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Bureau Under Siege

Page 11

by A. K. Michaels

  “This is for Darya!” Creed shouted as he took hold of Mikhail around his neck, turning him around and holding him tightly. With increased pressure Mikhail’s arms flailed, his feet kicking, as Creed slowly but surely ripped Mikhail’s head from his body.

  Blood spurted all around as Creed threw the head onto the ground, his own head bowed, his chest heaving great gulps of air into his lungs. Ronan went over, placing a hand on his shoulder, “It’s over, let’s go home.”

  The dark and dangerous Creed turned his tortured eyes and stared into Ronan’s. “Yes, let’s go home.”

  Taking a huge breath in, Creed’s face changed right in front of Ronan’s eyes. Now it was his usual arrogant, cold, hard mask. “Right, men, let’s get these fuckers back to base. Pile up the dead in a heap and we’ll set fire to them and burn them back to hell where they belong!”

  Yells and shouts filled the warehouse as Ronan turned and walked away, Sam at his side and Serge’s Wolf trotting in front.

  “Hell of a day,” Sam commented as they stepped over body parts, blood and gore.

  “Yup,” Ronan replied with a sigh, “I want a nice long, hot shower when we get back.”

  Sam laughed. “Me too, hey, I might get lucky and Char will join me!”

  Ronan slapped him on the back. “Good luck with that, now, let’s get Starr and leave these guys to do clean up.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Sam grinned.

  Chapter 12

  Ronan awoke with a start, his arm around Starr and his heart heavy. Today they were travelling with the Wolves to bury Drake and his two Pack mates. It was going to be difficult and he knew he could’ve said he had work and couldn’t go, but he just didn’t have it in him to do that.

  Seeing the lively Wolf in his mind’s eye, his lips twitched up into a smile before his thudding heart reminded him of what they would do later today: place his naked body in a hole in the ground.

  Starr’s voice in his head gave him a start, “You okay?”

  Pulling her snug against him he nuzzled into her hair, inhaling her unique scent that had changed in an ever so subtle way over the last few days. Ronan imprinted it in his memory, guessing it was the pregnancy that had changed her smell. One of his hands rested on her stomach, gently caressing it with his fingers.

  “I’m as well as I can be in the circumstances. I still can’t believe he’s gone.”

  Starr’s hand overlaid his, her finger rubbing in little circles. “I know but hopefully the ceremony will help,” she said aloud, turning her head to look up into his face.

  “My God, Starr!” he gasped as he saw her face, the glow on it even brighter than before, “You’re beautiful! If you look like this while you’re pregnant I may just have to keep you in this state all the time!”

  The indignant look that came over her face had him chuckling as he leaned down and kissed her gently.

  “Indeed you will not! And are you trying to say I wasn’t beautiful before I had your child in my belly?”

  Continuing to kiss her he let his hands roam over her body, her skin soft beneath his touch. “You’ve always been the most beautiful and perfect thing on God’s green earth to me, Starr, you know that.”

  Pulling away she gave him a hard look, “Smooth, Fang, very smooth.”

  “Truth! Anyway, we better get moving, we need to transport the bodies and get ready for the ceremony at dusk.” Ronan rose and held a hand out to her. “There’s a lot of preparation for a Wolf burial and then afterwards the Pack transforms and goes on a hunt in honor of their fallen Pack mates.”

  Already in their bathroom, Ronan turned on the water. “Don’t worry, we don’t need to stay for that. In fact, we wouldn’t be allowed to take part in the hunt. It’s Pack only, so we’ll come back then.”

  Starr looked thoughtful for a moment. “Is Sam going?”

  Leading her into the cubicle he nodded, “Of course, why?”

  Starr put her head back, under the water, letting it cascade down her back. “Well, if Sam’s gonna be there it means he can bring back the vehicle we use. Doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah.” Ronan couldn’t help but reach out, running his hand across her wet body, cupping a breast as he stepped closer.

  “Hmm, that’s nice, but I was gonna say, do you want to fly back? I need to go Dragon so we could kill two birds with one stone so to speak.”

