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Shimura Trouble

Page 24

by Sujata Massey

  “Weird,” I said. “Very weird.” But I could see my father’s point, because ever since we’d arrived at Kainani, Calvin had been overly interested in our family. Perhaps he thought that if one of us became quite ill, he could become indispensable.

  “I can understand that a few people out of every ten thousand or so might have this problem, but a psychiatrist with a great job in Oahu?” I couldn’t hide my skepticism.

  “Maybe he chose to work with a private patient because he had trouble in a hospital setting,” my father said. “Another reason is that many are attracted to psychiatry or psychology careers to find answers to their own problems. Not everyone succeeds.”

  “I hope to God that somebody remembered to lock our house.” I’d been the first one out, following my father to the ambulance, with Michael right after me. Edwin and Margaret were still at the resort, trying to find Courtney and Braden. I hadn’t thought to leave them my key to lock the door.

  “Rei-chan, please relax. I’m so relieved the cause was found quickly, and…” Looking bilious, my father cut himself off. I looked wildly around until I spotted a bedpan. Afterward, my father’s voice was barely a whisper. “The more I get out, the better.”

  “I’ll stay longer,” I said.

  My father shook his head. “I’m in good hands here, so please do what you need to—check the house lock. But not alone, go with your…with Michael.”

  After the nurse I’d summoned had arrived to help my father clean up, I said goodbye and went to the waiting room, where I found Michael had been joined by Edwin and Margaret.

  “My father’s stable,” I said. “He’s sick to his stomach and still has the headache, but it turned out he was poisoned. It wasn’t another stroke.”

  Michael sat bolt upright, and looked ready to say something, but Edwin spoke first.

  “Food poisoning can come from shopping at chains stocking mainland food. You should have shopped at the Kapolei farmer’s market. Your Uncle Yosh will take you there next time.”

  “I know where the poison was: in the wasabi, which was leftover from sushi that Calvin brought for me. It must have fallen into a place in the refrigerator where the health inspector missed it, but unfortunately, my father found it today and ate some.”

  “But why?” Margaret sounded incredulous.

  “He may have been concerned I was going to muck up the land deal for his boss. Perhaps they talked about it privately, and it was decided that Calvin needed to make me sick enough, at least, to stop pursuing the matter,” I said.

  “I’m sorry.” Edwin’s voice came slowly, and there was a tone to it that I hadn’t heard before. “I invited you to visit Hawaii, thinking many good things could come out of it. I never dreamed…this. But it’s my fault, I guess, just like everything that happened with Braden.”

  “Edwin, it’s not your fault,” I said, and was surprised to realize that I meant this wholeheartedly.

  “It’s Calvin’s fault,” Michael said crisply. “And we’re going to do something about it, as soon as possible.”

  “Braden and Courtney went to find him,” Margaret said. “Thank God they didn’t, and we brought them with us—”

  “Before you left, did you lock the door?”

  Edwin and Margaret exchanged glances, and shook their heads. “Sorry,” Edwin said again. “Here in Hawaii, we don’t always think of that.”

  “It’s OK. If you’d wait here, I’m sure you can see my father in a bit. Michael and I will go back and take care of locking up.”

  “Say something to Courtney and Braden on the way out. They’re waiting outside the clinic,” Margaret said.

  Michael and I walked out of the clinic together, and found Braden lounging on a low retaining wall, smoking. At the sight of us, he dropped the cigarette in the scrubby area on the other side of the wall.

  “That’s how fires start, Braden. Put it out.” Michael’s voice was tight, and I realized he was very angry.

  “I did, man.”

  Michael picked up the cigarette and stuck the ashy butt right between Braden’s lips. He yelped, and then spit it out on the cement.

  “Always extinguish it with something wet,” Michael said. “Now throw it away.”

  “How’s Uncle Toshiro?” Courtney sounded anxious.

  I answered, ‘He’s going to be just fine, but I want to ask you both what happened when you went to look for Calvin Morita.”

