Safe With You

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Safe With You Page 6

by Sharon Coady

  A look of pure bliss spread over her face, making him smile. This was where he wanted and needed to be every day of his life. Tegan met his thrusts, placing her legs around him so he could bury himself deeper inside of her. The feeling of being so completely sheathed by her was almost his undoing. She moaned as he grabbed her bottom. Lifting her hips, he plunged faster and harder into her. This time, she screamed his name just as his own world seemed to explode into glorious bliss. They lay, wrapped in each other’s arms for what seemed like an eternity afterward, just enjoying each other. Easton felt so completely at peace with the world around him.

  Tegan stretched. “Never in my life have I felt anything like this.” She rolled over to face him. “I have a lot to do. Would you mind starting breakfast?” Reaching out, she cupped his face. “I am sorry if it seems like I am using you, and then leaving you. It is just my dreams last night…” She shook her head as if trying to rid herself of a gruesome image. “Plus, your visitor is coming and we need to be ready. So we need to get up and get busy.”

  Easton smiled, although it didn’t reach his stomach. Something about meeting this unknown person had him feeling uneasy, but he didn’t want Tegan to know that. “Sure, I have this. One amazing breakfast coming up.” As she slipped off the bed, he felt a terrible emptiness. Reaching for her hand, he pulled her down for a soft kiss. “I love you,” he whispered quietly, not quite sure where this sudden outbreak of emotions was coming from, but he knew he meant it just the same. “I never knew I could love someone so much, but then, here you come waltzing into my life and changing everything.” He stroked her face lovingly, enjoying the look of complete happiness that spread over her features.

  “I love you too,” she whispered back. She bent down and kissed him softly before lifting her head and staring at him for a moment. “I will not be long,” she said quietly. She straightened up and strode to the door, pausing for a moment to look back at him before opening the door to Harry meowing loudly. He was apparently scolding her for taking too long.

  Easton chuckled. “Sounds like he’s upset with you.”

  “He is. But he will get over it once he is fed. His food is in the blue container in the kitchen pantry. You sure you do not mind?”

  “Nope, I think I can handle feeding a cat.”

  “Thanks.” Tegan smiled at him, bent over and scratched Harry’s head, and then disappeared down the hallway, leaving Easton feeling somewhat hollow and lonely without her in his sight.

  He slid out of bed and took a quick shower before heading downstairs to the kitchen. First, he made a pot of coffee and poured himself a cup. Today, I’ll make a breakfast of fruit and oatmeal since she didn’t like eggs or bacon last time. Hopefully, she’d like it. He was just finishing up the oatmeal when he heard her walk into the kitchen.

  “Did you sleep all right last night?” His eyes twinkled and a smile spread across his lips.

  “I did. Probably the best I have in years. How about you?” Tegan wrapped her arms around him, pressing her body against his back.

  Harry waddled over and sat down on top of Easton’s foot. “I’m sorry, did I forget you? How did you sleep last night?”

  Harry sat up straight and looked Easton in the eyes before meowing loudly. Easton chuckled, amused with the cat. “It sounded like he was trying to answer me.”

  Tegan touched his arm. “I told you he was special,”

  “That you did, and the more I see of him, the more I believe it.” Easton shook his head while turning to plate their food. “Last night, I had a dream about this man who claimed to be my father. It’s been a long time since I’ve even cared about that man.” Easton stared out the window to the rugged outdoors beyond, trying to see the man his mind had invented. “Now, I feel like I should meet him or at least find out who he is. Maybe it’s being in this house or finding you.”

  “No, you probably never admitted it to yourself or anyone else before that you wanted to know who he is. But you are a caring man who feels deeply. Now that we have been together in the most intimate of ways, I see your emotions, I feel like I know your thoughts and your memories. You are no longer alone. You have me now.”

  “My uncle knew all this, didn’t he?” He looked into her eyes. “Did he know who my father was?” He tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “He never told me if he did or not, but your uncle knew many things. I know it is hard for you to believe me. I see in your eyes you do not know what to believe.” She placed the palm of her hand on his face. “I promise you will learn the truth soon.”

  “I hope sooner rather than later,” Easton mumbled. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. It will be fine.”

  “When are you going to tell me who this mystery person is?” He took her hand and placed a kiss on her palm. “And where are they coming from?”

  Tegan grabbed the table and closed her eyes. “I prayed that this could wait until she was here, but you ask so many questions.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?” He felt his heart thumping in his chest. Somehow, he felt Tegan was about to change his world again, but in a way he wasn’t quite sure he was ready for.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Your grandmother is coming here to meet with us.” Her eyes searched his face as if she needed to see his reaction.

  “My grandmother? What are you talking about? I don’t have a grandmother. If I did, I think I would have met her before now.” Easton raked a hand through his hair.

  “You have a grandmother. Your maternal grandmother.” She reached for his hand, twining her fingers in his. “She has been waiting for the right time to come to you.”

  “If my grandmother is still alive, why didn’t she come to me before?” He pulled his hand away from hers. “Why didn’t she get me out of that house where I lived in hell for the last twenty-one years? Why would she leave me with a man who abused me every day after my mom died?”

