Bureau Under Siege

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Bureau Under Siege Page 16

by A. K. Michaels

  He was sure that Josef wouldn’t hesitate to rip apart any threat, just like he would without thinking twice. All that mattered was that Starr and the baby were safe. Everything else paled into insignificance next to that.

  Standing up quickly, he strode to Starr’s office, catching her unawares as he entered. Her face in a frown and a hand on her belly, caused his worry to skyrocket once more. “Starr, what’s wrong?”

  Starr jumped in her chair, rolling it back a little. “Shit! You nearly gave me a heart attack!”

  Ronan went over, getting down to kneel in front of her. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s nothing, I’m just a bit uncomfortable. Look,” she nodded towards her stomach, “I’ve had to undo my jeans, they were too tight and sore and look at the bump. It’s already showing, Fang, I won’t be able to keep this a secret for much longer and I need to go buy larger sized clothes.”

  Ronan’s eyes were already focused on the little bump showing beneath her splayed fingers, his own coming to rest on top of Starr’s. “Jeez, Puff, why don’t you go now and get some pants that fit. What ‘bout those maternity ones?”

  “No!” Starr almost shouted, “I’m not wearing those! I’ll just get a couple pairs in next size and a few sizes after that too. I’ll maybe buy some extra yoga pants in a bigger size too ‘cause they’re really comfy.”

  “Okay, okay, Puff,” Ronan said with a smirk. “Don’t go getting all upset on me. It was just a suggestion. Anyway, you’re not going alone, no, don’t interrupt.” Ronan’s fingers softly caressed the smooth little bump. “From now on you don’t go anywhere without either me or some guards. It’s not up for discussion and if you won’t take anyone with you then you’ll not be going out.”

  Starr’s eyes widened at his tone. He knew it was all “boss like” and domineering but he didn’t care. He would do whatever it took to make sure she was safe and that included being guarded at all times.

  “Guess I’ll have some company then,” Starr pouted causing Ronan to laugh. “Hey, stop laughing! Okay you organize some guards and tell them I’ll meet them in the parking garage in ten minutes.”

  Ronan nodded. “Good, I’m glad you’re seeing sense.”

  “Ronan.” Starr’s hand moved to cup his face. “Can I tell Charmaine? I kinda think I’d like her to come shopping with me, if that’s alright?”

  “Of course,” Ronan stated with a grin, “you tell whoever you want. I’ve been keeping it quiet ‘cause I thought you didn’t want it getting out.”

  “Well, seeing as we’re relocating to Vegas for a while there’s gonna be questions asked so I guess we should let folks know. What do you think?”

  Ronan knew he was beaming from ear to ear as he leaned forward, placing a kiss on Starr’s belly. “I’m good with that, mo chroi. I’ll be sending an email out to Heads of Departments to advise of us going to Vegas, now I can tell ‘em why.”

  “Okay, Daddy, go send your email.” Starr laughed, pushing Ronan away as she stood up.

  “Great! I’ll get the guards ready for you but be careful, Puff, please, for my sake, will you? I’m gonna be a nervous wreck by the time this little one’s born.”

  “I’ll be careful, now scoot.” Starr waved her hands towards the door so he got up to leave.

  Looking down into her smiling face he couldn’t resist a quick kiss. Snatching her to him and holding her in place while his lips met hers. The taste of her so glorious he had to force himself to pull away. “Later, grá mo chroí, later!”

  Starr held him close for another moment before placing her hands on his chest, “Go, now, or I won’t be going shopping!”

  Ronan laughed as he left the office, striding towards his own. “I’ll phone the guards and then get that email sent! I wonder what folks will say when they learn we’re gonna have a baby!” He was pretty sure that everyone would be happy for them. They were such a close knit community that he was absolutely certain of the support he knew would come with the revelation.


  Starr checked her desk drawer, grabbing a credit card and her phone, then heading over to Sam’s office. The door was open so she walked in, checking the corner for Charmaine. “Oh, where’s Charmaine?” she asked when she saw the young Witch wasn’t at her usual desk in the corner.

  Sam looked up from his screen. “She’s down in Esther’s office, they’re going over some things but she’ll be back soon.”