  “We went all the way to the Kikuchi house and rang the doorbell, but nobody answered. A person came by and said he thought the Kikuchis went to Maui. He saw Calvin out around the resort, jogging.”

  “We better get back.” I pulled on Michael’s hand.

  “Isn’t there something you want to tell Braden?” Michael asked. “About the cops taking in Gerry Liang?”

  “Oh, of course.” Quickly, I told Braden that Gerry Liang had been recorded admitting that he contracted underlings to dig up rocks all over the island, and that was his smallest problem, given that he’d been booked for attempted assault and kidnapping.

  “Is Kainoa going to go to jail, too?” Braden asked at the end of it.

  “He’ll probably get some fine or minor punishment for being a middleman in the business, but the more he talks about Gerald Liang’s business practices, the easier things will be for him,” Michael explained.

  I was impressed that Braden had asked about Kainoa first, rather than whether he, himself, was out of trouble. I wasn’t sure of the reason, though. “Braden, I wanted to ask you something you couldn’t answer before. It’s about the guy who threatened to kill you—was it really Kainoa?”

  Braden looked around as if to make sure there really were other listeners before he answered. “No, I like Kainoa. It was Gerry Liang. He said that to Kainoa, in front of me. If a guy as big as Kainoa looked like he was about to shit bricks, it taught me to look the other way, and keep the mouth shut.”

  “Things will work better for you, Braden, from now on.” Michael’s voice was warm. “But I want you to think about what kind of man you want to become, now that you won’t be charged with arson.”

  “Whaddya mean, I won’t be charged?”

  “No, the arson investigator is definitely dropping charges, but the police expect you to testify in the case they’re building against Liang.”

  “Michael, he still needs professional legal help, if he’s going to talk to anyone,” I pointed out.

  “He’s got that.” Michael grinned at me. “Hugh talked to Edwin and convinced him to apologize to Lisa Ping and rehire her. It was a good decision, because she’s the one who called with the news about the legal break that’s opened for Braden, if he’s strong enough to take it.”

  As Michael spoke, a range of emotions passed across Braden’s face—disbelief followed by apprehension. Finally, he asked, ‘Why did you do this for me?”

  “You know my answer already,” Michael said. “I know what it’s like to stand at the edge of a cliff. I stepped back, and look where I am today.”

  “It’s a little different for me,” I said, looking warmly at both Braden and Courtney. “I never had any brothers and sisters, and I thought I’d have a child by now, but I don’t. “You two are the only kids in my life. That’s why I don’t want you in reform school or jail, OK?”

  “We’re going back to the house now.” Michael clapped Braden on the shoulder, and ruffled Courtney’s hair. To her, he said, “You’re the one who puts up with nonsense all the time, aren’t you? We need to think of something special to do for you, before we all leave.”

  MOMENTS LATER, MICHAEL and I were driving ten miles above the speed limit back to the resort. Because I was in a convertible instead of the closed-in ambulance, I could see out, and realized we were passing the Hawaiian Homesteads that Josiah Pierce had been talking about. The soaring Waianae mountains were beautiful, but their foothills were marked by shanties and trailers around which wandered children, chickens and dogs. A fierce wind was blowing the laundry hanging on outdoo
r lines almost horizontal to the ground.

  I was starting to feel like a gawker, so I looked fixedly at the ocean on my right. But soon we came to a long, sandy beach filled by hundreds of tents and a few cars and trucks that had seen harder times. Was it a camper’s convention? I wondered, until I saw a weather-beaten baby swing blowing from a tree branch. Hawaiians walked between tents, visiting with each other. Some stirred a bonfire, apparently cooking. So this was an even harsher homeland, for the homeless.

  I tried to bring my attention back from this sorrow to the present, but I was feeling pessimistic. I said, “Braden threw the cigarette in the grass like he did that kind of thing all the time.”

  “Are you thinking he still might have been the one to start the fire?”

  I nodded.

  “Well, I don’t even care about what Braden did or didn’t do anymore.” Michael’s voice was fierce. “I just want to get my hands around that bastard’s throat.”


