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Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1)

Page 6

by Nichole Greene

  Mr. Jameson comes in with his coffee cup and briefcase. He briefly looks over the class, taking visual attendance. After recording it on his iPad he leans against the edge of his desk and crosses his ankles.

  “I’m supposed to talk to you about college prep but let’s be honest, you’ll all get into college without any trouble. If your grades and diploma from Founders doesn’t do it, your parents fat wallets will. So I’m going to skip ahead to real life. Post college life. What are your goals? Dare I ask, what are your dreams?”

  He goes around the room and asks us all to answer. There’s a lot of “taking over the family business” answers, there’s a few “I want a family” answers. He gets to me and uncrosses his arms as he waits for my response.

  “My goal is two fold. I’m planning on law school after I graduate from college. Then I’m going to go back to Chicago and start a non-profit to help the city’s south side. I plan on taking on everything, guns, poverty, and corruption. There’ll be no healing for my community until those issues are solved.” I could go on and on but I’ve already bored these affluenza afflicted assholes. I stop while I’m ahead.

  “Miss Nelson,” as soon as my name falls from Mr. Jameson’s lips I see the look between the guys. A silent communication and plan forming.

  “Yes sir,” I walk over to him as the rest of my classmates flow into the hall.

  “I’m impressed by your goal.” He looks over my shoulder. “Do you boys need something?”

  I look behind me and there they are, all three of them shoulder to shoulder in varying poses of insolence. “Yeah,” Levi drawls, “we’re escorting hood rat to her next class.”

  “Have to make sure she finds her way around,” Griffin adds, “since she’s new and all.”

  A silent standoff ensues.

  “I’m going to be late if I don’t get going.” I look back and forth between the two sides of the room. I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk between Connor and Griffin. “I don’t need an escort anywhere.” I say over my shoulder, loud enough for all four to hear.

  The rest of the day passed fairly quietly. I hear people say hood rat or peasant as I walk by. Someone wrote ‘social justice warrior’ on my locker in Sharpie. I guess caring about people outside my gender, race, or social class is undesirable in this school. Good thing I could not care less about these kids’ opinions of me.

  The bullying attempts here at this school have felt pretty amateur-ish. My old neighborhood was rough and the schools I went to were rougher. I always had Z at my side which helped to a point. It also painted a big ass target on my back. Z and I never dated but because he never dated anyone speculation ran rampant that we were in a secret relationship. Our friendship was always a point of contention and hindered my ability to cultivate friendships but I am the guardian of Z’s biggest secret and I’d do anything to protect it. I’ve been slammed into lockers, had my hair cut, and taken countless fists to face. So, I have yet to be intimidated by name calling and locker graffiti.

  At the end of Physics Mr. Jameson sets a business card down on my desk. He leans down, one hand on my desk, one on the back of my chair caging me in. It does feel oddly intimate and a little uncomfortable but I don’t want to show anything and risk another showdown between him and Connor.

  “I wrote the contact information of one of my friends who works for a non-profit in Chicago. In case you wanted it for networking purposes or want to keep tabs on possible internships.”

  “Oh,” I say surprised, “thank you.” I give him a sincere smile.

  “Anytime,” he straightens and squeezes my shoulder.

  I don’t need to turn around to see the burning gaze of Connor. I feel it searing into my back. He’s so intense. When I’m finished putting my things away in my bag and stand Connor is right behind me.

  “Riding with me or Ivy?”

  “You, I think. I didn’t say anything to Ivy about needing a ride. I can text her though.” I start to pull my phone out but Connor puts his hand over mine to stop me. We walk out together.

  “It’s fine. We’re going straight home either way.”

  “You sure you want to be seen with me getting in your car? Should I walk down the hill a bit first?” I snark.

  “Nah,” he drawls, “you spend enough time letting Jameson ogle you after class that almost everyone is gone by now.”

  “He gave me contact information for a friend of his in Chicago that works for a non-profit. There was no ‘ogling’ going on.” I put air quotes around ogling.

