Book Read Free

Multiverse 1

Page 54

by Chris Hechtl

  “No idea,” Wildcat said, still working. “No idea at all,” he sighed.

  “Please tell me these aren't stolen,” Rebecca growled, hands on her hips. Wildcat just held up a paper receipt as he worked.

  “Oh,” she took it, eyes wide. “Um, thanks.”

  “You told us to get one, Becky,” Kit said earnestly. She nodded and tousled his hair before tugging his ball cap back on.

  “Good work, you two.”

  “Need to get it to work first,” Wildcat said with his lisp. “Gotta concentrate,” he said in a sing song voice. He made shooing motions.

  Rebecca could take a hint. She nodded and retreated to give him the space to work.


  “Miss Cunningham?” a snidely voice said. She turned to see a young tiger coming over to her. He walked with an odd gait, a swish swish of his hips. “If you'll just sign here,” he said proffering a tablet.

  “What am I looking at?” she asked.

  “Oh no need to read the fine print, just print your name, sign, and then we'll need your retinal and finger prints. Standard document, no trouble,” he said.

  “And you are? I don't make it a habit to sign something without reading it,” she said, crossing her arms.

  “Stubborn,” the tiger said swishing his tail. He frowned, ears flat. “Fine then, I'll bump the price up another 2 percent, but no higher you understand.” He tapped his forehead. She noted the silver under the thin fur, implants. “There,” he said, holding the tablet out once more. “Happy?”

  “I still don't know you or what you want me to sign, so no,” Rebecca said patiently. “Why don't you start at the beginning so we can figure that part out together, okay?” she asked.

  He simmered for a minute then made a moue. “If you must insist. Khan Industries has taken an interest in your company, Higher for hire.”

  “And you what? Wish to hire us for a job?” she asked, now eager. “I'm sorry, I misunderstood,” she said, holding out her now expectant hand for the tablet.

  “Oh, no dear, you misunderstand, we're not interested in that. You see, we are interested in your company. Specifically…” He frowned. “Well, we can't go into details. But it's all there, just sign and you are debt free. With, I might add, quite a healthy profit,” he said conspiratorially.

  “I'm not sure why Mister Khan is taking an interest in one small freight company. That is odd,” Rebecca replied. She took the tablet and started to scan it. It really was a bill of sale. “And you work for Mister Khan.”

  “JR Troiken, junior executive for sales and acquisitions,” the tiger said. “If you'll just sign?” he said pointedly. “I do have much more to do; my schedule is quite full.”

  “Mine is as well. And I don't like being rushed about such a momentous decision,” she said. She didn't like the provisions about the crew staying on. Nor the part about all their personal belongings being sold as well. That bothered her.

  “I'm going to have to read this and get back to you, Mister Troiken,” she said.

  He made a huff and snatched the tablet out of her hand. He uploaded another file then held it to her, showing her the figures. It was three times what she had paid for the company. “There? Happy now? Now just sign!”

  “No, I'm afraid I need to discuss this with my legal department and the crew. Definitely the crew,” she said, backing away. Rebecca was confused by how pushy he was so she put him off. She wanted to know why the sudden interest. Not that she didn't mind it.

  “I don't see a need for that. Clearly it is a fair price…”

  “It may be, it may not be. I need to do some research. I was never one for hasty decisions,” she said, smiling politely. The tiger growled darkly. She noted Baloo and Molly walking by and waved to him. He turned and came over. The tiger saw her wave and turned, He snarled under his breath and disappeared.

  “Who was that?” Baloo asked. He had Molly on his shoulders.

  “Someone with Khan or so he said.”

  “Really?” Baloo said, looking after the tiger. “A job?”


  “Hmmm, Can't trust anyone these days. Be careful what you sign, hell, what you handle. They can get your prints and retinal just from reading a document.”

  Rebecca froze, eyes wide. “Now you tell me!” she said, slapping him in the belly with the back of her hand.

  “Hey,” he oofed, hand going protectively to his midriff. It hurt; she'd made him do sit ups that morning. “Ow!”

  “Serves you right,” she grumbled.

  “I'd thought you'd know. You being the business woman and all,” he said.

