Book Read Free

Blue Angel

Page 15

by Logan Belle

  But somehow they had stopped working.

  She couldn’t pinpoint when it had happened. Julie had said something about it not being right since she got to New York at the end of last summer, but that wasn’t exactly accurate. It had been so exciting when she first moved into the apartment he had been sharing with his office buddy, Jared. Then Jared got a job working on Wall Street and didn’t need a roommate anymore, and she got the formal job offer from Reed, Warner . . . and it was perfect. They went shopping at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. They cooked dinner a few nights a week, and met for cheap dinners out at places like Two Boots pizza or a neighborhood diner. And at first, the only problem was that they didn’t sleep enough because they would wake up in the middle of the night and reach out, excited by the novelty of sleeping in their own bed, and make sleepy love like in a dream. Or in the morning he would step into the shower with her when she was getting ready for work and soap up her back . . . and her front.

  But then things got busy at the magazine. And once her initial excitement at having a job wore off, she was exhausted by the monotony of her research work at the firm. And then Billy Barton invited them to more and more parties, where the women were “model hot” and dressed like they got all their clothes from Barney’s or Jeffrey or Scoop—which they probably did. She noticed how Alec looked at them—like they were untouchable but infinitely desirable. When they went home on the nights of these parties and he didn’t try to make love to her, she took it personally. She wondered if she just didn’t “do it” for him anymore. Was it because he was comparing her to all that New York had to offer, or because they had been together for four years and that’s what happened to couples who had been together that long and then started living together?

  And then he’d brought her to that show on her birthday. Even though she was annoyed at first, the truth was, she liked that he would choose to do something unconventional. Any guy could take her to a place like One If By Land or a Mario Batali restaurant. Alec was always surprising, and she liked that, even if he pushed her in ways that made her uncomfortable. When he’d asked her to dance for him that night, it made her embarrassed but excited at the same time. She had read once that in the brain, the feelings of fear and the feelings of love are closely related. Somehow Alec had a way of setting her on edge that heightened her love for him. She’d never experienced that with someone before, and she wondered if it was possible to have it ever again.

  “Turn over slowly onto your stomach,” the masseuse said softly. Mallory complied, flipping over while the woman held the sheet discreetly above her. When she was settled, the masseuse placed hot rocks at certain pressure points along her back. Mallory sighed, wishing she could stay on the table forever. She felt that if she could just have Jessica work on her knotted muscles long enough, she could figure out the whole mess her life had become.

  When the hour was up, the masseuses left Mallory and Bette to relax and get their robes back on. Jessica told them to take as long as they liked, that they should let themselves “slowly reawaken their minds and bodies.”

  Mallory felt incredible. Her mind was quiet, her body felt limp, but every inch of her buzzed.

  “You know what’s great at a time like this?” Bette said.


  “A good fuck.”


  “I’m serious. Have you ever had sex right after an intense massage? Your muscles and nerves are already primed—you will come in two seconds.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”

  “Why wait?” she said, sliding off her table. Her beautiful body glistened with massage oil.

  “We talked about this. It’s not a good idea,” Mallory protested feebly. The truth was, she had been thinking about being sexual with Bette again, even if it was just one more time. She had been so nervous and upset about Alec the first time, she couldn’t fully enjoy it. But it had felt good, and she found herself thinking of the way Bette touched her and of the way it felt to touch her back—especially feeling her breasts, and feeling Bette’s soft lips and small tongue between her legs. She loved Alec too much to be with another guy—she couldn’t even think about it. But she needed the release of sex, and somehow letting Bette make her come didn’t feel like she was violating her relationship—even though she technically didn’t have to worry about that anymore.

  “You said it’s not a good idea. I don’t remember agreeing.”

  Bette moved to retrieve her handbag from the small table where she’d left it, and stood next to Mallory, where Jessica had stood during her massage. Mallory sat up but Bette pressed her gently down. “Don’t get up yet. You need to get your money’s worth.”

