Bureau Under Siege

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Bureau Under Siege Page 15

by A. K. Michaels

  Creed stared at him with what looked like emotion in his eyes. Ronan cocked his head to the side, it wasn’t anger and that was the only emotion he had ever seen from this dark and very dangerous Vampire.

  Ronan raised an eyebrow. “Care to elaborate?”

  Creed stood up quickly, striding to the window before turning around. “I think I’ve found a mate.”

  If there was something that Ronan did not expect to hear coming from Creed’s mouth that was it. Ronan took a moment before answering, “A mate? Your mate?”

  Creed nodded. “Yes, and I know it’s not usual, unique even, to find not one but two but I’m certain. The only problem is she’s a Wolf and a rather prickly one at that. I told her I would come back this evening to talk but I want to go now and I don’t want to leave until this is sorted and she’s agreed to come back here with me.”

  Ronan couldn’t help his lips twitching up at the sides, Creed’s discomfort not something he had witnessed before. “I see. Have you spoken to Jason?”

  “Yes,” Creed said, “I spoke to him before I approached her and he’s fine with it.”

  “Is he?” Ronan queried, as an Alpha would rarely welcome one of his She-Wolves bonding with a Vampire. The loss of the resulting cubs from a mating like this would not be one an Alpha would usually be comfortable with.

  “I know what you’re thinking.” Creed moved closer, staring intently at Ronan. “But she had some sort of accident and in her eyes she’s damaged and lame but I don’t see that. I see her fiery wit, her dark brown eyes, hair that’s …”

  Creed stopped, shaking his head and placing that imperceptible look back on his face that he did so very well. Ronan couldn’t help grinning as he stood up and joined Creed. Slapping him on his back he said, “I think you’re right. She is most definitely your mate. Go claim her, Creed, and I look forward to meeting this She-Wolf that’s got you all flustered.”

  Creed huffed. “I’m not flustered. I don’t get flustered,” he sighed heavily, “but I’ll admit I’m a little tense.”

  “Finding a mate will do that to a guy.” Ronan was still grinning. “So go and sort it out and I’ll see you when I see you, no need to worry about work but if your apartment is anything like the other single guys here you may want to ask someone to clean it up a bit before bringing your mate home.”

  Creed frowned. “It’s not. My apartment is spotless.”

  “Of course it is.” Ronan shook his head as he went to sit down. “Why on earth would I think differently?”

  “No idea, I’m not a slob. I’ve got a bag packed and I’m just going to take off now.” Creed walked to the door, stopping and turning around and said, “Thank you.”

  Ronan saw clearly how hard those words were for his Elite to utter. “No need to thank me. Just go and sort things out with your mate. If you get the chance you can phone or text to let me know how things are going.” Ronan laughed. “Then again you may not get the time to do that.”

  A low growl rumbled in Creed’s chest and Ronan put his hands up in front of him. “Hey, I’m joking.”

  Creed’s jaw clenched and he took several deep breaths before lifting his eyes to Ronan’s. “How am I going to do this without killing someone?”

  The anger in Creed’s voice was palpable in the room, Ronan getting up and walking around the desk to sit on the edge. “Creed, most of the Pack arrived back earlier so there should only be the elders, women and children out there. Of course there’ll be the Wolves that Jason leaves to guard them but they won’t get in your way. I’m sure Jason will have advised them of your ‘situation’ and they’ll leave you be.”

  Creed’s body relaxed, slightly. “I suppose you’re right but I still feel as if I’m going to rip anyone apart that even looks at her the wrong way. How did you deal with it?”

  Ronan smiled. “I just kinda muddled through and Starr is always quick to rein me in if I overstep the mark. She’s kinda feisty.”

  “Yeah, tell me ‘bout it.” Creed smirked. “She’s a handful that’s for sure and I have a feeling Ronnie’s going to be the same.”

  “Ronnie?” Ronan asked at the unusual name for a She-Wolf.

  “Veronica, but she hates it and goes by Ronnie.” Creed half smiled. “Sounds more like a human guy you’d meet in a bar than a gorgeous She-Wolf.”

