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Aspen's Stunt

Page 3

by Melissa Grace

  “I have no idea, but it would be such a waste if she didn’t.”

  Wren tried to hide her scowl until she questioned why she even had one in the first place.

  “Kerri?” A voice originated from behind them.

  Startled out of their conversation, Wren and Kerri looked up at the wardrobe stylist.

  “Yes, Jane?”

  “When you are done with Miss Emerson they would like you to work on the new girl over there. I think they said her name is Spruce or something. She’ll be Miss Emerson’s stunt double, so they thought it best to have you apply her make-up as well. Thank God you guys are so similar in size.” She looked at Wren. “Makes things a tad bit easier for me.”

  Wren didn’t reply. Aspen did seem to be of similar stature.

  “No problem,” Kerri said. “I’m almost finished here.”

  “Thanks. I’ll let her know you will be ready shortly.” Jane walked away.

  “Today is so my lucky day,” she whispered into Wren’s ear.

  A flash of fiery red dashed across Wren’s face.

  “You’re going to introduce me, right? You can tell her how wonderful I am. How I always make you laugh. And most importantly, how I don’t do boys.”

  “What if she’s not like you?”

  “If she’s not, she’s not. Wouldn’t hurt to find out, though.” She looked over at Aspen and smiled with a nod. “If she is like me, I predict that the next few weeks could include some of the best days of my life.” Kerri licked her thumbs and rubbed them across Wren’s eyebrows.

  “Ew, gross. I hate it when you do that.” She swatted Kerri away.

  “Oh, you know you love me. You’re the only one I lick that way.”

  “Doesn’t mean I’m thankful for it.”

  She looked Wren over one more time. “Okay, you’re done. Now call tree girl over here.”

  Wren stood up and stretched. When she turned her head she noticed Aspen staring at her. She quickly coiled back into place. “Hey, Aspen,” she shouted across the room. “Come on over here.” She waved her forward.

  Aspen smiled and waved back. “Hi.” She stopped next to Wren.

  “Hey, this is my make-up artist Kerri. Kerri, this is Aspen. She’ll be doing the motorcycle stunts.”

  “Hi.” Kerri offered her hand to Aspen. “Pleased to meet you.” Her bracelets jingled.

  “Nice to meet you.”

  Kerri looked Aspen over without hesitation. “I’ve heard some interesting gossip about you.”

  “About me?”

  “It certainly wasn’t from me,” Wren said, scowling at Kerri, resisting the urge to elbow her.

  Kerri patted the chair. “Here, here. Sit down.” She took hold of Aspen’s arms and directed Aspen onto the seat cushion. She gave a firm squeeze. “Wow.”

  Aspen didn’t take notice of the wink Kerri gave to Wren.

  “Trust me, Aspen. The gossip has been all good. I hear you ride motorcycles like an eagle sores through the sky.”

  Aspen blushed. “I ride well, but people are too kind around here.”

  “People kind? Around here? Okay. Sure.” Kerri twirled Aspen’s curly blonde locks with her fingers. “You have beautiful hair, Aspen. What products do you use?”

  “Oh. Um…I have always been a fan of baby shampoo. It doesn’t sting my eyes.”

  Kerri laughed until she realized Aspen wasn’t joking. “Well it’s certainly healthy and shiny.”

  Wren rolled her eyes.

  “So, you’re from Oregon?”

  “Yup. Born and raised.”

  “Ever been to L.A. before?”

  “Nope. Never had a motocross event here.”

  Kerri looked at Wren and they both shrugged their shoulders.

  “Travel much for your motorcycle events?”

  “As much as possible. My dad has always encouraged my riding and worked hard to help me get to the pros.”

  “You and your dad sound close.”

  “We are.”

  “How about your mom? Are you close to your mom?”

  Aspen bit her bottom lip. She wasn’t sure how many more details she wanted to disclose about her personal life. She also didn’t want to add to the homesick feeling she already felt. “I was very close to my mom. She died.”

  Kerri stopped styling Aspen’s hair. “I’m sorry, Aspen.”