  “I didn’t pay for this—the Baxters did, remember?”

  “Well, then, let them get their money’s worth. Believe me—they would consider it a rip-off if one of us didn’t get off.”


  “And look what I brought.” She pulled the Pike Kegel Ball out of her handbag.

  “What on earth did you bring that for?”

  “I knew you’d never try it on your own—and you really should.”

  “Put that thing away.”

  “I thought you were going to be open to new experiences out here?”

  “I’m not that open.”

  Ignoring her, Bette tugged Mallory’s underwear off. Mallory smiled as if humoring an unruly child.

  Bette rolled the ball over Mallory’s nipple, which was already erect just from Bette’s proximity. She controlled it with her palm, moving it between Mallory’s breasts, then down her stomach and between her legs, where she rubbed it against Mallory’s outer lips. She pressed it up against Mallory’s clit, moving it in small circles. Mallory’s breathing quickened, and she closed her eyes.

  Bette continued the gentle pressure of the ball while she pressed her tongue inside of Mallory. Mallory’s pelvis rocked in barely perceptible motions, and she willed Bette to just finger her, to trigger the release she knew was so close to the surface.

  “I can’t believe you won’t try this little ball. You’re being such a bad girl,” Bette cooed, pressing the ball closer to the entrance to Mallory’s pussy. Mallory reached for Bette’s hand, pulling it toward her hungry opening, and she moaned when Bette pushed the Kegel ball inside of her. Then, just as quickly, Bette pulled it out and replaced it with her fingers, pressing deeply and rhythmically. Bette had been right about the massage prelude making her primed for an orgasm: within seconds, Mallory came with such intensity chills washed over her body.

  Bette moved onto the table, lying next to her. Mallory propped herself on her elbow, then bent down to suck on Bette’s breasts. She felt so much more relaxed than she had the last time she got to touch her—maybe it was from the orgasm, or maybe it was because she was far away from her real life. Whatever the reason, this time, touching Bette felt like she was a kid running loose in a candy store. She didn’t feel pressure to make Bette come—she knew Bette was happy just to see her relaxed enough to explore her body.

  Mallory trailed her hands down Bette’s belly, touching her gently between her legs. It felt weird to put her fingers inside of her—like she was invading her space or something. She knew it was illogical—she tried to remind herself how good it felt when someone did it to her. And it was amazing how smooth and soft Bette’s pussy was. Aside from the one time she tried it, Mallory didn’t wax, she shaved, so her skin was only that soft for a day at the most. And she didn’t take all of her hair off the way Bette did.

  She felt Bette’s pussy contract against her fingers, and this excited her in a way that was unlike anything she experienced with guys. It was as if Bette’s body was communicating with hers in the most intimate way, and it was so natural for her to respond by touching her with more confidence. She could sense that Bette was going to come, and this made her so turned on, she pressed her own pussy against Bette’s leg, grinding against it in tandem with Bette’s pelvis thrusting against her han
d. And then Bette reached for her, finding her open wetness with two fingers. Mallory burrowed her face in Bette’s neck, trying not to make too much noise as they came together.

  “Oh, my God,” Mallory said.

  “Hate to say I told you so.” Bette smiled.

  Mallory started to get off the massage table.

  “Not so fast,” Bette said. “I carried this in, now you carry it out. Hold it for me until we get to the locker room.” And she pressed the Kegel ball back into Mallory’s wet pussy.

  “I take that as a challenge,” Mallory said, touching the looped thread that peaked out from her lips.

  “Impress me,” said Bette.

  Mallory curled up on the couch with a Palihouse blanket and a paperback she’d started reading before all hell broke loose in her life. Seeing the cover, remembering the day she’d bought the book for two dollars off a street stand in the Village while walking around with Alec, she got upset again. Who would have thought on the day she bought the book that by the time she was halfway through, she would be broken up with Alec and reading it halfway across the country?