  Lowering his head he nibbled on the now pert nipple, Starr quivering at his touch. “Sounds good, Puff, but right now I’m more interested in your lovely breasts. You know, I think they’ve gotten bigger,” Ronan said and cupped the one his tongue was licking, “yup, definitely bigger.”

  Starr pushed her hips forward. “Stop playing games, Fang, your girl is needing you to deal with this heat ya got going.”

  “Moi? You mean you like this?” he asked as he nibbled on her nipple as she gasped, “Or this?” his fingers found her swollen nub, twirling it slowly, “Or what ‘bout this?” he asked as he slipped his fingers inside her warm sheath.

  “Fuck!” Starr cursed as her legs started to quake and shiver.

  “Yes, please, if you’re offering!” Ronan laughed, picking her up quickly, her legs wrapping around his waist as he entered her fast and hard.

  “Hey!” Her eyes popped open, staring into his as he continued to thrust deep inside her.

  “What? You said, fuck, so I’m just carrying out your command, beautiful.” He smirked and slowed his pace,

  “Oh my god, don’t stop, Ronan, don’t you dare stop!” Starr grabbed hold of his hair, pulling his mouth to her neck, his already descended fangs piercing her delicate skin, taking them higher until Starr screamed his name with abandon.

  As she still shuddered in his arms, still clamped around his cock, his seed erupted within her. Ronan’s legs shook as he lay his forehead against hers, water running over them both. “I love you, mo chroi,” he spoke into her mind before placing her gently on her feet.

  “I love you too, more than you’ll ever know,” she replied, a rosy glow and a cheeky smile on her face.

  Ronan swatted her behind. “We better get ready, wench. You’ve caused us to be behind schedule.”

  “What? It wasn’t me that started these shenanigans!” she argued as they soaped each other quickly.

  “Well, what am I supposed to do when you flaunt that body? Don’t blame me, Puff!”

  Laughing she rinsed off the soap, pushing his chest with her hands. “Come on then, get moving, big guy.”

  All too soon they were dressed, Starr in a plain, black trouser suit with a white blouse, Ronan in a black suit, white shirt and black tie. He hated the tie, only ever wearing it for funerals. Slipping her hand into his Starr gave it a squeeze. “Better get going,” she said quietly, a sad look in her eyes.

  “I know, I’m just trying to postpone the inevitable, but they’ll be waiting for us downstairs so I guess we should go.”

  With Starr in heels and his own feet wearing dress shoes, they took the elevator. The soft murmur of voices reaching his ears before the doors even opened. Walking out he saw the area full of people, Vampires, Witches and, of course, Wolves.

  Jason walked over, looking somber and sorrowful. “The bodies are loaded and once the vehicles have left, a lot of us are going Wolf and making our way cross country. We’ll get there before you and have things started. The healer is ready and awaiting the bodies to purify them for burial. Hell, you know what’s required, I don’t know why I’m even telling you.”

  Ronan clasped Jason on the shoulder, knowing his grief was vast at losing three members of his Pack in such a brutal manner. “It’s okay, Jason, we’ll get going so you can run free and lead your Pack home.”

  Jason’s eyes were so desolate as he nodded and said quietly, “Thank you.”

  Ronan raised his voice, “Okay, those using the SUVs please load up, we’ll see the Pack when we get there.”

  Wolves moved to the back, near the rear door leading out into the vacant area behind their bui
ldings, while everyone else made their way to the SUV’s. Ronan noted Creed was already seated in one, his injuries from the day before almost healed.

  Sam was in theirs, Charmaine sitting beside him in front, so Ronan helped Starr up into the back then got in beside her. Sam’s eyes were bleak as he turned around. “Fucking awful day!”

  “Yes, it is,” Ronan agreed. “How’re you, Charmaine?”

  The young Witch smiled shyly. “I’m okay, good, I mean I’m good, but I’m sorry for the people that were killed.”

  Starr gave her a smile. “I know what you mean, it seems somehow wrong to feel anything but sad, but that’s just not the way things work. We can still feel happy ‘bout some things and sad ‘bout others.”

  “Yes, exactly.” Charmaine nodded, her long hair flying around as she did so.

  “So, you’re settling in okay?” Ronan enquired, realizing he may have to find a position for the young woman.