  “It’s okay. Really. It happened a long time ago.” She paused for a moment. “If you don’t mind, I would prefer not to discuss this subject matter at the moment.”

  “Oh no. I don’t mind.”

  Aspen smiled at Kerri in the mirror.

  “You have a really nice smile, Aspen.”

  She blushed.

  “You want to go out for some coffee sometime?” Kerri felt Wren kick her in the side of the foot.

  “That would be nice,” Aspen answered.

  “Well, it just so happens I get off early tomorrow. How does your schedule look?”

  “I think I’m open. It’s all subject to change, of course.” She glanced at Wren’s reflection. “Wren, do you know if Gideon has anything planned for us in the late afternoon tomorrow?”

  “What, do I look like your secretary?”

  Aspen bit her lip. “Sorry, Wren. I didn’t mean it that way.”

  “I better go practice my lines.” Wren left without saying goodbye.

  “Don’t worry about her, Aspen. She can be really sweet, but she can also be the demanding—‘don’t bother me’—type of actress. More than likely she’ll be over her sudden bout of distress by the next time you see her.”

  “I can’t seem to say anything right in front of her.”

  “Ah, she’ll grow on you.”

  Aspen wondered if it would even be possible for her to grow on Wren. She wasn’t used to not being liked by others. She sat quietly as Kerri kept jabbering about everything from her favorite foods to her cat Francesca’s favorite catnip-filled mouse toy. She wondered if there were anything she could say or do to get Wren to warm up to her.


  “What was all that about yesterday?” Wren shot Kerri an icy-blue stare.

  “What was all what about?”

  “Kerri, the girl just announced that her mom was dead and you still proceeded to ask her out on a date?”

  “It wasn’t like that, Wren. She said she didn’t want to continue on with that topic. I complied. Besides, I was having a difficult time getting my flirt on with you hovering over me.”

  “Hovering? I wasn’t hovering.”

  “You were so hovering.”

  “You asked me to tell her how wonderful you are. I was trying to find the right moment to talk you up, but you wouldn’t stop talking.”

  “She makes me nervous. In a good way.”

  “Kerri, you can’t stop talking no matter who’s around.”

  “True, but I especially feel chatty in her presence. She’s so quiet. Innocent. I find Aspen quite mysterious and that, my dear, is hot. I so wanna get to know her.”

  “Well, you won’t ever get the chance if you scare her away.”

  “You think I’ll scare her away?”

  “If you keep blabbering the way you do, you might.”

  “Thanks for the advice. I’ll try to be less talkative on our date tonight.”

  Wren sat up straight. “Your date is tonight?”

  “Yup. Aspen confirmed with Jasper that her workout will be done by three. I’m going to meet her at her trailer at four. She doesn’t report back to set until six. I’ll have a couple hours to get her to find me absolutely amazing.”

  “Does she have any clue about your intentions?”

  Kerri’s expression tightened. “Define intentions.”

  “I mean…does she know it’s a date?”

  “I honestly can’t say that she does. I thought I would chit-chat with her a bit. Flash her with a lot of smiles and ooh’s and ah’s. See what information I can get out of her. If opportunity knocks, I’ll ask her.”

hat if she says she’s not gay?”

  “Then I’ll do my best to convince her differently.”

  Wren pierced her lips.

  “I’m just kidding. It’s fine if she’s not. I just want to find out sooner than later so I can snatch her up before someone else does.” Kerri clutched the air in her fist.

  “Very funny. Just remember that she’s new to all this. You mentioned she seems innocent. Some would refer to it as naïve. She’s from a small town. She may not even know what the word gay means.”

  “Well, I would be more than willing to teach her.” Kerri’s humor went unappreciated. “Come on, Wren. You usually laugh when I say such asinine things.”

  “True. I usually find your wit quite charming, but I just don’t find you very funny today.”

  “Ease up, Wren. I am totally joking. I’ll be nice to her. No worries.”

  “It’s really no skin off my back, Kerri. It’s just…Director Wolff is counting on her. He seems to think she’ll be the saving grace of this production. He’s spent a lot of time and effort in getting her here. I wouldn’t want him to be disappointed.”

