ignorance about, 170, 172-75
ignoring of, 136-37
importance of, 12
influences on attitudes about, 11-13
interpreting our mothers’, 48-53
and legacy of feminism, 45-46, 48-53
listening to own, 261, 281
and Martin-father relationship, 65-67
and mother-daughter relationship, 76-77
mothers as hating own, 45-46
negative feelings about, 263
obsession with, 6-9, 31, 69, 251-52
and obsession with perfect girl, 211
and perfect-girl talk among teenagers, 85, 86, 88-89, 90-91, 97
and perfect-girl tendencies, 15, 16
during post-college years, 230-49
and power, 12, 142-43, 153, 182
as projects, 208
“set points” for, 170
split between soul and, 214
time spent obsessing about, 6-7
viewing of other women’s, 280
you as your, 30-31
See also specific topic
Boevers, Jennifer, 213-14
Bordo, Susan, 8
boundaries, 112, 171, 198
Boyle, Lara Flynn, 127
and attractiveness, 146-66
bad, 101, 142
bingeing for, 154-57
in college years, 213
and “does this make me look fat?,” 161-65
and eating disorders, 146, 147-48, 163-64
and father-daughter relationship, 68
honesty of, 164-65
and “hot girls,” 154-57
ideal, 166
influences on attitudes of, 12
and “lad mags,” 146-47, 150
and new stories, 284
and perfect-girl talk among teenagers, 91-93
and pornography, 151-54
pressures on, 146
and sports, 197
women as symbol for, 155
and young boys’ club, 131-38
See also sex
“brain drain,” 30-31
breaking points, 260, 266, 267-68
Britz, Jennifer Delahunty, 44
Brown, Foxy, 138
Brown, Murphy (fictional character), 50
Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 26, 27, 28, 31
Buddhism, 256-57
bulimia nervosa
and body as holy war, 265
books/writings about, 10
for boys, 154-57
and breaking points, 266
during college years, 220
and confrontation about eating disorders, 224-25
and control, 184
definition of, 21
diagnosis of, 21-22, 24
in DSM, 22
and father-daughter relationship, 73, 74, 75
and “fat in the right places,” 30
and group bingeing, 1
health aspects of, 239, 281
and history of eating disorders, 27, 29
and legacy of feminism, 45
and men, 164
and new stories, 278-79, 281
and perfect-girl talk among
teenagers, 86, 87-88, 91
and pop icons, 123, 124
during post-college years, 239, 246
praise and support for, 253-55
and race/ethnicity, 29, 129
reasons for, 278-79
and relationships among bulimics, 259-60
and sex, 113, 114
and spirituality, 256-58, 260, 266-67
and sports, 192
and starving daughters, 21
bulimiarexia, 23
burlesque, 187-88, 187n
Bushnell, Candace, 16
BUST magazine, 54, 285
Cagan, Joanna, 194
career mobility, 233-39, 241-48
Carney, Vaughn A., 44
Carpenter, Karen, 27-28, 74n
Cary, Lorene, 32
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 105n, 114n, 171n, 174, 198
Chante, Roxanne, 138
Chastain, Brandi, 194
Chernin, Kim, 8, 167
and feminism legacy, 41
obesity in, 177
rebellion of, 40
chronic fatigue syndrome, 50
Clarkson, Kelly, 123
clothes, 5, 93, 245-46
Clowney, Marna, 220
coaches, 202, 206, 252, 260
cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), 277
college years, 210-29
and all-women’s colleges, 218-19
early months of, 215-17
eating disorders during, 211-12, 213-14, 217, 218-27
“freshman fifteen” during, 97, 115, 212
friends during, 215-17, 218-19
“geek as chic” during, 178
and identity, 216, 217, 221
men during, 213
perfection during, 213, 214, 216, 218-19, 221-23
spirituality during, 251
spring break during, 212
starving daughters during, 214
Colorado College, 223
Colorado Springs, Colorado, 17, 37
among anorexics, 259-60
among friends, 219, 259-60
among teenagers, 86-91, 92
and bonding among teammates, 205-6
intergenerational, 244
in Martin’s childhood, 41
and new stories, 275
in post-college years, 244
and sports, 196, 202-6, 207
composing a life, 230-31, 249
condoms/contraceptives, 102, 105n, 106
and body as currency, 11
and college years, 217
and fat, 171, 180
and first time for deprivation, 217
and new stories, 275
and perfection, 6, 183-84, 211
and plastic surgery, 248
in post-college years, 236, 239-41, 248, 249
and spirituality, 259, 261, 266, 267-68
and sports, 198, 201
corporate rap, 121, 133, 133n, 138-39, 140
corporate world, 148-49, 234, 243-44, 275, 284-85
counseling, 114
and eating disorders, 3, 26
machismo, 135
