Sand Glass

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Sand Glass Page 32

by A M Russell

  And who was Rimmington? Jules thinks that he is a figment of our collective deranged imagination. I have not heard from Flora Kennet, so I could not check if he had been on the guest list or not.

  We all went home then….back to our lives; at least for the time being. I saw Jared the next week, sober, calm, accepting. He walked in to George’s house looking like he had some colour in his cheeks. Marcia followed. Janey stopped avoiding me; although she seemed convinced that it was I who was avoiding her. I couldn’t say I understood what I wasn’t doing, but we had lunch at her house and she started to teach me how to make some origami models.

  Jules and Violette were getting on famously. And nothing was heard from the project, or from any of the staff who still had something to do with Base or even from the University. According to Jean, Hanson is back in the sociology department. But nothing else has happened. I am still watching for the strange sister of Mr Rice to get in touch. Mr Rice sent a memo to all the staff. We were thanked for our patience and understanding. But unfortunately the party will now be rescheduled for some time in the New Year; etc. etc. Alex just laughed, and folded it into a paper aeroplane.



  I walked in spring sunshine. I was on my way to meet Janey. My route took me by the university. Out of an odd curiosity I went in through the glass entrance and the internal double doors.

  The time of day was different but I stood there and studied the reflections. I tried to remember that day a few months ago. It had all disappeared you see. No records, no notes, no nothing. Jean said that we just need to be careful and shred anything we have left. I didn’t of course. Perhaps she knew that already.

  I walked back though, into the mild sunshine outside. And there sat on a bench was Michael Elland! I went over to him…


  ‘Hello.’ He’s looking up at me, curious. Mildly irritated perhaps, but clearly not knowing anything about me, ‘Can I help you?’

  ‘I just wondered if you’ve ever been on a special project for the University?’

  ‘I’ve got that kind of face,’ he said, ‘it happens a lot.’ He took off his glasses and looked at me again. Nothing doing.

  ‘Sorry to have bothered you.’ I said.

  ‘That’s Okay…’ I saw a flicker of something. Like a fleeting thought. ‘What is your name?’

  ‘Davey Milnes.’

  ‘Michael Elland.’

  We shook hands. And I was still staring at him.

  ‘Just in case you ever do,’ I said, ‘and you ever feel the need to fight an evil monster… well, go for it. You might save a life.’

  ‘Who’s life?’ he asked me. Perhaps he thought this was all a student prank.

  ‘Jared Jay Arden.’ I said.

  ‘Do I know this person?’ he said smiling. He clearly thought it was a prank and I was a harmless idiot.

  ‘No. I guess not…. Sorry.’ I turned away.

  ‘Just a minute…. I have heard that name before. He was on another course. Tall guy… dark hair and beard. Very odd manner. An artist I think? It was a marketing seminar.’

  ‘Yes. That’s him.’

  ‘Right,’ he smiled, ‘well tell him I say hello. I’ll be sure to remember him now if our paths do cross again. And you were….’

  ‘Davey Milnes.’

  ‘Okay… well. See you.’

  ‘Yeah, bye. I turned away. Elland went back to his newspaper.

  I visited Jared at his studio. It was one of those places that could be totally depressing, or totally uplifting depending on the light, the season, or more to the point the mood of the person inside it.

  I see the canvases stacked up. There were some very dark and moody pieces from before. But now he’s working on a set of scenes for a new exhibition later in the year.

  ‘I saw Elland today.’ I said.

  ‘Yes.’ Jared springs the brush again his hand testing it, ‘Good… now where is the new tube of yellow?’

  ‘Is it this bag over here?’

  ‘No. that’s my lunch.’

  ‘Are you working right through?’

  ‘No…. I’m going to meet Marcia. She’s working a split today.’

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘A split shift. Do an early then a late. Absolute killer if your boyfriend works regular hours.’ He grinned at me.

  ‘Are you officially the one with the normal job now then?’

  ‘Marcia says so. And I’ll work round her.’ He picked up the yellow, ‘so I’ll see you at yours later?’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘the dinner I promised. I’m glad someone remembered to call in the favour.’

  ‘I’ll bring popcorn for Jules. Salty or sweet?’ he asked, taking the top off now and squeezing some into a pallet.

  ‘Both actually.’