  We drive in silence for a few minutes. Then he turns his head and looks over the top of his sunglasses at me. “Do you have much experience with guys?”

  None but I’m not telling him that.

  “What do you mean? My best friend is a guy.” I stall because I’m a shit liar.

  “That’s not the type of experience I’m talking about. In fact, that’s probably why you are so naive to the fact you are being hunted.”


  “Yes. Jameson is a predator.” He puts the car in park and we grab our bags to go in the house. He grabs my hand in the foyer and points at the inlay in the floor. “Do you know what Volkov means in Russian?” I shake my head and he answers. “Wolf. We are predators.”

  He steps into my space. “It’s how I know what Jameson is doing. He’s stalking you, his prey, trying to get you where he wants you. Vulnerable to his attack.”

  “Or that’s what you are trying to do.” I finally find my voice.

  “Maybe,” he reaches up to cup my face and runs his thumb over my lips, “I just like playing with my food.” Then he brushes a soft kiss across my lips. “Dinner is at six.” Then he is stalking down his wing of the house, out of sight.

  For the second day in a row I find myself watching him walk away after flipping the script on me. Hell, we aren’t even reading from the same script. He is right, I don’t have much experience with guys. I’ve kissed a few guys but not much more than that. I feel out of my depth with Connor.

  I check the time on my phone, I have about two hours until Z can talk so I can go for a run. Victor said there were trails on the property so I’ll check those out. I throw on some leggings, a sports bra, and my favorite running tank that says “Does Running Out of Fucks Count as Cardio?” I have a love hate relationship with running. I hate the actual act but I feel so good at the end.

  I get outside and stretch my legs out for a minute. I flip to my running playlist and MEGATRON by Nicki Minaj starts blasting. It’s early September so the days are still warm, a light sweat breaks out over my skin. Following the trail into the woods I occasionally spot cameras situated high in the trees. Some of the trees are starting to dull from the verdant green of summer to muted green of early fall, with edges of leaves beginning their transition into death.

  Thirty seven minutes later I’m back near the pool after running the length of one trail. Lizzo is rocking through my ear buds as I do post run stretches when I feel a hand on my back. I turn around and see Mateo.

  “Hi,” I say still a little a breathless from the run.

  “Hey,” he smiles, “how are you?”

  “Sweaty and tired,” I answer honestly.

  “I see that.” His eyes roam my body appreciatively. “I was wondering if you had plans Friday.”

  “No, I don’t think so.” I frown, trying to figure out if I should stay home to spend time with dad. “Why?”

  “Do you want to hang out?”

  “Sure.” I can always cut the night early if Dad wants to do something.

  “Great.” He flashes a smile. “I’m off at 5:30 on Friday so I can make it back to pick you up around 7?”

  “Yeah or I can meet you wherever. Whatever works.” I don’t know if I want him to pick me up and risk Connor seeing. I tell myself it’s because I don’t want Mateo going out his way but that’s a lie. I just don’t want Connor making a scene. “I have some school work to do so I better get inside.”

  “Right, and
I need to get back to work.” He wraps the end of my ponytail around his finger. “I’ll call you later and let you know the plan.”

  “Sounds good. Have a good night.”

  “You too,” he says walking backward then he waves and walks off around the side of the house.



  Peasant comes bounding into the kitchen like a graceful gazelle. Her blonde hair is still damp from a shower, she smells delicious, and she looks effortlessly beautiful. She isn’t wearing a drop of makeup and is clad in yoga pants and an oversize sweatshirt that exposes one sexy shoulder. I have never looked at a shoulder and thought that but here I am, imagining pressing teasing kisses and tasting hers.

  Fuck, I hate her.

  Hate how much I don’t hate her.

  Hate how much I want her.

  She steps in front of me with a furrowed brow and cocks her head to the side like some kind of adorable puppy. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” I snap at her, telling myself to take a step back but loving the way she smells way too much to step away. She smells like roses and strawberries, which should be a weird combination but on her it’s perfect.

  “Are you sure?” Her smile is slow. “Because you were staring. At me.”