of mystification, 285
and new stories, 275-76, 280
pop, 9, 40, 121-27, 129-30, 146
See also corporate world
Daddy’s little girl, 62-67
Dads and Daughters, 61, 63
Dalton, Sharron, 180
Danes, Claire, 127
dating, 2, 144-45, 161
Davis, Kathy, 285
Davis, William, 47
dependence, 79
depression, 20, 27, 35, 41, 50, 80, 110, 238
deprivation, 18, 60, 61, 62, 217, 275
development, human, Gilligan’s views about, 32
diagnosis, art of, 21-26
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), 22, 23
diet pills, 174, 254, 254n
during college years, 211-12, 216
contradictions about, 171
costs of, 174
and eating disorders, 23, 29, 174, 219
and extreme makeovers, 167-68
fad, 29
and legacy of feminism, 51
and new stories, 281, 285
and perfection, 5, 89, 167-69
during post-college years, 240, 248
and self-talk about fat, 178-79
yo-yo, 174
Dittmar, Helga, 221
diuretics, 129
divorce, 59-60, 61
DJs, 134-38
“does this make me look fat?,” 161-65
double bind, 39
double consciousness, 221-23
double standard, 103, 108, 110, 111
drugs, 116n, 136. See also Adderall
Duke University, Women’s I
nitiative Study at, 5, 216
Duncan, Karen A., 113
at Barnard, 210-11, 227-29
in front of people, 96
and media, 110
over-, 111
and sex, 109-10, 111
under-, 192, 199, 204
See also diets; eating disorders;
eating disorders
abbreviations for, 85-86
acknowledgment of, 277
birth of modern, 27
books/writings about, 8, 10
during college years, 211-12, 213-14, 217, 218-27
combinations of, 23
as comedy, 147
confrontations about, 224-27
culture as influence on, 3, 26
diagnosis of, 21-26, 30
early age of, 64
emotional and psychological
aspects of, 200-201
as epidemic, 170, 272
and father-daughter
relationships, 58, 60, 62, 64, 72
and gender, 3
and health, 180, 239, 281
history of, 26-30
as holy war, 262-66
and legacy of feminism, 35, 47-48, 51
masking of, 219
and men, 146, 147-48, 163-64
and new stories, 271-88
obsession about, 29, 30
and perfect-girl talk among teenagers, 80, 85-86, 88
perfectionism correlated with, 28
praise and support for, 253-55
predictors of, 222
prevalence of, 1, 2, 4-5, 10-13, 29-30
and race/ethnicity, 82, 127-31, 220
as religion, 252-55
silence about, 220-22, 253
as sin, 267
as social problem, 3
and socioeconomic class, 82, 263
symptoms of, 21-26
too smart to have, 221-27
treatment for, 200-201, 276-78, 279
See also diets; fat; obesity;
thinness; weight; specific disorder or topic
EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified), 23
empowerment, 188, 195-96, 203
equality, 37, 44-45, 143
Equal Rights Amendment, 37
Erikson, Erik, 32
everyday life, 261, 262, 282
exercise. See fitness/exercise; sports exhibitionism, 141
extreme makeovers, 167-68, 170-71, 285
failure, 214, 269
faith, 256, 266, 267, 275
and fat, 177-81
and new stories, 272-74
superwomen as, 40
“fast girl,” 65
fasting, 192, 198
fast track, 251, 267-68
causes of, 175, 176-77
as disability, 173
and empowerment, 188
fantasies about, 177-81
and fat bitch, 184-89
health risks of, 177
and identity, 177
ignorance about, 171, 172-75, 176-77
perceptions of, 1, 170, 177, 185
and race/racism, 177-79, 186
in “right places,” 127-31
self-talk about, 177-81, 186, 188
and sex, 187
as social death sentence, 173
and starving daughters, 188
and willpower, 176, 179
See also eating disorders;
obesity; weight
“father hunger,” 203
Father Knows Best model, 62-63
“fatherless” generation, 72
attitudes about puberty of, 63-65
and characteristics of perfect
girls, 17, 18
coded language of, 59, 70
conflict between views of
mothers and, 78
and Daddy’s little clone, 75-78
and Daddy’s little girl, 62-67
denial by, 73
distancing between daughters and, 69-72
and “father hunger,” 72-75
as good guys, 59-62
guilt of, 60
ignorance of, 71-72
influence of, 9, 12, 55, 56, 253
and legacy of feminism, 43-44
as neutral third parties, 68
parenting aptitude of, 60-61
and perfection, 69, 76, 77
as risk-takers, 61, 66
as role models, 55, 76, 78
role models for, 60
shallow intimacy relationships with, 57-58
silence of, 69, 70
and sons, 63
and sports, 202
and weight, 60, 62, 64, 69, 70
See also parenting; parents
Faulkner, William, 230
fear, 78, 161-65, 275, 276, 280
Felice, 2, 177-79, 180
image of, 61
as restriction, 61
