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Prevail (The Pike Chronicles Book 2)

Page 4

by G. P. Hudson

  The man opened one eye and smiled. “No, I’m okay.” He sat up and said, “My name’s Milo. What’s your name?”

  Anki smiled back, relieved that she hadn’t killed the man. “I’m Anki.”

  “Hello, Anki. I’m happy to meet you.”

  “What are you doing here?” said Anki.

  “Me? I was just heading down to the galley. I’m a little hungry.”

  “I know what that feels like.”

  “I bet you do. Have you been eating well since you came on board?”

  “Oh yes, although my mother says I should slow down when I eat.”

  Milo nodded knowingly. “My mother used to say the same thing to me. I always ate my food too fast. But it was only because it tasted so good.”

  “That’s what I say to my mother.”

  Milo nodded. “Does she listen?”


  “Neither did mine.”

  “You should be careful, there are plenty of places for aliens to hide here.”

  Milo became serious and nodded. “I’ll be careful. But what about you? Aren’t you afraid?”

  Anki threw her shoulders back and said, “I’m not afraid of aliens. They’re afraid of me.”

  “I bet they are. You’re a brave girl.”

  Anki beamed and said, “I’m seven.”

  “Wow, you’re big.”

  Anki nodded.

  “Well I feel much safer now that you’re on board. Wait, did you hear that?” said Milo.

  Anki looked around. “No. What was it?”

  Milo smiled. “My stomach. I’m starving. I’ve got to get something to eat. Will you make sure no aliens come after me?”

  “Don’t worry, Milo. I’ll make sure you’re safe.”

  “Thanks, Anki. See you later.”


  Milo turned and walked down the corridor. Anki liked him. She knew the aliens were watching them, though. She had to make sure he escaped unharmed, so she turned and crept down the hallway, back to the serious business of stalking her prey.

  Chapter 15

  Jon slowly walked down the long corridor, head down, shoulders slumped, deep in thought. He headed for the galley, hoping a hot meal might lift his spirits. He had lots of time in the lifeboat to think. Weeks of thinking. None of it did him any good. He didn’t want to think anymore.

  He analyzed things over and over. How did things go so terribly wrong? Should he have listened to the Diakans? To Breeah? Should he have left the Reivers to their fates? Turned a blind eye to their imprisonment? To their torture and enslavement?

  Tactically that is what he should have done. That would have ensured the survival of the Hermes. But then why were they out here? What was the point of looking for humans if they weren’t prepared to defend them? They were too far from Sol to wait for reinforcements. If they didn’t act, nobody would.

  His whole life had been spent fighting for humanity. He joined the resistance when he was a kid, just like his father and his grandfather. Killed his first Juttari when he was thirteen years old. He had taken his time. Picked his target. Stalked it. Timed his move. Killed. Prey transformed into predator. The alien never even saw him coming.

  His grandfather said he had left childhood behind. Proven himself. Became a man.

  For the first time in his life he had felt powerful. These aliens, who had oppressed humanity for centuries, could be killed. He didn’t fear them anymore.

  Before that moment he had been afraid. Always worried they would come, kill his family, and take him away. Turn him into a Chaanisar. They had tried once. When he was five years old they came for him. Apparently he showed promise. Men came in the night. The Governor’s men. Not Juttari. Not Chaanisar. Humans. Selfish humans who cared nothing about the suffering their actions caused. Traitors to their own species. They came and took him from his mother. He could still hear her screams. She sounded like someone had thrust a knife into her heart. Like life itself was over.

  But it wasn’t. Not for her. Not for him. His grandfather and his father came for him, and they brought the fury of the resistance with them. Those men learned the meaning of hell that night. It was a time of reckoning, and blood ran through the streets like a river. All collaborators in the region were slaughtered. No one had been spared. Not even the Governor. Until then, no one knew his family were members of the resistance. All that changed.

