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Safe With You

Page 3

by Sharon Coady

  He arrived at the mansion and rushed through the front door, wanting to see her beautiful face as quickly as possible. “Tegan! Where are you?” Maybe she is worth taking a chance on.

  “I’m here.”

  Her soft voice caressed his soul. He spun and saw her standing at the foot of the stairs. He rushed to her and took her face in his hands. Searching her eyes, he felt as if he would fall into their depths. “I cannot believe the pull you have on me. Never before have I felt the need to rush home to a woman.”

  “I feel the same way about you. It’s as if we are two souls that have been searching for each other.” She tilted her head as her eyes darkened.

  He brushed his lips against her lush, pouty mouth. “I need you.” He crushed her mouth, hunger rushing through his veins. He grabbed her hand and led her up the steps. Easton pulled her to him, his erection throbbing against her. He pulled at the buttons of her blouse, needing to feel her skin against his own. That small task seemed to be almost too much for him though.

  Taking pity on him, she undid her blouse with steady hands, her eyes never leaving his. He watched as her gaze went to his erection, pushing hard against his jeans. He pulled his T-shirt off and unzipped his jeans, never taking his eyes off her. He was afraid to, afraid that he would miss something. When he pushed the last of his clothes off and freed himself, she smiled and dropped to her knees in front of him. He gasped as she looked up at him and took him into her mouth, running her tongue around his tip.

  “Shit,” he whispered as he gritted his teeth and pushed her back. He looked down and saw desire burning in her eyes.

  “Did I do something wrong?” she smiled up at him through hooded eyes.

  “I want to bury myself inside of you, not come in your mouth.” He took her hands and pulled her up so he could carry her to his bed. “I want to ravish you tonight.” He kissed her before setting her down.

  A wicked smile crossed her face as she lay back on his bed. He lay down beside her and ran his hands over her silken skin. Kissing her mouth until she was breathless, he moved down her neck to her breasts, sucking one nipple then the other as she moaned, running her fingers in his hair. His hands caressed her as he moved farther down her body. He glanced up to see her eyes hooded and her breath quicken as he blew his warm breath over her sensitive spot.

  She moaned louder, almost sending him over the edge. No way, not tonight. He wanted to feel her silkiness around him. He moved slowly back up her body as he moved between her legs and placed himself at her opening.

  “Look at me,” he demanded as she closed her eyes. As she opened them and focused on his, he thrust himself into her sweet core, feeling her warm wetness around him. She kept her eyes on his as he slowly moved in and out of her silkiness. Each time she moaned and started to close her eyes, he would stop and demand her to look at him.

  He quickened his pace, his desire taking over all other thoughts. He needed his seed to fill her, to make her completely his. He watched her eyes darken even more before he crushed her mouth with his as they both went over the edge together. Spent, he lay still as she pulsed around him, milking every drop.

  She sighed and stroked his back.

  “Shit.” He rolled off of her, putting his hands over his face. “I’m so sorry.”

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, rising up onto an elbow.

  “I was so caught up in my need for you, we didn’t use protection.” He propped himself up too so he could look her in the eyes. “I didn’t mean to put us in this position.”

  She tilted her head. “I didn’t think about it either.” She put her hands over her face, groaning slightly. “What did I do?”

  “Hey, we did it, not just you.” He pulled her hands away from her face. “I assume, judging by your reaction, you aren’t taking birth control?”

  “No. I haven’t had any reason to. I’m so sorry.”

  “Well, this just got a whole lot more complicated.” Sighing with frustration, he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled on his jeans. “I swore I would never get into a relationship with anyone after watching my parents. And if you end up pregnant, that kind of pushes us toward something we haven’t even really talked about.”

  Tegan stood as she wrapped a sheet around her. “We got caught up in the moment. We don’t know if anything will even come of it. I think we might be getting a little ahead of ourselves, don’t you?”

  Easton shrugged. He didn’t know what to think.

  “However, the feelings and passion I felt just now, with you, is something I’ve never experienced before. I really think we may have something together.” She looked at him, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Those sweet lips he’d just been kissing. He couldn’t deny it either, not if he was being honest with himself.

  “What if you’re wrong?” he asked, not wanting to rush this or assume it was more than just a one time thing.

  “What if I’m not?”

  “Look, I have to go clear my head. I’ll be back.” He tugged his shirt over his head. This was going a little too fast for him. He shouldn’t have jumped into bed with her when he still wasn’t sure he should be in a relationship. They were poisonous. Thoughts of his mother taking her own life kept swimming to the forefront of his mind.

  Tegan sighed and walked toward him, her eyes holding his, something silently begging him to see her, to feel the truth in what she said. Tegan placed her hand over his heart. “Maybe we do belong together. Maybe you should think of all that we could have together.”

  Almost of it’s own free will, his hand moved slowly and he placed it on her chest over her heart. He could feel her heart softly beating. He opened his eyes and leaned down, placing his arms around her and his ear against her chest. Her heart sped up, matching the beat of his.

  “I’m not denying what I feel for you, but it scares the hell out of me.”

  “It scares me too, but I feel I have been waiting for you my entire life.” The corners of her mouth turned up into a tempting, wicked smile.

