Tommy Rich: Defendes MC Series Book 7 (Defenders MC Series)

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Tommy Rich: Defendes MC Series Book 7 (Defenders MC Series) Page 9

by Anderson, Amanda

  “Why?” She whispered and her lips touched hers as they formed the word.

  “So I could kill you myself.” He hadn’t meant to say it, but he couldn’t think well enough to lie to her. His lips touched hers just as her knee met his balls. He crumpled to the ground as pain exploded, everywhere and he watched her run, the wrong way down the road. Fuck. He would spank that ass for this shit. He wheezed as he pulled himself into her car and cranked it. He drove slowly down the road until he saw her footprints disappear from the dusty road. He got out of the car and walked to the edge of the woods.

  “Willa, I’m going to beat your pretty little ass for this shit. I will find you goddamn it.”

  The answer that came back to him made his blood run cold.

  “Not if I find her first.”

  He saw a woman standing in the moonlight. She held a knife that almost glowed blue in the light and she was dress almost just like Willa.


  Tommy couldn’t move as he watched the woman disappear into the woods. Then he couldn’t think. He screamed.

  “Willa run! Don’t stop for anybody you don’t know and fucking fight if anybody touches you! God, baby just fucking run!”

  He ran into the woods and pulled his phone from his pocket.

  “Shad. What the fuck man? Hannah’s here. She’s chasing Willa through the fucking woods. Dressed just like her and wearing a wig. Got a big fucking knife too.”

  He listened. Then he told Shadow where he was. He heard the man whisper something, probably to his wife and then Tommy listened as fabric rustled.

  “I can be there in five minutes. I’ll bring help. I’ll find out what happened.”

  “Thanks Shad. I owe you.”

  “No you don’t.”

  Shad ended the call and Tommy ran as fast as he could into the darkness.

  Mina had hunkered down not far into the woods. She had heard the eerie sound of Nina’s voice and the terror in Tommy’s. Somehow Tommy knew the woman who had been hired in her office, but Mina had no way of knowing how. When he screamed for her to run and then frantically called for help she felt her world grow cold. Nina was hunting her and if the fear in Tommy’s voice said anything, Nina meant to hurt her.

  Mina looked around. The moon gave too much light for her to hide as well as she wanted to. The movie she had watched with Candy the night before came back to her mind. Here she was in the woods dressed as a hoochy vampiress, but at least she had on boots, even if the heel was too high to run in. Oh that’s just what she needed to complete this night, a twisted ankle.

  No, she would stay put for now. If she stayed quiet no one would find her.

  “I know you didn’t go far Willa.”

  The voice came from her left and Mina had to fight not to jerk in that direction. She moved only her eyes and saw the glimmer of a blade about twenty yards from her. She felt her heart pound and knew she was breathing harder, but damn it, this chick was going to kill her.

  “I just need to kill you. He will love me then. I will be his dream. His Willa. He rescued me because he loves me, but you put a hex on him. I need your blood to break the spell. I know how to do it now. I just need your blood”

  Mina wanted to scream. The woman was drawing closer. Mina needed to figure out what to do. Did she need to run or stay hidden? She always thought the women who ran were stupid, but damn. She wanted to run.

  When Hannah’s eyes swung to hers the choice was made. Mina burst from the undergrowth and ran for the car. She heard Nina behind her and screamed, but she didn’t slow. She reached the car and dove inside the open door. She slammed the door closed and hit the lock just as Hannah jerked the handle.

  Mina was hysterical as she fumbled with the key and tried to crank the car.

  Nina had disappeared, but Mina knew she needed to get out of there fast.

  “Oh God, Tommy. Tommy where are you?”

  Hannah appeared at the passenger’s side door and smashed the knife handle into the glass causing it to spider web. Mina hit the gas, but her tires felt funny. She had no traction on her back side and figured Nina must have cut the tires. Had probably done so before too. This was so crazy. Nina was probably the woman who had tried to break into her apartment and hit Mr. McGuire. Why?

  She had no idea where she was going, but she couldn’t slow down and turn around. All she knew was that she had to get away.