  She frowned, fists tight. “Well, I forgot.”

  “Yeah, I see that,” he said. He rubbed her shoulders. “You okay?”

  “I will be. Let's get back to work.”

  “Now you're talking.”

  “Are you okay up there?” Rebecca asked, looking up to her daughter.

  Molly squealed happily, laughing. “I'm fine, Mommy! Look at me, I'm taller than you!”

  “That you are, sweety!” she said, suddenly feeling better. She tucked her arm in Ballo's. “Come on, let's go see what Bagheera's making for dinner. And desert.”

  “Yeah!” the girl said, tugging on Baloo's ears. He winced. “Giddy up!”

  Rebecca chuckled, giving Baloo a flirty look. He smiled.

  “Ah, shucks,” he said.


  “Bbbaloo?” Wildcat caroled, coming in to the wardroom.

  “What is it, Wildcat?” the bear asked, coming out of the latrine. It had taken him a while, but he'd finally learned to wipe around the toilet and put the seat down when he was finished. It still didn't quite make Becky happy, but she at least stopped screaming about it.

  “It's that Kkkkarnage guy. He's on the box,” the cougar said, pointing to the bridge.

  “He is?” Baloo asked as the cougar tipped his hat back. The cougar nodded. “Well, what's he want with us?”

  “Did you say Kar'nage? As in Don Kar'nage? Don Kar'nage, the pirate Kar'nage?” Rebecca asked, voicing her concern. She'd been sitting in her cabin bouncing Molly on her knee as she went over the books. Her hatch had been open so she'd heard it all.

  Wildcat nodded.

  “Well, now I guess we shouldn't keep the old boy waiting. Let's go see what he wants,” the bear rumbled, smacking his hands together and making his way to the bridge.

  “Hey! Karney baby! How's it hanging?” Baloo asked, coming into the bridge and taking a seat. He looked up to the main view screen. Kar'nage was indeed on the link; from the looks of it, he was close. There was only a two-second delay in the transmission.

  Kar'nage was a coyote-dingo Neocanine, a particularly nasty one with a bit of brains to go with his big brass balls. His ears were long and a bit chewed up, he had a gold earring in one. He was dressed in a purple overcoat trimmed in red fur and big brass buttons. The thing had a high collar and lapel. He was definitely living up the swashbuckling image a little too much these days.

  “Baloo, it's so nice to see you again,” the coyote said with a slight smile. There was a bit of a scar on his muzzle, faint, but it was there for those who knew where to look. Baloo was one of them. He'd nearly torn the pirate apart once. Sometimes, he regretted letting the pirate live.

  “What gives, Kar'nage? You don't normally make social calls,” the bear rumbled as Rebecca and the others entered the bridge.

  “You have new crew?” the coyote said, eying the noobs. “And such lovely persons, no less!” he said, turning a shark-like eye on Rebecca. She shivered.

  “A new boss.”

  “I'm surprised you haven't spaced her then,” the coyote said.

  Baloo shrugged. “Tempting, but no. I've gotten used to the constant nagging and complaining,” he said.

  “Ah, like an old wife,” the coyote said and tisked. He shook his head, chuckling. “Is good on the eyes, no?” he asked.

  “So what's with the call?” Rebecca aske
d, arms crossed. She was a bit frightened by the pirate, but since they were safe on the planet…

  “People these days,” Kar'nage said, voice dripping with his French accent. “No respect for small talk. Ah well,” he sighed. “Give me to the boy,” he said, moving close to the camera, so close they could see his canines and yellowed teeth.

  He stepped back and posed, pointing over Baloo's shoulder to the lad. Baloo turned with Rebecca to see Kit standing there. “The boy! He belongs to me!” Kar'nage growled.

  “Seems like he's our problem now, Karney,” Baloo said slowly, eying the lad. He turned back to Kar'nage. “Trust me, you don't want him; he's a handful.”

  Kar'nage laughed. “You don't t'ink I don' know d'at?” he demanded, voice rising in pitch. Baloo winced. “Give me the boy, and the rest of you can go,” he said, brushing a hand away as if in dismissal.

  “Karney, hate to point this out to you, but we're um, not with you. We're on the planet.”