  Kerri nodded. “No, that wouldn’t turn out well for any of us. I’ll be on my best behavior and not attack her on the first date. No promises on the second date, though.”


  “So, what’s your poison?” Kerri had made sure to dress in some of her best designer clothing for their quick interlude at the coffee shop.

  “What’s my what? I thought this was a coffee shop.” Aspen looked confused.

  “It is. I’m just asking you what sounds good to you from the coffee menu.” She shook her Gucci purse. “It’s on me, Stunt Girl.” She flipped her hair.

  Aspen directed her attention to the menu board behind the counter. “There seem to be a lot of options for a coffee shop.”

  “Aspen, you have got to be one of the sweetest people I have ever met. Have you ever been to a coffee shop like this before?”

  Aspen blushed. “I guess I haven’t.”

  Kerri wrapped her hand around Aspen’s wrist. “Come on. I’ll talk you through some of my favorite choices and we’ll see how it goes from there. You’ll be a coffee aficionado before you know it.”

  Aspen allowed Kerri to lead her to a nearby table where they sat down.

  “How do you usually take your coffee?”

  “Well, my dad sets the coffee maker up the night before so it’s ready before we head out to do our early morning chores. It’s got a fancy timer. I add a little milk and sugar. Mostly milk.”

  “So, you like it sweet and light.” Kerri’s smile was genuine. “Do you ever add any flavors?”


  “Yeah, like French Vanilla or caramel?”

  Aspen shook her head back-and-forth. The conversation started to make her feel awkward.

  “I’ll tell you what. I’ll order us a couple of regular coffees and will be right back.”

  Aspen thanked her with a smile.

  When Kerri left to get in line, Aspen had a moment to scope the place out. It seemed like everyone around her was some sort of model with perfect teeth and sun-kissed tans. Even the people dressed in sweats had on matching jewelry and purses.

  “It’s her! Wren Emerson,” a customer yelled out. “And Julius Test,” shouted another. A rush of people went running for the doorway when the pair stepped in. They proceeded to dole out autographs to appease the enthusiastic crowd.

  After a few minutes of what seemed like mass confusion, the crowd of gawking bystanders finally dispersed.

  “Aspen,” Julius yelled out. He had Wren by the hand pulling her to the table. “Are these seats taken?”

  Wren gave a quick squeeze to his hand. “JT, maybe Aspen wants some time alone.” She had no idea this was the coffee shop Kerri brought Aspen to until she saw Kerri’s irritated look heading back toward the table.

  “No, that’s fine.” Aspen patted the table. “Please join us. Kerri is here too.”

  “Yes, please do,” Kerri responded with a tightened jaw. She set the coffees down and slipped in a chair right next to Aspen.

  Wren looked at her apologetically.

  Julius let go of Wren’s hand and wrapped his arm around Aspen’s shoulders. “So, come here often?” He sat down on the other side of her.

  Wren rolled her eyes. “I’ll get us some drinks…if I don’t get mugged first.”

  Aspen watched her leave, not sure if she did something—yet again—to anger the bitter actress.

  “The usual,” JT yelled out after her. “So, Aspen. How’s training going? Everyone treating you all right?” He flashed her with his big white pearly teeth and charming dimples.

  Aspen felt Kerri close the gap between them as the feet of her chair screeched against the hardwood floor. She thought Kerri was going to say something, but she didn’t.

  “Yes, Jasper has me working out anywhere from two to three hours a day and I spend the rest of the time working on my dirt bike skills. So far the stunts have been fun.”

  “You are looking good, I must say.” He gave her his signature smile again.


  “So, Kerri. How’s make-up and hair going these days?” He leaned into Aspen tighter, waiting to hear Kerri’s response.

  “Same as usual.” She wanted to tell him to leave, but flashed a fake, but pleasant smile instead.

  Aspen watched Wren sign a couple more autographs at the counter. Wren politely smiled at the adoring fans, but she didn’t seem happy. Aspen wanted to go and console her, but she felt smothered by JT and Kerri pressing against her. Besides, she doubted Wren would even want her to approach her anyway.

  “Here ya go. That’ll be twelve dollars.” Wren sat JT’s drink down in front of him.