  Ronan smirked at hearing Creed talk like this. It was probably the longest conversation he’d had with the Elite Guard. “Well, if she prefers it and she’s fiery ‘n feisty then maybe you should call her that and take one problem out of the equation.”

  “I suppose so. Anyway,” said Creed as he moved towards the door again, “I’m going to get going. The sooner I get there the sooner I can sort all this out.”

  “Okay.” Ronan went back around his desk, sitting down and opening his emails. “I’ll see you when you get back.”

  “Yes,” was all Creed said as he left.

  As he skimmed through his mail to check for anything urgent, Ronan couldn’t help grinning. A mate would certainly change the dangerous Vampire and he couldn’t wait to see it.

  He was still grinning when Sam appeared. “Hey, what’s up with Creed? He seemed strung out earlier.”

  “You could say that.” Ronan looked up at Sam. “I noticed he was a little ‘off’ yesterday at the funeral and he’s just asked for leave.”

  Sam butted in as he sat down, “Leave? As in vacation time? I’m not sure when the last time was that Creed asked for that?”

  “I know, apart from a day or so here and there when he goes to those underground fights he thinks I don’t know about.” Ronan rolled his chair back. “However, this is something far more serious.”

  Sam sat up straight. “Serious? Does he need help? Or is someone in danger?”

  “Neither of those,” Ronan stated, loving stringing his friend along, “but, it’s something that’s going to have a huge impact on him and he’ll be gone until he sorts it out.”

  “Jeez, will ya just tell me what the hell is going on?” Sam almost whined.

  Grinning, Ronan put him out of his misery. “He, apparently, found his mate yesterday at the funeral and she’s one of Jason’s She-Wolves. Now,” Ronan said and raised a hand, “before you interrupt, Jason knows and is okay with it.”

  Sam was frowning, his voice incredulous, “I don’t believe it!”

  “There’s a valid reason, Sam. It appears the woman has been hurt, damaged in some way, due to an accident. We both know what it’s like in a Pack with Wolves who are deemed ‘weak’ in some way.”

  Ronan sighed as Sam nodded. “Shit, yeah, she’ll have to fight for even a trace of respect and status. Is she badly weakened?”

  “I’m not sure,” Ronan said and shook his head, “but Creed is wound tight as a drum and he said she’s fiery and he’s not coming back until he’s claimed her and she agrees to return with him.”

  Sam laughed. “Christ, I’d love to be a fly on the wall. Creed is going to be taken down, hard.”

  “I know, I don’t think he has a clue…oh shit…he does. He had a mate before and lost her so he must have some idea how this is going to go.”

  “Speaking of which…” Sam looked behind him. “Do you know if Starr has sorted out the ring?”

  “I think so, yes, but check with her on your way out.” Ronan rolled forward again, getting ready to finish his mail. “Was that what you wanted to see me about?”

  “No,” Sam said and grinned, “I had a meeting with Esther and she’ll be sending you a report, but I wanted to talk to you myself. It’s about Char.”

  “Go on.” Ronan’s attention was now back on his friend, hoping there wasn’t a problem with the young Witch.

  “According to Esther, Charmaine is more powerful than she knows. Esther seems to think that she’ll be an asset on missions in the future and she’s going to advise you of this.”

  Ronan’s head moved back to his screen. “Hold on.” He saw an email from Esther, clicking it open and reading it quickl
y. “Yes, she’s sent me a report and she’s singing Charmaine’s praises here. What do you think? Will Charmaine be interested in helping out?”

  “I’m not sure.” Sam checked behind him again, obviously making sure his mate wasn’t anywhere nearby. “She seems content to work part time and be at home the rest so I guess we’ll need to discuss it.”

  “Agreed.” Ronan finished reading Esther’s report and closed it down. “You and Charmaine can talk about it and let me know. There’s no rush. According to Esther’s report it will be a while before Charmaine is ready. First, we need to get your party out of the way.”

  Standing up Sam grinned. “Yup, this weekend and then I’ll be an old mated guy. Just like you.”

  “Yes, you will. I’m happy for you, Sam. I never thought for a minute that you’d give up your whoring days...”

  Sam put his hands on his waist, frowning down at him. “Hey! I wasn’t that bad.”