  “Shoot, I was hoping she’d come shopping with me.”

  Sam inclined his head. “Shopping?”

  “Yeah.” Starr placed a hand on her stomach. “My clothes are getting too tight so I need to go get some and thought Charmaine could come with me.”

  “Come where?” Charmaine’s voice making Starr jump.

  “Shit! That’s the second time today I’ve been scared!”

  “Oh, sorry, Starr. Where is it you want me to go?” Charmaine looked concerned as she moved past Starr and into the office.

  “It’s okay, I’m just a bit jittery today.” Starr moved in. “Charmaine, I’m not sure if Sam’s said anything to you?”

  Sam shook his head. “Nope, not a word.”

  “Oooooh, now I’m curious!” Charmaine almost squealed.

  “I’m pregnant,” Starr stopped, waiting on the young Witch’s reaction.

  “You’re what? How’s that possible?” Charmaine’s dumbstruck look causing both Starr and Sam to stifle their laughter.

  “Magic. Dragons are magical creatures and when Talon performed the ceremony in the cavern his magic made it possible. Yes, we know it’s unique and all that but that’s it, I’m pregnant.”

  Charmaine rushed forward, hugging Starr tightly. “Oh my good gracious! That’s amazing! Wonderful! I can’t say how happy I am for you.”

  Starr stood still, not used to such shows of affection, finally pulling Charmaine’s arms from around her body and stepping back. “Thanks,” she blushed, “but I need to go and get some new clothes and thought you could come with me?”

  “Of course I will.” Charmaine turned to Sam. “That’s okay, isn’t it?”

  Sam was grinning like the proverbial Cheshire Cat. “Yes, baby, you go and here.” He pulled out a credit card. “If you see anything you want go ahead and treat yourself. You could maybe see about a dress for this Saturday.”

  Charmaine’s eyes lit up. “Can I? I won’t go crazy, promise, but I would like something special if that’s okay?”

  Starr moved forward, snatching the card out of Sam’s hand. “Oh we’ll get you something nice, come on, Charmaine, we’ve got some shopping to do.”

  Sam laughed. “Have a good time, girls.”

  “We will,” Starr said as she grabbed Charmaine’s hand and dragged her away.


  Ronan woke early and lay watching his mate, her disturbed sleeping pattern causing him concern. Although she kept telling him it was because of her Dragon and once they were at the Ranch and she could stay in her Dragon form for longer each day, he still worried. His beautiful mate now had dark circles around her gorgeous violet eyes and she looked so tired that he couldn’t help but worry.

  The past few days seemed to have dragged by, but finally it was Saturday and Sam and Charmaine’s party was this evening. Tomorrow morning he and Starr would be on their way to the Ranch. It couldn’t come quick enough for him.

  His hand gently caressed the growing bump on Starr, amazed at the difference in her body in such a short time. Again, she kept telling him it was because a Dragon pregnancy was so much shorter than a human’s but it still gave him a thrill to see the evidence of his child growing inside his mate.

  His lips twitched upwards before a full blown grin was on his face at the thought of having a child. His very own son or daughter would be joining them soon. Four months seemed such a short time and he knew they would need to start thinking about all the baby paraphernalia that seemed to go with a little one. His memory of all the things that Josef’s baby seemed to need was stagg
ering. “How the hell does something so small need so much?” he pondered as he realized the changes having a baby would bring.

  Changes that were a little scary and so very exciting. He couldn’t wait to hold his child in his arms.

  “You look very thoughtful, Fang,” Starr mumbled as she came awake.

  “Yeah,” he smiled down at her sleepy face, “just thinking ‘bout everything we’re gonna need for a baby.”

  “I know!” Starr sat up, the cover falling from her naked body. “Can you remember all that stuff Peri brought for little Josef? It’s going to cost a fortune!”

  Ronan laughed, pulling her into his arms. “No need to worry ‘bout the cost, moi chroi, I’ve got that covered.”

  “Good! ‘Cause I’ve got a few ideas about the spare room. It needs to be made into a nursery.”

  Ronan nodded. “I suppose it does. What do you have in mind?”

