Safe With You

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Safe With You Page 7

by Sharon Coady

  “She was in love with him, and he fell in love with her. When she told him she was with child, they made the decision that he would leave to protect you. He left her, telling her not to seek him out, to keep the child they had made secret, and to never tell anyone lest it get back to his realm.”

  Her eyes focused on his for a moment. “He knew—he protected you as well. He has watched you from the dark realm, reinforcing her spells along with mine to keep you hidden. He protects you at great peril to himself, and you, if he fails. I have never known of a dark Druid to have such compassion and love. Let go of the hate and anger you harbor for him. He is a father who has been making the ultimate sacrifice for his child. He has been in contact with me through secret means, so we could both work to keep you safe. We never involved anyone else.” She turned to Tegan. “I am sorry I could not tell you any of this. We needed you to be in the dark as well.”

  Nalia stood. “We have much to do and quickly. Come with me. We must prepare for the possibility of what may soon come for you. Easton, I am going to contact your father so he knows you are with me now. He needs to be aware of what is going on, and he will know how close the threat is. I do not think they have been able to get past your mother’s protective spells yet, or they would be at your door by now, but they are getting closer. We just need to know how much time we have.”

  She stood and moved around the tree, motioning for them to follow. “We are safe here, but let us move out of sight and into my home. Even the trees can switch sides should they become angry.” She placed her hand on the enormous tree’s bark and said some words Easton didn’t understand. A glow radiated from her palm, and a door appeared in the wood. Nalia opened it and motioned for Easton to enter. “Welcome to my home.”

  After they walked through the door, Nalia pulled it closed and said some more words, sealing it shut. She then lifted her hand and a small flame illuminated the area. Easton saw a stairway leading upwards.

  “How is this here?” he asked Tegan. The tree was enormous on the outside, but how could it have such an intricate stairway inside its trunk?

  “Many things are not what they seem.” She took his hand and they followed Nalia up the stairway. When they came to the end of the stairs, they entered an open circular room.

  “Now I’m even more confused,” he whispered. In the center, Easton saw a low table with an assortment of candles, stones, and bottles of oils and herbs. Nalia walked to the table and lit a red candle. “What’s going on?”

  “The Witch Mother is going to have us perform magic that will put a protection spell on us while we are here in this realm. It is customary, especially when we are in her home.”

  Nalia walked behind the table. “It will also help to hide you longer, Easton. Sometimes, when there is a ripple between realms, it can be followed. I have druids and witches working in the human realm to try to place further spells around the house. I ask your permission for us to do this spell.”

  Tegan lowered her head. “I give you my permission.”

  “I give you mine too.” He lowered his head when Tegan tightened her hold on his hand.

  “If you will, both of you choose a glass from there.” She pointed to a set of shelves along the wall. “Then bring it to me, and we will get started.”

  Easton moved slowly to the wall and glanced at the shelves. He reached for a small glass but stopped when he saw the crystal goblet embellished with a dragon, sitting near the corner of the shelf. He picked it up and walked back to the table, followed closely by Tegan, who held a long stemmed glass.

  “Good. Set them down in front of you on the table.” She lifted a bottle of red wine from the table and poured some into each glass before she uncorked a small bottle and sprinkled something into the air. “Cinnamon,” she said just before Easton could ask. “Now dip your finger in and give it a little stir.” She nodded for them to do as she bid.

  Easton felt foolish doing as she asked, but he did it, watching Tegan to make sure he was doing it correctly.

  “Good, now run that fingertip around the rim of the glass until you hear a ringing tone. When you hear the tone, watch the flame of the candle and visualize it shining out of you.”

  Easton watched the flame, very aware that Nalia was watching him intently.

  “Drink the wine and feel the warmth of it flow through you.”

  Easton picked up his glass and drank the wine quickly, glancing over at Tegan to find her watching the candle as well.

  “Good, now set the glass down by the candle. The power of fire will help protect you. I know you are having trouble believing any of this Easton. But I am glad you are trying to understand. Just know that what we do, we are doing to protect you. I cannot stress that enough.”

  “It’s a lot to take in. I don’t understand how any of this can be true.” He looked around and spread his arms. “I mean, I’m inside of a tree, in a room doing spells to protect me from being killed. What’s hard to believe about that?” He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. “If I told anyone about this, they’d lock me up.”

  “I am truly am sorry. I wish you had more time to absorb this, but it is useless to wish for what we cannot have. Come, let us go inside now.” Nalia motioned for them to follow her again. They stepped through a small, curved doorway and into a tree house that had not been visible from the ground.

  “Why didn’t I see this when we were walking to the tree?” he asked. “It’s pretty damn big not to have noticed, and I was looking all over.” Easton’s nerves were on edge about everything.

  “Because it is cloaked and protected by my magic. You know the home you live in is protected the same way by Tegan’s magic?”

  “No, I did not.” He glanced around at the seemingly vast room with a fireplace, two sofas, and walls filled with more books than his library at home. Nalia motioned for them to follow her, and they turned into a narrow, twisting hallway where they walked past a multitude of round windows that allowed light to filter in.