  “You sure you don’t want to go? It will be so fun. I promise.”

  Bette and two other girls who were in town for the Baxter party were going to a club called Voyeur. Bette was dressed in a black corset and tight white jeans with white platform mules. Her fingernails and toenails were painted a gunmetal gray / black color that Mallory was crazy about; Bette told her it was a discontinued Chanel polish that she could only find on eBay.

  “Yeah, thanks. I’m exhausted. I’ll go to bed early and be rarin’ to go tomorrow.”

  “You don’t even want to have dinner with us?”

  “No—I’m fine. I’ll order from downstairs.”

  Bette sat next to her.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I just miss Alec.”

  “Oh, honey. Aren’t you having a good time?”

  “I am—but somehow that just makes it worse. I wish I could call him and tell him all about it. I know it sounds crazy, but I wish I could tell him about the Kegel ball thing. . . . He’s my best friend. I just don’t know what happened.”

  “If it’s meant to be, it will be. I’m sorry to be trite, but I think that’s the truth.”

  “Can I ask you something? When’s the last time you were in love?”

  “I don’t know if I’ve ever been in love.”


  “Yeah. I’ve had lots of lovers and some girlfriends I really liked, but I never felt that connection like, this is my soul mate.”

  “When’s the last time you had a girlfriend?”

  “Two years ago, maybe.”

  “That’s a long time.”

  “What do I need the hassle for? I get laid when I want; I have fun. I have friends. Look at you—it’s a gorgeous night in LA, and we’re going to the hottest club in the city, and you can’t even get your ass off the couch you’re so depressed. I need to live my life and a relationship will only hold me back. There aren’t many gals who can roll with me, Moxie.”

  “Yeah. I can see that.”

  Bette kissed her on the cheek.

  “Get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  As soon as the door clicked shut behind Bette, Mallory dialed Alec’s cell phone. It was eight o’clock at night in New York, but the call went straight to voice mail. Where was he? She didn’t leave a message.


  Poppy wasn’t sure what to wear for her “interview” with Alec Martin. On the one hand, it was business. On the other hand, it was a Thursday night, and that was a big night out in New York—maybe even bigger than Friday night. She wanted to look hot, but not in a way that overtly said “I would be happy to fuck you”—although she would be happy to fuck him. If she remembered correctly from the first night she had seen him with Mallory at the show, he was hot. And there would be a certain fairness to it: Mallory was living it up in LA with Bette, no doubt fucking her brains out all across Hollywood. If something happened between Poppy and Alec . . . Well, that’s life. And if it upset Mallory, then maybe Poppy would be willing to strike a little bargain: stay away from the Blue Angel, and she’d stay away from Alec.

  She was in a retro mood and decided to channel Jackie O meets Coco Chanel. She pulled on a black trench dress with oversized buttons to the waist and a belt to cinch it. She pinned one side of her bob away from her face with a rhinestone barrette that made her feel girlish. She finished off her ensemble with red lipstick—MAC’s Russian Red—and a light spritz of Chanel Allure.

  He’d told her to meet him at the bar at Gemma, the restaurant attached to the Bowery Hotel. When she arrived, he was already there, drinking vodka and sitting at a small table for two next to the long bar. It was early and not terribly crowded, and she spotted him immediately.

  “Billy speaks very highly of you,” Alec said when she sat across from him. There was nothing ironic or playful in the statement, so she assumed Billy had exercised discretion when he’d arranged the interview. She wasn’t sure if this surprised her or not.

  “He’s an interesting character,” Poppy said.

  “I don’t know if Billy told you but I’m actually almost finished with the piece. I spoke to one of the other dancers at the club last month—Bette Noir. But Billy seemed to feel my portrait of the Blue Angel would be incomplete without a few words from you.” He smiled, and it was a boyish, utterly disarming smile. He had the faintest dimples and a slight gap between his two front teeth. She had the urge to stick her tongue in it.