  “I promise I’ll be back. I just need a little time to put my thoughts together, and I think better when I’m driving.” Leaning down, he gave her a tender kiss.

  “Wait until tomorrow. It’s late and you are still not used to this town. I promise to be good and leave you alone for a bit so you can think.” She got up and started dressing, apparently trying to prove to him she was serious.

  Sighing, he muttered, “We’ll see.” He walked into his bathroom and turned on the shower.

  Chapter Four

  Easton’s eyes opened and he glanced around, disoriented from his troubled sleep. Rolling over, he checked the clock. “Six-thirty? When did I go to bed?” Throwing the covers back, he climbed off the bed and made his way into the bathroom. Was last night a dream? It must have been a dream. That was it, some type of weird dream. He leaned over the sink and splashed cold water on his face. Images of her with him, making love and touching every inch of that beautiful body flashed through his mind. “Definitely wasn’t a dream. Too real,” he told his reflection.

  Shaking his head, he dried his face, got dressed quickly, and went downstairs to go hunt down Tegan. His nose caught the scent of bacon and coffee wafting through the air and his stomach rumbled. Making his way into the kitchen, he found her standing at the stove making breakfast.

  “Good morning. That smells great.”

  She glanced back over her shoulder, her beautiful smile lighting her face. “Good morning. I hope you’re hungry I have made you a feast.”

  “I’m starving.” He found his feet taking him to her. Taking her in his arms, he kissed her just behind her ear. “About last night...”

  She spun and pulled his mouth to hers. “It was perfect.” Tegan kissed him, drawing him in again. “It was magnificent for me.”

  “Me too. What do we do now? I don’t know why I think I’m in love with you, we just met.” He dropped his head onto her shoulder. “I’m rambling like an idiot.”

  “I love yo
u as well.” She released him and went back to his breakfast. “I really hope you are hungry. I made us a big breakfast.”

  “It smells wonderful.” He took the plate she handed him and sat down at the table to eat. “What time did I go to bed?” He watched her as he scarfed down the meal.

  “Not late. You said you wanted to think about things and you kissed me and went to your room. Do you not remember?”

  He paused, his fork halfway to his mouth. “No, I don’t. The last thing I remember is telling you I was going for a drive to think because everything is moving too quickly for me.” He placed his fork on his plate. “I’m going for that drive now.” He saw her glance at him, her brows raised in apparent surprise. “I told you last night I think better when I’m driving, and I need to get out of here for a while. I’m not leaving for good.”

  She nodded. “I will see you when you return. I don’t understand why you keep wanting to run away from me.”

  He stood and took her into his arms. “I just need some time.” He walked out of the kitchen, through the front door, climbed into his Jeep, and drove away.

  Easton found himself sweating in the cool morning air. The further he got from her, the worse he felt. But he needed time to sort through these feelings that were hitting him so quickly. He knew part of what was freaking him out was the fact they had put each other at risk by possibly bringing a child into the picture. Man, I have to get my head on straight. He kept on course and exited onto the interstate.

  His mind raced with thoughts and images of his mother. He had realized at a young age that she was unhappy in her marriage. Had she ever been in love with his stepfather? He didn’t want to end up in a similar situation; it’s why he’d never wanted a relationship.

  When he made it fifty miles, he pulled off the first exit into a gas station and parked. He looked around the desolate place and sighed. He felt so depressed and lonely without Tegan here. A fact that bothered him even more. How could one woman mean so much to him in such a short amount of time?

  “You okay, buddy?”

  He glanced in the direction of the voice. An older man with gray hair and kind blue eyes was watching him. “I’m fine.”

  “I beg to differ with you. You look like you’re trying to decide the fate of the world.”

  “It’s a woman.” He glanced at the man. “I’m a bit confused about how fast things are happening.” Easton shook his head. First falling for Tegan then talking to a stranger about his doubts. What is wrong with me? I’ve become needy.

  “They have a way of doing that. Getting under your skin and making you question everything you believe in, including your own thoughts. Look, why don’t you let me buy you a coffee so you can collect yourself? Name is George, by the way.”

  “Easton.” He shook George’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  He slapped Easton on the back. “This way, son. Connie makes a mean cup of coffee.”

  “You come here often?” He followed George into the coffee shop beside the station.

  “Every day. Don’t have much to do at home these days. Lost my wife last year. Can’t make coffee so I come and see Connie, have my coffee, and read the paper. Makes me feel less lonely.” He shrugged. “Sounds pathetic, doesn’t it?”

  “I don’t think so.” He felt bad for George. “How long were you married?” he asked as he slid into the booth across from George.

  “Sixty-three years.” He sighed. “We didn’t always get along, but we always loved each other.” He looked up when the waitress walked up. “Hey Connie. This is my new friend, Easton.”

  Connie’s mouth turned up into a smile that lit up her face. He noticed her eyes twinkled when she looked at George. She was an older woman, although maybe not quite as old as George. But it looked like she had some feelings for him, judging by the way she was looking. “Hello, Easton.”

  “Hi.” Easton watched the way the two of them were stealing glances at each other. They couldn’t quite meet each other’s gaze. George was even blushing.

