Book Read Free

Great One

Page 14

by Nayla Matthew

  “Wow whose counting,” I say, before stepping away. “Won’t you look at that pictures,” I say, gesturing towards the picture booth, moving off. I make my way through the crowd, taking pictures and signing album covers, before I push myself outside. It’s windy and I can breathe again, stumbling towards the guard rail.



  It felt like the walls were closing in, even though I was outside.

  “Adeya?” Raphael says, I turn around and I have to catch my breath. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m so sorry,” I say, turning away.

  “Is everything alright?” he asks, walking up behind me.

  “I slept with Braum, a month ago,” I whisper. “I thought it didn’t mean anything but,” I grip the rail. “I’m so sorry Raphael,”

  “Oh,” I turn around and something I couldn’t read was on his face.

  “I’m sorry,” I say again.

  “And you’re still in love with him?” he asks, I only can nod staring down at the floor. “You’re truly a different kind of amazing Adeya,” he says, stepping forward pecking my cheek. “And maybe one day we’ll be right for each other,”

  “I wish things could be different,” I say.

  “I’m a patient boy, and plus if I quit now Olivia will never forgive me,” he says, with a small smile. “You take your time,”

  “I’m sorry,” I say, and he just pulls me into a hug, pecking me on the cheek. When he’s gone, I’m stuck alone, with only the rush of traffic to drown out the noise. When I walk back inside, Carson is showing off her ring to anyone who’ll watch. I join Alec at the main stage, who is gulping down his flask.

  “Raphael left in a hurry,” Alec says.

  “I told him the truth,” I say.

  “About?” he asks.

  “Braum and I,”

  “You and Braum?” he questions. “What are you talking about?”

  “We slept together,” I say.

  “Oh my god, when?” Alec says.

  “A month ago, when he first moved back… It just happened and…” I grab the flask. “And now he’s getting married,”

  After the party is finished, it’s just me, Lorelei, Zahara, and Calum in the car. Lorelei snoring in my arms, as we drive in silence. Neither talking about the elephant in the room. When we arrive at my house I part with a kiss, before going inside tucking Lorelei into bed. I end the night lying in bed, in the darkness thinking of only Braum getting married, to someone that wasn’t me.

  In the morning I wake up to the raving review of my album. When I go downstairs Alec is cooking breakfast, and Zahara is sitting with Lorelei working in coloring books.

  “Good morning!” Alec sings, holding out my coffee mug. “How did you sleep,”

  “Well enough,” I say, grabbing the mug from him, and sitting down beside Lorelei. “Anything on the books today?”

  “You little mama are free for the day, tomorrow we start the press for the album and start promoting the tour,” Zahara says.

  “Oh, that’s wonderful, do you want to go to the fair today honey?” I ask.

  “Can Olivia come?” Lorelei asks.

  “I can I ask Raphael, but I’m sure she’d love to come,” I say.

  “I’ll get everything set,” Zahara says, picking up her phone.

  “And Daddy and Mama Carson can come?” I snort, nearly choking on her words.

  “You don’t have to call her Mama Carson, bug,” I say. “But of course, they can come, Zahara can you call everyone?” I ask, pushing out of my seats.

  “Of course,”

  After breakfast, I get Lorelei ready for the day. When she’s ready I get ready myself, talking through my head everything that has been happening recently. I sleep with Braum, he announces this new girl he’s talking too, a month later, BAM they’re getting married. Suddenly I’m back in high school standing outside of Laila’s house again, I just found out I’m pregnant and the love of my life, my other half of the puzzle piece is leaving me for the new girl.

  “How are you feeling champ?” Zahara asks, I look over at the doorway where she stands. “Alec told me about Raphael, his Aunt and Uncle said Olivia would love to spend the day with us,”

  “I feel like such an idiot, I should have kept my mouth closed,” I say, she walks into the room sitting down on my bed behind me. “Then I wouldn’t have to pretend,”

  “You made a mistake, everyone makes a mistake, and with everything going on right now I’m not surprised at what happened,” Zahara says. “You guys did use protection?”

  “I got my period last week,” I say.

  “Can never be too sure,” she says, with a weak smile “Think it like this, now things will really be over,”

  “Right,” I say.

  “I’m really sorry this is happening Deya, if I would have guessed something like this would have happened, you would have called me crazy,” she says. “But you’re going to make it through this, you always make it through,”

  “Yes, as I’m constantly reminded,” I say.

  “You can do this,”

  Chapter Seventeen

  After Zahara got confirmation from security and the label that it was clear, we go to the local county fair. The fair was a bunch of booths, and games, bright lights and loud rides. We meet Carson and Braum at the front entrance, Olivia gushes about all the rides she wanted to get on.

  “Hey girls,” Braum says, scooping Lorelei into his arms peppering her face with kisses.

