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Bureau Under Siege

Page 3

by A. K. Michaels

  Ronan was the one to ask the question everyone else was thinking. “Australia?”

  Creed nodded. “Yes, I took her sister there hoping that if they had wind of my plans to run to the Americas that it would put them off. I found a coven that agreed to take her in to keep her safe. I’ve never uttered her name to anyone, nor told where she was. As soon as she was safely hidden, I moved on. Always moving, looking over my shoulder expecting to see Mikhail or one of his men. Finally, I ended up here and although I’ve never forgotten Darya, I thought I had escaped. Appears I was wrong. Mikhail will be on his way and he won’t come alone.”

  Ronan closed the distance between him and Creed, placing a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll take them on and this Mikhail will know the wrath of the SEB. Everyone here will fight for what is ours and we’ll fight together, Creed. So, tell us, what do you think he has planned?”

  Creed’s face changed, now he held the cold, hard countenance they all knew so well. “He’ll bring plenty of men and he’ll fight dirty. He won’t come at us front and center. He’s more likely to try and pick off people that are vulnerable, on their own, and he’ll torture them, make them suffer and throw their bodies on our doorstep. He’ll do that with the hope of making us weak, fearful, so he can get the upper hand.”

  A knock at the door had every one of their heads whirling around, finding a very pale faced Matthew standing there. A look of shock on his face telling them he had heard some, if not all, of Creed’s words. Starr motioned him inside “You got anything for us?”

  Matthew stepped into the room, a folder in his hands. “Yes, here’s everything I could get on this Mikhail Karloff. He is super rich, private jets, plenty of men and has his hands in a host of different businesses. Some appear legit and others are so far from lawful that it’s amazing he’s still free. Something that I think we need to take heed of is his ability to get his hands on explosives and guns are the norm for his men.”

  Starr’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Explosives? Surely he wouldn’t use those here?”

  Creed’s snort of derision took everyone by surprise. “Yes, he would. That’s what I mean when I say he’ll fight dirty. He doesn’t have the same code that we have. He’ll use whatever resources he has to weaken us before he’ll attack head on. I think we should put in place some kind of curfew and have every possible person on duty. Three shifts, on watch, patrolling and nobody should go off on their own until this is over.”

  Sam cursed again. “For fuck’s sake! What kind of man would use explosives in buildings where there are women and children?”

  “One that has no soul,” Creed answered quietly.

  “This isn’t good news. Suggestions?” Ronan asked.

  Matthew stepped forward. “I have a few. I can set up electronic monitoring around the area. If you allow me to hack into traffic cams, security cameras, and stuff like that, then I can have eyes all over the place. I can have men keeping watch for blocks in any direction. We should be able to spot any danger before they get here. I can also tweak our alarms and broaden the motion sensor areas, again, that’ll give us a heads up.”

  “Good,” Ronan said, “get that done and you have my go ahead for any hacking you need to do. Just try and not get caught ‘cause I don’t want to have to explain to the ‘boss’ that there’s yet another supernatural threat. I know he was on the edge of deploying troops and we can do without them here. They’d just get in the way and probably killed so we’ll deal with this ourselves.”

  “I’m sorry,” Creed said it so quietly that they barely heard him. “I was going to give myself up to Mikhail but I know him too well and he would still try and attack here. I thought I would be of more use helping but I am sorry for bringing this down on you all.”

  Sam stood up. “No need for apologies, Creed, you’ve saved our asses more than once and this Mikhail guy sounds like he’s someone we should take out anyway. So, I say we get to work and have several meetings in the rec hall to give everyone the heads up. We can’t get them all in there at once so if we do three different meetings, one after the other, then we can focus on keeping us all safe.”

  “I agree,” Ronan turned to Starr, “can you get notices sent out to everyone? First meeting will be in an hour and then on the hour the following two hours after that. First one will be all Elite squads and mission squads, second will be the remaining Wolves and Vampires, third is for everyone else. I want every single person to be at one of the meetings, including mates who don’t actually work for us.”