  “Bette and I work closely together—I guess you could say she’s my mentor,” Poppy said.

  Alec ordered a beer, and Poppy asked for a glass of champagne. The waiter brought them a glass filled with extremely long, thin, crunchy bread sticks. Poppy was starving and quickly devoured one, then reached for another.

  “I love those things. I think they are the only reason I keep coming back here,” Alec said.

  “I can see how they could be addictive.”

  She could tell from their eye contact that he found her attractive. Game on! He asked her questions about how she got started as a performer, and about the culture at the Blue Angel, and she felt pressure to say things that were different and more interesting than what Bette might have said. It was a lot of pressure, actually, and she got tired of it quickly.

  “Do you have enough to get a good quote?” she said. She was on her second (or maybe third) glass of champagne.

  “I think so. Why—do you have to leave?”

  “No, not at all. I just thought it was getting boring.”

  He laughed. “I hope my readers don’t think so.”

  “Oh, they won’t. I’m sure you know how to keep things exciting.” They locked eyes on that comment, and he broke contact first. Poppy knew it was time to step it up. “So have you been to the Angel since Mallory started with the show?”

  His expression clouded over, and she wondered if she had made a mistake by going there. But then he seemed to relax back into his chair, took a sip of his beer (his third, but who was counting?) and shook his head.

  “No. I haven’t.”

  “You don’t want to?”

  “Mallory and I broke up. Didn’t she mention that?”

  “Not to me. We’re not exactly friends. But, sorry to hear that. I mean, breakups suck.”

  “Are you and Bette friends?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, smiling. “Frenemies, maybe.”

  “I thought you said she was your mentor.”

  Busted! He was good. Did they teach that at journalism school?

  “Okay, I guess I exaggerated. I want her to be my mentor. She should be—honestly, I’m the best one there after her, and I just started. She’s been there two years and you’d think she’d want to help someone else get established.” Someone aside from Mallory, who doesn’t even deserve it.

  “Is there a lot of rivalry between the girls at the Blue Angel— or on the b
urlesque scene in general?”

  “I can’t speak for other girls or the scene in general. Besides, I thought you said you had enough for your article.”

  “Did I say that? I don’t think I said that.”

  “Yes, you definitely did.” She smiled her most alluring smile, and he couldn’t help but smiling back.

  “Okay. No more questions. You’re a tough negotiator, Ms. LaRue.”

  No more questions? Did that mean he was going to get the check? But no, he seemed to settle back in his seat and even flipped through the menu.

  “Have you had dinner yet? I’m starving,” he said.

  “Um, no.” Did that mean he was offering to buy her dinner? Because there was no way she could pay for the food on that menu. Plus she’d just spent thirty dollars on feathers for next month’s costume.

  “Great. Then let’s get some food.” When she hesitated to pick up her menu, he winked at her and said, “It’s on Gruff.”

  By the time they finished their porcini ravioli, the restaurant was jumping with a loud and eclectic crowd of hipsters and tourists. Poppy finished her third (or maybe fourth) glass of champagne, which was her absolute limit because anything more was too fattening, and she would be puffy in the morning. Alec seemed to want to have another drink, but she was ready to get the show on the road. And she knew where she wanted that road to lead!

  “It’s getting late,” she said.

  He signaled for the check.

  At the door he helped her with her coat. It reminded her of how long it had been since she’d been on a proper date.

  “I’ll get you in a cab,” he said, looking down the street to see if any were approaching.

  “I think I’ll just walk,” she said.

  “Where do you live?”

  “Near St. Marks.”

  “It’s freezing out. I’ll get you a cab. I’ll even keep you company in the cab if that would make you feel better—” He smiled that lazy, sexy smile of his.

  “Okay.” She knew he thought she was hot; over dinner he’d told her she could be a model, which she already knew, but she’d tried it once and found the go-sees so demoralizing her psyche couldn’t handle it. She preferred the guaranteed adulation of burlesque. And now he was taking a cab with her.


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