  “Zahara already bought passes,” I say, moving through the front entrance. Zahara gives every wrist bands. Immediately Olivia moves towards the games and Lorelei follows, forcing me to follow. Lorelei bounces at my side, commenting at every bright toy and food that smelled good. The girls were the perfect distraction, along with the fans that consistently popped up.

  “Okay girls, we’re meeting everyone by the Farris wheel for lunch,” I say, picking Lorelei up from in front of the tank filled with tiny fishes. Olivia was still trying to hit the bullseye to win a new fish, but misses. After the 5th time, we decide to head towards the Farris wheel. “Are you having fun?” I ask.

  “Yes! Thank you for inviting me!” she says.

  “It’s nothing,” I say. Zahara, Calum, and Alec are already sitting at the table with bowls of cheese French fries, and chili dogs.

  “Having fun girls?” Zahara asks when we sit down. “There is a 5 A Clock performance at the pier,”

  “This is so much fun!” Olivia gushes. Carson and Braum arrive with their own food, sitting down at the end of the table.

  “How is everyone enjoying their time?” Caron gushes. “I’m just having so much fun, I’m usually working during things like this,”

  “Taking pictures?” Alec questions, earning a stern look from Zahara.

  “We were thinking of going on the Farris wheel, want to come honey?” Braum asks Lorelei. Who shakes her head,

  “Lorelei isn’t good with heights,” I say. “I’m going to get us some good, Olivia are corn dogs okay with you?”

  “Those sound delicious!” she says, I push out of my seat, leaving Lorelei beside Alec. Moving towards one of the many food stands that surrounded us. The lines were long, but I was in no rush to return to the awkward tension at that table.

  “Lover boy couldn’t make it?” Braum asks, stepping beside me.

  “He was working,” I say.

  “Too bad,” Braum says.

  “So, you’re really getting married?” I say.

  “I’m really getting married,” he says, I look forward. Staring at the back of the man’s head that stood in front of me. “I really care about her,”

  “I believe you,” I say, we move forward in line.

  “How do you feel about it,”

  “Don’t ask me that,” I say. “You know exactly how I feel,” I say looking over at him. “Why else would you wave her in front of me like a winning fucking lotto ticket? Why else would you propose to her the night before
my album release? Why else would you tell my daughter to call her Mama Carson?” I snap, before stepping out of line.

  “Adeya,” he starts, but I turn and walk away pushing my way through the crowd. I text Zahara to get the food for the girls, as I make my way to the pier. I can feel my heart hitting against my chest, as I’m bombarded by screaming fans. I had forgotten I was a famous celebrity, and not a teen girl running away from her high school boyfriend. I’m swarmed with photos, and screaming people in my face, and I feel like I’m drowning. Suddenly one of my security guard pushes through the crowd, getting ahold of me, and clearing a path.

  “Are you okay Ms. Waterson?” he asks, as we move through the crowd.

  “Thanks,” I whisper. Zahara appears grabbing me by my shoulders.

  “Are you crazy? Don’t run away from security like that? Are you a bratty princess or something?” she snaps.

  “He’s rubbing this all in my face,” I say. “As if having him in my life wasn’t hard enough! Now he’s shoving this girl that he’s barely known a fraction of the time we were together and treating her like some prize show girl,”

  “I knew this was a bad idea,” Zahara says, before pulling me into a hug. “I’m sorry, we can leave,” she says.

  “No, Lorelei is having such a good time,” I say, pulling away. “I just, I’ll wait here until you’re done eating,” I say.


  “Just tell them I have a work call or something, and I’ll meet them at the performance,” I say, she just nods before walking away. My security guard and I move to the seat, he buys me a pretzel from the stand, and we wait for everyone else. I see Lorelei first, cutting through the crowd, I stand up meeting her halfway and scooping her in my arms.

  “Did you like your food mama?” I ask.

  “Yes, it was delicious,” she says, our group moves towards the performance, I could see a small stage and a man playing a guitar. We stop at the outskirts of the crowd, so we didn’t take attention away from the performer. After the performance we gear up to leave and take Olivia home.

  “So, I have something that might cheer you up,” Zahara says, as we make it to my front gates. We roll through towards my house, when I see a familiar tuft of curly brown hair standing at my front door. I jump out of the car before the car even stops.

  “Geo!” I squeal, running up the porch and into his arm.

  “Adeya!” he cheers, the front door swings open and Laila stands in the doorway.

  “Laila!” I squeal, jumping into her arms.

  “Surprise!” they both shout.

  “We’re staying for Christmas,” Geo says.

  “We have to go back to finish the semester, but then the whole tour we’re all yours!” Laila says.

  “This is great! I missed you guys so much!” I say, pulling Laila into a tight hug.

  “We heard everything girl,” Laila says.

  “Auntie Lala! GG!” Lorelei shouts, running across the lawn, Geo walks off the porch scooping Lorelei into his arms, spinning her around. We all move into the house, Lorelei going into great detail about her day at the fair. When she calms down, I sit her in front of the TV, and we all move into the kitchen for drinks.