  She hit a pothole and lost traction. Her car spun out of control until it left the road. It slammed into a tree and went dead.

  Mina let a sob rip from her throat. She was still being hunted. She tried to find her phone, but she had left it at Candy’s. The horn blared calling her pursuer to her and all she could do was cry.

  She forced herself to think. If she stayed in the car she would die. The interior light illuminated the dark night like a lighthouse in the fog.

  Mina forced the door open and screamed when a cool hand capped over her mouth.

  “Stay quiet. I won’t hurt you. Tommy is on his way to get you and protect you while I take care of that crazy bitch.”

  She nodded and he removed his hand and led her into the shadows of the forest.

  “I think Tommy wants to kill me too.” Mina looked up at the man who had come to rescue her and shivered. He looked ethereal in the moonlight as if he wasn’t human, but a spirit or a vampire. She tried to get a better look, but this wasn’t makeup or some freaky costume, this was Shadow.

  “Hate it when women do that shit. I won’t hurt you.” He said as if speaking to a frightened animal.

  “Please, just call Ink to come get me.”

  “Ink’s busy. Tommy won’t hurt you. He’s a hell of a lot safer than me or the men I brought with me...”

  “I feel safe with you. Will you promise me that he won’t hurt me?” Mina knew she was hysterical, but couldn’t help it.

  He looked confused. “You obviously don’t have any idea who I am. I can promise that I will kill him if he harms you. Is that enough?”

  Mina didn’t understand this man, but she nodded. She had seen him before. He was Angel’s brother and he couldn’t be all bad if he was Angel’s brother. She repeated that over and over in her mind as she waited in the darkness.

  “Stay put. I can hear Tommy coming now. I’ll send him to you. Stay quiet.”

  Tommy crept into the woods near Willa’s wrecked car. Shad stood by a tree and pointed to where Willa huddled in her black cloak. She was hard to spot except for the necklace that glimmered in the silvery light. He crouched down in front of her and looked her over as best he could in the dark. Her eyes were huge and the white powder she’d worn made her almost glow.

  He reached out to her and it was a second before she accepted his hand.

  “I drove a truck. Keys are in it. Law is bringing a van and Mike is hunting your little she bitch. Oscar isn’t answering his phone.”

  Tommy knew the van was to dispose of Hannah’s body when they finished with her.

  “Do it quick man. It’s not her fault they took her. She lost her shit after that.”

  Shad nodded, but Tommy saw no mercy in his black eyes. Tommy had never seen any emotions on the man’s face. He felt a twinge of regret for what was going to happen to Hannah, until her looked at Willa and saw the bloody wound on her head and all over her soft arms. The underbrush had taken a toll on her.

  “Oscar was just a prospect, but if she hurt him she won’t end easy. That shit can’t slide Tommy.”

  He felt his mercy slipping away as it sank in just how far Hannah had gone to get to Willa.

  He carried Willa to the truck that waited a little ways down the road. He placed her in the passenger’s seat as gently as he could and buckled her in.

  “Stay.” He pointed a finger at her and gave her a stern look.

  She looked murderous, but didn’t get out of the truck as he ran around and climbed in.

  “Where are you taking me? Kidnapping is a crime you know.”

  “I’ve done wo
rse ones.” He was glad to see the spirit in her face. Tonight was a lot for a woman like his Willa to handle, but it hadn’t broken her spirit. She was still scared and way to pale, but she was trying to be brave and that mattered. He couldn’t wait to get her somewhere safe so he could get her cleaned up. The smell of her blood had filled the truck and was driving him a little crazy.

  “I’m going to report you.” She knew those were the wrong words the minute they left her lips, but there was no calling them back.

  “Yeah, big shock there. At least I’m really doing it so I guess you won’t have to lie this time.”

  “I didn’t lie last time.” She turned on him.

  That brought it all back. The anger surged inside Tommy until he could barely breathe. The adrenaline pumped through him making it hard to think about anything but anger and pain.