  “Yes, you were.” Ronan chuckled lightly, “You were the worst straip I’ve ever known. Now, I’ve got some news for you, sit down.”

  Sitting back down Sam waited and Ronan told him of their plans. “After your party Starr and I will be going to the Ranch.”

  “Another holiday?” Sam asked quickly, a cheeky smirk on his face.

  “Not exactly.” Ronan stared Sam straight in the eye. “Starr is having problems because of the pregnancy, not health wise but Dragon wise. She needs to stay Dragon far more often while pregnant and she can’t do that here. So, I’m going to work out of the Vegas office and we’ll stay at the Ranch until after the birth.”

  “What do you need from me?” Sam was all business now.

  “I need you to keep things ticking over here but I’ll be online for most of the day so you can contact me at any time either video call or just plain telephone.” Ronan ran through in his mind how things were going to work. “There shouldn’t be a problem and she needs this. I’m going to have some extra security around the place and Josef says he’ll do the same. Starr is worried for the baby so the security will calm her somewhat.”

  “I see,” Sam said with a scowl, “what is it she’s worried about and what can I do to help?”

  “She’s worried that word will get out she’s pregnant and she doesn’t want any Witches, or others, hunting her for the child. I’ve told her we’ll keep her safe but her hormones are all over the place so I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe and happy.”

  Sam inclined his head. “What’s your feeling? Is the threat real or not?”

  Ronan didn’t answer immediately, trying to decide the answer. “I’m not sure. So, extra security will be in place just in case there are any problems. I hope to fuck there aren’t ‘cause I’ll rip anyone apart that tries to harm Starr or the baby.”

  “I know, my friend, and you know I’ll be there the second you think you need me.”

  “Yes, Sam,” Ronan said and smiled at his friend, “I do know that. Now, your party is organized, our flight for Sunday is organized and Josef is on board so I need to get to work to make sure everything is up to date before we leave. I’m hoping we can have a day or so before I need to go into work.”

  Standing up Sam backed out the office. “Okay, I know when I’m not wanted. I’m away to find Starr.”

  Ronan didn’t answer, his focus now on what work he needed to do.

  Chapter 17

  Starr felt jittery as she sat down to get to work, her Dragon restless and unhappy. For the first time in her life she felt uneasy and at odds with her beast. She had never felt this inner struggle before and it caused her to be anxious and agitated. “What if I transform while I’m inside?” she worried, gnawing at the skin at the side of her thumbnail.

  Still worrying she jolted upright as Sam walked in. “Hey, Sam.”

  “Starr,” Sam said and looked behind him quickly, “just checking if you’ve done anything on that special job?”

  Starr grinned. “Yup, all organized,” she said and picked up a note. “Here’s the address of the jewelers. You can pick up the order anytime from tomorrow, they said late afternoon, so I’d wait ‘til the next morning. The price is there too. It’s pretty expensive, Sam. Platinum isn’t cheap.”

  Sam’s face almost lit up. “Hell, it’s worth it. I can’t wait to see her face. I hope she likes it, especially the engraving.”

  “She will.” Starr couldn’t help but be affected by Sam’s good mood. “The words are lovely, Sam. Any woman would be ecstatic to wear a ring like that.”

  “I hope so. I want everything to be perfect. Anyway,” Sam lowered his voice, “Ronan’s just told me about your little trip and I just wanted to say that I’ll do whatever’s necessary to make sure everything runs smooth here.”

  “Thanks, I really appreciate that.” Starr frowned. “I’m worried he’s going to fret ‘bout things and I feel kinda bad about it. He’s doing it for me...”

  Sam cut her off, “He’s doing it for both of you and the baby. Don’t get worked up, Starr, that won’t do you or the little one any good at all. I have to say that I’m a little upset at not being there though.”

  Starr raised an eyebrow. “What?”

  “Oh, I don’t mean at the birth,” Sam chuckled. “No that’d be a bit weird, but I was hoping to see the new arrival as soon as I could afterwards. I mean, come on, a Dragon and Vampire baby! Hell, it’s gonna be one special being.”