  Nalia smiled. “It will get easier, the more you learn. Let us sit down and eat so we can map out the plan for your training.”

  Tegan stood up straighter. “Do you think that’s necessary? I mean, training him so soon after he’s just learned that he’s a druid?”

  “You question my wisdom, little one?” Nalia asked gently.

  “No, Witch Mother. Please forgive me. I just worry about him.” She lowered her head, palms up.

  Easton moved to take Tegan’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to let her know that he was okay with this new course. She returned the gesture and smiled as they spilled out into a decent-sized kitchen that reminded him of the Hobbit movie. A wood stove sat on one wall and a big, worn wooden table sat in the center of the warm room.

  Nalia smiled at them. “Come, sit at my table and I will make us a meal. As I said, we have much to plan and talk about. Tegan, you and Easton will sleep together in the bedroom just over there.” She pointed to her right. “My room is on this side over here.” She motioned to her left.

  “Wait, we’re staying here with you?” Easton asked, suddenly feeling confused and annoyed. He felt like he was being shoved into this world much faster than he was ready to be. He knew he was being hunted, but he wasn’t quite sure if that qualified for twenty-four hour babysitting from his newly discovered relative. Even if she was the all-powerful witch she claimed to be.

  “Until we make sure it is safe for you to return to the other realm, you will need to stay here with me. I think you will find everything you need to be comfortable. There is a bathroom just over there.”

  Easton and Tegan sat down and looked at each other, not speaking. In truth, he didn’t know how to put words to what he was feeling. Overwhelmed was the best he could come up with. He glanced over to see Nalia stirring something that smelled wonderful, earthy and rich. He felt antsy and needed to move around. “Do you have something I can get for us to drink? Maybe some lemonade or something?”

  “I have
some good wine. I think you will find it to your liking.”

  He turned to see a small bottle sitting in the center of the table that he hadn’t noticed earlier. This place gets more curious the longer we are here. He picked it up, uncorked it, and smelled it. Shrugging his shoulders, he poured a small amount into one of the glassed that had appeared just as mysteriously. Raising the glass to his lips, he took a small sip. “This is wonderful. It’s very fruity tasting.”

  Turning to Tegan, he offered her some as well. She nodded and poured hers before filling his glass. “Would you like me to pour you a drink as well?” He glanced over his shoulder.

  “That would be nice.” Nalia laughed, a sound that was sweet and melodic.

  Easton laughed. “I’m sure there are many things that I need to learn, Witch Mother. How long do you think we’ll have to be here?”

  “As I said, as long as I deem. My purpose is to protect you and keep you alive.” She turned from the stove and smiled. “Come, help me put this meal on the table.”

  Before Easton could move, Tegan jumped up and hurried to pick up a platter of meat. “This smells wonderful.” She walked carefully to the table and set it down in the center before going back to the counter and grabbing a large bowl of roasted potatoes and carrots. She set them beside the warm bread Easton had placed on the table. “My goodness, I did not realize how hungry I was.” Glancing up, she smiled as he helped her scoot her chair forward before taking his seat again.

  “It does look wonderful.” Easton scooped a large spoonful of the roasted potatoes onto his plate before passing them on. He glanced up and turned his attention to Nalia. “I was wondering what will you be teaching me while we’re here.”

  “You will train with me to learn how to fight during the day. Tegan will work with you on your spells. She is a very powerful witch, a force to be reckoned with. It is why she was sent to protect the house, and then you when you showed up. She has been hiding you with powerful spells since you arrived.”

  Easton slowly lowered his spoon. He felt his jaw go slack, and he turned to look into Tegan’s eyes. “You’re a powerful witch, as well?”

  Tegan glanced at him as a sly little smile turned up her mouth. “Yes. I have been hinting at it since we met.”

  Easton dropped his head. “I don’t know what to think.” Taking a deep breath, he glanced up at Nalia. “Are there others like us out in the human world?”

  “Yes there are. They stay here, living amongst the humans to keep the dark ones from destroying everything. For many years, they have done well.”

  “I sure as heck don’t know how or why either of you think I am this powerful druid you speak about.”

  Nalia smiled and touched his shoulder. “Because it is true. I have watched you since your birth. I know who you are and what you are capable of learning.” She turned to Tegan. “While I work with the young druid in the physical part of the training—”

  “I am able to help you with that part as well. With two of us working with him, he would progress faster.”

  “I will do the physical training. I need you to be very careful.”

  Tegan froze. “Why can’t I be part of the physical training? I’m perfectly capable.”

  “Young witch, I want you safely here. Some of the training I will be doing with him will be dangerous for you to be around.”

  “Why would it be dangerous?” Tegan held her palm up quickly. “I mean no disrespect.” She bowed, eyes down. “Again, I am not fearful of physical training.”

  “I know you are not Tegan. Any other time, I would welcome your help, but for the sake of the child you carry, I need you to be careful. We both need you to be careful.”

  Easton knocked his chair over as he shoved forcefully to his feet, hands splayed on the table. “What are you talking about?” he sputtered. He heard a sharp intake of breath and saw Tegan’s wide eyes out of the corner of his eye. He glanced at her pale face, seeing the same surprised expression he was sure was on his own.