  “That’s fucking bullshit. My dad couldn’t have done what you said. He couldn’t have Willa. I can’t have that shit in my blood.”

  Mina felt the tears start dribbling down her face. He had never believed her. He still didn’t believe her. She had just run through the woods with a psycho bitch trying to murder her and Tommy didn’t believe her.

  “Why would I lie about something like that? For God’s sake Tommy. Do you think I would let my father’s murderer go free to get back at you? I was hurt, but I would never do something like that. Never.” She ran her hands through her hair and started pulling out pins and sticks. “This is so fucked up. You are pissed at me for something that happened ten years ago? What about the bitch that’s been stalking me? Chased me through the woods with a knife because of you? You explain that shit. Explain how you just get a pass on that? She tried to fucking kill me!”

  Tommy couldn’t talk about this right now. All the years of hating and wondering pounded in on him. He did owe her and explanation about Hannah, but right now he had to know if it had all been a lie. He had to know if he had pushed Willa away because of another lie his father had told him. He had to know if he had thrown ten years of loving her away because of a kid wanting to believe in his father. He needed time. He had to make sure this time. He wanted to wait until he was sure she wouldn’t be able to lie to him. He drove for a few minutes until he saw an old trailer. It had been Toothpick’s and was a piece of shit, but a few of the boys used it when they wanted to get away from the clubhouse. One of the little club mice was in charge of making sure it stayed nice and clean, just like all the rooms in the clubhouse.

  He shifted in his seat as his jeans got tight as his dick got a little stiff, just right. He had enjoyed those little mice more than once as he caught them bent over one of the beds. Just jerk down their pants and get busy. They never complained and rarely made more than a squeak as he fucked them. That was ok. He knew he wasn’t the only one who liked a little mouse pussy when the house was quiet.

  That had been a nice addition to the club and if he wasn’t bad wrong, another genius idea from the Mrs. herself. She got tired of seeing half naked whores in the mornings so she’d found two half way decent girls that she didn’t see as club whore material and made them mice. They cooked and cleaned and stayed the hell away from the parties. Hell they even had jobs in town. They just came in after a party and cleaned up the bedrooms and that meant the ones that were not in the clubhouse too.

  The whores still did the big clean up after a party, but they had to be gone by 9 now.

  The little mice made a good chunk of change by doing a little cleaning and a little fucking and they dressed more to Mrs. liking. Fuck if Tommy cared as long as he got off when his dick got hard…

  He blinked when Mina huffed out a breath. “Are we just going to sit here?”

  Shit. He had let his mind wander. That was alright though. It had calmed him a little. He could think better now that the rage had settled. Shad, Mike, and Law would handle Hannah. All he had to do was handle Willamina.

  “Yeah, we’re goin’ in and we are goin’ to talk and you are goin’ to tell me the truth for a change.”

  She lifted one brow and looked at his lap. “Guess your mind was on something else, cause that ain’t for me and I ain’t dealin’ with it so don’t you even think about touching me. That night at Candy’s was it. I had always wanted to sleep with you Tommy, but that was it. I’m not some club whore you can fuck when you want to and treat like shit the rest of the time.”

  Shit. His dick hardened like a damned pike. Thinking about club mice had given him a nice semi boner that felt good. Willa was giving him the kind that made him want to scream and beg for her to spread her legs.

  He climbed out of the truck and slammed the door. Mina climbed out and smirked as she looked at him.

  “Get the fuck inside Willa. You’ve had your say and your fun. I’m not fighting with you out here when it still might not be safe.” He got in her face. “And I’m not the one who seems ashamed of the other one. What the fuck was that back there? You will let me fuck you in the dark as long as nobody knows, but you won’t even fucking kiss me in the clubhouse? Made a big fucking deal of it? That was shitty Willa. Fucking shitty.”

  “Yeah this has been a riot. Every time I have fun up here I end up with someone trying to kill me. I’m done with fun up here with your club. “I’m not ashamed of you, but I’m tired of being treated like a whore! I’m ready to settle down with a nice man…”

  “Get your ass inside right now.” He cut her off.

  “Isn’t it locked?” She gritted out.

