Book Read Free

Porn Star

Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-413-5

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  “You’re so big. That’s right, fuck my pussy. You like my pussy?”

  Bone Harder stared down at his cock as it slid in and out of the woman in front of him. He’d already been in her mouth and in her ass. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bill, the cameraman, getting closer. Nigel, the director, was giving him the signal for the cum shot. Tiffany—he couldn’t recall her porn name—was moaning, groaning, and telling him exactly what she wanted him to do.

  He’d been in the porn industry for ten years, ever since he was twenty years old. Bone Harder, real name Jason Bone, had been invented after screwing a woman in a nightclub who thought he’d make a real go of it in the industry. His cock was ten inches long, and the woman he’d screwed hadn’t been wrong. Jason had taken the porn world by storm, becoming even more successful with each movie and scene he did. There were directors who begged him to be in their movies. For the right money and costars, he was more than ready to be Bone Harder.

  “Oh, baby, I’m going to spunk over those tits.”

  “No, I want it over my face.”

  “You want my cum all over that pretty fucking face?” he asked, playing his role to perfection.

  “Yes, I want it, and I want you.”

  He pulled out of her, watching her turn and face him with her mouth open. She kept smiling, and the camera came in close, ready for that special shot. Bone stared at her mouth, while thinking about something else, a woman in his mind who didn’t want him to shoot all over her face, but actually be inside her.

  Groaning, he spoke his lines and then erupted on her face, shooting whites dots into Tiffany’s mouth. She moaned as if she was getting an orgasm.

  “Fuck, babe, you’re one dirty slut,” he said.


  That one magical word was all it took for Jason. Bone ceased to exist, and Jason took the towel off the young female assistant. He gave it to Tiffany.

  “Thanks,” she said, wiping the excess of his cum off.

  “That’s a wrap, people. Excellent work.”

  Ignoring the director, Jason finished talking with the cameraman and crew before making his way back to his dressing room. He’d learned early on to always keep the people behind the screen happy, and they always extended the kindness. Jason had gotten more gigs from cameramen talking about him being a good guy, than anything else.

  There were a lot of directors who hated working with divas, and with his reputation there were times he got a bad reputation even though he was no diva. This was his job. He fucked women for work, which to a lot of men would be amazing, but to Jason, he was starting to want something else.

  “Okay, man, another great show?” Richard asked, coming into his room without knocking. Rich Fuck was his stage name. They’d gotten close while in the business and done some scenes together, sharing a girl. They never did each other. Jason wasn’t into guys and wouldn’t damage his reputation by doing a bad job of it.

  “Yeah, another one done and over with,” Jason said, removing his robe. He’d placed it on after giving Tiffany the towel to clean her face.

  “You’re still not happy?”

  “I don’t know what I am anymore.”

  “Free pussy isn’t doing it for you anymore?”

  Blowing out a breath, Jason grabbed his jeans, pulling them up his legs. Ten years he’d been in the business and in all of that time he must have fucked over a thousand girls, and that was only on set. He’d fucked plenty at his place, and he’d also had ten scares where he could have gotten something. The movies that got the most money were the ones without condoms. He’d done movies with and without them.

  Jason got tested regularly. All of the actors got tested.

  “It’s not the free pussy.”

  “A lot of girls who come into this business want to start their careers with you, Jason. What’s not to love?”

  “They want either me or you, Rich.”

  “Hey, I’m not acting right now. Use my real name.”

  Laughing, Jason pulled on his shirt. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m probably having a midlife crisis or some shit.”

  “You’re thirty.”


  “Okay, so you’re having a midlife crisis? Why don’t you take the weekend, meet a girl, and date her or something?” Richard asked.

  “Tell her what? I’m a normal guy by night but a porn star by day? I fuck women for money, but hey, I’m not a whore. It’s a job. Please, no woman will ever fall for that shit.”

  “Why don’t you not tell her what you do? Tell her you’re an investment banker or something? Maybe you’re a cameraman for a company? You deal on the internet? Anything but you’re a porn star?”

  He was tempted. Jason didn’t like how tempted he actually was.

  “No, I can’t deal with deceit. It’s not the kind of guy I am.”

  Richard held his hands up. “Look, it’s not like you’ve got much choice. Tell them the truth and risk them walking out on you, or lie, and see where it goes.”

  Neither option appealed to Jason.

  “I’m not even going to think about it. It’s not like I’m going to meet a woman any time soon. Besides, I imagine there’s not a woman in town who doesn’t know who I am. Everyone watches porn nowadays, everyone.”

  Grabbing his bag, he left the dressing room.

  “It’s an offer, and you never know. There might be a sweet little woman out there who wants to have your babies and doesn’t have a clue she’s banging Bone Harder.” Richard had accompanied him to the set today even though he wasn’t working.

  “What do you think? Lunch?” Jason asked. He was starving. Sex, work or fun, always worked up an appetite in him.