  His family had to leave their home. They fled to the mountains. The Rockies had been a base of operations for the resistance for generations. Now those same mountains became their home. Living that rugged lifestyle made him strong and tough. His grandfather and his father trained him daily in the ways of guerilla warfare. They taught him how to survive. But he was still afraid. Night after night he woke up in a cold sweat, panicked and thrashing about, thinking that he was being taken again. He would scream for help, half awake, and his mother would come and soothe him. Night after night she stayed with him until he fell back asleep. The poor woman. How much sleep had she lost in those years? Nonetheless, the terror of being taken to the Chaanisar stayed. It haunted him until he was thirteen. Until he killed his first Juttari.

  No more.

  He realized that he had power. That he could defend himself, and defend others. His grandfather taught him that it was his duty to fight, not just for himself, not just for his family, but for humanity. What followed was a lifetime of hunting. Humanity would not be enslaved by aliens again. Not while he breathed.

  Why should the Reivers be any different? How could he stand by and let an entire human colony be slaughtered and enslaved? Should he have listened to the Diakans and left? The Diakans were just another alien race playing with human lives. They would think nothing of sacrificing a colony if the act benefited them somehow.

  Perhaps they shouldn’t have given him command of the Hermes. Someone else might have looked at the Kemmar and decided it wasn’t worth it. The Reivers would have been sacrificed, but the Hermes would survive. Some might consider that action correct. But it was cowardly, and he was no coward. Not since his thirteenth year.

  Yet he had sacrificed his crew. His friends. How long had he known Kevin? How many missions had they gone on together? He had killed him. Sure as if he shot him himself. Kevin and the rest of the Marines died because of his decision. They were warriors. They were all prepared to die. They knew the risks. But he was the one who sent them to their deaths.

  I’m a killer, he thought. That’s all I’ll ever be.

  It was easy to say the creature made him a killer, but he was one long before the Diakans put that thing inside him. He had been a killer since his thirteenth year when he had been baptized in blood.

  Thankfully the creature had been quiet since Doctor Ellerbeck treated him. How long would that last? She said there was an adjustment period. The Diakans were supposed to give him the treatment, but they didn’t. Instead, he had to battle the symbiont for control of his own body. The Doctor assured him that he wouldn’t have a problem with the symbiont after the treatment period. It would remain quiet for a while and then they would work together. As one. That was how it was supposed to work. He hoped she was right.

  He reached the galley entrance and silenced his thoughts. The past was no help to him now. It had to be buried. It was the only way to keep his sanity. He straightened his back, took a deep breath, and walked in.

  The galley wasn’t a large room like what they had on board the Hermes. It was rather small, which wasn’t surprising considering the size of the freighter’s crew. Like the rest of the ship the walls were a drab battleship gray with no adornments. A few tables and chairs were spread about haphazardly, and a disproportionately large food dispenser stood at the far end of the room.

  The only person seated was Captain Seiben, who waved and gestured for Jon to join him at his table. Jon nodded, but first went to the food dispenser and selected a meal. The food wasn’t as good as what they got on the Hermes, but it was light years better than the paste they h
ad to eat on the lifeboat. He took a meat plate, not sure what type of meat it actually was, and afraid to ask. The plate had a side of greens, but those weren’t familiar either. It didn’t matter. He was hungry. He took his plate and walked to Captain Seiben’s table.

  “Please Jon, sit,” said Seiben, waving his hand at the empty chair on the other side of the table from him.

  Jon set his plate down, pulled out the chair and sat down.

  “We will be arriving at the station in a couple of days,” said Seiben.

  “Then what?” said Jon, stabbing a piece of mystery meat with his fork, and shoveling it into his mouth. It looked like mystery meat, and it tasted like mystery meat.

  “Then we talk to Mr. Jansen,” said Seiben. He looked at Jon’s shirt and said, “How do the clothes fit?”

  “They’re fine. Thanks.”

  “It’s nothing. You must’ve been wearing that uniform for a long time.”

  “It’s been a while,” said Jon, after swallowing another forkful.

  “That was a military uniform?”