  “Oh, I see, yeah, for a moment there you had me worried.” Starr realized that Sam wouldn’t be the only one interested in a Dragon baby and her worry shot up. “I just hope we can keep it safe and maybe you and Charmaine can come out when it’s nearly time. Be on hand, so to speak. To be honest I’d appreciate you being there, just in case there’s any trouble.”

  “I’m sure Ronan will make sure you’re well protected. He’s already organizing more security for the Ranch so try ‘n not worry.” Sam stared at her. “Regarding coming out, that’s a huge, Hell yeah! Charmaine and I would love to come stay at the Ranch for a little while and the chance to see Ronan changing a dirty diaper is priceless.”

  “Good, that’s settled, now you better go and let me get on with what I’ve gotta do. There’s some stuff I need to finish before we leave.”

  Sam looked at the note she had given him before placing it in his front pocket. “Thanks again for doing this for me.”

  “No problem,” she answered as she tried to focus on her work.

  Feeling uncomfortable she stood up, undoing the button on her jeans and pulling the zipper down a bit as her newly rounded belly escaped the confines. Rubbing her hand over it she spoke to her child, “We’ll keep you safe little one, daddy and I will make sure you’re okay.”

  She hoped that was true, the thought of any threat to her child almost causing her to vomit. Taking several deep breaths to steady herself she sat back down, one hand still on her belly. Her Dragon was still restless and she knew it was going to be a long day.


  Ronan threw himself into his work, trying to clear the load as quickly as possible so he could concentrate on the move to Vegas. He’d need to email Paul, his Agent in Charge, and get some more security organized. His phone started to ring and he was surprised to see Josef’s name, accepting the call immediately. “Josef, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong.” Josef’s tone was, as usual, cool and calm. “After your call, I decided to install a state of the art security system both on the Ranch and in the surrounding area. There will be cameras, motion sensors and a host of other such things. I cannot allow anything to happen to Starr or your child so I’m taking the necessary steps to ensure her safety.”

  A long sigh escaped Ronan, relief flooding his system. “That’s good news, Josef, but I didn’t expect you to go to such an expense.”

  “It’s nothing, Ronan,” Josef answered, “I’m also having some new quarters built some way from the Ranch itself. They will house a team of twelve and they will have shifts so that at least six are on duty at
all times in case of trouble. They will be there but you won’t see them, or if you do then let me know as they would not be carrying out my directive as specified. If that happens, I’ll take the necessary action.”

  “Josef, you are going way beyond anything I was expecting, but thank you.” Ronan’s body relaxed some more. “The need to keep them safe is so fucking strong that I feel like a coiled spring!”

  Josef actually chuckled. “I know, my boy, but do you really need to curse so?”

  “Sorry, I’m just wound as tight as a drum right now.”

  “I am well aware of the feelings that engulf us when our mate or child is in danger, Ronan,” Josef’s voice lowered, sounding deadly as he continued. “If anyone dares to threaten Starr or the child I’ll rip them apart myself. She is the only hope that her kind will not become extinct, Ronan. We must do all that is within our power to ensure that does not happen.”

  “Thank you, Sire.” Ronan used the formal address to show Josef just how much he appreciated what he was doing.

  “You are most welcome and if there is anything else you require then do not hesitate to ask. I’ve already informed Finbar and Margaret and I have to say that both of them are more than a little excited.” Josef laughed again. “That crotchety old Irishman tried to hide it but his delight was very clear.”

  Ronan grinned at the thought of Finbar, knowing the Vampire would indeed by excited at their return. “Finbar’s not so bad once you get to know him. He and Starr hit it off when we were there before.”

  “Yes, so Margaret told me. Anyway, I have to go now, little Josef is teething and kept us up most of the night. I’m going to take him out for a bit so Peri can get some rest. I’ll let you know when all of my precautions are in place and look forward to seeing you both soon.”

  Ronan didn’t have a chance to respond as Josef hung up, but the call had certainly eased his worry hugely. It was good to have a Sire that had so much money he could do whatever the hell he wanted, when he wanted. The fact that his Sire was doing this for Starr and their child made Ronan realize just how lucky he was to have someone like that in their corner.


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