Sand Glass

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Sand Glass Page 31

by A M Russell

  ‘Never mind; are you a friend of Miss Kennet’s?’

  ‘She is on my list of ones to watch over. I must maintain the watch.’ She then addressed Miss Kennet, ‘I have all in position… we are best to avoid any usual trouble tonight.’

  Miss Kennet nodded in response. Then Angela left through the door which stood ajar.

  ‘Leave me now.’ She said, ‘re-join to your friends. I will remind Jared of my birthday or some such thing if I need to talk to you again. If you wish to talk to me; then I’m sure my nephew can think of something.’

  I stood then rather stiffly and looking at her carefully drained the scotch from the glass. I bowed to her somewhat clumsily as most modern men do, lacking the art, and left the room.

  Angela was waiting for me along the corridor. She turned and led me back into the crowd and the music. She took my hand and pulled me into the dancing. We circled a few times. I found myself back with Jules and Violette who were sharing a piled up plate of buffet food and giggling intermittently.

  ‘Thanks…..’ I turned, but she was gone. Melted into the crowd like a fairy creature.

  ‘Where have you been?’ Jules laughed at offered me a cream bun.

  ‘Is there any more wine?’ I asked. Without waiting for an answer I headed to the nearest drinks station in the first room.

  Aiden tapped me on the shoulder.

  ‘I haven’t seen you for a while. Are you alright?’

  ‘I think so.’ I stuffed some snacks in my face, feeling quite hungry all of a sudden.

  Ellen looked up at me; ‘You have seen Mr Hanson I take it?’ she said.

  ‘No. where is he?’

  ‘He went in that direction.’ Said Aiden, pointing back the way I had just come.

  ‘Have you seen Jared?’ I suddenly had an uncomfortable feeling, ‘Or Marcia.’

  ‘Not recently,’ Aiden searched my face, ‘do you think there might be trouble?’

  ‘Anything is possible….’

  ‘Look,’ said Aiden, ‘there is going to be a firework display at half past ten. We’ll see you in the conservatory area then. Let’s find Jared. I think that there could be some err….difficulty.’

  ‘What do you know?’ I asked.

  ‘He’s trying to help Jared.’ Said Ellen, ‘but we mustn’t let on we know anything. Meet us just before the fireworks are about to start. Get anyone you know who is here.’


  ‘Rimmington has arrived. And I think he might speak. We need to keep away from him.’

  ‘But he can’t do anything.’ I said.

  ‘Yes, he can.’ said Aiden, ‘we are not sure what the key word is; the trigger. It could be embedded in a speech and no one would be any the wiser when someone gets hurt.’

  I put the plate down, ‘The spike?’

  ‘Is someone who is unaware that they have been programmed to carry out a set of instructions?’ Aiden touched my left arm lightly, ‘I don’t believe that you are the one. That mark may be the sign that is cannot work. But it could be anybody.’

  ‘Curly or me… that’s what I was told.’

  ‘Anyone.’ said Aiden. Ellen took his hand, and started to pull him away. I didn’t realise why until I saw Hanson to my right.

  He passed close by me without any sign of recognition. Perhaps he really didn’t remember. Following at a discrete distance was a woman poured into an orange dress, and a small weasel like man who I could not place. The woman caught up with Hanson. He took her hand and led her rather forcefully towards the other room where the people where moving round the floor with the music.

  Sensing trouble I followed. I didn’t try to make it sneaky just got back as fast as I could to the table.

  Violette and Jules were still eating, and greeted me warmly as I approached. Marcia was there, and Adam. And Jared! I was relieved. I sat down next to him. He looked at me in an odd way.

  ‘Davey.’ that same tone of intimate friendship. He has looking at me as if he’d seen a ghost, until I realised he was looking past me. He reached in his pocket and took out a small packet of those black cigarillos and a small metal lighter.

  ‘Are you coming?’ he said to me as he stood.

  ‘Err yeah… sure thing.’ I looked to the others.

  ‘He’s pissed out of his brain.’ said Jules, ‘some fresh air might be a good idea.’