  Starr’s eyes lit up. “I’ve got it all in hand, that’s if you don’t mind?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well,” Starr snuggled closer within his embrace and continued, “I’ve written everything down and picked color schemes and curtain fabric and Sam and Charmaine are going to get it done while we’re away. It’ll be all ready for us when we get back.”

  Ronan smirked. “Sam’s going to organize our nursery? You sure about that, Starr?”

  Starr laughed. “Yes, Charmaine is really in charge and Sam’s only doing the hard work. Though I have a feeling he’ll draft in others to do the painting ‘n stuff. The other stuff we’ll need to order when we get to Vegas ‘cause we’ll need it there and then we can bring it back with us. The only things I’m getting delivered here is some furniture.”

  “Furniture?” Ronan wondered what a baby would need in that department. He had no idea.

  “Yes, furniture.” Starr poked him in the ribs. “A small chest of drawers that has a changing area on top and a rocking chair for when I’m nursing. I remember reading that a rocking chair is a good place to sit while feeding a baby. Anyway, I’ve ordered it and a couple of other bit’s n pieces. Nothing big or expensive.”

  “I see,” Ronan frowned. “None of that’s a problem but I’m not sure why you’ve not mentioned it before now?”

  “You were busy and had that look you get. The one that says you’ve got too much on your mind, so I thought I would just go ahead and do it.” Starr looked worried. “But, if you want I can cancel and we can look through some things together?”

  As usual, when Starr was worried, the skin between her eyebrows puckered. Ronan leaned down, kissing the skin. “No, it’s okay. I know I’ve been busy these past few days. I’ve been getting everything done for our move, but I’m sorry you didn’t think you could bother me with this. Because, Mo shíorghrá, anything at all to do with our baby comes first.”

  Starr reached up, grabbing Ronan’s hair and bringing his lips to hers. “Good, now, Fang, I’m feeling a little bit in need of some loving.” She kissed his lips, small little kisses. “Think ya can accommodate me?”

  Ronan’s reaction was immediate, his cock hardening as he crushed her to him. “Oh, I think I can do that, Puff.”

  Trailing kisses along her neck as she groaned, pressing her body towards his, Ronan laughed gently. “A little horny this morning?” he muttered around soft nibbles on her delicate skin.

  “Stop teasing!” Starr moaned. “Show me how much you love me, bloodsucker!”

  Ronan flipped Starr over, pulling her behind closer, before entering her gently. “I’ll show you all right, baby, hope you’re not in a hurry this morning ‘cause you’ll be staying right here for quite some time!”


  Creed stood perfectly still, not wanting to spook Veronica. The fact that she’d agreed to this was amazing in itself and he didn’t want to set back the progress he’d made with his skittish mate. The fact that she’d allowed him into her home now, well, that was a miracle in itself.

  Staring at her as she stood nervously, his thoughts drifted to his arrival at the Pack land.

  The first person he met was one of the Wolf Guards who strode up to him as he got off his motorbike. Creed knew he was scowling at the man but couldn’t stop himself as the Wolf raised an eyebrow and appraised the stranger in their midst.

  “I assume you are Creed? Jason said you’d be stopping by.”

  Creed’s jaw clenched as he fought to control his emotions, not something he was used to. “Yes, where is she?”

  “My name’s Jeremy and I’m one of the guards here.” Stepping forward he stuck his hand out, Creed didn’t take it, only looking at the hand and then slowly back up to the man’s face.

  Shrugging, Jeremy let his hand fall. “I take it the ‘she’ you’re referring to is Ronnie? If so she’ll be out in the forest collecting herbs for the Healer.”

  Creed didn’t acknowledge or answer as he turned around and started to jog towards the large forest surrounding the Pack land. As he drew nearer he slowed, sniffing the air to catch her scent. A bolt of panic ran through him as it took him a moment to smell it but once he did he took off like a hunting dog hot on the heels of its prey.

  It took him some time to find her, following her trail as it meandered through the dense foliage. Finally breaking through some brush to find her standing upright, a fierce look in her eyes as she glared at him.

  “What are you doing here!” she spat the words out at him, each one hitting him like a blow.