  Starr walked to the door. “I’ll get started now.”

  Ronan looked at Matthew. “What are you still doin’ here? Go, get started on whatever electronic magic you can come up with and be at the first meeting to let us all know what you’ve managed.”

  Matthew blushed. “Yes, boss,” he said as he scurried from the room.

  “Will you stop calling me boss!” Ronan exclaimed.

  Sam chuckled, “Hey, if the cap fits ‘n all that. So, what say we three go over what we should do?”

  Ronan frowned, hating being called boss but failing miserably in getting folks to stop. “Yeah, so, I’m going to put a curfew in place, nobody, and I mean nobody, goes out after work hours. In fact, I think I’m going to say that from today we are on lockdown. Nobody in or out. We can get supplies ordered online and delivered. Any movement between buildings is done either via the underground garages or only with guards in place. We need to keep everyone as safe as we can and if this Mikhail is as bad as we fear I can’t think of a better way to do it.”

  As Ronan started pacing, his mind working overtime, Sam sat back down. “Ronan, we’ll do all we can to keep folks safe but I’ve a feeling there’s gonna be casualties. I’m hoping they’re all on Mikhail’s side but we need to be prepared to lose some of ours. Especially if this fucker is dirty enough to use explosive devices.”

  “No!” Ronan spun around. “I’ll not lose any of our people to scum like this. We’ll just have to be better, harder, faster. Simple as that.”

  “His men are all battle worn,” Creed’s voice was grim as he spoke, “they have plenty of experience in this kind of situation. We need to have warning of them and strike before they even know what’s happening. Otherwise, we will have our own casualties.”

  “Well, it’s our job to make sure we don’t.” Ronan’s voice was firm and confident as he looked at Sam then Creed. “Let’s go to the conference room and we can hash out specifics. Creed, I want you in charge of all the Elites, set their teams, shifts, areas, the whole damn lot. And I want it done with military precision, we are better than this damn mafia and we’ll show ‘em just how much better we are.”

  Chapter 4

  Starr hurried to reach the meeting before it started, so many people calling to find out what was going on she was held up. Rushing along the corridor and into the rec room she found it filling up with the guards and other teams. Heading towards the front of the room to join Ronan, he gave her a little smile and a raised eyebrow as she drew near.

  “I’m fine, my phone is ringing off the hook with folks wanting to know what the hell’s going on.”

  “The jungle drums are beating,” Ronan said ruefully, “they’ll all know soon enough. Now, let’s see if we can organize everyone and keep us all safe. Where’s Matthew?”

  Starr looked around, not seeing the young Wolf, pulling her phone out to call him. Just as she was about to press dial, she caught sight of him pushing through the throng of bodies. “There,” she said pointing, “he’s just coming.”

  Ronan turned. “Good, I hope he’s got some good news for us.”

  Matthew finally made it, “Sorry, I was just getting some more information. He’s in the air, Mikhail’s jet took off from Paris, made a quick stop in Kiev and took off again. They’re on their way here, I think. I couldn’t get my hands on their destination airport.”

  Starr cringed as Ronan cursed. “Cac! Okay, well at least we know for sure he’s coming our way. How long d
o we have ‘til he lands?”

  Matthew checked the screen of the tablet he was carrying. “I’d say at least another six hours, maybe longer.”

  “That’s something in our favor. We can get organized and be ready for them when they get here. Now,” Ronan said and speared Matthew with a stern look, “did you manage to get into the cameras? Without being detected?”

  Starr saw the young man wince. “Yes, we got in and as far as I know our hack hasn’t been detected yet. The only way we’d know is if we were locked out. We have eyes for a five block radius and I’ve got men on shifts to keep watch twenty-four-seven. If they come anywhere near us we should be able to spot them.”

  Ronan nodded, “Good, now...”

  Matthew put a hand up, “Hmm, boss, sorry but I’ve got more. I gave Esther a call, I wasn’t sure if you had done it or not, but I’ve asked her to put alerts in place too. She’s working on it now and assures me that if any supernatural being passes through her spells we’ll know about it.”

