Tommy Rich: Defendes MC Series Book 7 (Defenders MC Series)

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Tommy Rich: Defendes MC Series Book 7 (Defenders MC Series) Page 10

by Anderson, Amanda

  For some crazy reason his words warmed her. He thought she was worth more than the other women at the party.

  “You’ll have to help me. I can’t get it off by myself.” He groaned when she turned, giving him her back. “And don’t you dare rip it. I will need it to wear back to Spec’s.” She paused. “If I’m still able to return…”

  “I’ll be careful.” He whispered as his fingers caressed her skin. Then she felt his lips and her knees threatened to give out. She pressed her hands against the door for support as Tommy dragged her zipper down and her dress fell to the floor.

  “Christ….” Tommy panted as he looked at her underwear. “I thought you might take a shower first and clean up, but fuck if I can wait.”

  She’d worn a black corset under her dress to lift her breasts sky high and a black silk thong. Her stockings were held up by a garter belt and she knew she looked good enough to eat, but she hadn’t planned on anybody seeing her.

  She felt the backs of Tommy’s fingers caressing her ass and she moaned, leaning her forehead against the door.

  “Shit. Turn around Willa, I need to look at you.”

  She turned and leaned against the door. His eyes were blazing and she remembered that look. It was the look that had frightened an innocent child, but she was no innocent and she was no child. She felt alive as his eyes scorched her body.

  “Fuck Willa, I fucking need you.” He plowed his hands through his dark brown hair. “Why the fuck can’t I stop needing you so damned bad? Every woman I look at, every damned one. I can’t see them. All I see is you. I try. I try to pick women who look nothing like you, but I never feel as good as when I can pretend. If her hair is dark like yours then I can pretend. Fuck. Willa that’s the only time it ever feels good.”

  When he looked up at her, she saw emptiness replace the fire and it broke her heart. She reached out and he only resisted her for a moment before he buried his face in the bend of her neck.

  “I was all alone too. They wouldn’t let me see you. I wanted to strangle you, but I wanted to hold you too, because no matter what you said, you had still lost your father and I knew how much that had to hurt you. I wanted to help you through that, but I also wanted to snap your neck. Nobody trusted me. I was torn up inside. You were my safe place and you were doing this to me. Dad said so.”

  Mina couldn’t speak. She had expected him to tear at her clothes, but instead here he was holding her as if he was completely happy to just be close to her. He had demanded answers, but he was giving them instead and deep inside her, he was mending old hurts that she’d thought would never be mended.

  “Oh Tommy. I felt that way too, but worse, because you really believed that I had taken yours out of spite. I would have done anything if it had been anybody, but your dad.”

  She felt him stiffen and thought she had ruined the moment, but he didn’t pull away.

  “It was true wasn’t it? Everything you said was true.”

  “Yes, I’m so sorry.” She was going to choke to death on the lump in her throat.

  “I should have known, but he swore. He swore a lot of things. Oh God. It was all my fault. If not for me you would have been with me and you would never have seen anything. I could have kept you. If I’d never shown him what you’d meant to me then maybe he wouldn’t have...”

  “Oh Tommy, I’m so sorry for all of it. None of it’s your fault. We were children.”

  He pulled back and looked at her. “Do you know why? Do you know why he did it?”

  Mina shook her head. “He said something about your mother. He was accusing my dad of sleeping with your mother.”

  “He hated your family. You seemed to have it all. Your mom was so pretty and he told mine how ugly she was every day. He hit us Willa.”

  “Oh God. How did I not know that?”

  He shrugged. “It started the day your family moved in.”

  Her ass pressed to the cold door and he held her so tight that she could barely breathe, but she wouldn’t protest. Tommy needed to tell her and she needed to hear it all. So much she had never known. She held him tightly as he talked.