  “She had to stay away to protect you,” Tegan whispered as tears fell from her eyes.

  “Protect me? She stayed away to protect me? From what?” Easton pushed his plate away. “Wouldn’t it have protected me more if she would have removed me from that house when I was eight?”

  Tegan shook her head. “Trust me, she wanted to come get you, to take you back to the other world where she lives. But there are things you do not understand that were put in place many years ago. Things that she could not change.”

  Easton lifted his head and met her eyes. “Other world? What the hell are you talking about?”

  She sighed and clasped her hands together. “Your grandmother is a very important witch, who had to stay away to protect you and your identity until it was time to reveal herself to you. Even now, she is waiting until the time is right to come to you.”

  “A witch?” Shaking his head, he laughed harshly. “We talked about this, Tegan. I told you I don’t believe in all that mumbo jumbo stuff.”

  “And I told you, the song your mother sang was a protection spell she was placing on you. Your grandmother has kept that spell going to keep you protected.”

  “So what? Now you’re going to tell me my mother was a witch as well?”

  “She was.”

  He stood and started pacing the room, thoughts running through his head, memories of his mother holding him, singing her song. If his mother was a witch, why would she have taken her own life and left him alone? Why wouldn’t she do some magic and get them away from Thomas Ruden?

  He spun around, rushing to Tegan and taking her by the shoulders. “If she was a witch, why’d she kill herself? Can you tell me that? Why didn’t she weave a spell to take us away or make him leave? Why didn’t she bring us back to my grandmother?” He walked to the cabinet, leaned back, and slid to the floor. “I don’t understand.”

  “I know you do not. I don’t understand all of it either, but I know your mother was a very important witch.” She sat down beside him.

  “If she was so important, why’d she leave?”

  “That is something we should discuss with your grandmother.”

  He lifted his head and met her eyes. “Am I going to truly meet her?”

  Tegan nodded.

  “Is she really a witch?” He watched her nod again. “What is this other world you mentioned?”

  “It is actually another world where our coven lives. This house is a bridge between the two worlds.”

  “Will I get to see it?”

  “I am hoping you do. I would like to go home. I have been here a long time, helping your uncle and waiting to meet you.”

  He put his arm around her and pulled her against him. “I’m not sure I believe any of this.”

  She placed her hand on his chest as she leaned her head against his shoulder. “It is true whether you believe it or not. I am sorry to cause you so much confusion and hurt. I was hoping we would be able to wait for her.”

  “So, this grandmother of mine really is a witch?” He kissed the top of her head.

  “Yes. As I said, she is a very important witch.”

  He sat quietly for a bit, trying to digest all the information she’d given him. Leaning his head back on the cabinet, he wondered for the millionth time why his mother didn’t take them away from the Thomas. Now, more than ever, it perplexed him. If she was a witch, why didn’t she do something?

  “I want to change my name,” he muttered.

  “What?” She pushed away from him, looking up into his eyes. “Why would you change your name?”

  Easton glanced down at her. “I want all ties to that man erased. I don’t want to carry his name. I want to take my mother’s maiden name. Her maiden name was Ross.” He watched her eyes widen.

  “Ross? No, that was not your mother’s maiden name.”

  “Yes it was.” Easton tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I know that was her name.”

  “That was the name she used in this world. It was for her protection.” She traced her hand down his jaw. “Her true name was Arietta Brack.” She tilted her head and it looked to him as if she had gotten lost in thought for a moment.

  “Hey.” He lifted her chin. “Where’d you go?”

  “I have to tell you something. Your mother was a powerful witch who left our coven years ago, saying she wanted to find her own way. She was told to not use her last name to protect herself and her line. If an enemy found out who you truly are, it would not be good since you are of witch blood.”

  “Why would anyone be my enemy?”

  She placed her hand on his chest. “Your mother was royalty.”

  “How can that be?”

  She sighed. “It just is. We must keep your true name secret, for both of our protection. If we do not, I shudder at what may happen. Please. I think you know deep in your heart that I speak the truth. When you open your mind, you will know it is so.” She stood and smoothed the front of her dress before turning to face Easton. “In the meantime, we will wait for your grandmother to meet us so she can tell you everything.” She reached out her hand. “Please, let’s eat. You will need your strength.”

  He nodded his head as one side of his mouth curled up just enough to crease his dimple. “If any of this is true, which I don’t believe it is, will there be magic involved?”

  She laughed. “Aw, it’s true, even if you do not believe it.”

  “May I ask you another question?” He stuck his fork into a piece of meat he’d just cut. When she nodded, he continued, “What is my grandmother protecting me from? Why would my mother have put a spell on me to hide me? I’m confused about that part.”

  “I do not know yet. It may have something to do about hiding you from the man you lived with. But I am worried that it may have something more to do with who your father is. If he was also part of our world, he may have been involved in dark magic. Perhaps something sinister your mother did not know about at first.”

  He dropped his head and swallowed hard. His real father may not even know he existed. Easton sincerely hoped his father wasn’t evil. Damn, he’d lived with a horrible person for his entire life. Could he just get a break?

