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Beats of Life (Perception Book 5)

Page 17

by Shandi Boyes

  “Who?” I questioned. She moved away from me and paced back and forth angrily. I moved towards her and stopped her angry steps. “Who?” I questioned again.

  “Jenni,” she replied. My eyes darted between hers, totally fucking confused. I didn’t tell Jenni I loved her. Did I? Oh fuck, yes I did.

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” I replied, my now panicked eyes darting between hers. “I was trying to comfort her, I don’t see her like that, I swear to you I didn’t mean it like that,” I continued. My hands gently grabbed her arms, trying to force her to look me in eyes so she could see that I was telling her the truth.

  “I have said it to you every single day for months, and not once have you said it back,” she said, her tear filled eyes lifting from the ground to look at me. “But I just heard you say it to her,” she continues in a hushed whisper, her face showing her heart break.

  Fuck, why did I have to be so goddamn stubborn? I had loved Kylie for months but the last girl I said those words to broke my fucking heart that I swore to myself that I would never say it to anyone ever again. They were just useless words that didn’t mean anything. I thought if I just showed Kylie what she meant to me, she wouldn’t need to hear it. I only said it to Jenni as I think of her as a sister, I was trying to comfort her, I didn’t mean it the way Kylie thinks I did.

  “I lo--” I attempted to say, before Kylie’s hand was roughly shoved into my face.

  “I don’t want to hear it now,” she informed angrily.

  I grabbed the hand she shoved in my face and placed it onto my chest. My heart was racing so fast with panic thinking I was going to lose her. Her eyes lifted from the ground and they slowly flicked between mine.

  “This belongs to you,” I informed. “Everywhere you go, it goes with you. It belongs only to you,” I continued, my eyes pleading with her to believe me. She stared into my eyes for what felt like hours, but she didn’t say a word.

  I yanked my wallet out of my jeans and pulled out the photo I carry of Serena. Kylie’s eyebrows pulled together tightly and her eyes rapidly filled with tears when I held the photo out in front of her. I had never told her about Serena as she had passed away nearly thirteen years before I had met Kylie and the conversation never came up. Kylie and I talked, but it was never about anything serious.

  “She is a like a sister to me, nothing more,” I informed.

  For the next hour, I explained everything to Kylie about Serena and how I couldn’t help but treat Jenni as if she was my sister. Kylie apologized for overreacting and begged for forgiveness. No matter how many times I told her she didn’t have anything to be sorry for, she continued apologizing over and over again until her exhaustion eventually overtook her and she fell asleep in my arms.

  I thought we had worked everything out, until she vanished the very next day.

  Maybe now seeing with her own two eyes how much Jenni loves Nick, she will realize that Jenni has never been anything more than a sister to me.

  “I need to tell you one day though, Slater,” Kylie murmurs softly into my chest. “Otherwise the guilt will eventually eat me alive,” she continues, her pretty hazel eyes looking up into mine.

  “One day,” I reply, pulling her in close to me. “Just not today,” I continue. She briefly nods her head before she intakes a large inhale of breath.

  “Now I understand why you still have the slight aroma of oil,” she giggles softly, her eyes scanning my bike.

  “You smell like Gertie,” she continues cheekily, darting towards the elevators with a broad smile covering her beautiful face.

  Chapter 24


  I don’t know if she realizes what she is doing, but every two seconds Kylie’s tongue darts out to moisten her lips and it is driving me fucking crazy. I love staying in fancy ass hotels, but the one we are staying at this week is so fancy it has an elevator attendant. My dick is so fucking hard it hurts and every time I get it to settle down, she licks her lips again. I adjust myself for the third time since we entered the elevator and gaze up at the elevator dashboard, praying it will hurry the fuck up and get to the forty-eighth floor. When I see the small smirk on her face in the corner of my eye after adjusting myself for the fourth time, I realize that she is teasing me on purpose.

  Two can play that game.

  I take a large step towards her, my eyes leisurely roaming over her body before returning to her face. Her tongue slowly darts out to teasingly lick her lips, her lust filled eyes staring firmly into mine. I take another step closer, leaving only the smallest portion of air between us. Her breath, that is fanning my face, is now coming out in tiny pants. Her breasts move up and down with every breath she takes. I lift my hand to caress her cheek, my thumb running over her plump bare lips. Her eyes look behind me, allowing me to see the back of the elevator attendants head in their reflection, making me slightly hesitate in my pursuit. When her eyes return to mine and she playfully bites and licks the tip of my thumb, I no longer fucking care that we are not alone. My lips are on hers before her tongue even has a chance of making it back into her mouth.

  She moans softly, the vibration felt on my tongue that is savouring her delicious taste. I push in closer, not wanting one ounce of air between us. She lifts her legs and wraps them around my waist, her dress inching higher, allowing me to feel her warmth that is radiating from her pussy. A stern cough attempts to interrupt us, but nothing could stop me from ravishing her tasteful mouth right now. Not one single fucking thing.

  “Floor forty-eight,” says a deep voice loudly that it echoes around the interior of the elevator.