  “Yes, I’m going to help Celeste out for a few hours a week. With paperwork and stuff and Esther’s going to train me in witchcraft, so I’m happy ‘bout that.”

  And so the journey went, passing in idle chit chat as they moved closer to the Pack land and the funerals of his men. One of which was a close friend. Ronan’s heart grew heavier the closer they got and Starr’s hand snaked over, clasping his in a show of comfort.

  Too soon they left civilization behind, now travelling on back roads lined by forests either side. Ronan knew they were now on the outskirts of Jason’s Pack land and it would only be another half hour or so before they arrived. As his mind wandered to happier times with Drake he was brought back to the present by Charmaine’s voice.

  “I’m a little nervous, is there anything I need to know? Anything I shouldn’t do?”

  Sam sighed. “No, baby, we’re just there to witness the ceremony. The Wolves will be taking care of everything.”

  Ronan looked out his window, now seeing some of the cabins almost hidden within the trees. ‘Shit, I wish I was anywhere but here,’ he thought as he felt the heavy load of being the Director of the SEB. These Wolves had died under his command and he felt it was somehow his fault.

  “It’s not your fault, mo chroi, it was Mikhail Karloff’s doing.”

  Starr’s voice in his head caused him to turn and look at her. “I didn’t speak that, how do you know I was thinking it?”

  “Because I know you,” was all she said as she leaned her head on his shoulder, trying to give him comfort.

  “Cac!” he cursed aloud. Sam’s eyes meeting his in the rearview mirror.

  “You okay?” his friend asked.

  “Not really,” he replied honestly.

  “I know, Ronan, I feel the same. I keep going over and over it and wondering if we did somethin’ wrong. Ya know?”

  Ronan did know. “Yeah, but I can’t see what we could’ve done to have stopped it. We weren’t expecting a suicide bomber, for fuck sake! Who the hell does that?”

  Sam sighed. “No fuckin’ idea.”

  Starr leaned forward, obviously trying to change the subject. “So, Charmaine, Sam, have you set a date for your party?”

  Ronan saw the blush as it crept up the young Witch’s face, her eyes darting over to Sam. His friend, on the other hand, had a huge grin. “We thought maybe next weekend, if that’s okay?”

  Starr chuckled. “That sounds great. We can do with something to look forward to.”

  “It’s not too soon?” Sam queried, a worried look passing quickly over his face.

  Ronan leaned forward, patting Sam’s shoulder. “No, it will maybe help everyone to let off some steam and celebrate. I’ll get it organized for you both.”

  “Is there anything you need?” Starr asked, her question directed to Charmaine.

  “Need?” Charmaine looked confused.

  “Yes, need.” Starr smiled. “It’s tradition, the happy couple get presents so if there’s anything lacking in Sam’s bachelor pad then now’s the time to tell everyone.”

  “Oh,” Charmaine looked thoughtful for a second, “I could use some decent pots and pans for cooking. He doesn’t have a lot of stuff in the kitchen and I love to cook.”

  “Good. When we get back put a list together and I’ll make sure it’s passed around and things ticked off.” Starr snuggled closer to Ronan, “We’ll get you the pots ‘n stuff, but anything else just let me know.”

  Sam snorted, “Hey, it’s not like I used the kitchen for anything other than the fridge. Gotta keep my beers nice ‘n cold.”

  Charmaine reached over, slapping his knee, “Well, I’ve got to eat, so it’ll be a fully working kitchen from now on.”

  Sam’s hand moved with lightning speed, landing on top her Charmaine’s. Holding it there and stroking the top with his thumb. “I know, baby, I know. All this talking about the ceremony has reminded me ‘bout something. Hope you don’t get embarrassed me asking in front of my friends here, but, I don’t know anything ‘bout Witches rituals or history on this kinda stuff. Do you wear rings? Like humans wear wedding rings, do you?”

  Starr gasped. “You haven’t asked her already? Sam! I spoke to you ages ago about this!”

  “Sorry, it slipped my mind,” Sam stated and turned, giving them a lopsided grin.

  Charmaine half laughed, her face blushing again. “Well some do and some don’t. If I’m being honest I have to say I’ve always wanted a ring on my finger, but, not the usual ones. I’ve always wanted an eternity knot, could I get one of those?”