  Tegan hurried to the fridge and returned with a pitcher of lemonade she’d made earlier, pouring some into each glass. She placed the pitcher on the table after setting down each glass. “I hope you will continue to try to keep an open mind. It is important for you to.”

  “I will try.” He leaned forward and grabbed her hand, pulling it to his lips and placing a kiss on the back of her hand. “I feel overwhelmed.” He raked a hand through his hair.

  “This has been overwhelming for both of us. There has been so many changes in such a short time. You went from living a normal, human life to being told magic and witches not only exist, but you could be one.” She raised a brow. “I think anyone would feel overwhelmed.” She winked at him.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, Tegan shook him awake. “You need to come with me right now. Hurry, get your clothes on.” She stood rocking from foot to foot as he dressed quickly before pulling on his sneakers. She motioned him to follow her as she walked quickly out of the room and down the stairs. He followed her past the kitchen to a door that led down to the basement. Once down the stairs, she walked to a corner, motioning for him to follow her. Tugging a dark cloth off a large mirror, Tegan started a singsong chant. The face of the mirror began to swirl.

  “Come. Follow me quickly.” She stepped into the mirror as Easton stared after her. “Hurry!” Her voice echoed around the room.

  Easton stepped through, holding onto the side of the mirror for just a moment. Dizziness hit him for a second as nausea clenched his stomach. Darkness swallowed him, and just as he thought he was lost, he suddenly found himself on secure footing in a beautiful meadow of grass and wildflowers surrounded by a forest. The scent of flowers and the sight of the bright blue, cloudless sky meeting the dark green of the trees assaulted his senses.

  He swore he could feel the energy of the earth beneath his feet, pulsing through him. He blinked and rubbed his eyes before he turned to find Tegan standing in front of a beautiful, slender woman in a dark emerald gown. Her long, flowing, auburn hair framed her heart-shaped face, eyes the same green as her dress peered at him. She had the stance of someone from royalty, and he had the thought she would look more at home in a palace than standing barefoot on the thick carpet of grass. A halo of light surrounded her as she spoke softly to Tegan.

  He stepped beside her. “Where are we?”

  “In the other realm. This is the Witch Mother, Nalia. She is your grandmother.”

  “It is nice to meet you, Easton.” Nalia took his hand. “I am so sorry for not reaching out to you sooner. I have spent years protecting you from afar. I could not come to you sooner for your own protection. I could not risk your life.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at him before reaching out to touch his face. “I see the pain in your eyes, and I am so sorry to have any part of that. Please, both of you follow me.” Nalia turned and walked softly over the grass, leading them to the one large tree standing in the center of the field. They stepped under the large canopy into the coolness of the shade. The old tree had great roots that oddly formed beautiful benches. Nalia motioned for them to sit. “Easton, sit here please.” She patted a spot by her.

  “I know you have many questions. I will let you ask them once I have explained some things to you. You are a descendant of the Brack bloodline. A royal bloodline of witches that goes back generations. Arietta, your mother, wished to leave the safety of our world. She went to explore the human world where you were born. It is not uncommon for young witches to do this.”

  She took his hand in hers. “Unfortunately, you are also a descendant of a powerful, but dark bloodline of druids that is full of dark magic and deception, in which our main problem lies. Between our bloodline and theirs, your line will be the most magical line ever born because of the combination of good and evil. The problem being that since this has never happened before, we
did not know what side you would reign over. This would be decided when you were older. That is why we had to keep you hidden in the human world and keep you safe from the darkness that is your father’s line.”

  “What?” He blinked. “Did you see how my life was? Did you know that I was bullied every day after my mother died?”

  Nalia hung her head. “I did. But we had to keep you hidden from those who would wish to use you for evil or destroy you if you refused.”

  “I was not sure why your mother was with your father. But I believe that she fell in love with him, and contrary to what I thought possible, he fell in love with her. Once you were born, your mother cast a powerful spell of protection on you that kept you hidden for years. But I have been watching you all along, and I have had witches in place to keep you safe since your mother died.”

  “You do know my mother killed herself, right?” His voice broke with the pain of saying it out loud.

  “She did not,” Nalia said softly. “It is the story that man told you. I hated that you had to think that all these years. She did not leave you Easton, she was taken from you.”

  “How will you learn anything, since his father left without knowing he was even conceived?” Tegan reached over to touch his hand. Easton grabbed onto it as if it were a life preserver thrown into an ocean to keep him from drowning.

  Nalia smiled. “Patience my child. A druid knows from conception, they hear and are aware of more than you can understand.” She turned to Easton and placed her hand over his. Her eyes widened, a smile crossed her lips, and her light radiated brightly. The forest went silent. “You are a very powerful Druid. You have strong magic inside of you. Because of the danger you are in now, we need to train you quickly. Now that you have been with Tegan, there has been a ripple in the force that divides the worlds. The dark realm is looking for you.”

  Easton’s eyes met hers. “I’m in danger?”

  “Your mother’s magic is strong. She wove it deep into your mind, singing spells from the moment she knew you were conceived. She also wove a spell preventing any witch or druid to see who your father was.”


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