  “Just trying to figure out where you found a hobo to steal clothes from.”

  “Connor Volkov. Do not be rude.” Delores chastises from the pantry before coming out with a stand mixer in her arms. I rush over to take it from her before she throws her back out again.

  “Delores, you shouldn’t be lifting this. We can’t live without you around here.” It’s the truth. A few years ago she had her hip replaced and we were lost and starving without her meals.

  “Who’s this?” She looks at Peasant with a gleam in her brown eyes. Her silver hair is pulled back in it’s usual tight bun.

  “Lilith Nelson.” Peasant reaches across the island and offers her hand. “My dad is running security for Mr. Volkov.”

  “Oh, yes, dear. I met him yesterday.” Delores looks back and forth between Peasant and me. “Anytime you want something while he’s away in the city I want to come to me, you hear? My room is at the end of the hall from yours. Even if it’s midnight and you want some cookies for studying.”

  “Oh man, I would never turn down midnight cookies. Is there anything I can help you with?”

  “No, sweetheart. Just relax.”

  “Come sit with me, Peasant.” I lead her to the table and pull a chair out for her. Knowing she does not want any type of chivalrous behavior from me makes me want to do it more.

  “Why are there four place settings?” She asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

  “What up, hood rat?” Levi booms as he strolls into the kitchen. He wraps an arm around her neck and pops a noisy kiss on her head. “Whoa, you smell amazing.” He nuzzles into her neck making her giggle.

  She pushes him away with a grin. “Get off me. I probably just caught an STI from your lips.”

  “Ouch.” He grabs his chest. “Slut shaming isn’t cool, hood rat.”

  “Where’s Griff?” I interrupt their friendly banter unnecessarily. I don’t like that she smiles when she banters with Lev. When she and I throw barbs back and forth she’s usually scowling. Except for this morning when I couldn’t hold back my laughter and she granted me a glimpse of her gorgeous smile. Then I ruined the moment by kicking her out of my car. I had to though, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to wipe the smile off my face. Connor Volkov cannot be seen smiling like a fool in the halls of Founders Prep.

  “Dropping off Gwen at the dance studio,” Lev answers.

  “Is that his girlfriend?” Peasant asks.

  “My sister,” Griffin answers as he walks through the door. He nods hello to Delores and takes his seat at the table. He’s the only one still wearing our school uniform.

  I watch Peasant’s eyes widen as a uniformed server brings our plated dinner to us. She looks down at the roasted chicken artfully placed over the garlic mashed potatoes and grilled summer squash and rolls her eyes.

  “Problem, Peasant?”

  “I just,” she looks at each of us, “it’s a lot. You have uniformed servers bringing you dinner. I’m used to making myself ramen if Dad’s out of town.” I see Delores’s hand fly to her chest in horror.

  “That’s why you’ll eat with me when our fathers are gone.” I smirk. “Plus you just gave Delores a heart attack. Now she’ll be force feeding every chance she gets.”

  “You are quite thin, dear,” Delores says from the kitchen. “I’m making you four some cookies.”

  “Lilith, are you coming to the game Friday night?” Griff asks pleasantly.

  “No,” her blue eyes go round as saucers, “I didn’t know about it.”

  “Why can’t you go?” I narrow my eyes, ready to spot her lies.

  “I have plans.” Her face hardens.

  “With who? Ivy’s going to the game,” Lev says.

  “I know other people here than Ivy.”

  “Who?” Griff leans forward. He was explicit in his instructions that no one is to befriend her. If someone is stepping out of line I feel sorry for them. I am cruel but Griff is downright savage when crossed.

  “I must have missed when I signed on to tell you guys everything I do and who I date?”

  “You have a date, sweetheart?” I infuse menace into my voice.

  “Yep.” She pops the p and meets my cold eyes with fire in her blues and a defiant tilt to her chin. The look in her eyes dares me to fight her.

  Instead of doing what she anticipates I lean back in my chair and smile lazily. “Enjoy yourself.” My change of attitude surprises her and she pulls back.