  We were just on the edge of the dark grass beyond the pool of illumination. It was quiet here. Just behind us was a covered area with quite a few bits of large attractive greenery. It served to obscure the view from the party inside. It was quite chilly. But actually that was a relief.

  Jared lit the black mini cigar, and blew a stream of smoke out into the night air. He looked at me from under his lashes.

  ‘I am really not too happy about that bitch being brought here.’

  ‘The red head in the orange dress?’ I ventured a guess.

  From Jared’s grimace I’d guessed rightly. He blew a stream of smoke out, and turned towards me, ‘do you know the hardest thing to take? It’s the fact that in all the time I’ve ever know Hanson he has only ever taken what he can get from me.’

  The penny began to drop. The red head….. Oh shit!

  ‘Yes….’ said Jared reflectively, ‘I am about as drunk as I could be without actually not being able to remember anything the next day. I precisely calculate the level you see… to within certain tolerances……’ he turned to me again, ‘Marcia is in the Ladies, I sent Janey to find her and warn her, that the evil Lorraine is with Hanson…. More to the point that Hanson is here….. I wonder if he’d going to pretend that he doesn’t know Marcia?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ I said as Jared stumbled into me.

  ‘Oh Shit! I am really….’ He sat down abruptly on the low wall.

  I noticed a waiter hovering nearby.

  ‘Would you be able to get some coffee for me and my friend here please?’

  ‘Certainly Mr Milnes right away.’

  Within two minutes a small folding table and a tray with four cups and cream and sugar appeared. The waiter poured the coffee and added sugar he handed it to Jared.

  Jared waved his hand.

  ‘I’ll leave it on the tray Mr Arden, to give it time to cool a little.’ He left.

  ‘What… was all that about?’ Jared squinted at me.

  ‘Courtesy of your Aunty it seems.’

  ‘My what?’ he stubbed out the end tab on the side of the wall, ‘Golf clubs! Where are all the ashtrays?’

  ‘There’s one on the tray.’ I said, and bent down to retrieve the stub.

  ‘Davey. You are the only one who knows what it all feels like…. I want to go back to work again…but I’m really not…. Err, in the right frame of mind. It is all a bit dark. And that is just too tonally wrong. Do you see?’

  ‘I…. err don’t know.’

  ‘I went to the shops today. There were some really nice brushes….’ Jared feel silent then, as the girls came over to us. They looked like me – relieved.

  ‘Aiden’s here with Ellen.’ I said, as Janey and Marcia Joined us. The waiters moved some light chairs over from near the conservatory veranda. Marcia pulled her hair clips out one by one. ‘I’ve had enough of looking like a cake decoration.’ She said, ‘I think I want to go home.’

  Jared turned and focused on her in an indeterminate way.

  ‘Are you prepared to forgive what I am about to do?’ he asked her; ‘and then go home with me?’

  ‘Jared…’ Marcia moved her chair round to him, ‘I’ll fetch the stars down from the sky for you.’

  ‘There’s no need.’ He said leaning towards her, ‘You’re already here.’

  Janey took my hand; ‘Where were you?’ she said, ‘I missed you.’

  ‘You did?’ I stared at the coffee cup.

  ‘Yes….’ She leaned close to my ear, ‘I wish I could get you to stop by me…. Please.’

  In spite of the refreshing chill of the air, I felt my colour rise. It was a good
job that the dim light out here made it less obvious.

  ‘I thought you wanted to dance with Jared?’

  ‘I wanted to dance with you too.’

  I glanced at Marcia and Jared, ‘what is this Lorraine business about?’

  ‘Oh! That….’ She sighed, ‘ancient history really.’

  ‘Tell me.’

  ‘Later.’ She said, and then brightly ‘Hello there!’ as Violette and Jules came out into the outside flagged area. I could see Aiden and Ellen heading this way too.

  ‘Is there any way of getting back to reception without going through those rooms again?’ I asked the group.

  ‘No. not in the dark….and through the bushes.’ Jared took the coffee cup.

  Aiden came up to us. Ellen took the girls aside.

  ‘It’s time we all made ourselves scarce.’ said Aiden. He put a hand on Jared’s shoulder, ‘You are getting a lift home with us.’