  “Mom had seen the moving van and had gone out to the store so she could make your family a pie. Dad got pissed about something, he was always pissed about something and he’d been out of work for almost a month so it just got worse every day. I heard him call my name and knew it would mean a beating if he found me so I hid in the willow tree in the back yard. I had figured out that I could hide there not long after dad lost his job. I hid there, but that day I climbed high up so I could see over the fence into your yard. I watched your family. Your dad and mom were laughing as they carried stuff inside and you were running around like a wild child.”

  Mina felt a sob escape her throat and Tommy held her closer and stroked her hair.

  “I had never really been around a family like yours and I was so curious. Your dad even offered to go to the store. Mine never did that. So I got lost in watching your family. When mom got home I scrambled down to tell her all about what I’d seen and wasn’t careful. Dad must have seen me because when we came back from delivering your pie, he was hacking down that Willow tree. He hit me and said it was the last time I’d hid from him. After that though I didn’t need that tree. I had you, my Willa. When I heard your name it sort of stuck that way. You were my peace and my safety. Always you.”

  “I tried to hide my friendship with you, but he found out and he hated it. It really got worse when your dad bought that new car. My mom said how pretty it was at dinner one night and things started to spiral out of control. Dad knocked me out and locked himself in his room with mom. He was crazy. He told me to Willa. He told me to fuck you that night or not to come home.” He wouldn’t meet her eyes. “I knew you weren’t ready because of what we had done at the lake that day. I knew I couldn’t do that to you, so when Brittany offered I thought I could save myself by fucking her. Dad was outside. He heard her. I guess it must have been his way of making sure you were out of the house and getting back at your old man at the same time. Shit I don’t know. I should have known, I should have known something, but he never made any sense. He said I had to fuck you and show you that you were no better than us. I had to or he would hurt mom. I didn’t know what to do. I should have told you, but I couldn’t.”

  Mina kissed the side of his neck and he groaned. “I’m so sorry. We should have been able to talk it out, but I was so mortified and hurt. I didn’t understand.”

  “I couldn’t use you like that, especially after what had happened that day at the lake. I wanted us to be real. I had always planned on marrying you. I couldn’t see straight for loving you.”

  “We always were real.”

  Tommy let her go and paced away. He ran both hands through his hair and turned to her with blazing eyes. “Fuck Willa, I know it makes me a sick bastard, but I fucking need you right now. I know you don’t understand everything about what happened back then, but I need you.”

  Mina saw the helplessness in his face and nodded. She started unhooking the hooks that ran down the front of her corset and Tommy couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  “Bed. Bed Willa or I will fuck you against the door. I want it to be right this time. I need to know I did this right.”

  Mina backed toward the door as she finished the last few hooks and let the garment fall to the floor. Tommy hadn’t moved a muscle. She bent and unzipped her boots before kicking them off and then unhooked her stockings. He just watched her until she wore nothing but the black, thigh high stockings. then he walked to her with preditory grace and began removing his own clothes.

  “I know you deserve gentlness Willa, but I can’t. I will go slow next time, I promise, but this time needs to be hard and fast.”

  “I need you too Tommy. I’ve waited too long to have you. Something about the last time opened a door inside me that I can’t close. I need you. I need to see that hunger in your eyes. I trust you Tommy. Please, give me what I need.”

sp; She watched as he tore at his belt and the button of his jeans before he pushed them to the floor. He didn’t bother taking off his boots or even his jeans, he just shoved them to his knees and took his long, hard shaft in his hand.

  Mina figured he would want her bent over so he could pound into her hard from behind, but he pulled her to an old dresser and lifted her up so she was sitting on top of it.

  “I want to look at your eyes when I’m inside you.” He rubbed his thumb over her brow and down her cheek. “So I’ll know it’s really you. I want it to always be you after tonight.”

  His hand slid to the back of her head and fisted in her hair as he slammed his dick into her to the hilt.

  Mina screamed as he rammed into her the first time. It didn’t hurt, but he was bigger than she was used to and it stretched her, burned her. She was soaking wet so he slid out of her with ease before he slammed back into her.