American Dream of, 231-33
black, 139
and body as holy war, 265
and burlesque, 187n
double bind of, 39
and empowerment, 196
and fat, 171
“first wave,” 36
goals of, 4, 37
and “good girls,” 36, 42
and hip-hop, 139
Martin’s attempt to find, 53-54
and new stories, 275, 277
nonfeminist, 42
perfect girls as daughters of, 18
“second wave,” 36, 37-40, 42, 47, 54
and sex, 108
and superwomen, 39-40 “third-wave,” 54
unintended legacy of, 32-55
in Vietnam era, 36
and weight, 43-44
Fey, Tina, 80
films, 80, 105
and blame for weight, 175
epidemic of disordered thinking about, 3
and extreme makeovers, 167, 168, 170
and history of eating disorders, 28
and ignorance about fat, 177
and legacy of feminism, 51
and obesity epidemic, 174
obsession about, 3-4, 6-7, 93
over-, 51, 192, 199, 204, 261
and perfection, 5, 29, 93, 167, 168, 190
in post-college years, 240-41
and self-worth, 2
and spirituality, 252-53, 270
statistics about, 198
and thinness, 182
See also sports
Flockhart, Calista, 127
Florida State University, study by, 129
Fonda, Jane, 45, 47, 78
abstinence from, 184
and black holes, 5
as enemy, 158, 255
epidemic of disorder thinking about, 3
and fathers as good guys, 60
and legacy of feminism, 51
obsession about, 6-7, 8
and self-worth, 2
as sin, 252, 253
and spirituality, 270
as weakness, 261-62
See also fat; obesity; weight
Franklin, Aretha, 124
freedom, 141, 275, 285
“freshman fifteen,” 97, 115, 212
Friday, Nancy, 46
Friedan, Betty, 36, 54
during college years, 215-17, 218-19
competition among, 86-91, 92, 219, 259-60
complexity of girls’, 80
confrontations with, 224-27
and guilt, 115
and love, 165
meanness among, 83-86, 87, 89
and new stories, 283-85
power struggles among, 82-86
and sex, 105, 114, 119
See also specific person
Gall, William Withy, 26
Gareth, 2, 168-69, 172-73, 175-76, 183-89
Gaynor, Gloria, 125
gender norming, 44
generosity, i
mportance of, 244-45
genetics, 1, 3, 12, 21, 171, 175, 176, 280
genital HPV infections, 114, 114n
Gilligan, Carol, 32-34, 79, 80, 134, 271, 274
Ginsburg, Lynn, 268-69
Girls Inc., 91, 96. See also Santa Fe teenagers
goals. See aspirations/goals
God/gods, 251, 252-55, 263, 264, 269
“good girls”
characteristics of, 34
and feminism, 36, 37, 42
Gilligan’s views about, 32, 33-34
and legacy of feminism, 42, 55
mothers as, 5, 40, 55
perfect girls as different from, 34
and perfect-girl talk among
teenagers, 80
as superwomen, 40, 55
“good guys,” fathers as, 59-62
Gordon, Mary, 98
Grae, Jean, 138
Greenfield, Lauren, 201
group therapy, 201
and American Dream, 232
and black holes, 4
and body as holy war, 264, 265
and career mobility, 233-34
and characteristics of perfect girls, 18
during college years, 221
and confrontation about eating disorders, 224-27
and control, 184
and diagnosis of eating disorders, 23, 26
and double consciousness, 223
and fat, 179, 187
and father-daughter relationships, 56, 60, 64
and friends, 115
and legacy of feminism, 54
and new stories, 277, 279, 281
and obesity, 171
and overeating, 110
and perfection, 5
in post-college years, 233-34, 249
and power, 143
and prevalence of eating
disorders, 29, 30
and sex, 103, 106, 118
and spirituality, 260
and starving daughters, 20
and thinness, 182
about weight, 2, 3
Gyllenhaal, Maggie, 127
halo effect, 16
Hamm, Mia, 198
“handing it all up,” 266-70
happiness, 16-17, 93, 165, 179, 180, 196, 236, 258
hard work, 44, 197, 284
harmful attachment, 257
as balance, 170
and diets, 184, 281
and eating disorders, 180, 239, 281
and gender issues, 50-51
and obesity, 170, 173, 174, 177
and plastic surgery, 248
in post-college years, 239
and sex, 114, 114n, 118
health care systems, 277
Heather, 252-53, 255, 259, 260, 262, 266-67, 268
Hill, Lauryn, 138
Hillman, James, 278
Hilton, Paris, 124, 160
Hinton, Megan, 90, 148-49
hip-hop, 102, 131-41, 133n, 135, 137, 138-40, 142, 146
holy war, 262-66, 279, 280-81
honesty, 158-61, 164-65, 268, 276, 280, 284
hoodia pills, 254, 254n
Hornbacher, Marya, 8, 167
“hot girls,” 154-57, 158, 178, 245
Howard, Sarah, 221
humility, 237-39, 279-81, 283
humor, 158, 222, 283
Hunter College, 29
icon dolls, 122-25, 126
body as, 181
Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters: The Frightening New Normalcy of Hating Your Body Page 41