  ‘Home?’ Jared was frowning, ‘where’s that?’

  ‘You can stay at our place tonight. We’ll take you there tomorrow.’ Aiden had an expression of pity, ‘I know what you are thinking of doing. And believe me my friend, it would be very bad.’

  ‘Marcia will be going home to my place.’ announced Violette, ‘we must leave before the person in question makes his speech. We are all possible victim of suggestible programming.

  ‘Surely not you?’ I asked her.

  ‘It is unlikely. But there is always the possibility of me being someone else’s target.’

  ‘Yes… I see.’

  As a group, we all moved towards the inside rooms of the Golf club again. But a surge of people slowed us up. Eventually after a few more minutes we found ourselves in the now almost empty large entrance room. Most of the buffet hand been cleared away.

  ‘Has anyone seen Alex?’ I said

  ‘I’ll find him.’ said Aiden.

  ‘I really need the bathroom.’ said Jared suddenly, and started to stumble in that direction. I followed him. Jules and the girls stayed together. The Club staff went to get everyone’s coats.



  ‘Are you going to come out now?’ I stood near the row of sinks. This place was certainly very well appointed. This had as many cubible as the gilrs… not htat I’d been in.

  I heard Unpleasant noises. Then a flush. Jared came out and ran cold water in the bowl.

  ‘It’s true… I was not ever going to get the better of him…’ Jared looked at him self in the mirror.


  ‘No. Santa’s chief pixie… Of course him!’

  ‘We need to go.’ I pulled Jared by the arm, ‘it’s for your own good. Doctor’s orders.’

  ‘Okay… but David. For pity’s sake will you keep Janey out of trouble tonight?’


  ‘Sort of.’

  ‘Away from anyone who makes her cross?’


  They were all there. Janey, Marcia, Jules and Violette. Alex and Aiden and Ellen. Adam came out with a cup of punch and stood looking sad that we were not staying. Then at once Hanson came through he door, with quite an entourage. Mr Rice and Miss Kennet and some of the other filled up the space. Clearly there was some delay on the fireworks and people were starting to mill round again.

  Hanson passed by us all. His eyes swept across the group with no sign. I thought that it was going to be alright; until with a slight gesture of his hand he touched Marcia’s wrist as he passed, and the red headed woman looked at her with a strange smug smile.

  ‘Just a minute!’ said Jared loudly.

  All eyes immediately swivelled towards him. Hanson turned and shrugged.

  ‘Not today Jay bird. You’ll have to do better than that if you want her back!’

  The Redhead with a little coquettish movement, cosyied up to Hanson. I saw Marcia’s face and felt a frizzling tension. Janey stood by Marcia as if she wanted the ground to open and swallow him whole.

  ‘You knew all this time.’ said Janey softly.

  I didn’t know what this had to do with except the nick name Hanson had called Jared. It was something from before. Something from the old days. Students together, like Jules.

  Come to think of it they were all looking cross. Even the cool, in control Violette was radiating disapproval like a thousand kilowatt bulb.

  ‘So it finally it true. You have usurped me!’ Hanson stepped right up to Jared; ‘you are very disappointing Arden, I took you for a loyal worker, one who understood the rules, and played by them.’

  ‘I was a dead man playing by those rules!’ Jared was clearly working himself up. He clenched his fists at his sides. I was about to step towards him but Aiden stopped me. ‘You cannot interfere with this…. Let the game play out Milnes. His pride is a stake here….’

  They faced each other. Several people had gathered around sensing something was up.

  ‘I am here!’ shouted Hanson, steeping backwards, ‘there is nothing I wouldn’t do to succeed in the mission…. And any of you… including your wild cat and your pale little bride here will try to keep the plates spinning for you! Does everyone hear?!’

  Boy! Did this guy love an audience! He stepped round Jared. Who remained tense but motionless.

  Hanson grabbed the woman Lorraine and squeezed her backside; she looked even more smug.

  Marcia was staring at her in disbelief. ‘You witch!’ Marcia hissed.

  ‘Better a witch than a cheap little tart.’ Lorraine said in low seductive tones. Hanson kissed her roughly and pushed her towards Jared.

