’d make the classy Dom such a dirty whore.”

  Gray let out a smirk. “Whore?”

  “Fucking filthy, Sir.”

  Still inside him, Gray took hold of the free handcuff stroking Jack’s scrotum, and he slipped it around Jack’s sac, fastening the modified cuff at its lowest lock so that the balls were perfectly defined, and stopped Jack’s play on his cock..

  “Bastard.” Jack cried out and cupped his balls for protection, although the cuff around his wrist made sure he stayed cuffed to his balls, feet now flat on the table.

  Moving around the bondage table, Gray held his hand out towards Jan.

  There was a frown, then Jan shifted closer, enough for Gray to grip his jacket cuff and tug him over to the bed.

  Turning to face him, Gray traced up the inside of Jan’s jacket, testing things with a soft kiss. The heat he got back off him nearly had Gray st
epping back, and he hid his smile as he stopped the kiss, now just inches from Jan’s lips.

  “You okay?” he asked quietly as he slipped the jacket off Jan’s shoulders.

  “Yeah,” Jan said in a husky voice. Gray eased a touch down Jan’s sides, over the crisp whiteness of his shirt, and Jan followed his every move. The tail already hung out in the heat, and Jan’s breathing seemed to give the whole wasted image a panted breath of its own. Gray fed it, focusing on unclipping suit trousers. Pulling Jan a little closer with one arm around his waist and loving the slender form against his, Gray pushed trousers and boxers down, letting them slip off Jan’s slim ass, to the floor. Then he backed Jan up a step, taking him close to the bed.

  Jan was still hard, and he caught his breath as Gray nibbled at his neck, at the same time drawing the back of his hand down his shirt-covered cock.

  “Okay?” mumbled Gray, now kissing at his ear.

  There was a long sigh, a brief bite at Gray’s jaw. “Please.”

  Gray stroked at his jaw, enjoying just watching the changing colours of autumn brown in his soft eyes. “Kneel on the bed. Please.”

  Jan looked down at the shape of the bed brushing against the back of his legs. And no pause came, just a gentle ease down.

  With one last check to see that Jan was okay, that brush along his jaw, Gray shifted over to Jack. Jack was lost to his own touch, and a lot of his heat had levelled out in order to control and maintain that heat. Gray watched for a moment, loving how the only blush that touched his body was due to how he worked himself. Jack was close. As he lay on the table, one hand cuffed and cupping his balls, the other free to stroke himself, eyes were closed, legs drawn up, but he was looking so relaxed as he played.

  Gray’s gentle touch on his hip asked him to stop, and Jack glanced up just as Gray eased down to steal a kiss. “You’re with me, stunner,” he breathed against Jack’s lips as he kept the collar in place, but removed the belt as he took Jack up to his feet.

  The frowned questioning was there in Jack’s eyes, but when Gray looked to the bed, to how Jan knelt there with his back to them, the white shirt occasionally shifting up his hips as Jan lost himself to his own play, Jack instinctively shifted to go over.

  Gray stopped him before he could do any damage to his scrotum, and he took the key off the table and un-cuffed his balls. Now Jack blushed, but only because he’d been caught out forgetting about the bondage. It’s why Gray was here; it’s why Gray would always be here.

  Jack traced a touch down Gray’s arm, then looked back at Jan....

  He found a natural place behind Jan, Jack’s hand reaching up to cover Jan’s as Jan gripped on to a stray cuff from the ceiling hoist above. A hold found itself around Jan’s waist, ruffling the white shirt, but making sure it stayed covering Jan as much as Jan needed it to. Then a soft murmur came as Jack kissed at the back of Jan’s neck.

  “Hey there, things,” mumbled Jack.

  “Hey, martial arts guy....” Jan sounded lost, kept hostage by the kisses to the back of his neck.

  Gray went over and knelt on the bed, in front of Jan. As he did, a blind touch from Jan found his suit trousers, pulling him in close.

  They both needed a claiming of their own, this time to chase away their fears over past mistakes and unintended hurt. Gray brushed a hand at Jan’s cheek. They needed each other.

  Jack slipped a hand down to Jan’s cock, and Jan gave such a long groan as he rested his head in the curve of Gray’s throat.

  “Christ, Jack.... Please, baby. It’s okay.”

  Breathing heavy, Jack rutted gently into Jan, no doubt mixing need and oil between them. Then as a grip found Gray’s neck, Jan let out a cry into Gray as Jack eased into him. Jack shivered, stilling, and whispered in Jan’s ear. “Okay, baby?”

  In answer, Jan’s heat found Gray’s lips, and Gray had his breath stolen, pushing him back a touch.

  “Fuck,” breathed Jack. Hands easing down Jan’s sides, Jack kept his strokes long... deep, but so slow that Jan writhed and shifted into Gray, body crying out for more.

  A thin line of perspiration lined Jack’s body, and as Gray gripped Jan’s back, holding him tightly, he skated his fingers down Jack’s side, loving the shift of muscle as Jack lost himself in Jan.

  Jack had rested his head down on Jan’s shoulder, holding him so close with one hand around the waist, then using his grip on the ceiling hoist above to help ease him into Jan.