  “An eternity knot?” Sam frowned, as if he had no clue what Charmaine was talking about.

  Starr came to his rescue. “Sam, I’ll check them out and email you. There’s gotta be somewhere nearby that does them.”

  “Thanks, Starr! You’re a life saver!”

  Charmaine’s face was now almost scarlet as she looked over at Sam. “Char, you can have whatever the hell you want.”

  Ronan looked at his friend and couldn’t help smiling. The changes in Sam were phenomenal and he couldn’t be happier for them both. Starr’s fingers still clasped his and she gave a small squeeze as she motioned with her head towards the front. At first he thought she was meaning Sam and Charmaine but then his heart thudded as he saw they’d arrived.


  Creed’s vehicle was the first to arrive as it held two of the bodies in the rear, wrapped up tightly within stark, white sheets. He hadn’t spoken a word to the Elite Guard driving and was grateful that the Vampire hadn’t tried to engage him in small talk. His guilt gnawing at his insides as they pulled into the large open area of the Pack.

  The closer they drew to the Pack land, his stomach and senses went into overload. Not only guilt playing havoc with his stomach but something else…something very weird indeed. Only once before had he ever felt anything like this and he knew it couldn’t be that. No, whatever was causing his stomach to churn and adrenaline to pour into his system was most definitely not what had caused it so many years ago.

  Jason and the rest of the Wolves had already arrived, the Alpha standing waiting, his back ramrod straight, while the Pack mingled around. Creed opened his door and as soon as he did the scent hit him, causing his head to spin around in search of the recipient, finally finding the culprit of his unease.

  Creed’s eyes raked the Wolf from head to toe, noting that they were unaware of his scrutiny. Peering at the small form intently before his attention was drawn back to the reason for him being on Pack land as the rear of their vehicle was opened and he organized the removal of the bodies.

  Taking a deep breath he steeled himself before striding over to Jason, although his eyes had a mind of their own, flitting towards the Wolf who had caused his unease. Jason’s hand was already out to shake his hand as he stopped before the Alpha.

  Creed took the hand, his guilt even more vast as he looked into Jason’s eyes. “Alpha, I know I’ve already told you this but I have to say...” Creed’s words stopped, a lump appearing in his throat as he fought for control. No
t something he had ever encountered before, ever.

  Jason’s grip on his hand tightened, pulling him forwards and into a tight bear hug. The Alpha’s words whispered at his ear, “No more apologies, Creed. You were not to blame and my Wolves died doing what they did best—looking after others.”

  Stepping back, Creed nodded once before his eyes darted back to the Wolf who now stood watching his interaction with the Alpha. Their eyes locked and Creed felt the strength leaving his legs. “No, it couldn’t be! This was impossible!” he thought as he stared into two dark brown eyes, before the Wolf turned and walked away. The slight limp causing Creed to pause and take in everything about them.

  Sending one of his rather unique powers out to gauge the damage to the Wolf, he was sure that this power of his was not one many other Vampires had, but one he used frequently; especially when cage fighting. He could sense and almost see any damage or weakness within another living being. Creed was sure it was why he was so successful in his hobby, finding and exploiting weakness usually giving him the upper hand in any fight.

  This time Creed could clearly see terrible damage beneath the skin, bones shattered, a hip not sitting quite right and causing the limp. Whatever had caused the damage would have killed any human. Creed wondered why this Wolf was not fully healed. After all, the wounds were old so they should’ve been healed completely by now. Jason’s voice snatched his attention away from the retreating Wolf.

  Jason’s hand left his. “That’s Veronica, or, as she prefers to be called, Ronnie. A bad business that.”

  Jason shook his head, his eyes sad as he also watched his Wolf limp away. Creed turned, asking, “What happened?”

  “A very bad road accident. Unfortunately she was in human form and knocked unconscious so she couldn’t transform to heal. It was almost twelve hours before she was found and by then it was simply a case of trying to save her life. She almost didn’t make it but somehow she pulled through. Unfortunately, the damage done is permanent.”

  Creed nodded. “I see. How come she doesn’t work in our offices? I’ve never seen her before?”


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