  ‘Would you like her back now?’ Hanson asked as she stood near to Jared; but he pushed her away.

  ‘No? Not to you taste is it? You prefer my other try outs, don’t you?’ Hanson was so much enjoying himself.

  ‘The brunette? She was good…. Lorraine here was too, until you got tired of the competition. Oh! And Marcia…. Dear Marcia. You are so easy to get to you know. So completely without self-control on certain fronts….’

  I glanced at Jared. Everyone was standing in gobsmacked stillness around this central group, like the road crash mentality that they all hoped to avoid themselves.

  ‘But most of all Janey…’ he was really sticking the knife in now, ‘She was cool yet very enthusiastic when the mood took her.’

  I looked to Janey’s face. It was rage… pure and simple. So it was true! The thing I thought right at the beginning.

  ‘She was sweet, and pure and so very, very corruptible,’ Hanson’s voice got softer and more mocking, ‘she was everything a woman should be… but of course you know all about that side of her nature don’t you? I’m sure you enjoyed screwing her too…’

  I came, and I’m sure that Hanson really didn’t think that Jared would do it.

  He punched him twice. Stomach and face. As he folded backwards Jared was on him like a tornado. I guess the rest of us reacted almost instantaneously. Jules and I grabbed Jared’s arms and pulled him backwards. Aiden got between them. From the right there was some disturbance. And where was Alex?

  ‘Not a pretty sight.’ said another, ‘but now we know the little trick does work.’

  We all saw Mr Rimmington step into the little open circle of the two opponents. Hanson sat on the floor rubbing his jaw.

  ‘Yes. Yes..’ he said stepping between them, ‘that was very well done. Very well done indeed.’

  ‘It was a trick?’ asked Janey.

  ‘No my dear… a simple idea that was already there, just needed to be embedded a little more firmly. You really need to pay attention.’

  Janey fell back silent. I began to wonder if I’d got it right here. Jared sank downwards under the combined weight of me and Jules. None of us would be able to sustain that amount of energetic output for any longer. Too much had already gone out, and not been put back in during recent weeks. Jared’s head was bowing forwards. We loosened out hold on him.

  A group of staff surged in then: I thought I recogni
sed one of them as the man who had served us coffee earlier. They formed a barrier between our lot and Hanson, Rimmington and the Lorraine woman. The general crowd of startled drunken onlookers backed off when this happened.

  ‘Extraneous….’ Someone whispered.

  I felt a burning in my left wrist. I felt it burning through all of me. Jared looked up at me and pulled himself up as I winced. Janey and Marcia gathered close to us.

  A gap opened up in the crowd and Aiden led us all out. There was not sound. I turned as we left through the door. It was a strange tableau. All those people frozen to the spot. I realised with a start they were not moving at all. Not even a little bit. They were not merely standing still; they were completely unyielding! Frozen in Time.

  And there, holding the door open to the land rover was Alex…. I think I was so glad to see him I must have stumbled into him.

  ‘Whoa there lad! Just climb in!’

  I got in the back, to find Adam was already in the front. Violette and Jules got in the back with us, Janey followed. Aiden stuck his head around the door. ‘Jared is going to be looked after at our house.’ He said.

  I looked out the side window to see Marcia and Jared already in the car. Ellen and Aiden got in and locked all the doors. They were zooming away a second later. The land rover roared into life and was searching out the country road in front of us. The night was clear and the stars had come out.

  ‘Coats are all there.’ said Alex, ‘Kindly put them on.’

  As we reached the main road, there was a sudden shift in the wind as if it had just started blowing again. And behind us fireworks burst into the sky.

  We huddled together for extra warmth, wrapping our coats tightly around us. Violette in particular was shivering rather a lot. Janey pushed herself under my arm and clung to me. Later she was very quiet for a long time. The past is another country Alex had once said to me. And so I took it was that. All that was past. And whatever we did. Whatever we were, we now knew we could run faster than the speed of light.

  Back at George’s house everyone sat around in a shocked silence. Alex refused to let the strange events of the night affect him. He was up early the next morning making breakfast for everyone.


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