  Jon paused for a moment, studying Seiben, then speared another chunk of meat and nodded yes.

  “Were you in some kind of battle?”

  Jon took another bite and didn’t answer the question.

  “I mean, you were covered in blood, and in an escape pod….”

  “Yes, we were in a battle,” said Jon. Why lie? Everything indicated that they came out of a battle.

  “I’ve done a fair bit of traveling in my time, and I’ve never seen those military symbols before. Where are you people from?”

  “I can’t answer that question. Sorry.”

  “I understand. Still, you are far from home. Very far. Maybe hundreds of light years away.”

  Jon continued to eat. If Seiben wanted to speculate, that was his business.

  “The question is,” said Seiben. “How did you get here?”

  “Can’t answer that either,” said Jon, putting down his fork. “Now it’s my turn.”

  Seiben nodded.

  “I haven’t heard you talk about any authorities. Don’t you have to report the raider attack?”

  “I’ve already told Mr. Jansen. That’s all I need to do.”

  “I keep hearing that name,” said Jon.

  “That’s because Mr. Jansen is the authorities.”

  “I thought you said he was your employer?”

  “That’s right. Mr. Jansen manages the station.”

  “Isn’t there some form of government?”

  “The station is owned by DLC. They govern everyone who lives on the station.”

  What’s DLC?”

  “You really aren’t from around here. DLC is a corporation. All permanent residents on the station work for DLC.”

  “Is the corporation not bound by any regional power?”

  Seiben shrugged. “No. DLC governs itself. Always has.”

  A corporation governing a million people living on a space station. It wasn’t the oddest thing he’d ever heard, but it was different. “How do they defend themselves? Those raiders didn’t look too friendly.”

  “The raiders? Those criminals wouldn’t dare attack the station.”

  “Is the station armed?”

  “Not only is the station armed, but it also has its own military.”

  This corporation sounded more and more like a government. “Sounds impressive. Mr. Jansen is in charge of all this?”

  Seiben nodded. “He wants to meet you.


  “Yeah. I told him about how you killed all the raiders. When we get to the station you’ll be able to ask him your questions in person.”

  Chapter 16

  The DLC station hung in space like a gigantic spinning top. It was conical in shape and looked like it consisted of hundreds, if not thousands of rings stacked on top of each other. Each ring’s diameter increased steadily all the way up to its widest point at the top. The station shimmered in the darkness, light from the nearby yellow star reflected off it in every direction as it turned.

  Jon watched their approach from inside the lifeboat on the freighter’s hangar bay. Breeah and Anki stood behind him.

  “I can’t believe how big that thing is,” said Breeah.

  “Seiben says that a million people live there,” said Jon.

  “That’s a lot,” said Anki.

  Jon smiled. His affection for the little girl had continued to grow and he now regarded her with the same love he would show if she was his own daughter. Breeah and Anki had become his family. They were more than that. They were his redemption. For the first time since he lost his family he wanted to live.

  “A million people living in a space structure. Incredible,” said Breeah.

  “It’s also not orbiting a planet,” said Jon. “Most stations I’ve seen orbit a planet, or at least a moon. This one doesn’t. It’s acting more like a planet itself, orbiting the star. I haven’t seen anything like that before.”

  “It seems like it is too big, even for a million people,” said Breeah.

  “They need to feed all those people. I’m sure a lot of that extra space is for food. Agriculture. Livestock. Water. Then there’s power generation. They need to keep the lights on somehow.”

  “Amazing. Maybe we can live here.”

  Jon turned and looked at Breeah. Her eyes sparkled back at him, a sly smile spreading across her beautiful lips. It made him feel good. Settling down somewhere with her and Anki seemed like a priceless treasure. Could he do it? Could he live a quiet life? Anki’s eyes bounced excitedly between them.

  “Are those ships? Those little specks out there,” said Breeah, her eyes squinting at the screen.


  “There’s so many of them,” said Anki.

  “It’s a busy place.”