  “So George, the usual?” She smiled and leaned her hip against the table.

  George nodded. “One for my friend as well.”

  “Sure. We also have a fresh apple pie I just took out of the oven about ten minutes ago. It’s still warm. Made it myself.”

  George glanced at Easton, eyebrow raised. “You want a slice of pie? Connie makes the best pies.”


  Connie wrote down their orders and turned, calling over her shoulder, “I’ll be right back with the coffee and two pieces of pie.”

  George watched her walk away. Easton cleared his throat and George looked at him, a blush spreading over his face.

  “She seems very sweet.”

  “She is. So what’s up with this woman who has you all tied up in knots?”

  “I wouldn’t even know where to start.” He sat back and crossed his arms.

  George leaned forward, his brow furrowed. “The beginning is usually the best place.”

  Easton wondered if he could trust this stranger to hear him out. George had the kindest eyes he had ever seen in another person. He sat contemplating what to say.

  “It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it, son, after all, you don’t know me. We can just eat and talk about the weather, if you want.”

  “No, its fine. I’m just trying to get my thoughts in order.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  Connie came back with their pie and coffee, setting each of theirs in front of them. “Will there be anything else?”

  “Nope, we’re good.”

  Connie nodded and walked away.

  “The floor is all yours, let me have it.” He sat back and motioned with his hand for Easton to continue as he started eating his pie.

  He spilled everything to George from the moment he arrived at the mansion until the time he left earlier today. “I didn’t have the greatest childhood. My mom and dad didn’t have a great marriage, and it didn’t end well. I swore to myself that I would never be in a serious relationship. Then I met her, and I’m questioning everything I’d sworn I’d never do.” He left out the details of their sexual encounter. He watched George’s eyes while he talked, never seeing any judgment or shock in them. He picked up his fork and started scarfing down his pie.

  George ran a hand down his face. “It sounds to me like she’s clearly gotten to you. Maybe a bit more than you’d like at the moment.” George cleaned up the last of his pie and placed the fork down on his plate.

  “I don’t know what to think. But I know this—whatever it is, I am drawn to her. I want to get in my damn Jeep and go right back. Am I crazy?”

  “Son, sometimes the heart knows what we want before we do. I don’t think you’re crazy, I think you’re scared. Is that why you took off, you needed some time to think it over?”

  “I don’t know if I’m strong enough to stay away from her,” Easton said with a slight chuckle, feeling somewhat embarrassed with this pronouncement.

  George reached across the table and laid his hand on top of Easton’s. “Look, before I met my wife, I was young and carefree. But I was in this relationship that I thought was going to last, and it was a hard breakup. She didn’t want the same things as me. I swore off women and getting close to anyone.”

  He looked at him. “Really? So what changed your mind?”

  “Oh, trust me, it didn’t happen right away. I met Alice though. She wanted more, and at first, I didn’t. I was scared. Same as you are, I reckon. She didn’t give up on me.” He took a sip of coffee. “Took me a long time to figure out all relationships weren’t bad. Sometimes some of them are, but everything that happens to us helps shape us into who we end up being in the end.”

  Easton ran a hand through his hair, sighed, and nodded his head once. He had kept his entire life bottled up inside. All the secrets of his mother, the shit he had dealt with his entire life from the damn man he had lived with. “Thanks for hearing me out. I’m not used to being the one doing the talki

  George gave a knowing smile. “Tell me as much or as little as you want, I won’t judge.” He waved to Connie for the bill. “I live about five minutes from here, feel up to carrying on this conversation at my place? We could sit in comfort, and it would give you a chance to wrap your head around this relationship-in-the-making.”

  Easton thought for a moment and glanced around, noticing it was starting to fill up. He wasn’t ready to go back, and this man had helped him more in the last half an hour or so just listening. It was almost like having a caring father or grandfather. Easton couldn’t resist the temptation of spilling more of his guts. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

  “I wouldn’t have offered if I minded.” George pulled out his wallet and placed some money on the table. “Come on then. You can follow me there.”

  Chapter Five

  Easton followed George to a small, yellow bungalow. The home’s front porch was large and held two rockers and a little wooden table. When Easton followed George through the front door, he was not surprised to see that it was cozy and still held a woman’s touch. There were pictures of his wife and children displayed everywhere. George invited him to sit on the sofa and went into the kitchen. Instead of sitting, Easton walked around the living room, studying the pictures. Everyone held the smiling faces of the people who lived here. He turned when he heard George returning with the two glasses of iced tea.

  “Sorry I don’t have anything stronger, Alice didn’t like alcohol in the house.”

  “It’s fine. I love iced tea. Thanks again for this. Your family appears to be friendly, just like you. I was looking at some of the pictures while you got the drinks.”

  Sadness came over George’s face. “Alice was a wonderful wife and mother. She doted on all of us. The girl with the dark hair is our oldest, Julie. She’s married and lives in France with her husband. They have four boys now. Haven’t seen her since Alice died. She flew in for the funeral without her family. I was hoping to get to see the kids.” Shaking his head, he sighed. “Haven’t seen them since they were little guys.”


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