  “How…What… But we…” she managed to splutter as she covered her stomach protectively with her hands.

  Nalia took Tegan’s hand in hers. “He was conceived the last time the two of you were together. You would have no way of knowing because it is so new. I know because I can sense him.” A smile spread over Nalia’s face as her eyes twinkled.

  Easton walked around the table and kneeled in front of Tegan. “We’re having a son,” he whispered, the excitement of the moment starting to reach his mind. He took her hand in his. “I promise to do everything in my power to keep you both safe.”

  “Are you angry with me?” She gazed down into his eyes, placing the palm of her hand on his cheek. “Because I truly did not mean for this to happen,” she whispered, still refusing to meet his eyes.

  Lifting her chin with a finger, he met her gaze with his own. He tried to convey the love he had for her and their unborn son in that single look. “No. I’m not angry. I’m happier than I could have ever imagined. I never thought I would ever want a child after what I went through during my childhood. But now, I find I am deliriously happy to be having one with you.” He glanced over his shoulder at Nalia. “I hope you’ll be a large part of his life.”

  She chuckled. “I would not have it any other way. I promise to teach you how to protect them both. I do not want to see anything happen to any of my family. First things first, though. We need to eliminate the threat approaching us.”

  Easton felt the smile slip from his face as Tegan tightened her grip on his hand. “What needs to be done?” He pulled Tegan closer, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

  “We will train harder and faster to make sure you are ready for anything that may come. Most druids train for years. Unfortunately, we do not have that luxury. I have to train you in a short time.” She picked up her fork and knife. “Come, eat. You will need all of your strength for your training.”

  Tegan glanced up. “Witch Mother, can we place a spell of protection over my baby?”

  “Of course. I placed a spell of protection over him the moment you entered Ebon Forrest. I felt his presence, but if you wish to do another, it is welcomed. Would you like us to help you with the spell?”

  “Please. I want to make sure he is protected.” She walked to the counter and picked up a white candle and a marking chalk from a glass jar. She kneeled down to draw a circle around herself. Placing the candle in front of her, she lit it and placed her hands over her stomach. Nalia motioned Easton to kneel around as they linked their hands just outside of Tegan’s circle. She closed her eyes and began the spell.

  Once her spell was complete, Nalia said some words and Easton swore he could feel magic sizzle in the air. He hoped whatever the two of them were doing, protected his son and Tegan.

  Tegan opened her eyes and blew out the candle as Easton saw a sweet smile spread over her face. She stood and closed her circle before stepping out into his arms. “I feel better now.”

  “That was perfect, child. He will be well protected with that spell. Anyone else before we get started?” Nalia held her arms wide, the pure white light radiating around her again.

  Easton got up from where he was kneeling and made his way around the table, righted his chair, sat down, and leaned toward Nalia. “If we are going to be here for a while, won’t people miss us? What about my home?”

  “It will be taken care of.”

  They ate in silence. Easton noticed Tegan was pushing more food around her plate than she was eating. “I need you to eat, love. You must keep your strength up as well. We want our son to be healthy.”

  “Yes, I know I must keep up my strength. I suddenly lost my appetite. I will feel better when I am working with you, teaching you powerful spells.” Tegan reached over and touched Easton’s hand.

  Nalia smiled. “I will take care of Easton and keep him safe. Tegan, you concentrate on taking care of yourself and keeping your son safe.” She looked over at him. “I will send someone tomorrow to place more layers of p
rotection spells around your home. I will also place my most trusted witch and druid at your home. They can be our eyes and ears from that realm while we train.”

  “Thank you.” He shook his head before continuing. “I understand this is more important than anything either of us has done before.” He swung his hand from Tegan to himself. “I don’t know why, but I get the feeling it doesn’t just involve us.”

  Nalia chuckled. “You have always been very intuitive when it came to your surroundings, young druid. It is why you were drawn to Tegan when you saw her that first day. It is why you have been by her side since. You are correct that this involves more than just the three of you. It involves not only an entire realm of witches and druids, but it also involves the human realm as well. The dark druids have already entered the human realm to search for you. If they find you do indeed exist, it could be catastrophic for us all. All the realms co-exist. All but the humans know of the other realms. Destruction of our realm would cause a huge ripple in the balance between good and evil, setting into play something that no one could survive.”

  Easton swallowed and cleared his throat. “Well okay then. I’d better eat so I have enough strength to uphold my end of this bargain.” He picked up his spoon and dug into his food. “We’ll be okay. I’ll do whatever I have to and learn what I must.” Easton caught Tegan’s eyes.

  “You will. We will work hard and make sure of it.” She smiled and started eating.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Early the next morning, Easton stood in a small clearing of the woods behind Nalia’s big tree. A crisp breeze stirred the leaves as birds chirped their morning songs. The dew had soaked through his sneakers, and he wished he’d brought a pair of boots along for this impromptu trip. He turned in a slow circle, taking in the beauty of the clearing amongst the majestic oaks. The morning sky was a light shade of celestial blue with not a cloud in sight. The air smelled clean, rather like the air in the mountains when he’d walked the Appalachian Trail.


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