  ‘Fine. Later.’ He turned back to the canvas.

  I’m wondering what to do now Alex has announced he’s turning up with “a rather tasty treat”. I wonder what on earth he might mean by that. Is it food or a woman?

  I opened the door to the rustling of something that sounds like crisps packets. But it’s actually a huge bouquet.

  ‘Don’t just stand there!’ Alex shoves a bag in my hand, ‘I need to put these in water!’

  ‘What’s all that in aid of?’

  ‘A thank you for Violette. She saved your ass. And I know this. Perhaps you should not delve too deep into that!’ he added seeing that look on my face.

  Alex dumped all the stuff and then told me to go upstairs. I trotted obediently up, wondering if he was going to show me something that Violette might disapprove of. Oddly he was looking really serious.

  ‘You know that stretch of coast?’

  ‘The one we arrived out of?’

  ‘Yeah. Well I’ve been back a few times. Something came up.’


  ‘Out of the sea…. It’s implied by the word “up”.’


  ‘You’re not taking me seriously.’

  ‘I always take you seriously,’ I said, ‘I’m just not sure that you always convey that impression.’

  ‘Here.’ He handed me a cloth wrapped round and round a stick like object.

  I knew as soon as I held it in my hands what it was. But I was still shocked when it rolled out into my palm gleaming like the fire of the sun.

  ‘We found the packs as well.’ said Alex, but I only half heard.

  ‘Thank you Alex.’ I looked up at him.

  ‘Now don’t get all girly and weepy on me! Or I’ll have to fetch Violette straight away!’

  ‘Of course. I’m fine. Really.’ I went and tucked it into the sheath in the back of my sock draw for now. My fingertips touched the stone that was hidden there wrapped up in a cloth of its own.

  Downstairs the others were all having a fun time completely rearranging the furniture in my lounge.

  ‘What is going on?’

  ‘I think it looks better like this.’ said Janey.

  ‘Okay.’ I shrugged, ‘Alex, you’re on rice duty. The chilli is already made.’

  ‘Do you need any help of any sort?’ Marcia was sat with Jared on the settee.

  ‘No. I’m good. I send Alex to announce when it all ready.’

  At that moment the phone rang. I dived across the room, as Jules looked like he was going to pick it up.

  ‘Down boy!’ I said sharply and picked up the handset, ‘Yes, Hello.’

  They were all making a racket in the background. I waved at them to be quiet.

  ‘Yes… what? No…. okay…… right. Bye.’ There must have been something in my tone because they all looked at me expectantly. Alex came back in

  ‘Give Davey!’ said Marcia.

  ‘That was my mother. She said that a friend had asked her to ring me because they need to investigate a “Type Two Anomaly”. She said that you would know what it means.’ I looked at Janey.

  She looked back at me… ‘Are you sure? Type Two?’

>   ‘That’s what she said.’ I looked to the others perplexed.

  ‘Violette, do you have everyone’s number.’

  ‘Err not on me no.’

  ‘Come on!’ said Marcia, ‘Just tell me what you need.’

  ‘We need to call a meeting of Sandglass. I think we have something to take care of. Call George first.’

  ‘Right,’ said Marcia I’ll get on it. She picked up the phone.

  ‘So what about dinner?’ said Alex in a worried voice.

  ‘Just carry on.’ I said, ‘What about the meeting?’

  ‘Later,’ said Violette, ‘It cannot be sooner than tomorrow to get everyone together.’

  Jared stood up; ‘There’s always time for dinner,’ he looked at me smiling that half smile, ‘Just let me take care of the papads.’

  ‘Alright Minion;’ said Alex to Jared, ‘Let’s get to it.’

  ‘In a minute.’ said Jared

  Marcia was on the phone, ‘Yes, Yes that’s right. They’re all here George. You get hold of the rest.’ She paused and looked at all of us, ‘Everyone! Tomorrow at two o clock?... yes. Okay.’ She put the phone down and nodded slowly and looked at Jared who stood near the kitchen door.

  Jared looked at all of us as we wondered what was happening.

  He shrugged and then suddenly smiled,

  ‘We’re Back.’ he said.


  The End

  Later… a lot later, I wondered. What really was Sandglass? Every grain that stood on the beach could be another adventure….




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