  “I’m game for lunch. You paying?”

  “Yes. I think I can afford it.”

  Richard laughed. Jason wasn’t hurting for cash. He’d invested his money wisely and was looking at a good return for taking the time to research where to place his earnings. Living a modest lifestyle helped as well.

  They passed the director and Tiffany, who was on the phone. She gave him a quick kiss to the cheek, and Jason tried to resist the urge to wipe away the feel of her lips on his skin.

  “So, how was she?” Richard asked.

  He climbed into his car, and shot a look toward his friend. “What?”

  “Tiffany? Was she any good?”

  “I think she was planning what she wanted to do afterward. There wasn’t exactly any chemistry between us.”

  “There’s rarely chemistry between any of us. We still get the job done.”

  Rolling his eyes, Jason fired up his car, loving the way it purred to life. “Shut the fuck up,” he said.

  He pulled out of the set, nodding toward the security guards, before leaving his work behind.

  “It’s a Friday. Are you game for going out tonight?” Richard asked.

  “Life is nothing but parties to you?”

  “Some people read, some knit, I like
to party to relax. Besides, where’s a better place for picking up women than at a club?”

  He’d spent the whole day fucking a woman, and Jason wasn’t in the mood to party. However, being stuck at home didn’t appeal either.

  “Okay, fine, we’ll go clubbing, but you keep our profession to yourself. I don’t want to have to deal with fans, men and women wanting in the business, or any other shit, do you hear me?”

  “God, you’re getting boring in your old age,” Richard said. “Yes, I’ll keep everything to myself apart from my dick.”

  “Good.” Jason put his sunglasses on, navigating traffic. “Now, where do you want to eat?”

  “Where the food’s greasy and I won’t have you bitching my ass.”

  Laughing, Jason found the right fast food joint that satisfied all cravings.


  Sydney Marshall pushed her dress down, and groaned as it showed off more of her breasts.

  “I hate this dress,” she said, glaring over at her sister. “It’s too short, and it’s showing everything.”

  “It’s supposed to show everything.”

  “For a woman who’s not a size sixteen, Dawn. My body is not something that needs to be on display for all to see.” Sydney ran her hands down the dress.

  “Stop worrying, you look hot.” Dawn came up behind her, pushing her hair into a pin so that some of her hair fell around her face. “There, perfect. Your skin is flawless. I’m so jealous. You don’t need to do anything.”

  Dawn put some lipstick and blusher on to tint her cheeks.

  “Are we done? I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”

  “We’re going out to a nightclub. Calm your ass down. I’m not asking you to break the law. Besides, I really need to get laid.”

  “Thinking about you having sex is not ideal to me. Please, keep it all to yourself,” Sydney said.

  “I broke up with Max a couple of weeks ago, and that man knew how to fuck.”

  “Again, please, shut up.”

  Stepping away from the mirror, Sydney grabbed some money out of her bag, placing it comfortably into her bra. She’d been able to get money out of her bra without anyone ever seeing. It was one skill every woman should try.

  “I’m ready to go and party.”

  “Good, ‘cause the taxi is ready and waiting.” Dawn gave a little whoop.

  Leaving her home, Sydney locked the door, following her sister into the back of a taxi. Sitting back, she listened to Dawn give directions. She couldn’t believe she’d agreed to go out with Dawn. Max had been the third boyfriend that year, and it didn’t look like she was stopping.

  Sydney hadn’t had a man in over a year. The last breakup had been a little messy when he proposed and she hadn’t been ready. She’d been with Thomas six months by the time he popped the question. What kind of person got married after six months of knowing someone? Not her. She’d declined, packed up his belongings, and saw him out of her life. From what she’d read in the paper a few weeks ago, he’d found another woman to marry, just so he could inherit his small fortune.

  Resting her head against the window, she listened to Dawn chat with the driver. Dawn had thought her crazy for passing up a millionaire. She just hadn’t connected with Thomas or felt any desire. Sure, the sex had been okay, but that wasn’t what she wanted for the rest of her life, mediocre sex. She wanted to be driven by lust. Not once in her twenty-five years had she been shoved against a wall and taken because it was too long to wait for a bed.

  Everything had been so neat and tidy in her life. Was it wrong to wait for the man who’d make life a little dirty?

  “We’re here,” Dawn said, pulling her out of her thoughts.

  “Great.” Paying the driver, Sydney climbed out of the cab. There was a line, but her sister went right up to the bouncer on the door.

  “Hey, baby,” Dawn said. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Dawn Marshall, you grace us with your presence,” the bouncer said, pulling her close, and gripping her ass.

  Okay, like old times. Looking out of place while my sister gets pawed.

  “It’s true, and I’m single, David. Save you a dance?”

  “Yes, go on in.”

  She reached out, explaining that they were sisters. They didn’t have to get in line, and were in the club within seconds.