  The hulking freighter crawled steadily closer to the station. On the screen the structure grew steadily larger as time passed. When they came within range a pair of smaller ships arrived to escort it to its designated dock. The station now filled the display, blocking everything else from view.

  “Who built this?” said Anki.

  “We’re not sure,” said Jon. “Probably the ancestors of the people living there today.”

  “They’re good at building,” said Anki.

  Jon wondered about what they would encounter once they docked. “AI, can you transfer your core to my comm?”

  “Yes, Captain,” said the AI. “I am capable of even greater compression if needed.”

  “Transfer to my comm and make sure no data is left behind on the lifeboat’s systems. If anybody comes snooping around I don’t want them to find anything.”

  “Understood. Initiating transfer.”

  “You think these people are a threat?” said Breeah, her face now hard.

  “I don’t know, but I’m not going to take any chances. We don’t need anybody telling the Kemmar where they can find us.”

  “Yes, that would be uncomfortable,” teased Breeah.

  Jon smiled.

  “Transfer complete. All records of Space Force and the Hermes have been deleted from the lifeboat’s systems.”

  “Good. Let’s find Captain Seiben and see who is waiting for us on the station.”

  Chapter 17

  The hatch opened with a bang and a hiss. Captain Seiben and Milo stepped out onto the gangway, followed by Jon, Breeah and Anki. A tall thin man in a gray suit waited for them. Two armed men clad in black stood on either side of him. Jon took note. They carried energy weapons and had sidearms strapped to their thighs. Their posture wasn’t threatening, and they didn’t seem to be expecting any trouble. Bodyguards.

  The tall man approached Jon and with a rehearsed smile stretched out his hand.

  “My name is Mr. Kulberg,” said the man, in the same language Seiben used. His speech was translated instantly.

  Jon shook Kulberg’s hand. It was like gripping a limp piece of lettuce. He immediately developed a dislike for
Mr. Kulberg. “I’m Jon Pike,” Jon replied. “This is Breeah and Anki.”

  Kulberg nodded at Breeah and Anki, still smiling, and said, “I am pleased to meet you.” Kulberg paused, looking at the railguns Jon and Breeah were carrying. “I’m sorry Mr. Pike, but you can’t bring the weapons with you.”

  Kulberg tried to keep his smile, but the demand obviously made him nervous. The bodyguards shifted their posture ever so slightly. Their hands rested on their weapons. It was all mildly amusing. If Jon had hostile intent none of them would have a chance. But he didn’t have a reason to be hostile. Not yet anyway. He looked at Breeah, who stood relaxed yet ready, waiting to follow Jon’s lead. She had noticed the guards’ change in posture too and watched them warily. Jon nodded, telling her it was okay, and handed his weapon to Milo. Breeah did the same.

  “Milo, please take those back to our vessel.”

  “Sure,” said Milo

  Kulberg looked relieved and the smile grew again. “Mr. Jansen is eager to speak with you. If you will all please accompany me.”

  Kulberg turned and walked down the gangway with his two guards. Jon, Seiben, Breeah and Anki followed. Milo watched for a moment and then went back into the ship.

  At the end of a long corridor a craft waited, idling quietly off the ground. It was shaped like a passenger vehicle and used jets of forced air to make it float. The two guards sat in the front seats. Kulberg gestured with an “after you” wave of his hand for the group to enter the vehicle. In the back were two cushioned bench seats facing each other with ample room for all to sit comfortably. They entered and the doors slid closed. The vehicle set off, barely making a whisper as it went.

  They glided through a maze of corridors until a door slid open and they were outside.

  “If I did not know we were still in the station I would think we were outdoors,” said Breeah.

  Kulbeg gave her that same meaningless smile. “It is important for the wellbeing of all who live here that they experience the outdoors. A human being cannot stay indoors their whole life without suffering a myriad of psychological disorders. The station tricks the brain into believing it is in the open air. The blue skies. The daylight. All engineered to perfectly mimic the real thing.”


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