  He set a grouling pace, never slowing or letting up on his torturous pounding and Mina loved it. She knew she shouldn’t allow him to treat her this way and she damned sure shouldn’t be quivering around him already, but she had never experienced anything as erotic as his possession of her body. He claimed her with every stroke. Changed her on a cellular level. She would never survive this. This time was different from the last. The night he had taken her on the porch swing he had been almost desperate. This time he was determined and she loved it.

  Mina screamed as her body clamped down around Tommy’s tunneling cock. She heard him curse and then felt the heated jets of his release as they filled her and trickled out of her body.

  “I’m so sorry Willa. Are you ok? Shit. You deserve better than to be fucked like an animal.”

  Tommy was still buried inside her as he cupped her face in his hands.

  That’s when she realized she was crying.

  “I’m fine. I’m ok.”

  He looked so serious.

  “Really. That was just so…”


  “I was going to say earthshattering.”

  Some of his worry washed away. “Yeah?”

  Mina nodded, giving him a big smile.

  “You imp.” He said as he pulled her to his chest and kissed her hair. “I didn’t use a condom Willa and damned if I can say I know for sure that I’m clean. Mrs. makes all the girls get checked every few weeks, so I’m probably fine, but…I always wear a condom, always. I’ve never...Are you on the pill?”


  “Why the fuck not?”

  “I haven’t been in a relationship for two years and the pills make me gain weight so I stopped taking them.”

  “What about the new guy?”

  “I’m not sleeping with him.”

  “Damn right you’re not. Not after tonight. Just us Willa. Promise me.”

  “For you too?”

  “Yeah, for me too. It’s always been you in my head anyway.”

  “That’s all well and good, but no more of that. That won’t work with me…’It was you in my head Willa, even if it wasn’t you on my dick.’ Just no.”

  Tommy let out a laugh that warmed Mina to her soul.

  “I fucking hate condoms, but I guess I’ll get some tomorrow of fucking me will make you fatter than the damned pills.” He let out a long breath. “Have you had know… since we...shit. Are we all good? Since I fucked you last time?”

  “We are. I had my period last week.” She felt her cheeks heat and wanted to laugh. This man was still buried inside her and she was embarrassed to talk about her period.

  He kissed her forehead and then her eyes and nose as if he couldn’t get enough of her.

  “I should call Candy, she will worry if she notices I’m gone.”

  Tommy nodded and pulled out of her. She moaned as the feel of him left her and his eyes blazed.

  “I need to clean you up baby. You have that makeup all smeared and blood on your face. Scary shit.”

  “Oh my god. You did not just fuck me for the first time for real and then call me scary.”

  “Baby, last time was for real and you were smokin’. Now let me take care of you a little like I did when we were young. Remember how you’d come to me when you got hurt? I loved that you did that.”

  “You always made everything better.”

  “I love you Willa.”

  “I love you too Tommy, so much. Now clean me!”

  Tommy carried her to the shower and took his time cleaning her up. He touched her intimately, but refused to take her in the shower.”

  “Come to bed and let me love you right and then you can call Candy.”

  “You still think I’ll run?”

  He nodded. “You’re too smart not to. I’m still no good for you.”

  Mina crawled up on the bed. “Who says I’m looking for good? Maybe I want bad.”

  This time when Tommy loved her, he stole the little pieces of her heart. Those pieces that she had thought were too crumbled to be any good to anyone. Tommy took them and shaped them into something new and he kept them.


  Mina woke to the sound of shattering wood and her name being yelled. She sat up and looked around trying to figure out what the hell had happened. Tommy sat up too and they grinned when their eyes met, but reality forced its way in when the door swung open.

  Tommy grabbed the sheet and pulled it over Mina’s head as he pushed her back down on the bed.

  “Get the fuck out of here.”

  “Like hell I will you son of a bitch.”