  “You t'ink I can't touch you there? Even from here my reach is long,” he said, grinning again as he made a grabbing motion that ended with a clenched fist held in front of him. They could see the rings on his fingers and the sword at his waist. “I shall have what I want. I am the Don!”


  “What?” the coyote said, eyes wide. “You dare?”

  “You know me better than that, Karney? He's crew. I protect my own,” Baloo rumbled, now serious.

  “I'll pay you!” the coyote spat. The bears raised their eyebrows in surprise.

  “Pay? Did he say pay?” Rebecca asked.

  Baloo shook his head. “Sorry, Karney, but no can do, he's not for sale,” the bear rumbled.

  “When I gets my hands on you'se,” the coyote snarled. “You make me so angry!” he snarled, saliva dripping from his mouth. He wiped at it with the back of his hand and then straightened, gathering himself. He grabbed his lapel, posing once more. “Very well, you leave me no choice. We do it the hard way,” he said and cut the transmission.

  “What was that about?” Rebecca asked. She looked over to Kit who shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pants pockets and slouching a bit.

  “I dunno,” he mumbled. “Guess he's still sore I escaped.”

  “He can sure hit the high notes,” Baloo rumbled, using his pinky finger to ream out his ears. “Dang that coyote can squeal like a stuck pig when he gets all flustered. Kid, I don't know what he's got you in for, but we better keep you as far away from him as we can.”

  “Yeah,” Kit said as he shivered. “Good idea.”


  While they were busy on the planet, she arranged to have the crew go through their annual flight exams and physicals. Baloo wasn't happy, so she ended up dragging him by the ear to the clinic.

  “Back again, Baloo?” the nurse asked, clearly amused. Rebecca elbowed the bruin. He grunted and mumbled a yes.

  “He's here for his physical.”

  “I see. Doctor Ara isn't that busy,” the nurse said. “We've had a few cancellations. This way,” she said, waving them inside. “I'll pull Baloo's chart,” she said, going behind the desk.

  “So, he's been here before?” Rebecca asked.

  “Yes. Are you his wife?”

  “No, his boss,” Rebecca said.

  “Might as well be my wife,” Baloo grumbled, rubbing his tummy. Rebecca shot him a quelling look as the nurse chuckled.

  The nurse handed over a paper to fill out on a clipboard. “I know he has trouble with pens,” she said.

  “Insurance? Um…” Rebecca frowned. She hadn't thought of that.

  “Oh, it's covered since he's a veteran,” the nurse said, waving a dismissive hand. “You didn't know?”

  “No, no I didn't. I guess I can put that money I'd set aside into something else in the budget,” she murmured, getting down to filling out the form. Baloo opened his mouth to object, but she just ignored him. He instead slumped in his chair. “This is going to be a long, long day,” he sighed.

  “Tell me about it,” Rebecca murmured. “It's no fun from where I am either buster,” she said. He sighed. He winced as the nurse came around the desk holding a plastic tray loaded with needles and stuff.

  “Is that really necessary?” he asked, shrinking back. Rebecca grabbed his already sore ear and pulled him down into his seat.

  “Behave,” the nurse said, taking the other side. “Men, they are all wusses,” she said to Rebecca.

  “True,” Rebecca said. “So how long does it take to process the blood?”

  “Not long. Under a half hour. We've got all the equipment automated of course, and it's not that old.”

  “Ah,” Rebecca said, still holding the ear. Baloo winced as she squeezed just as the needle went in. He screwed his eyes tight, feeling the prick.

  “Big baby,” Rebecca teased.


  When the doctor came to visit, Rebecca was instantly jealous. This doctor Ara wasn't just a woman, she was a bear. A neo black bear, and a nice looking one, though not with as human-like form as Rebecca herself was.

  “So Baloo, how can I help you. Implant trouble again?”

  “No Doc, not since the last round of anti-inflammatory meds,” the bear said, waving a hand paw. “Formalities, I have to have my annual physical.”

  “Well,” she said looking him over. “Let's just go check your weight,” she said, waving him. “Not that you want to, but since it's for the record,” she said.

  “Yeah, I know,” he grumbled. Rebecca followed him. He stopped and turned.

  “I want to see.”