  “I always thought Abraham was crazy, I didn’t think he was a get married quick crazy,” Laila comments. “Where did he meet her again? You think after Demetra he’d be more careful,”

  “He met her while moving into his new apartment, she was moving out of her boyfriends,” I say.

  “And this was before or after you slept together?” Geo asks, I give him a stern look.

  “After,” I say.

  “That pig,” Geo mutters.

  “I’m no better! I knew what I was doing to Raphael, I just… Couldn’t help myself,” I say.

  “And he totally knew that, stop giving him the benefit of doubt Deya, he isn’t the same little boy you met a decade ago,” Laila says. “He knew exactly what he was doing when he broke up with you for Demetra, he knew exactly what he was doing when he took Demetra side and tried to file against you, he knew exactly what he was doing when he made you his shoulder to cry on he isn’t an idiot he’s a boy,”

  “You’re right,” I say, leaning back in my sip, drinking down the wine.

  “It’s good he’s getting married,” Zahara says. “Now there is no excuse for you to move on!” Zahara says.

  “I’m here for that one,” Calum says.

  “And you don’t even have to worry about it, because tomorrow you’re on tour mode 100% we start the media tour, and tour rehearsal starts Monday!” Zahara says.

  “Busy, Busy, Busy, the best thing to be,” I say.

  “And Braum is going to be a memory of the past,” Zahara says.

  “Do you like me inside you?” he whispers, as he moves slower. I dig my nails into his arm, biting my tongue.

  “Yes,” I whimper.

  “You like how I make you feel,” he continues, his pace speeding up. “You like how I make you feel?”


  “You’re my girl,” he whispers. “My girl,”

  I wake up in a cold sweat, Laila groaning beside me. The TV blinks on the title screen for the Little Mermaid. I roll out of bed shuffling out of me room, I find Geo sleeping on the floor in Lorelei’s room, and my entire kitchen spotless. My head bubbling with the drinks we had last night, the clock downstairs reads 6:30, which meant I had an hour before I had to get Lorelei ready for school. I walk into my kitchen and I start brewing coffee, I make myself a bowl of cereal sitting in the darkness and attempting to forget my dream. I find my cell phone in the living room, with a new handful of videos that I probably took while intoxicated, and a lot of missed messages from Braum, most likely about the fair, something I didn’t feel like deep diving into.

  “Good morning superstar,” Geo says, walking into the kitchen. “How’d you sleep?” he asks.

  “Like a baby,” I say, sliding him a glass of coffee. “Any plans for today, while I’m busy?”

  “Shopping, touring, the usual,” he says. “How are you feeling?” he asks.

  “Better than yesterday,” I admit.

  “Good morning mama,” Lorelei skips into the room.

  “Good morning honey bear, how did you sleep,” I say, scooping her into my arms.

  “Good,” she replies.

  “I’m going to wake up Laila,” Geo says, moving towards the stairs, I sit Lorelei in her chair and start her breakfast. When Laila and Geo come down, I give Laila coffee, Lorelei her breakfast, and then I leave to start getting ready for my day. By the time I’m finished, May has already come and picked up Lorelei for school, so all I have to do wait for Zahara, when I finish doing my routine, Laila and Geo decide to shower together, leaving me to clean up the dishes from breakfast. ‘

  “Oh boy do we have a problem,” Laila says, suddenly rushing into the kitchen in nothing but her towel, just as Zahara burst in through the garage door.

  “What’s happening?”

  “Morgan Studios model, Carson Blake, has announced her engagement to boyfriend Abraham Clifford, College Student and suspected Father of Lorelei Waterson, daughter of Magnolia Records star recording artist Adeya,” Laila says, reading from her phone.

  “Holy cow,” I say.

  “It’s just like Instagram models,” Zahara says, dropping against the counter.

  “What are we going to do? What are we going to say?” I say.

  “He’s been sighted to frequently around you and Lorelei for us to deny these claims,” Zahara says. “Jacob said that we can release a statement about Braum, but we have to do it before he says something,”

  I grab my phone, and twitter is already on fire about the news. Even some referring to the old photos of when Lorelei was first exposed. I immediately announce a livestream and prepare myself for Instagram. Right before going live, Braum attempts to call me but I decline it, the anger of his apology burning inside of me. He wouldn’t have to apologize if he hadn’t kept doing things aga
inst me.

  “Hey guys! I know you have a lot of questions, and I know I haven’t been doing a very good job at answering them,” I say, as soon at the live stream starts. The comments immediately start flooding, mostly the same comment. “And I would like to first say, congratulations to the happy couple and I will like to say that I wanted to keep my daughters life private for many reasons, including wanting her to have a somewhat normal childhood, her Father is Abraham and although we aren’t together we’re still close friends and co-parent Lorelei,” I say, before spending the next 15 minutes answering questions, before ending the livestream.


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