  Starr smiled at the IT whiz kid using his initiative and Ronan looked impressed. Her mate inclined his head to the side. “Good thinking. I was going to speak to her later so you’ve saved me a job. Did Esther say anything else?”

  Matthew had a slight blush as he replied, Ronan’s praise obviously welcome. “She said to tell you if you, Sam, or Creed have ‘tingly’ feelings then it means the spell has picked up Supers breaching it. She also said the more that breach the more the ‘alarm’, as she called it, will be, so it could get a ‘tad uncomfortable’ as she put it.”

  “Hell, I don’t like the sound of that,” Sam butted in as he eavesdropped on the conversation.

  The noise level in the room was rising as small groups talked between themselves. Apparently it was annoying Creed, who took this moment to stride to the front, holding his hands in the air. “Quiet,” he said forcefully, though not loud.

  Starr was amazed at the effect that one word had, silence engulfing them in less than a second. Looking around she saw all attention was now directed to Creed who looked over at them. “Time to start?” he asked as Ronan moved towards him.

  Her mate stood next to Creed a solemn look on his face. “We are under threat.” He stopped, letting those words sink in before continuing. Starr watched as the entire room concentrated on his every word.

  “A threat from Creed’s past has located him and decided that he won’t just come after one of our own. This Vampire has decided he and his men will come after all of us, including women and children. So, I’ll ask this only once…are you willing to fight?”

  The noise was deafening as each and every being present yelled loudly. Affirming the knowledge they already knew…everyone here would fight for one of their own. Starr’s eyes suddenly filled with tears, seeing this bringing home to her just what they were going to be bringing their child into. A strong unit of people who cared about each other and, more importantly, were willing to fight for each other.

  Sniffling and blinking rapidly to rid her eyes of the waterworks that threatened to embarrass her, she listened as Ronan carried on.

  “Okay, then let’s get organized and take the fight to them. If they appear anywhere around our properties we will take them out. We will not give them the opportunity to harm a child of ours. They will know soon enough the folly of coming up against the SEB.”

  Ronan had to stop as the noise level rose again, with shouts of “Hell yeah!” “Just let ‘em fucking try!” And a cacophony of others filling the room. Raising his hands and lowering them, the noise abated. “I’ve been told they fight dirty, they are beings like us but they use things such as explosives and guns and not their own abilities to defeat people. I say, let them come, we’ll take them on no matter what the fuck they bring and we will rip them apart for even daring to think they can harm our people, our women, our children!”

  Sam laughed at her side. “He sure can get them riled up, can’t he?”

  She nodded, not having seen this side to her man before. Sam went on, having to bend and speak into her ear so she could hear him, “Now you see why he’s the boss. He’ll have every able bodied person available eating out of his hand by the time these meetings are over. Just wait and see, he’ll have them so irate they’ll be ready to rip these fuckers’ heads off.”

  Starr looked around, some of the Vamps eyes’ already glowing slightly red. A sure sign of their anger and she was sure that some of the Wolves present were having a hard time staying in their human form. Beejezus, Ronan had them fired up for battle.

  Matthew stood next to her, wide eyed and looking a little scared. For a Wolf, he was rather timid and she thought it was lucky he was in the tech side of things. He wouldn’t last a minute in a down ‘n dirty fight. She tapped him on the arm. “I think you can head out now. If we need any more information I’ll phone you and you can keep us up to date on what’s going on. Okay?”

  The Wolf nodded quickly. “Yes, fine, bye.” Then almost ran from the room in his haste to leave.

  “He’s a bit of an anomaly, isn’t he?” she remarked to Matthew’s receding back.

  Sam’s voice was a little sad as he answered. “Yeah, he’s an orphan. He was found out in a forest near Canada as a young kid, surviving on his own. We have no idea what happened, where he came from or anything. There were no Packs close by that he could’ve come from. He was brought here and fostered with one of the Wolf families but he’s always been more into books and learning than running with the Pack hunting.”