  “I…” The doctor turned. “Is it okay?”

  “I'm not thrilled about it, but if I don't let it happen, I'm never going to hear the end of it am I?” he asked.

  “You know it,” Rebecca replied, sweetly. The smile she had wasn't at all friendly.

  He sighed. “Thought not. Lead on, Doc,” he said, waving a paw.


  When the exam was complete the doctor scolded him on his cholesterol and lack of a balanced diet, but complimented him on his weight loss. “You're BMI is still a bit high though, so I'd like you to take some fat burners…”

  “I'm good, Doc. You know me. I don't like taking meds.”

  “This is a one-time thing. You'll burn the fat a lot faster,” she said.

  “I'm also old school, Doc; I still hibernate from time to time,” Baloo admitted. “I need the fat.”

  She frowned and then looked at his chart. She hummed and then nodded. After a moment she set the tablet aside. “I had forgotten, please forgive me.”

  “No problem, Doc,” he said waving a paw. “So we done?”

  “Just about.”

  “What about her?” he asked, pointing to Rebecca.

  “Her? What about her?”

  “Well, we've been poked and prodded, now it's her turn,” Baloo said.

  Rebecca frowned, turning a glare on Baloo. “She does occasionally serve as crew on the Duck. She doesn't have her permits but…”

  “But it is the law. I believe you are right, Captain,” the doctor said nodding to him. She turned an expectant eye on Rebecca.

  “I am so going to get you for this,” Rebecca ground out, rolling her sleeve up for the blood draw.

  “Hey, you started it,” he snorted, getting up. “And you are the one who wants to follow the rules. But I don't need to chase you around and see you in a hospital gown. Fun, but no. So, if anyone needs me, I'll be snoozing in the lobby with a magazine,” he said at the door. Rebecca made a mad sound of frustration as he exited, smiling brightly to her.


  “So, you know this Doctor Ara well?” Rebecca demanded after they had left.

  “No, well, for a couple of decades, I guess,” Baloo said as he shrugged. He turned; his hearing finally processing her tone and posture. “Wait, are you jealous?”

  “That's none of your concern,” she said, crossing her arms and stomping ahead
of him, head held high.

  “You are!” he said, laughing. She growled. He kept laughing, chuckling the whole way home. Finally she rounded on him. She slapped at his arm. “Quit!” she demanded. He fended her off, laughing harder. “You're making a scene you know,” he teased. She looked around, noted the audience and then felt a wave of embarrassment. He brushed past her. “We've got a schedule to keep, right?” he asked.

  She sighed and followed him.


  Molly wandered on the pier. The toddler was bored but smart enough to avoid the edges of the pier; water was there. A man hunkered down and held up a big lollypop. Her eyes lit up when she saw it. She burbled in delight and waddled up to him as fast as her short little legs could go.

  She got to the end, and she was grabbed by a pair of hoods. She was stuffed in a sack and tossed in a van.

  Rebecca turned when she sensed something wrong. “Molly? Where are you, sweety? This is no time to be playing, honey! We've got to go! We're running late!” she said, looking around, not quite frantic but getting worried. She saw what was happening on the shore and screamed as she heard her cub scream. “Molly!”

  Baloo looked up in alarm. He looked out the hatch to see Rebecca running to the shore. He saw what she was going after and swore. “Rebecca, stop!” he bellowed.

  “They've got my daughter!” she screamed, pointing to the men.

  The hoods waved. “We'll be seeing you, real soon like,” one said in a muffled voice. All three hoods had black ski masks on. They climbed into the van, and it tore off in a cloud of gravel and dust.

  Rebecca fell to her knees, sobbing. Baloo ran as fast as his legs would allow. He got to her and she cried, punching him. “My daughter, they've taken my daughter!” she sobbed.

  “And we'll get her back,” Baloo soothed, trying to look around. People were near, some were on the phone reporting the incident. “Call the sheriff! Report a kidnapping. Amber alert! Female yellow cub!” he bellowed loudly. The old harbor master looked up and waved acknowledgment, then pulled out his phone.

  “What do they want? What do they want with my little girl?” Rebecca demanded. He curled his arms around her and guided her back to the Duck.


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