  Creed wasn’t aware that words could cause him pain until that moment. Slowing his pace he advanced on her slowly. “I told you I was coming back.”

  “Yes, but you said tonight, it’s not even lunch time yet.”

  He watched as she placed some purple flower thing inside a sack she held in front of her, never taking her eyes from his. “I couldn’t wait. In fact, I’ve taken some leave so I’m staying right here so we can get to know each other.”

  “What!” Veronica gasped, her eyes wide and he was sure he saw her hands shake. “What do you mean? Where are you staying?”

  “Well, I thought you’d put me up for a bit. After all, we are mates.”

  “No way! That’s not happening, Vampire!” Throwing the sack down on the ground and placing her hands on her hips. “You are definitely, absolutely, not staying in my cabin!”

  “Why? You scared what’ll happen if you let me get close to you? Is that it?” Creed took a step towards her. “I’m sure that’s exactly what’s got you all hot and bothered."

  A low growl rumbled up her throat. “I’m not hot and bothered! I just don’t like strangers in my space!”

  Creed took another step, then another, his voice hard as he growled back, “Stranger? I’m your mate, Ronnie, the sooner you accept that the sooner we can get over all this crap!”

  “So you said yesterday and I’ll ask you again. Just what the fuck do you want someone like me as a mate for? You don’t look as if you’re blind so you can see my, my…”

  Creed closed the distance in a flash, his hands gripping her shoulders and holding her in place. “What I see is a beautiful woman and a strong Wolf. One that I’ll be proud to have beside me. You’re the one that has a problem with your very slight limp, and I’m telling you, it’s so slight that it’s barely noticeable, so stop feeling sorry for yourself!”

  Veronica’s eyes widened. “What did you just say?”

  Creed held firm. “I said, stop being sorry for yourself. You’re healthy, beautiful, and strong so stop the pity party ‘cause it won’t work with me.”

  Tears suddenly glistened in her dark brown eyes, his stomach clenching at the thought his words had wounded her. “Hey, don’t get upset, Ronnie. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just want you to understand.”

  “I’m damaged, Creed, I can’t have cubs and no Wolf would ever want me.”

  Creed moved a hand to cup her face, gently rubbing her cheek with his thumb. “I’m not a Wolf, maybe that’s why fate has thrown us together.”

  A lone tear escaped, running down the side of her face. “Maybe,” was all she said as he watched her struggle to get a grip on herself.

  Pulling away she bent down to pick up the sack. “I guess we should get back and talk.”

  It had been a long conversation, her inner demons causing far too many objections for his liking. However, he took things slow, kept his distance when all he wanted to do was grab her and take her to bed. That night, and the next, and the next, he slept on her couch, until finally she warmed up enough for him to take her into his arms for the first time and kiss any remaining worries from her mind.

  The past two nights, and most of the days, he had been in her bed and he refused to leave her here. She absolutely had to come home with him. The last hurdle was this one. Ronnie agreeing to let him see her Wolf.

  “I don’t know if I want to do this.” Ronnie squirmed, her hands on the button of her jeans.

  “We agreed,” Creed tried to keep his voice low and friendly, something that was alien to him. “You’ll change and we’ll go for a run. Let’s see how fast you are, bet I can outrun you in ten seconds flat.”

  Ronnie growled, “I’m not that slow!”

  Creed smirked as she started to tear her clothes of, trying hard not to let her affect him. However, as more skin was revealed his reaction wasn’t easy for him to hide.

  “Oh, no you don’t!” Ronnie laughed, “We’re here to run, not have sex in the freaking forest.”

  Shrugging, Creed grinned. “Hey, I can’t help it. You have that effect on me, my little Wolf.”

  As the last of her clothes joined the pile on the ground she bent down, bundling them all within her top and tying the sleeves together before hooking them on a branch. Turning around, he again saw the apprehension on her face.

  “If you don’t want to let me see your beast that’s fine, I’ve got other things on my mind right now.”

  His words garnered the exact reaction he was aiming for. His mate standing tall, well she was only five foot five but tried to make herself look taller with a feisty glare in her eyes. “Not happening, Vampire.”


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