  Gray had taken them both to the edge for a reason; Jack wouldn’t last long with how he touched Jan. It was there in Jack’s body now, how he shuddered but kept Jan his focus. Jan’s hard kiss to Gray seemed to see it, sense it, come alive in it knowing Jack was tempered, and he let the heat ride his body in the safety, knowing he didn’t need long either.

  “Christ, Jack,” he cried, gripping harder onto Gray. Jack looked at Gray over Jan’s shoulder, and the smile there was too knowing. Gray wrapped a hand around Jan’s cock, and two strokes later, Jan was all theirs.

  “Christ... Christ....” Fine strands of come tasted the inside of Jan’s shirt and abs.

  It wasn’t down to Gray’s touch, as flattering as that would have been. It was just the right hold, the right kiss against lips, the right lovers, with the right moment and whispered word.

  Jan cried out a name, then another, and Gray hid his own hard breathing in Jan’s shoulder when he heard his name called first.

  Jack stilled, allowing the fading orgasm to keep a claim on Jan as long as possible. Then, a long, languid bite into Jan’s shoulder, he pulled free. He was still hard, and as he came back in for a cuddle, no doubt enjoying just the contact of cock against the shape of Jan’s ass, Jan turned on him, instantly easing him back to the bed.

  “Hey there, things,” Jan said softly, now on top of Jack and rutting gently against him. “How you doing?”

  Jack drifted a touch over Jan’s ass, lifting the tail of the white shirt and exposing the soft curve of Jan’s ass. “Carry on doing that,” mumbled Jack, head on Jan’s shoulder, sounding so close, “you’re gonna hurt me, breakdown.”

  Jan groaned, and with one hard rut of hip, he had Jack crying out his come. “Never want to hurt you, baby.”

  Jack crushed a hold around Jan, his release still shaking his body, and he held onto Jan like no one and nothing existed beyond the bed.

  “Sorry I hurt you,” whispered Jack, light kisses running over Jan’s neck. “So sorry I keep scaring you.”

  It tore at Gray. Seeing them there, it killed every part of him, and he eased back, for the first time needing up... needing out.

  A hand on his shirt off Jan tugged him down, then grey eyes met his as a stroke came at his back. Jack rested his head against Gray’s and a deep sigh was given. “Right here,” came the quiet words. “You stay right here by us, mukka.”

  Gray closed his eyes, but that deep fear... that gut instinct crept up. He kept his grief out of sight, how he wanted to say fuck to Sam, fuck to everything beyond the bed, fuck to doing his job, to living away from this, because all this—how he held these two in the aftermath—it was the only thing that ever mattered, and he didn’t want to miss it anymore.

  Chapter 35


  Gray woke to the coldness of an empty bed, and with his arm tucked under his pillow, he lay there on his side, not breathing, just listening.

  From the shower, the soft tread of water came, with low voices seeming to find every which way to be quieter than the water itself. They were doing a lousy job.

  Gray loosened his grip on the pillow. Fresh coffee drifted over from close by, and he eased the stiffness in his body by glancing back over his shoulder. A tray sat on his bedside unit, and through the clear cover coating the plate, a continental breakfast with all the trimmings begged for company as coffee streamed trails into the air. The heat fused with the radio alarm, distorting the numbers slightly, and how it whispered that it had caused him to awake, not the voices drifting over from the en suite.
br />   After giving a rub of fingertips into sleep-sanded eyes, he reached over for the coffee and took a swig, the covers slipping down his chest. The slip of silk against bare skin felt good, and from the pile of yesterday’s clothes stacked neatly next to Gray’s, he wasn’t the only one to find solace in falling to sleep naked, limbs wrapped naturally around limbs.

  He ran a distracted hand over the empty space that cooled next to him, then let it rest there as a mobile rumbled from close by.

  Damn his soul, for a moment he ignored it. He didn’t want to break this moment... the sleepy voices drifting through from the bathroom... the breakfast showing he’d drifted over into sleep-filled thoughts... the attempts to keep talk quiet and not disturb....

  Fuck Sam, Fuck the world, Fuck life beyond this.

  The phone rumbled in the bedside drawer again. He’d had time to lock it away, keep it out of sight, out of focus.

  Fuck Sam. Fuck life outside of this....

  Sitting up and allowing the cool of the studio floor to run under bare feet, Gray rested his elbows on his knees. After a wipe of hand across his face, he opened the drawer and pulled out Logan’s phone.

  Sam had been stripped bare, left bound and curled to his side on a concrete floor. No other detail came from the photo, showing Kes’s professional touch. But tears streaked down dirt-stained cheeks and his ribs sported two dark bruises from the kicking he’d been given.

  Fuck. Gray rubbed at his eyes and dropped his head.

  Just how much of a bastard was he for wanting nothing to touch Jack and Jan? How much of a bastard was he for wanting to run fast and far with them and not have to care about anyone else?

  Steve came into view on the second photo; he sat at his kitchen table, hands hugging a mug of coffee that had long since lost the warmth that steamed Gray’s bedroom now. There was no focus in his eyes, just that same look that Greg had sometimes for Jack, that what did I miss? What the hell did I miss?


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