  Starr’s heart went out to Matthew, knowing what it was like to lose family. “Well, he’s damn good at what he does and is just as important as anyone else.”

  “He sure is,” Sam stated, “just wish he could believe that himself.”

  “Well, we’ll just have to try a bit harder to make him.”

  The noise level dropped, Ronan finishing off his rousing of the troops. Giving clear instructions on what was expected and advising Creed would be in charge of the Elites and Serge would be in charge of the other mission ready teams. In total they had manpower of almost fifty beings and that didn’t include the rest of the workforce.

  Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

  Ronan walked over, smiling. “One down, two to go. You can go back to your office now, Puff. I don’t want you standing around for hours.”

  Although Ronan whispered this, Sam heard. “What? Why? Starr are you okay? Is something wrong?”

  Starr punched Ronan’s arm. “Big mouth!”

  Sam looked between them, confused. “Will one of you tell me what’s going on? You may as well, ‘cause ya know I’ll just keep on and on and on and on….”

  “Okay! Jeez, Sam.” Starr smiled shyly and blushed, she could feel it working its way up her cheeks.

  “Shall I do the honors?” Ronan queried.

  “As it was you that opened your big mouth, I think that’s a good idea. But, and I’m being serious, I don’t want anyone else to know. Not yet.”

  Ronan pulled her into his arms, placing a kiss on the top of her head. “Sam, now don’t freak, don’t start shouting, and just take in what I’m going to tell you in a nice, calm manner.”

  Sam frowned. “Will you hurry up, I’m beginning to worry here!”

  “We don’t know how, though it’s probably to do with Talon’s magic… We’re going to have a baby.” Ronan’s arms now held Starr around her waist, their hands intertwined over her belly.

  Sam stared, first at her then Ronan. “Yeah, right, out with it, what’s really going on?”

  Starr laughed. “Really, that’s it. Sam, I don’t want other folks knowing just yet so can you keep this to yourself?”

  The incredulous look turned to shock, then Sam’s face broke out in a huge grin. “Fuck! That’s, shit, I don’t even know what it is but it’s out of this world! Congratulations, both of you, and I can’t wait to see this big lump here changing a dirty diaper!”

  “Hmm, well, I’m not sure that’ll happen very often,”
Ronan grumbled as Sam leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  “Hey, hands off, she’s mine.” Ronan grinned as Sam moved back, his hands up in front of him.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got my own now and once all this is over and done with I want a big party! Charmaine deserves one, after all she’s been through. Now, round two will be starting soon so you better escape while you can, Starr.”

  She moved from Ronan’s embrace. “I’m gone, see ya’ll later.”

  As she moved to the door she had to wait for a break in the queue of folks already starting to enter. When she finally managed to get out she stopped, “I think I’ll pay Esther a visit,” she thought, wondering if the Witch would already know of her condition.

  Making her way to the Witch’s office she was surprised to walk in and see Matthew sitting on the edge of Celeste’s desk. The young Witch was gazing up at the Wolf with a dreamy smile on her face. Starr noticed the look was returned. Both jumped as she coughed to let them know she was there.

  “Oh, hello, Starr, I was just, I was just, hmm, checking on things with Celeste. Yes, I was just making sure the alerts were in place.”

  Starr bit back the smile that was trying hard to break free. “Really? That’s very conscientious of you, Matthew. Hello, Celeste, is Esther in?”

  Celeste’s face was flushed almost scarlet as she dragged her eyes away from Matthew. “Hi, Starr, how’re you feeling? Sick?”

  Stopping dead her eyes locked on Celeste’s. “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “Oh, I just thought you might be feeling...”

  Starr cut her off as Matthew looked between the two of them. “I’m fine and maybe not a good idea to talk of private things in front of others, Celeste.”

  She knew her tone was sharper than she intended, but she didn’t want news of her pregnancy spreading like wildfire. Celeste nodded her head, looking down at her now knotted hands. It was Matthew that surprised the hell out of her.

  His tone was sharp as he stood up from the desk. “No need to talk to her like that!”


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