  Kylie attempts to lower her legs, I wrap my arms around them, holding them firmly into place. She smiles against my mouth before she returns to kissing me. I continue to ravish her mouth while walking out of the elevator with one eye open to ensure I don’t crash into anything. When I make it to alcove of our rooms, I lean her back against her room door and hold her up with my crutch. My hand digs into my back pocket to pull out my wallet, praying that my room key is easily accessible. She continues to kiss and suck on my neck, her moans becoming more audible in the alcove of our rooms since my hardened cock is rubbing up against her wet panties.

  Just as I pull the key out of my wallet, Kylie’s hotel room door abruptly opens and we go tumbling inside. I land harshly on top of her, forcing her to release a deep “oomph.” Melanie’s giggles echo around the foyer of their room. I quickly run my eyes over Kylie’s face and body, making sure she is unharmed from having my weight crush into her. She stares up at me with a huge smile plastered over her beautiful face. If we weren’t bombarded by several questions at once, I would have gone back to making out with her on the cold hard hotel room floor.

  “Where have you been?”

  “Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

  “You scared us half to death.”

  “You shouldn’t be going anywhere without a bodyguard.”

  Lifting my gaze from Kylie’s embarrassed face, I am confronted by all the members of my band, their partners, Melanie, Hawke and even Cormack has joined the party. All my band member’s faces appear highly amused. Jenni and Emily look panicked, Melanie is laughing that hard she is bent over holding onto her stomach. Cormack looks pissed and Hawke, well he still looks like Hawke. I scamper to my feet, before offering my hand to Kylie to assist her off the floor. She stands up and stays facing the hallway, her face slightly flushed with embarrassment. The instant she turns around, both Emily and Jenni move towards her, questioning if she is okay and fussing over her. Her eyes plead with mine when they walk her towards the living room. Kylie’s friends growing up where mostly boys, so she finds this kind of stuff daunting. I give her a little wink and a smile, triggering her to roll her eyes before smirking.

  “Cormack is going to ban you riding your bike,” Marcus informs when he stands next to me.

  “Like fuck he is,” I reply, keeping my eyes firmly on Kylie whilst silently praying everyone would get the hell out of
her room so we can finish what we started in the elevator.

  “A quick message wouldn’t have killed you. Emily and Jenni were panicked out of their minds since you have been gone all night,” Noah says sternly, the expression on his face not matching his tone. “I’m just glad you still had it in your pants,” he continues, chuckling softly.

  “It wouldn’t be if you would all get out of my room,” I reply, causing him to chuckle louder.

  “This isn’t your room,” Nick says sarcastically. “It’s Kylie’s,” he continues, his eyes waggling excessively.

  He moves to stand directly in front of me, blocking my view of Kylie. His dark blues eyes stare firmly into mine. “How many months of cock blocking did you do to me with Jenni?” he questions quietly. My face morphs into a huge shit eating grin. I get great pleasure in knowing my attempts at keeping him away from Jenni gave him the most severe case of blue balls he has ever had in his life.

  When he notices my smile he continues, “Maybe I should hang out in your room a little longer.” His amused eyes flick between mine. “You guys weren’t busy were you? You didn’t have any plans?” he questions sarcastically, causing Noah and Marcus to chuckle loudly.

  “Slater,” gets yelled out in sync the instant my knuckles connect with Nick’s nose. At least this time I managed to restrain myself. I only back handed him, instead of punching him like I really wanted to.

  I quickly move towards Kylie, lift her from the sofa and throw her over my shoulder like I did nearly a week ago, before briskly making my way to the interconnecting door between our rooms. I’ve never been patient and I can’t wait any longer to taste her skin again. Her giggles are only just audible over the loud laughter that erupts in her room the instant I kick the door between our rooms shut. I place her back onto her feet, before turning around to ensure that the door is firmly locked. I don’t want any more interruptions. I’ve waited years for this.

  By the time I spin back around, Kylie has already unzipped her dress. I take a step towards her, triggering her to take a step backwards. Her eyes stare directly into mine as her dress falls off her body to land in a heap on the floor. My heart rate soars and my dick instantly stiffens as my eyes roam appreciatively over her body. Her body is a temple that deserves to be worshipped and I plan on doing exactly that for the next several hours. She stands in front of me in nothing but a pair of dark purple panties and a strapless bra. Her panties are so tiny my name is easily visible on her smooth beige hip, making my dick twitch even more.

  “Come here,” I command, my voice sounding deep and rugged.

  She bites down on her bottom lip, her head shaking softly. I cock my eyebrow, triggering her to smile seductively. She unclasps her bra and it drops to the floor, her forearm covering her perfect tits from my view. Kylie has always been a tease, she loves to be chased and that is exactly what she is going to get as I can’t wait any fucking longer. The instant I move towards her, she squeals loudly and darts towards the main bedroom. It only takes me mere seconds to catch up to her. Her giggles are soon replaced with shallow moans the instant my lips are attached to hers.


  “Do you want kids Slater?” Kylie questions, lifting her head from my bare chest to look me in the eyes. Her eyes are still full to the brim with lust, her lips are swollen and her hair looks like a bird is trying to nest in it, but she is still incredibly fucking beautiful.