  “Hey Griffin?” She looks across the table to him. “Why haven’t you given me an obnoxious nick name yet?”

  “Nothing suits you better than Lilith.” He drops his napkin on the table.

  “How so?”

  “Lilith was Adam’s first wife. She was kicked out of the Garden of Eden for not submitting to Adam.” He winks at her. “And you are definitely not one to submit. I knew that from the moment we met. It’s amusing to watch Connor try, though.”

  I glare at him while Peasant gives him a beautiful, amused smile. Jealousy roils in my chest and settles in my stomach. I want her smiles, I want her laughter, I want her scowls, and I want her tears. Does that make me a selfish asshole? Fuck yes, it does and I’ll own that shit unequivocally.

  Peasant’s phone lights up with a video call from Zion and her face lights up with joy. She excuses herself and answers as she stands from the table.

  “Hey Z!”

  “Hey Lil. What’s good?” He asks. “Where are you?”

  “I just had dinner with Connor, Levi, and Griffin.”

  “Oh yeah? Lemme talk to ‘em.”

  “Nope.” She picks up speed to escape but Lev jumps up and snatches the phone out of her hand.

  “Hey man,” Lev says trying to keep the phone away from her.

  “Stiff arm her to the forehead and she won’t be able to get you,” Zion instructs.

  “Z!” She yells outraged.

  Levi chuckles as she struggles against his reach.

  “Watch out for her high kick though, that shit hurts,” Zion says right as she lands a kick to Lev’s chest. She held the power out of it so it was more a tap but impressive nonetheless.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Lev hands the phone to me. “Careful with the goods. I have to score TDs Friday. Keep this body in pristine condition.”

  “Hello.” I say into the phone.

  “Who’re you?” Zion asks.


  “Huh.” He grunts, unimpressed. “You still being a dick to my girl?”

  “I’m a dick to everyone.” Truth. “She’s not special.” Lie.

  I look into the living room and see Peasant has laid out Lev. He’s flat on his back with her foot on his chest. If he wasn’t obsessed with her before he is now. The next thing I
know she’s pressed against me, grabbing the phone out of my fingers.

  “I can’t believe you told them how to exploit my weakness like that!” She screeches into the phone. I hear his deep laughter coming through the phone as she hustles up to her rooms.

  “Fuck,” Lev stands up, adjusting his crotch. “I went from six to midnight when she took me down. That was hot as fuck.”

  “Warm cookies!” Delores comes out of the kitchen with a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies. She frowns and looks around. “Where did Lilith go?”

  “She had a phone call from back home. Fix her a plate and I’ll take them up to her in a little while,” I offer.

  I take the plate and lead the guys down to the theater room. We argue back and forth about what to watch. Eventually we settle on one of the Fast and Furious movies. The cookies are gone in a matter of minutes. I find myself wondering if we should have told Peasant where we were going so she could come join us when she gets off the phone with Zion. I almost text her.


  Stick to the plan.

  * * *

  Ask me if I ever thought I’d be delivering warm cookies to a girl I swore to torment and the answer would be a resounding no. Yet, here I am, plate of warm cookies in hand and knocking on her door. I feel like a pussy, mainly because I have jittery happiness inside because I get time with her alone.

  She opens the door with the narrowed eyes she saves for me. “Connor.”

  “Peasant.” She rolls her eyes and starts to shut the door. I stick my foot in the way. “Delores wanted me to deliver some cookies.”

  The door opens back up and she reaches for the plate. “Come in I guess.” She walks into the living room. “Thank you for bringing them up.”

  I walk around, looking at the pictures they have up on the walls. There’s a collage of Lilith as a baby. Giant blue eyes and curly blonde pigtails, sometimes alone and sometimes with Michael but never with a woman or mother figure. “Do you not have any pictures of your mom?”

  “I think dad has them somewhere but I don’t really care to see them. She took off when I was barely four so I don’t really remember her.” She shrugs and curls her legs under her on the couch. “While we’re talking about moms, I’ve seen the family pictures hanging up around the house. Where are your mom and sister?”


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