  “Whoop, this is what I’m talking about,” Dawn said.

  The music was loud, invading every one of Sydney’s senses. The club was huge with a large dance-floor in the center. At the far end was the bar, and she saw there was also a second level but it wasn’t a full level, and allowed people to look onto the dance floor.

  “I’m going to dance,” Dawn said.

  “I’m going to get a drink.” There wasn’t a chance in hell of her getting on the dance-floor without a drink.

  Stepping up to the bar, she waited for the bartender to come to her. She gave her order, and he offered her a tab. Glancing out to the dance-floor she saw Dawn already had two men around her. They weren’t going to be leaving any time soon.

  “I’ll have it on a tab.” She gave the man a smile before looking back toward her sister. Dawn was far more outgoing than she would ever be. Sydney loved her sister and wouldn’t change her for the world. They’d always been close, and Dawn always looked out for her.

  “Here you go, darling,” the bartender said.

  She thanked him for the order grabbed hers and Dawn’s drinks, then glanced back toward the dance-floor. Chuckling, she saw her sister already making out with one guy while the other was groping her ass. Again, it was something she couldn’t bring herself to do.

  Suddenly she was pushed. Someone apologized, and out of the corner of her eye she saw someone’s bank card dropped onto the floor.

  Placing the beers on the counter, she picked it up. There was a guy next to her, talking to a blonde.

  “Excuse me,” she said, tapping his arm.

  He glanced toward her, scowling. “I’m not giving fucking autographs.”

  The outburst took her completely by surprise. What a rude man. She didn’t recognize him from anything. Sydney didn’t watch a lot of television, so he must be some kind of star on the small screen. Whatever, she was only trying to give him back his card.

  “Hey,” she said, stepping toward him.

  The man, whoever he was, was incredibly handsome. His hair was tied back in a little ponytail, and his face was flawless and smooth. He had beautiful green eyes.

  “I’m not giving out auto—”

  She held her hand up. “I don’t know who you are, and I don’t care. You dropped this,” she said, handing him the bank card that had slipped out of his pocket.

  He took the card from her, looking completely taken aback. “You don’t know who I am?”

  “No. I don’t have a clue who you are.” She forced a smile, then moved behind him, taking her seat once again.

  Grabbing the beer bottles, she looked onto the dance-floor to see Dawn was still loving the attention. Sipping her beer, she waited for Dawn to grow bored. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the man she’d just given the card to looking at her. The blonde he’d been talking to was gone.

  Glancing toward him, she frowned. “What’s the matter?” she asked.


  Dawn finally stumbled toward her. “I’m so sorry. It’s crazy out there. Drink up. You’re coming with me. I’m getting you laid tonight even if I have to trap you in a room with a guy.”

  Sydney laughed as she was dragged off away from the bar. She hadn’t finished her drink, but she wouldn’t be coming back to it anytime soon.

  Dawn dragged her toward the middle of the dance-floor. All thoughts of the man she’d been dancing with were forgotten. Throwing her arms in the air, she began to dance with Dawn, forgetting that she was an awful dancer. Several men tried it on with Dawn. Her sister was a master manipulator, and had them all eating out of the palm of her hand. Some men approached Sydney, but she wasn’t int
erested in getting to know anyone. This was all about fun, and making sure her sister didn’t wander off with the wrong kind of guy.

  “Are you having fun?” Dawn asked.

  “The best.” It wasn’t the best way to spend her night, but she wouldn’t upset her sister. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the beat, ignoring everything else around her.

  Biting her lip, she circled, swaying her hips, and allowing the flow of the beat to become natural. It had been too long since she’d last allowed herself to relax.

  Chapter Two

  “Who are you staring at?” Richard asked, coming back to the bar.

  “The brunette,” Jason said. He held the bank card she’d given him in between his fingers. When she’d started to tap him, he really thought she’d been trying to get an autograph. The last thing he expected was for her to give him the card that had fallen from his pocket.

  “The one dancing with the hot little number who has everyone’s dick hard as fucking rock?”

  “The very one.”

  Richard had been dancing with the other woman a few minutes before.

  The girl hadn’t recognized Jason. Her smile had been sweet, kind, and almost hesitant. She’d not wanted to interrupt him talking to the blonde. The blonde had recognized him, and had spent half the night trying to get Bone Harder to take her home. He wasn’t interested in putting on a show tonight.

  He couldn’t keep his gaze away from the curvy brunette on the dance-floor. In his world, her size wouldn’t have made for a popular audience. She was all curves, and directors preferred women who were slender, with fake tits.

  This woman’s tits were huge, and pushed up to show a large expanse of cleavage.

  Jason wanted to take her home with him.

  Pocketing his bank card, he took another swig of his drink. Looking at the bartender, he nodded his head.

  “What can I get you, Jason?” Mitch asked. They were good friends, and Mitch didn’t mind the popularity of having adult entertainers frequenting his club.


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