  I stiffen at her question. The idea of having kids freaks me the fuck out. It also isn’t really a question you should ask a guy when he is lying in bed next to you, completely stark naked. If it was any other girl asking, I would have already been half way out the door by now, running so fast they would have never been able to catch me. The only reason I am not bolting right now is because it is Kylie that is asking. I know maybe one day I might want to have kids, but for now I’m happy to live my life how I am. Let alone the fact that I have only just got her back. I want to be selfish and have her to myself, I don’t want to share her just yet.

  When I fail to answer her question, her eyes slowly flick between mine before she places her head back down onto my chest. I let out loud and extravagant sigh, happy that she isn’t going to force me to answer her. She slaps my chest playfully, causing me to chuckle softly.

  “Maybe one day,” I eventually reply quietly. She lifts her head off my chest to look at me. “But not anytime soon,” I continue.

  Her eyes burn into mine and a small gathering of tears forms in them before she softly nods her head. I pull her pouty lips to mine by the back of her head and give her a gentle and slow kiss. By the time I pull away from our embrace, the tears in her eyes have dried and my gaze catches the alarm clock on the bedside table. Fuck, we are late.

  “Get up and get dressed,” I instruct, jumping out of the bed and throwing on my jeans I had removed earlier. Kylie muffles a yawn with her hand before she snuggles in closer to the pillow, denying my request. I stoop down and lift her out of the bed, causing her beautiful naked body to be plastered against mine. I hand her the dress she was wearing last night, wanting her to hurry up and get dressed since we are running late. Her eyebrows shoot up high into her hairline.

  “I can’t wear a clubbing dress during the day,” she informs mortified.

  I quickly place the shirt I was wearing last night over her head. It is only just long enough to cover her bottom, before pushing her towards the interconnecting door. I unlock the door, push her into her room, plant a peck on her lips and inform her, “You have ten minutes to get ready,” before walking back into my room.

  She stands in the doorway watching me, her eyes filled with confusion.

  “Do you want to cross off number seventy?” I question quickly. Her eyes flicker, trying to remember what item she had placed as number seventy on her list. The instant she remembers, her face morphs into a beautiful smile. She quickly nods her head before dashing towards the main bedroom of her suite. By the time I have replaced my shirt and jeans with clean ones, brushed my teeth and gathered our tickets Emily had organised for me yesterday, she is back leaning against the entrance door of her room.

  Her excitement beams out of her in the elevator as it descends to the lobby of the hotel. The instant we exit, I spot Hawke standing to the side, his face clearly showing his annoyance at the fact that we are late. I don’t normally take a bodyguard anywhere I go, but today we are going out in broad daylight and we are walking, so Jenni begged me to take Hawke with us. I lower a large beanie over my head and tuck my dreads inside it, hoping it will make me a little less obvious to our fans.

  “I’ll stay a few feet behind you, but if you become concerned about anyone just signal and I’ll move in a little closer,” Hawke informs. I nod my head at his instructions and give him a quick handshake before clasping Kylie’s hand in mine.

  The instant we exit the hotel, we become blinded by the paparazzi lights.

  “Give us a few good shots and we will leave you alone,” requests one paparazzi. I hastily stop walking and pull Kylie in close to my side.

  “Smile baby,” I instruct to her confused face. Hopefully if they get a decent photo they may leave us alone. She smiles, but the whole time it is solely directed at me, her eyes never once leave mine.

  “Slater, look this way.”

  “Over here.”

  “Can you kiss?”

  I wait approximately thirty seconds before I commence walking again. Since my arm is wrapped around Kylie, she quickly follows my movements. I am surprised when the paparazzi actually do as they stated. They don’t fully leave us alone, but they leave a good amount of distance between us, happy to utilise their long range zoom. I quicken my pace, since we only have ten minutes to make it all the way down to pier 33.

  Kylie suddenly stops and swoops down. Once she has removed her shoes, her excited eyes dart up to mine before she starts running. Her beautiful face breaks into a huge smile when she gains a fair amount of distance between us. I quickly take off after her, turning my head b
riefly to make sure Hawke is following us. He shakes his head softly before his walking stride breaks into a brisk jog. His jog is the equivalent of my run. When I catch up to Kylie, I grasp her spare hand in mine and we continue running, soon losing the paparazzi in a swarm of tourists that are walking around Fisherman’s Wharf.

  By the time we make it to pier 33, I am gasping for air and Kylie is giggling loudly. Fuck, I’ve missed her giggles the past two years. Once I get my breathing under control, I hand our tickets to the attendant and they usher us immediately onto the boat.

  “Are you okay?” Kylie questions, giggling softly. I haven’t worked out in years as all the workout I need to stay fit is normally done behind my drum kit, or in the bedroom.

  I nod my head and continue to take in deep breaths as we move towards the bow, wanting the best view of Alcatraz as it comes into sight. Even though it is nearly summer, a thick blanket of fog covers most of the bay. The boat ride takes approximately thirty minutes and the whole time my body is wrapped around the back of Kylie. Her excitement increases the closer we get to Alcatraz. She smiles brightly when I snap her photo standing next to the welcome to Alcatraz sign.


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