  Mina heard Ink’s voice, but she had never heard him that angry. She tried to sit up, but when Tommy reached to keep her down he smacked her in the nose, not hard, but it was enough to send Ink into a rage.

  Mina felt the bed shift and the sheet was pulled away from her as Tommy took it with him to the floor. Mina screamed for them to stop, but the sound of flesh meeting flesh was too loud for them to hear her.

  A pair of cold hands went around her waist and pulled her from the bed. She screamed and kicked back. Pain exploded in her foot as it made contact with a hard leg.

  “That’s enough.”

  The voice was deep and Mina had heard it before. She froze as the size of the hands encircling her body. She looked up and found a giant of a man was holding her. His light brown eyes swam with worry and his ginger colored hair fell slightly over his forehead. Moose, Bambi’s husband. Moose with the little foot tattooed on his arm. Moose was safe.

  “We came to rescue you, so don’t make me hurt you.”

  Mina nodded.

  “I’m going to set you down and give you my shirt. Everything is alright now. Tommy can’t hurt you anymore.”

  He was talking to her like she was a scared animal.

  “He didn’t hurt me. We talked. Nothing happened that I didn’t want.”

  He froze as he handed her his shirt. “Fuck.” He rushed over to where Tommy lay between the mattress and the wall while Ink pounded on him with his fists. The huge man grabbed Ink by his spiky belt and pulled him off of Tommy like he weighed nothing.

  Ink turned on him.

  “Calm the fuck down Ink, she wanted what he offered her. Calm down now.”

  Mina felt her whole body flush. This had to be the most humiliating thing that had ever happened to her, other than seeing Tommy fuck another girl all those years ago, well she hoped Brittany had been this embarrassed back then.

  “After the shit he pulled at the clubhouse? You let him fuck you? What the hell were you thinking Willamina? He could have killed you.”

  “Well, he kidnapped me first, but…”

  Ink lunged for Tommy again, but the Moose caught him by the back of the shirt.

  “Damn it Ink you are harder to handle than a fucking feral squirrel.” He looked up at Mina. “Great tits, just sayin’.”

  That earned him looks from both Ink and Tommy.

  “Keep your fucking eyes off her tits Moose. Those tits belong to me.”

  Moose snickered. “Tommy,
I always knew you were a pussy, but I didn’t know you had tits too.”

  “Fuck you Moose.”

  “No.” Ink had grown deadly calm. He shook his head slowly. “No.”

  Mina backed up until her back hit the wall. She had heard that voice before and she knew what was coming. Ink had gotten that same quiet voice the night the officer had delivered the news that his parents had been killed in a car accident. After the officer had left Ink had destroyed the house. He was about to explode.

  “It’s not your call Ink.” Tommy spat.

  “She is better than this. She deserves to be more than your whore.”

  Thoughts started tumbling in Mina’s mind. The conversation she’d had with Ink the night before.

  “It’s not like that Ink. Jonah... “

  His eyes snapped to Mina and she saw a soul deep pain that she didn’t understand. “You can’t want this. You have to be something else.”

  Mina had pulled Moose’s shirt over her head and it fell to her knees. She walked to Ink.

  “Jonah, he isn’t going to hurt me.”

  “He hit you.”

  “It was an accident.”

  “He brought you to this horrible fucking place.”

  “It’s better than outside on the ground. We needed to talk and this happened. I’m not hurt. Jonah, we have a past and it had to be sorted. Look at me! I’m fine. We didn’t plan this, it just happened.”

  Ink pulled her close. “What happened to your head? You look hurt.”

  “That woman chased me. It’s a really long story. Shadow and some others were supposed to take care of her and this was the closest safe place Tommy could get me.”

  “You can’t want this. He will break you Mina.”

  “No Jonah, he will help hold me together, he always did. That’s what we have always done for each other. That’s what was missing all these years. I have loved him since I was a little kid. Life fucked us up, but I want to see if we can get that back. Please don’t think less of me for this, please. You matter. What you think matters.”


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