  Michael made an exasperated sound in his throat. “Obviously. He almost murdered you, and if that wasn’t enough, your father too. He’s not going to get away with it.”

  “My dad thinks it’s a mental disorder, that he might have something called Munchausen’s-by-proxy where you intentionally make people sick, but it’s really out of the perpetrator’s control.”

  Michael shook his head. “Your dad’s a very nice guy. Buddhist, right? His gentle philosophy shows, but I don’t buy it for a second.”

  “Once I find the wasabi container we can call the police. Or maybe it should be the health inspector first?” I waited for Michael’s opinion, but it didn’t come, and that made me nervous.

  WE ARRIVED AT Kainani with the sun was at its late-afternoon peak. A hot, rough wind raced through the trees and plants around the house. A newspaper from another house’s lanai whipped across me as I emerged from the convertible.

  “The door’s locked. That’s good,” I said, testing the handle. I’d been unable to shake my worry that Calvin had entered the townhouse and removed the only evidence that could connect him with the poisonings.

  After I unlocked the door, I kicked off my sandals and headed toward the fridge. My father had said he’d placed the wasabi on the top shelf of the fridge, where it would be easy to see. I began scanning for it, but among the many groceries there, it wasn’t obvious.

  “Rei-chan! Once we were driving home and checked the telephone, we heard your father was ill. Where is he?” Tom’s voice came from upstairs.

  “We had an ambulance take him to the emergency room at Waianae. But it’s all right, I just came from there.” I spoke distractedly as I continued to search the fridge with no luck.

  “Oh, no.” Tom clattered down the steps in fresh shorts and T-shirt. His hair was wet, as if he’d just taken a shower. When he saw Michael, he nodded shortly. Tom had been the one who’d answered the phone when I’d called the previous night to tell my father I wouldn’t be home.

  “Hello,” Michael said.

  “Hello,” Tom answered him shortly. “Why not Queen’s in Honolulu? They know him there.”

  “The first sixty minutes after a stroke are the golden hour,” I said. “I thought he needed care as fast as possible.”

  Tom nodded. “Yes, of course. That was the proper decision. Sorry for my haste. And was it…I mean, is it…a stroke?”

  “He had an MRI and his brain’s fine, and they also checked for heart attack. They think he has a case of lithium poisoning. And I think I know where it came from: the wasabi that Calvin offered me with my sushi, the night before I became sick.”

  Tom interrupted me. “How could any wasabi be in the fridge? I’ve not seen it, and I know a food inspector took everything away.”

  “This small container must have been missed. Dad said he found it in a corner of the fridge door. He was so eager to add spice to his bowl of ramen that he just scooped some out of the container without thinking about whether it was old or new.”

  Tom’s words came slowly. “If the wasabi was poisoned with drugs, that means Calvin is the likeliest person to be the poisoner.”

  “Yes; Calvin’s goal was to murder Rei,” Michael said. “We’re thinking that the poison was left behind accidentally, and it was taken by Dr Shimura.”

  “But Calvin was just here!” Tom’s voice rose in alarm.

  “What?” I exclaimed.

  “My father and I came in from golf and went upstairs to take our showers. Otoosan dressed first, and when he went downstairs, he saw Calvin had arrived. Apparently he came to say hello, because he’d heard our young cousins, Braden and Courtney, had been looking for him. Father offered him a glass of juice, and the two had a short chat, during which time I came down, and then the two of them—my father and Calvin—went out for a walk.”

  “Where’s Uncle Hiroshi now?” I’d finished taking everything out of the fridge in my fruitless search. “Let’s hear from him exactly what happened.”

  “As I said, he left the house with Calvin. He was planning to walk to the hotel gift shop to pick up a Japanese newspaper.”

  “How long ago did this all happen?” Michael asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Tom answered. “About forty minutes, maybe? Just before the big winds started to blow.”

  “Was Calvin going to go to the hotel with Uncle Hiroshi?” I asked.