  “Put it on my tab.” He took a sip, leaving a white film on his upper lip. He licked it off and wriggled his eyebrows at Aspen.

  Wren shoved a napkin his way.

  “So, what kind of coffee you got there, Aspen?” He nodded at the cup in her hand.

  “Just plain old coffee with cream and sugar,” Kerri answered for her.

  “Ah, just the way Wren likes hers.”

  Wren and Aspen looked at each other and smiled. Wren hadn’t smiled so sweetly before in her presence.

  “All the extras are overrated,” Wren added. “Can’t go wrong with a regular cup of coffee laced with a little cream and sugar.” She took a sip, keeping her eyes locked on Aspen’s.

  Maybe the sudden taste of hot liquid was causing Aspen to become overheated, but she wasn’t convinced it had anything to do with the coffee.

  “So what brings you two out and about?” Kerri’s voice betrayed a bit of annoyance. She was talking directly to Wren.

  “Zoltan thought it would be a good idea for us to go get some fresh air together.” She looked at JT with the sides of her eyes. The smile she had moments earlier became vacant.

  “Yeah, we need to keep our adoring fans happy,” JT added. He let go of Aspen and grabbed hold of Wren’s hand again and smiled. “Right sweetie?”

  Aspen looked down at her steaming cup, suddenly realizing that the two actors may be boyfriend and girlfriend.

  Wren raised an eyebrow and slowly shook her head back-and-forth. She didn’t pull away from the firm grip JT had of her hand.

  Aspen shifted in her seat. “Well, you two sure know how to make an entrance. These people love you.”

  “I aim to please.” JT took a large gulp of his frothy drink. “Well, we better get back to work. Nice seeing you ladies here.” He helped Wren out of her seat like a gentleman.

  “See you guys back on set,” Wren added as she walked away, still holding hands with JT.

  Aspen watched them leave.

  “Never a dull moment with those two around,” Kerri said.

  “No, I certainly wouldn’t call them dull.”

  Neither girl looked up as they felt the rest of the customers staring in their direction.

  Aspen looked
down at her watch.

  “Are you wanting to go?”

  Aspen’s eyes shifted toward the exit. She stood up. “Yeah, we better get back.”

  They left with their full cups of coffee still in hand.


  “So, how did it go?” Wren asked as soon as Kerri entered her trailer. “Did you find out anything pertinent about the Stunt Girl? Like her sexual preference?”

  “No.” Kerri’s forehead collapsed in her hand. “I didn’t have much time to talk with her by the time you and JT showed up, sparking the crowd of worshippers. After you guys left I felt like I was being stalked. It was creepy and I could tell Aspen was even more uncomfortable than me. We left right after you guys.”

  “Kerri, I am so sorry that happened. Of all the coffee places in town, I had no idea we’d choose the one you were at. I mean, the number of coffee shops per capita around here is pretty excessive.”

  “I realized that when you were just as surprised to see me as I was to see you.” She dropped into Wren’s reclining chair. “Julius Test can be such a pain in the ass. Did you see him? He was all over her.”

  “Don’t I know it?”

  “So, Zoltan is still pushing for the two of you to pretend you have the hotsies for each other, huh?”

  “Obviously. Why else would I be seen with JT outside of work? Or allow him to even touch me?”

  “You guys do make a cute couple you know.”


  “Well, you guys are both drop-dead gorgeous and let’s not forget…extremely famous. The natural progression would be for you guys to fall in love, pop out some kids, and then ultimately, divorce. You know, like the rest of the rich and famous. Besides, it’s obvious how much he likes you.”

  “Come on. JT? The name JT should be short for Just Trouble.”

  “I guess.”

  “He’s just frustrated that he can’t have me. If he did he would move on to a new conquest in a heartbeat. He’s just not the ‘settle down with only one person’ type.”

  “Oh, and you are?”

  “I am, but let’s be realistic here. I’m only twenty-two. When I get older, I will settle down, and it will be with the right person. I doubt that JT would ever be the right person for anyone.”

  Kerri nodded. “He is a bit of a player.”


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