  “Fuck no it’s not locked. Who the fuck do you think would break into a shithole like this?”

  “True, but it looks like its good enough for us so woohoo, go me. Real fucking classy.”

  She walked up the creaky old steps and pushed the door open. It wasn’t much, but it was something. Tommy closed the door and locked it behind him and just for good measure, locking the chain lock too. It wouldn’t keep anyone out that was stronger than a cat, but it would keep her in and that’s all he cared about right now.

  “If you could see yourself you wouldn’t be lecturing me about class.”

  “Fuuuuuck you! This is not my fault.” She raged as she waved her hand around her face.

  She turned away from him so he didn’t see how much his words hurt her.

  Mina cringed when she got a look at the interior of the ratty old trailer. Tommy had switched on an old lamp that sat on a table near a couch that looked older than her and she wanted to beg him to turn it back off. She couldn’t die in a place like this. She didn’t even want to sit down in a place like this. At least if Nina had caught her in the woods she would have had a slasher movie ending. That would have been bad ass. This was just sad.

  “Who lives here?” She tried to keep her voice steady, but it shook from fear. Her bravado was fading fast and she needed to get the hell out of there before it disappeared altogether.

  “Nobody. It was Pick’s. He and Candy lived here for about a year before he went in the joint, or so I hear. Now it’s just for whoever needs a little privacy.”

  “A little privacy for what, exactly?”

  “To fuck, Willa. Or maybe just to have some peace and quiet. The club tends to be loud most of the time.”

  Mina nodded as fear began to snake over her body again.

  “Are you going to kill me if I don’t tell you what you want to hear?”

  She watched the muscles jump as he clenched his jaw. “I won’t kill you if you tell me the truth.”

  Tears began to trickle down her cheeks again. It was hopeless. “You never believe the truth.”

  “I plan to make sure you aren’t able to lie to me.”

  Mina backed up against the door. “What are you going to do? I can’t take much more tonight Tommy.”

  He shook his head. A look of disappointment crossing his face. “What I should have done years ago and maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess. Strip for me Willa.”


  Mina wanted to run. She wanted to fight, but a part of her wanted this ma
n to look at her. She wanted to see fire light his eyes when he looked at her like it had the night he’d taken her on Candy’s porch. She wanted to feel possession in his touch and she didn’t care if she lost her soul. She wanted this man to own her because there was no one she trusted as much as Tommy. She wanted him to make her feel alive again, to take away her fear.

  This wasn’t some stranger. This was Tommy, her Tommy. He had seen her naked before, they had gone skinny dipping a thousand times. They had gone that day too. That was the first time he had looked at her like she was anything more than his friend and it had scared her. He had kissed her in the water that day and she had felt him get hard against her belly as he rubbed his palm over her breast.

  She had only been fifteen to his sixteen and she had been afraid. She had pushed him away and ran. She had dressed on the trail. They had already planned to meet that night and she didn’t know if she would be able to face him, but she had found the courage and then she had found him with Brittany, doing the things his body had promised to do to hers. It had been a bitter betrayal and it had sent her home early to find Tommy’s father pointing a gun at hers just before he pulled the trigger and ended her childhood.

  Tommy had always believed that Mina had lied to get back at him. He’d cursed her and told her that she was never anything to him, but a cocktease. His words had been cruel, but they were born of pain and she hadn’t held them against him.

  Her mother had moved them in with her sister shortly after the trial, Ink’s family, but she hadn’t been able to live with the strain. Mina’s mother had died thirteen months after her father was killed and Mina was left alone at sixteen with only Ink’s family to care for her.

  The feel of Tommy’s fingers on her face pulled her from her thoughts.

  “What has you looking so sad Willa? You know I would never hurt you.”

  “You have hurt me so many times that I’ve lost count.” She said, but she didn’t pull away from his touch.

  Tommy nodded. “I guess I have. That goes both ways though. Strip Willa. I don’t want anything between us when we talk this out and I need to make sure you’re alright. I can’t stand looking at you dressed like that. You are better than that.”


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