  “I don’t think so—let me call my father. He might have the cell phone with him.” Tom punched the number into his own phone, and then had a brief conversation with his father in Japanese. To us, he said, “Calvin turned after the gate for our development to go to his house, and as I thought, my father continued on to the hotel. Father said Calvin told him that he would be home this evening listening to some music while the Kikuchis are away in Maui. He extended an invitation to us to please visit, if we have the time.”

  By now, I was digging through the top of the kitchen trash: mango remnants, old paper, empty water bottles, but nothing that looked like a wasabi container. Where else could he have put it? I ran to the little waste can in the hallway bathroom. Nothing there either.

  “Don’t run water down the kitchen sink,” Michael said to Tom. “There’s a chance there’s residue there. But Rei and I are going to head out to try to find this container.”

  “How can you do that?” Tom raised his hands helplessly. “It’s probably floating out in the Pacific right now. I mean, his house is right on the beach.”

  “Not so fast,” Michael said. “We’ll start by checking trashcans along the route they took. You can help us, if you like.”

  I interrupted, ‘There won’t be any trash cans anywhere. Trash collection isn’t until Monday, and there’s a prohibition against putting out the cans until that morning.”

  “Should we call the police?” Tom said.

  “I can tell you right now there isn’t enough for a warrant,” Michael said.

  “How can you be so sure of everything?” Tom’s voice was sharp.

  “If he told you, he’d have to kill you,” I said to Tom, smiling as I parroted the old joke, but still giving him a significant look.

  “All I ask is that you give me a chance,” Michael said, looking straight at my cousin, who nodded very slightly.

  “I want to help,” Tom said. “Rei may have forgotten to mention that I was in the kendo club at Keio. I may not be able to kill a man with my bare hands, but I can hold my own quite well with a stick, bat or club.”

  Michael smiled. “OK, then. Rei, is Tom’s number programmed into your phone?”

  “Yes. What are you proposing we do?”

  “I want to make a visit with Calvin, and have a conversation.”

  “Oh, yes, I’d like to tell him something,” Tom said.

  “All in good time.” Michael’s voice was soothing. “We’ll call you when to come, Tom. In the meantime, I think you should stay here in case anybody telephones on the landline. Maybe your father can get to the clinic to check on Dr Shimura. Rei and I have
to go shopping for a few supplies.”

  “EXACTLY WHAT IS your intention?” I asked Michael, when we were driving to the shopping center in Kapolei. “I can guess you’re going to wire yourself, or me, but you can’t imagine Calvin’s going to confess if we go right over there.”

  Michael shook his head. “No, I’ll go there at dusk, and will probably come by water.”

  “Why do it the hard way?” I glanced to my right at the roiling Pacific. It was rough tonight; the radio announcer had said the waves would swell four to six feet.

  “The waters and beaches are legally open to every man, woman and child in Hawaii. If we show up on the sandy beach on the other side of the mansion, technically we’re not trespassing. And as Courtney mentioned, there’s a camera at the regular entrance to the house.”

  “There might be a camera in back too, Michael, and in any case, why can’t we just…” I broke off, remembering the answer to why we couldn’t walk along the beach. Huge rocks had been turned up from the ocean floor, in order to create the sandy swimming lagoons. These rocks were mounded between the public areas of Kainani, and the private area where the Kikuchi house lay, creating an insurmountable boundary.

  “Approaching by water will be a cinch. I’ll line up Kurt and Parker to sail with me, and you can wait with Tom.”

  “Who?” I asked, already excited.

  “Kurt and Parker, of course. You can wait with Tom at your house, and if and when the timing is right, we’ll call you to join us.”

  “It’s my family problem, just in case you haven’t noticed,” I said sharply. You can’t do it without me. You have no right.”

  Michael was silent for a while, then said, “I love you, Rei. It’s not that I think you’re too weak for this. I just would prefer you not to see me behaving in a way that you haven’t before.”

  “Oh, come off it, Michael. You’re going to have a conversation, not a Guantanamo Bay interrogation. And I know more about Calvin than you do. I should be there the whole time.”


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